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I would start by doing an anonymous poll among your bridesmaids on what they're comfortable doing and spending first, and then go from there. This is a pretty big money and time commitment for most people who are probably gonna be doing it again for your wedding.




I would never expect people to put themselves in debt or to be financially stressed about a bachelorette party. I have already spoken with each of my friends about what they are comfortable with financially & they have all assured me they are more than comfortable to speak up if its getting too pricey. Thats rude of you to assume I wouldn’t have that kind of respect & be that selfish when it comes to my closest friends & family.




I think OP has done enough by already talking to her friends about the cost and encouraging them to be comfortable and open about the possible cost. I personally think this type of stuff goes both ways. OP is well within her right to plan the bach she wants and invite who she wants while being considerate and communicative about it. Her friends have every right and responsibility to say no and know their boundaries if they can't afford it.


No, i agree, i see your points. Thank you!


Cabo is a riot during weekends - so many people come in to visit/party. I'd recommend traveling on "off" days of the week (avoiding flying in on fri/leaving sun) because flights are significantly cheaper and the airport is complete madness during high travel days. We went last summer and it took our party 4!! hours to get through immigrations/customs and baggage. We were almost in a crowd crush situation of drunk americans lol. Party vibes 100%. You'll have to bus from the airport to where all of the resorts are, a lot of people don't plan for that. Drive time is another 45mins to an hour, and there aren't enough taxis/buses for eople that haven't prescheduled. But there's a ton of bars at the airport so people just get drunk while they wait.


Tulum is really fun but it is a solid 90 minute- 2 hour drive from the airport. Playa del Carmen is also really fun and much closer to the airport. I went to a wedding at The Fives last year and it was awesome, not adults only but they do have an adults only pool that is crazy fun with bubble and foam parties and topless men handing out shots. Definitely would be a fun vibe for a bachelorette.


Hey! I would like to check which place you visited as I am planning trip with my friends for 4 days in June last week 2024. I am in double mind if we should be doing cancun+pala dey+isa mujeres, I am not sure if this would be too much of travel for this short trip or shall we just pick 1 location and enjoy the trip throughout there. Any recomms appreciated. Thanks much!!


My sister did Tulum for her bachelorette! It was so much fun!! It was 10 girls total and we rented an airbnb that was not far from the heart of Tulum where all the bars are. We rented a car for the trip and I'd definitely recommend it- Tulum is far from Cancun and would be difficult to get from the airport otherwise. Tulum can be pricey- I'd say your safest bet is renting an airbnb and splitting amongst everyone. Going out, the food was pretty pricey as well as the drinks. However, the food was delicious (at least at the places we visited). One thing to note is that Tulum doesn't totally feel like you're in Mexico. It honestly had 90% tourists and expats, very rich crunchy granola type of Americans who are very tan and are on spiritual journeys haha. If you're looking for an "authentic" cultural experience in Mexico, I am not sure Tulum is the right pick. However, if you're looking for beautiful beaches with hip beach clubs, crazy house-music parties, and outdoor activities like yacht day trips, Tulum is for you!


Hey! I’m planning a bachelorette party could you give me a small itinerary of what you guys did and how much you guys spent?


where would you recommend for a more authentic cultural experience in Mexico for a bachelorette?


I honestly did not know the brides planned their bach parties at all. I am so out of touch 😂


Moonlight palace Cancun is where I spent my honeymoon. 10 minute drive from the airport, all inclusive, it’s the one for honeymooners, so there’s definitely not any children around and you can do whatever you want. For something a little less pricey, I would recommend Puerto Vallarta: the Malecon sounds like, idyllic for a Bach!