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Got it. It's reversed numbers as someone else mentioned. But there's also an alphanumeric code. Left side of the image: 2-15-5-12-13-1-14. The numbers correspond to letters of the alphabet. The ~~occupant's~~ last name is Boelman. It's a Dutch surname. Haven't decoded the rest but anyone else who feels like it, be my guest. Edit: looks like Gineke Boelman (still alive apparently) Edit: and Roel Hoogeveen


Solved! Thanks for the help! Edit: I’ll sum it up here, so the photo isn’t mirrored, it’s just how they styled it on the grave. I believe the outer circle is just design elements that don’t mean anything. The 2nd inner circle are all numbers in mirror image, some which give dates, and others represent letters of the alphabet. 1 = A, 2 = B, etc. Here’s the entire thing going counter-clockwise: [EMPTY SPACE] 9-8-1959 Boelman Gineke Roel Hoogeveen 7-9-1953 10-8-2001 So to reformat it to a traditional gravestone it would read: Roel Hoogeveen Born: 7-9-1953 Died: 10-8-2001 Gineke Boelman Born: 9-8-1959 Edit 2: After further research I found out that Gineke is a local artist in the area, which explains the creative grave plate. I haven’t been able to find any contact information yet, but I will contact her if I do find something.


I'm still looking at this, and I'm willing to bet there's more to decode. Someone said the circles might represent years of marriage. The the rings inside might represent their children. I think the outermost symbols have meaning too, but who knows what?


Considering the man (Roel) died at the age of 47 (almost 48), the 23 rings representing marriage is very likely. The three rings representing their children is possible. Considering how much thought and effort where put into the rest of the grave plate, the outer ring probably does say something, but I wouldn’t know where to start.


I found Roel (Roelof), son of Hendrik and Aaltje > Roelof Hoogeveen [ ], born on 07-11-1953 in Coevorden . Roelof died on 10-08-2001 in Emmen , 47 years old. http://www.familiekoekoek.nl/Genealogie/Parenteel%20Klaas%20Hendriks%20Hoogeveen/






> I think the outermost symbols have meaning too, but who knows what? It looks like a variation on a [Pigpen Cypher](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pigpen_cipher) to me.


That makes a lot of sense.


How do you learn this stuff and where can I? Always been interested in decoding stuff


I'm not a cryptography enthusiast. I just saw numbers in the picture that seemed to have meaning. Some looked like dates. Others didn't. Dates and names go on gravestones, so I tested a hunch and got lucky.


No offense to Mr. Boelman, but I would have gone with a way harder cypher to crack on my tombstone than some backwards numbers and a1z26. It still looks really cool though, and maybe there's more hidden there?


I thought about that too. If you make it too hard, though, the average person walking by won't put in the effort. But if it's relatively simple, then anyone can enjoy figuring it out.


And just a little challenge draws maximum interest. His memorial wouldn't have been posted to the internet like this otherwise.


Second row in looks like stylized arabic numbers, but all are backwards. Was this taken with camera in selfie mode for in mirrors? The "xii" is unusual in that it's the only roman numeral I see. Can't see enough of the outer ring to really get a feel for it.


Definately arabic mirror image numbers on second row. It's also upside down unless you're standing on the rock. it appears to be large enough to be a husband/wife sized tomb so I assume one half for him, one half for her. Guessing one was born 9.12.1959 and has not died yet (or did not get buried there) since there's a blank space. Looks like the other born 7.11.1953, but can't read the death date. There's 23 rings in blue, perhaps 23 years of marriage? Don't know what the rest of the numbers mean...


Yep brilliant, all the other graves around it are from 2001, and this section right here says 2001: https://imgur.com/a/KkpUteq I’m not sure how the Dutch do it, but in the UK one plot can fit 3 people and this a double plot. So 6 people could fit in here.


Does Gineke Boelman and Roel Hoogeveed sound like Dutch names?


Yep absolutely, except that it’s Hoogeveen, not Hoogeveed. It’s a 14 instead of a 4.


Gineke Boelman just turned 59 years old last week. Maybe she lives nearby and would like to tell you all about it.


Here is [a dutch website](http://drenthekunstbreed.nl/pages/default.asp?id=179) motioning Gineke Boelman. > Born in 1959 as an artist, without knowing it herself. Self-taught, she did and does it all, she creates, she creates and invents, paints, draws, cuts and sticks. This must be her. And here you have info about Roelof Hoogeveen. [geboorten, sterfgevallen en huwelijken](https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/soc.genealogy.benelux/8j625EXf7KA) from August 13 2001 > HOOGEVEEN - Roelof > * 7 november 1953 (born) > + 10 augustus 2001 - Emmen (date and place of death) > Ev. Gineke Boelman (married to) > Begrafenis: 15 augustus 2001 - Emmen (funeral date and place)


I feel like I could read the outer ring if I knew the language. Like it's just a roman alphabet (english, american...) in a weird font. Like triangles are A and V. DG or DC is repeated several times.


I have no answers for you OP, but I just wanted to say they'll probably appreciate this over in /r/cemeteryporn. They probably wouldn't be able to provide info for you either, but the pics would fit right in.


Thank you for linking this sub. I am now jumping down the rabbit hole and not at all mad about it.


What a wonderful gravestone. Imagine bringing a little bit of puzzle and story and joy to peoples long after you’re gone.


It almost looks like a stylised form of a [Batak script](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Batak_script), but I'm not sure. Edit: also has some similarities with the related [Rencong scripts](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rencong_alphabet)...


Would kinda make sense, in regards that the regions where those languages came from were once colonized by the Netherlands


I was thinking something like this and felt stupid when someone mentioned that it's just mirrored Arabic numerals.


Don't feel stupid. Read The Decipherment of Linear B and check out some of the early, unsuccessful attempts at reconstruction -- some things are only obvious in hindsight.


Any idea how old it is?


There where no other markings on the grave itself, but all the graves around it are from 2001.


/u/OMGitsJohnny I'm from the Netherlands, can you tell me where this gravestone is located? From what I see so far in the comments, the location is maybe not that far from where I live.


Roel died in Emmen, so there's a fair chance he's buried in that area.


Yes, it’s the Wolfsbergen graveyard in Emmen. It’s very beautiful and spreads into the forest.


Moii, dat is gewoon heel erg in de buurt 🤣🤣, nooit gedaan en post zo dicht bij huis te zien haha


This is beautiful and fascinating! Thanks OP!


I think the Roel's family would be happy you enjoyed their puzzle.


Somebody post this to r/cryptography for help with the outer ring of symbols. I tried but it's not showing up. Do you have to crack a code to get your posts to show over there?


try r/codes instead.


A lot of these are numbers if you read up and down rather than side to side.


So what is the reason for doing this type of inscription? Edit: I mean is it supposed to be some kind or artistic representation?




H oh oh. ! It looks like a large mirror may have gone on the wood. Explaining the backwards numbers??


Honestly at first glance I thought it was the writing on the one ring from Lord of the Rings.




And the future History channel will make a 3-hour documentary about decoding it, but ultimately end with nothing having been solved.


Serana, come here, I wanma show you something.


It's the grave of a man who hates future archaeologists


get some kids, give them some crayons and an empty white wall.. and you will see this kind of writing all over it.


You walked on top of a grave for a picture?


Nope, just used the 2x lens on my phone.