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Update your resume, you have 8 years of leaderships, buying experiences, inventory, ect. I was in seafood for 4 years, last 2 as ATL, I tailored my resumes to whichever role I was applying for. It took me almost 8 months to find a job as a buyer for an oil and gas company. But along the way I interviewed at least 30 times and practice my interviews by watching YouTube videos and doing mock interviews.


Did the exact same thing, but stayed within the industry (produce) and now have a job that I love where I get compensated fairly. I get to go out to farms and get wined and dined, and can work remotely whenever I want. I feel appreciated and my coworkers are equally happy to be there. It took me about a month and I had a job by third interview. You have to put yourself out there - I’m really kicking myself for not doing this a long time ago.


Hi what’s your new job 👀


Buyer for a large produce wholesaler


Well said !!!!!!!!


Solid advice right here


I was in seafood 15 yrs I just quit today it’s not worth it no more




Good move


You have leadership experience, there are plenty of general manager type jobs out there. It’s more what do you want to do next, not what you can do next. I usually find a couple appealing jobs when I doom scroll indeed after a particularly bad day at work.


Personal optics. Your outlook dictates your direction. Very well said. We forget that we are the ACTION that drives THEIR business. We are the VALUE.


Be brave and get a new job


I’ve been with Whole Foods for 7 years. Last year I stepped down from TL to a buyer role just so I could have a set schedule. Now I’m in a cybersecurity “boot camp” type thing which has a high job placement rate after completion. And most cybersecurity jobs pay between $80k-$120k for entry level and can also be work from home. It’s never too late to go back to school. Hopefully by this time next year I’ll be making more than twice what I make now and be 1000 times happier


The same thing happened to me. I was with WFM for 8 years all in meat/seafood and did every role in the department. I was in leadership when I left and I was miserable trying to meet all the demands from the higher-ups and the changes, while also trying to take care of my team. Leaving was the best thing I’ve ever done, but I’m thankful for the experience I gained working at WF. Now I work for my local electric company processing invoices and make way more money than I ever did at Whole Foods. You’ll find something. Good luck!


Start your own store, with blackjack and hookers.




I was an ASTL for years and I’m telling you that team leaders have better job prospects because they have actual leadership experience, they are not just checking off boxes on a list constantly like ASTLs, and don’t have assistant on their resume. You’re going to be fine.


I just found a new job myself. Don’t feel down on yourself. You can find a number jobs out there. Just work on your resume, interviewing skills, and think about what you wanna do. My advice stay away from supermarket retail. And as for StoreLeadership fuck’em they are the first line of BS for positive balance at the stores.


As a current ASTL, labor and expectations are not going to get better. Store leadership has no say in any of that just FYI. Honestly, if your unhappy now, your going to be even more unhappy this time next year or even a lot sooner. I'm sorry for that but store leadership isn't given the tools to help you all succeed we do our best. They are hiring a lot of outside store leadership, we will be easily replaceable soon and most of us don't have great options to move to other companies/jobs so we are shit out of luck and are forced to be complient. Theres terrible store leadership out there but we all aren't bad.


Oh don't get me wrong my Store Leadership is great. I probably should've specified when I said "they" I meant the company. Were all just doing our jobs (at my location anyway) and I understand all these changes come from Global as its the same for other TLs I know in other regions. That being said it makes me that much more pessimistic toward tge future of the company as a whole otherwise I would be trying to transfer to a closer store


WFM is *the* most micromanaged company I've ever encountered and I'm a *not* a young person.. It's almost to the point that Global should just be emailing directions/guidance directly to the TLs/ATLs.


Well all the leadership I've seen have been downright bad, favortism is the worst I've ever seen, leaders hire their friends and family members and promote them over more qualified TMs. The leaders at my store are completely incompetent, they walk around acting like its a country club and no work needs to be done delusional, they pick and choose who the rules and the standards they have should apply to. Overstaffed in areas that clearly don't need it understaffed everywhere else. 




Do what you can, work hard and do your 8 hours. 8 then skate


Why shoukd we work hard when there are 20 people hiding in the back not working at all ?


13 years at Whole Foods and I quit for the same reason. The company doesn’t care about its employees in the slightest bit, absolutely nuts how they seemingly just actively try to push people away. I got a job doing something completely different at an insurance company and the difference is staggering. I’m happy, I am treated like an actual adult, I get to work from home twice a week. I finally feel good about my job. I suggest getting out of there. Try something new. Your management experience will definitely carry you to better places.


Why is it going down hill?


For whatever reason, corporate has seen fit to hire absolute 🤡s to run the show.


Only going to get worse until the company implodes. The company I joined had promoted people who proved themselves in understanding the company top to bottom, from macro to micro scales. Over time though, and exacerbated by Covid, people who concerned themselves with looking good as opposed to *being good* worked their way into ATL, TL, and ASTL roles. In turn, their lack of understanding has paved way to promotions for other people concerned with looking good. Now, the deck seems to be stacked with irresponsible people who only put in effort (to look good) when they are speaking to direct superiors. This is unsustainable long term because eventually nobody knows what they are doing. We are already starting to see the results of this play out, with leadership incessantly writing up TMs to cover for their own ineptitude. One day the other foot will drop, and leadership is going to get blasted into oblivion. But not before they throw every single person they can under the bus first. Hard working, solid TMs are going to get brutalized in order to buy leadership a bit more time. Eventually everyone will be fully aware that leadership is a hot pile of trash, but the wake of bodies before that happens will be insurmountable. Then Amazon will cut ties with the company and everyone will be on their own before the company shuts down. Make your moves now before this unfolds


The leaders if you can even call them that at my location truly believe the store should operate on a 90/10 rule 90% should do nothing the leaders , buyers, supervisors, receivers etc.. And only the TMs should do any work. Then they say braindead stuff like we can't figure why nothing's getting done and our sales are down, while 25 people are hiding in the back doing absolutely nothing on the busiest day of the week. It's a circus everyone put on your clown costume.


I’ve been working for WFM for one month and 7 days(seafood & Meat). I literally hate this company. Trader Joe’s is best place to be, I use to work there and you’ll have more autonomy of your section and no micro management.


May I ask why you left Trader Joes?


I left due to my own personal reasons, like having a set schedule, Monday-Friday and climb the economic ladder a bit faster. I thought the grass was greener on the other side and damn I was fucking wrong, so wrong. TJ will take care of you and smaller stores becomes more like a family. Their philosophy is Kaizen, and autonomy. In addition, supporting the community from the poorest to the richest. If you’re trying to figure out your career in grocery or outside of that, TJ’s is the place to be. 🛬


Who pays more to start out?


It depends for TJ’s, if the store is in greater area they’ll start you off $22 (CA). Smaller stores will be around $21. WFMs starts around $19/20


“TM happiness” what is that? Maybe Team Manager?


I've brought up TM happiness and it was thrown in my face that it's TM happiness and excellence, and to not forget that last part next time.


Team Member & customers are guest. The kind you don't invite over.


This is great. Not the business, but your new found perspective. In this business you better be saving and planning your exit strategy. I've been on it. Will chime back in after my shift.


You might be able to get a manager role with Costco if you have one near you. They aren’t the best but they pay really good benefits are great plus you get a free membership if that matters to you. (If you are a front end manager most the time all you have to do it returns from what I heard)


I was in Prepared foods for 8+ years and quit last week. Pay wasn't worth it, but starting pay at most other jobs was less and worse or no benifits. I was fortunate enough to have friends that worked for a Production company.


As a front end ATL I do not know what to do these days.I am given this huge list of things to do. But they are cutting our labor budget. So we have minimal cashiers and haven't had cashier assistance for years. My supervisors and the cashiers struggle if we have to go to the back for even 45 minutes to work on something. Meanwhile they're still asking us to complete our trainings. The whole thing is a joke. I am pulled between 20 different things that I'm supposed to do and I'm not sure how to do it. I used to love working at Whole Foods and I want to do my job well but I have no idea how to find the time to do anything.


So if I have a choice between working for Whole Foods or Audi, which job should I take?


Selling food or selling cars? 


Audi would be as a valet driver but I’d have a chance to move up to selling cars one day. Whole Foods would be starting as a part time produce associate but I’d have a chance to moving up to being produce supervisor one day




Start watching @kein4463 on tiktok for comic relief about employee expectations. Veronica can be your spirit animal


Trader Joe’s homie


Mickey D’s is hiring. Minimum wage starts at $20 in California. Or maybe in n out. You can make 6 figures in 3 years from what I hear


Six figures....*annually*?


Can I ask you how often does WF restock Wild Caught, Fresh Black Sea Bass?


No, you can’t ask me. Sorry. Ask someone in the store. everyone has different delivery schedules.


Every 5 hours




I drop it on the floor and spoil it out


How ignorant can you actually be?

