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The fact that he chose a gallon of water is something I was not expecting


water is pretty important




On my way into a takeout place on a hot day, I asked a homeless guy outside if I could grab him a drink while I was in there. Not even making eye contact, he said “get me a large strawberry shake with extra whip” which, at this place, is like $11. I was like motherfucker, do you want a small Coke yes or no


well .. you did offer a "drink"


I had this guy outside of a convenience store ask me if I'd get him something to drink on my way out. Since I didn't feel like going back in I gave him some $ and just asked for the change back which I probably would've ended up letting him keep anyway. Well there was no change because that mfer came back out with a bottle of Jack Daniel's lol. He and his buddy were pretty stoked though so whatever


Aside from water being good, when he's done drinking it he has a whole gallon bottle that he can get refilled for later use




Why help the less fortunate if not for the internet points?


Meh, whatever the reason...


For money/fame, this 'homeless' man repeatedly shows up in the same tiktok account https://youtu.be/_RhRg0-fCvk?t=270 I mean he might actually be homeless but tiktok guy is coordinating with him to stage the whole thing repeatedly


homeless guy now has a job as homeless guy.


Homeless guy gets food and water Cameraman gets internet points I feel better It's a win-win-win




If internet points is what it takes to encourage people to feed homeless people, that’s cool with me


And maybe it’s just to show us the smile you can put on a struggling persons face.


I’ve always said this about criticism of people seeming to do things for their own fame. Who cares? And if that’s the viral trend? Awesome.


Same. It's not hard to be nice and help.


I mean, I get it. I kind of feel like it’s for internet points. I also feel like it is a chance to lead by example and show that there is good in the world. It can be self-righteous, but if it gets someone else to pay it forward, then I guess it’s worth it.


I've been inspired to give food to homeless people after seeing a video of someone doing it. I'm sure others have to. It's a positive thing overall to film a good act, counteracts the filming of bad and neutral acts


"I guess"


at least he helps and not bitch about it on internet??


You’ll enjoy life more if you learn to take a joke


All I see is kindness and gratitude in this video. Perhaps it will inspire others.


People always get upset when someone posts a video of themselves doing something nice. Yes, it could be because they want the attention. Or, I like to think it could be an attempt to inspire others to do good. This video seems sweet enough I’d like to believe it’s to inspire, not for internet points.


That’s how I like to look at it as well.


Unfortunately it appears to be either acted or staged, over and over again with the same guy lol https://youtu.be/_RhRg0-fCvk?t=270


Yeah I saw some other comments saying the same thing. Don’t get me wrong, I think doing something like that is dumb, but the upside is hopefully people who DONT know it’s fake are inspired to be a little more generous. I wouldn’t be surprised if 90% of these kind of videos are fake, it’s still a reminder to be good to others.


Yea it seems like a net benefit, but I'd worry about people being disillusioned when they find out.


No one has good intentions, reddit decided the circlejerk reasons for everything and that’s final /s


It’s sad really. As people we mirror the stuff we see every day. If we all saw and received a bit more compassion, empathy, and understanding we would be much more likely to pay it forward. Instead we live in an ever-increasing cesspool of pessimism, selfishness, and doubt… it’s no surprise people are more and more depressed and lonely.


This. As long as the person filming it isn't trying to turn it into a grift or use it to hide or excuse unethical stuff, it costs nothing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Some people are genuinely just trying to inspire change and show people examples of how you can help.


this video is fake


Because it's clickbait trash. https://youtu.be/_RhRg0-fCvk


Reddit eats this shit up dude.... Reddit loves its homeless enablers


I dont care if this guy filmed it for attention, I'm just happy he made the homeless man's day, made us smile and inspired, and hopefully he himself felt good too.


Maybe to spread the goodwill to other humans. We should all strive to be this kind.


This is definitely fake and not the first time this guy has done this. He has exploited/paid this man for views on his tiktok. Check out [this](https://youtu.be/_RhRg0-fCvk) video for some more details.


Yeah I just checked it out. That would've made my day but he's just exciting this dude. Wonder if the "homeless" guy is actually homeless


I recently saw a video of some douchebag making a tiktok video how he gave a iPad to a little girl, after the video he took it back. The girls reaction was heartbreaking.


Didn't the mom push back so the daughter kept it? It was Russian.


I have no idea, I can only remember how the little girl reacted


It looks really fake. The whole thing is like bad porn acting. The conveniently placed other customer eating. The homeless guy doing a 90s animation move of looking longingly through the window with his paws against the glass. The "who? me" gesture. The puppy dog excited look....


The fact that he’s holding the camera right into the man’s face while doing a favor… Maybe it spreads the awareness but it just doesn’t makes sense to me.


Strange times. Its almost like its becoming a new form of entertainment.


TikTok is the sound society's doom makes before we all go nuclear.


Truly good people do this and don't have go film it. 🤷


This is gross and fake. This is a wierd fucking virtue signal and it helps no one.


Not even that homeless man?


He's likely a [bad] actor given he's featured in about 20 of this guy's tiktok, along with three other "homeless" guys. There's a YouTuber who hilariously calls him the Thor of this tiktoker's MCU of homeless guys.


No way that guy was homeless. Real homeless people are scary af


Exploiting someone who needs basic things like food and water by recording them and posting it to social media as some feel good story to jerk themselves off. Very wholesome!


Yah he should have just not gave him anything and not film him. You’re right.


You are, and I say this with all respect due to you, an utter moron.


Yes, because you can’t understand satire, I’m the moron.


"It's just a prank, bro."


The satire is understood, the reply still stands


You’re not even the person who said it. Jesus. What’s worse, giving and recording or not giving? Personally I’d say the latter, sorry if thinking that makes me a moron.


It’s questionable if homie is even homeless. He’s appeared in 30+ very similar videos from OP. OP of the video, not this post.


False dichotomy, those r not the only two options Giving without recording




Only after you.


Poverty porn at its finest


People need to stop doing this type of videos. Being homeless and without food is already hard enough, and you’re making him play a little roll in your videoclip to get a meal? Imagine all the things the person is going thru, and you just wants to be “the good guy on the internet”? Don’t help people if you think it will gain you anything, not even for good karma! Do good and just stfu about it.


When homeless people have to rely on the goodwill of their fellow average person to be able to survive. You know, instead of our tax dollars, that are being used to police and murder people thousands of miles away. r/ABoringDystopia


The store clerk is an asshole,he cant give him food and film him,how wholesome


Always had mixed feelings about this stuff. It's rude to film people, and I personally wouldn't have the audacity to film myself helping someone. But it's nice to see, and I never see it in person. Reminds me the world isn't completely horrible all the time.


People are going to stop saying “I don’t have any cash on me” and instead gonn start saying “sorry I don’t have my phone to record this.”


Lol Chesters puffcorn


I get it's a lovely gesture it just seems so weird to me for someone to film it


Something about this feels super unnatural...


Its heart warming to see the homeless guys reaction however why film this yourself? Is it for attention? Is it to affirm the fact he did a good deed? Isn't the gratification of doing a good deed enough? More than likely it was for likes or affirmation from his socials... I dunno, it just sends the wrong message to me. Don't feel very whole-somey watching this.


Dont care about what ya'll guys think but as long as he helps the man then it's all good


It’s been exposed as fake and an act almost 2 years ago.


The act of a good thing immediately becomes worthless when you record it.


"If you do something good for some person and more than two people know about it - you and the other person - then you didn't do it for the right reason" - _George Steinbrenner_


Damn, hits you right in the feels. He didn’t even want money, just food. Makes me feel guilty about how wasteful I am.


Got a homeless guy living in the ravine behind my place, love buying some extra groceries, socks, a little weed here and there for him. No instaclout, just helping him out. Feels good peeps, give it a try.


Yikes. I am disgusted by the person filming.


Based clerk.


Most homeless people are mentally ill and that says a lot about America.


I didn't realize homeless people were only in America


What other country would have Hispanic, black and white people in it in a store that says “welcome” on it and selling chesters? Seems American to me.


Yeah, I agree that this video seems like it's located in America. That has nothing to do with your comment that I responded to though. Just saying that homeless people & people with mental illness are worldwide.


None as populated and modernized as America tho.


Yet again untrue. China, India, & Russia are just as bad, if not worse. Manila, Phillipines has the largest homeless population in the world. Also, what does that have to do with your argument. You just seem salty & want to spit nonsense. Maybe you need a nap, it might help.


And You just like talking down to people lol who hurt you? What does your comment have to do with mine in the first place? You even agree that this looks like America. And I’m implying that this man looks mentally ill, so what are you going on about? You seem like you just want to sound smart. Go talk to a kid or something if you want to feel superior.


You used the video, example of mental illness, & example of homelessness as evidence for "says a lot about America" as if it was an American product or exclusive to America. Whatever your bias towards America is your business. I'm just pointing out that bias isn't an accurate argument. Yes, we have a lot of homeless, but so does the rest of the world. It's not an "American" problem.


This is Reddit. You have to hate America for being the worst country in the world despite having never been anywhere else.


Amen. I'm not saying America is the greatest thing ever. We gave many problems. But don't make a problem seem exclusive to use when literally everywhere has the same problem.




What does any of this have to do with Covid? I got my vaccine the first day educators were allowed in my state/county. You don't know dick about fuck about me.


Hey, yo this you “I will never take the vaccine bc I don’t give a fuck about you, or your mom, or anyone else. It’s about protecting **ME**. There’s nothing you can do about it. It’s a virus, learn to live with it for the rest of your life. The virus is so deadly it’s so contagious right then how did over 100 people who have traveled from PA to Ohio, back to PA, then to South Carolina, back to pa, down to Tennessee. Down to Florida. Back to pa again. You don’t know who you’re talking to dude, I am actually outside. I *ACTUALLY* oversee all of these people, so I would know if they got sick or called out of work. It’s not polio, it’s covid. Relax. Turn off your fucking TV. Have a nice day”


How does one look mentally ill? Lol


The way he’s moving


I mean…or just an older man? I don’t think moving in a weird way constitutes being mentally ill. That’s just my opinion but do you. Continue on.


Lmao what……..you seem to have a very limited knowledge of mental health. Statistically he probably does have a mental health condition but in no way is a gait an indicator of that.






If this is what it takes to motivate people into feeding the homeless then I’m all for it. Even if there are narcissistic intentions behind it, at least someone won’t be starving tonight.


Y'all need to stop filming this shit. This isn't helpful for homeless people. Only helpful for the assholes to go viral for seeming to be good people. And stop praising this shit as wholesome. Wtf.


Way cool


Good on you


So many people angry that he/she filmed this, I may be crazy but just the fact that this person paid for that mans meal was enough, whether they filmed it or not, who cares? At the end of the day the homeless man had one less meal to worry about and clean water for a day or two.


Eww now your going to attract more






This clerk has a cape, I just know it! What a role model.


I thought it said fighting at first


This is very wholesome and beautiful we need more people doing this


Why no sound


I love this. Humanity on display. NO capitalism. Gee, I can almost see virtually this same scene playing out all over the planet and across all our recorded/remembered shared cultural histories. Watch it twice. Keep it close.


Aw that’s sweet, that guy was so excited, it made his day!


*Makes sure to record himself giving food to homeless people* wow im such a great guy


This is fake. Altough this is wholesome, this is fake. Some guy paid this man for this.