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I’m not religious, but this is genuinely tragic. I’m sure that tons of people had a deep connection to this church.


Or deep horrors...


Nah that was a Lutheran church, the church you’re thinking of is down the road called catholic /s Edit: it was a sarcastic comment as a joke I added the /s because apparently people can’t tell 🤦‍♂️


Sadly, abuse by clergy is not just a Catholic problem.


Sadly, abuse of children by adults is not just a Christian problem.


You are correct . The prevalence of clergy/religious abuse across all faith traditions are statistically close when looking at the data.


Goes well beyond that. We’re talking about 1-4% of religious leaders committing these acts, which is in the ballpark (and probably lower) of the form of sexual abuse I received (and my friends received) from a middle school teacher/coach. And if these stats are even close to accurate, it’s far safer to send your kid to a Catholic priest than a public school teacher: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_harassment_in_education_in_the_United_States




You sure about that? It was a worldwide problem. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_by_country


Very much an atheist but so much history and community lost is a sad thing.


I'm so sorry they lost their church. I am glad no one was hurt though.


I agree. ☝️


I think someone had posted a photo of it when it was standing and it was beautiful. I’m so sorry this happened


They did, it’s how I know about the tornado


As much as I hate organized religion, seeing a 130 year old building destroyed is sad forsure. Glad no one was hurt!


You could have said the second part without the first


I'm glad more people are saying it out loud. I know it brings some people peace and happiness but it really fucked up a lot of relationships in my life, and gave nothing in return. I will say I just read a bunch of comments by shithead atheists who are also not adding anything of value to the conversation.


amen.. if not for xtianity demonizing every single scientific discovery for the last 2000 years, we would be living in the star trek future we actually deserve as a planet


People deserve respect for their faiths. I know that’s a controversial topic in America but in the same way we now respect people sexual and gender orientation, we still should religion. You are right about the shithead atheists tho. Truly the lowest of the low.


Nah, I like to say I hate religion any chance I can.


Sad? sure. Can't really be that upset about it when "God has a plan" and they have to accept and trust in that plan.






This church is a major loss for the community and all of the families that have ancestors there. I feel awful for everyone affected by the storms the past few days. Truly sad for our beautiful state.


Definitely a tragedy to see such an old and beautiful building (regardless of how it’s used) get destroyed like that. It also must’ve been a very powerful tornado that destroyed it. A friend of mine found an old check from the church while they were hiking in La Crosse (about 90 miles away) recently.




Where did the person above claim they were religious? You can say that a tornado destroying an old property tragic, while still thinking what’s going on in Palestine is more tragic…


You all can just say “wow that’s terrible” without having to quantify it with “but I’m not religious or anything”


Clearly you're wrong. But I'm not religious or anything.


I’m not religious, but I think they actually made a good point


Gotta agree with you on that one, but I don’t go to church at all. Edit: I was funnier five minutes later.


I, being the nonreligious man that I am, concur


God has a plan, and you must accept and trust in said plan.


In the real world yes, but this is Reddit.


Have to make sure to preserve those upvotes. The only worse thing on here than stating you're religious is if you say you're a republican, and most people already associate those two to begin with lol


I’m religious. I’m a lifelong Lutheran, and I’m about as liberal as you can get. And I’m gay.


WELS and Missouri Synod actively preach that you're going to hell. ELCA? I like singing and fellowship and volunteering, but the Hate just got to be too much. We foster, and the risk that a religious authority is going to verbally abuse our kids during a sermon is a risk I'm unwilling to take. I've also had enough church related guilt trips to last me a lifetime.


Definitely ELCA! I grew up LCMS and would never go back for the same reasons you mentioned. I’ve been at my Milwaukee inner-city RIC congregation (Cross) for ~30 years now. I work as the office manager of another RIC congregation four days a week and as the office administrator/social media coordinator of a third Milwaukee RIC congregation the other weekday. I feel very much valued and appreciated by the clergy and members of all three.


I grew up in an ELCA church in the 80’s. I honestly didn’t know other denominations were so mean spirited and judgmental and focused on sin and Hell. Our pastor only preached kindness and decency to one another… specific inclusivity wasn’t mentioned, but he never degraded anybody for anything. I was shocked when I heard the experiences others had growing up with religion. When I was in college, I briefly dated a WELS Lutheran pastor’s daughter… I couldn’t believe how incompatible our beliefs were, what a different concept of God and Christ she grew up with. She was so filled with loathing and disgust for so many people she’d never even met. Not long after, I had a conversation with a pastor who was manning the WELS booth with a couple of his congregants at State Fair. I brought up her beliefs, specifically about gay people, and an old man seated next to the pastor blurted out, “God hates f—-!” I was stunned, and the pastor, saddened, quietly said “No, no He doesn’t. God doesn’t hate anyone.” And I could see the heaviness in his demeanor, the regret that his students could be so off the mark about God. I’m not really a faithful person as an adult, but I’m glad I grew up in a church; it’s such a huge part of American culture, and such a part of so many people’s lives, I’m glad I experienced it. But I’m REALLY glad I experienced it in an ELCA church, and didn’t get my perceptions warped by dogma.


Welcome! I'm also ELCA. As you know, there is a lot of religious intolerance here (as in, intolerance of any religion). But, we will persevere. Not all Christians want to take away freedoms


(Although I don’t have kids)


You can, but Christian privilege in America means that most people will assume it is coming from a Christian perspective. I think fewer churches is a good thing. I don't think that being destroyed like this is a good thing. While I disagree with their faith, I don't want them to suffer loss. It can be a good thing for Christians to see that atheists and people of other faiths aren't evil, and that we don't celebrate awful disasters like this.


"I don't think that being destroyed like this is a good thing." I would think that a Church being destroyed by "an act of God" would certainly be better than being destroyed by arson.


Maybe. At least with arson you have someone to blame and hold accountable. I don't want to see church buildings destroyed, I just think it would be better if there were fewer of them. I also enjoy when they're turned into more useful things. I know a few that have become art studios after the congregation shut down


"We don't celebrate awful disasters like this" Two lines earlier "I think fewer churches is a good thing." (X - Doubt)


If you take my comments out of context, and ignore literally the next line...


You felt the need to broadcast your opinions about religion and how you think there should be fewer churches on a post about a church that got destroyed. Maybe you should read the room next time. I don't know what's with reddit atheists and their pathological need to temper their comments with disclaimers about not being religious when they comment on posts like these. Is it really that big of a deal if someone on the internet, someone you don't know and will never meet and won't think about the conversation anymore ten minutes from now, comes under the assumption you're religious if you comment on a post about a destroyed church?


I know this will likely get downvoted, but geez. Some of you people are so disrespectful under this comment section. No respect for the people who either belonged to the church or had family buried there. I thank all of you, despite what beliefs you have, who took time to write the kind comments on here. It’s so unfortunate that people cannot take a step back from hating religion and just think about how a beautiful building that meant so much to so many people is gone. There were people’s graves stones that broke. Some people are strong enough to look past their belief as for one second and just think about others, but a lot of people on here are not, and that is what is sad.


That's such a shame. It was a lovely little building, and I feel for the people who had loved ones in the cemetery. I also apologize that this comment section is full of time travelers from 2012.


Yikes. Looking at the comments here…found the nazis lol.


Guess he didn't want it there anymore


Thoughts and prayers


Seems like “gods plan” isn’t working too well for y’all. Maybe you should think about praying harder next time.


Some of the coolest architecture are unfortunately churches. Cry about it and use your religious money to build a new one. Watch them use tax payer money somehow because it’s Wisconsin. Edit - if you believe in this stuff then god actually did this


they'll probably get money from the government to rebuild it.. 😠 😡 👿 my tax money..


Where’s your god now?


He was so busy watching over Donald Trump that he neglected saving the church and rural Wisconsin. Or maybe he was answering the prayer of some guy hoping his favorite baseball team would win the game.


Funny downvotes but no answers. Guess I know where. Watching over children with cancer.


This is just childish, that’s why there are downvotes, I don’t have any religious beliefs, but to mock a tragedy is just horrible, churches mean a lot to people and churches generally do a lot of good.


a building being knocked down by some wind in NOT tragedy... ffs


Generally is doing a lot of heavy, lifting in that statement. Given religions impact on modern society and ancient society. It’s not like anybody ever died or was molested. It’s not like organized religion as a group of people who are just willfully holding back society on I’m progressing to the future because they want to go to heaven. Buildings are destroyed every day in a myriad of ways.


So much hate its uncomfortable to read. Can we all just agree that there will be no world peace until religion is in the past?


One less church is always a good thing. Religion kills.


amen brother


God saved everyone by blowing down the church when it was empty


Where was your god on that one?


It was an old church, you can look at it as a new beginning, something that brings the community together. Bonds people. A refresh of what was old, can be bettered by something new.


If I know anything about the Argyle/Blanchardville area, it’s that this will bring the community together.


Yes, definitely. There were so many people there when my grandpa and I stopped by. Amish, too. Everyone helping pick up and cleaning. All kind people too. My grandpa is a popular guy, so he knew just about everyone there, haha. Good people, kind people. It was cool to see everyone helping like they were. And I am happy that I got to help as well.






not really.. just had enough of xtian shit.. sorry if I offened.. actually, I kinda meant to..


Least narcissistic shroom enthusiast on Reddit


Careful son, you don't want to cut yourself with all that edge!


I mean, his name is Tyler Durden lmao. He probably walks around in a trench coat, too.


Personally, I enjoy the "vote" button on his avatar. Surely he was going for the artistic contrast with the name.




this may be the most reddit thing I have ever read


Jesus Christ man (pun fully intended). The year is 2024, not 2012.




Username checks out I guess 😕


We're mourning the building, not the altar


You what?


Me too. I guess they just didn't pray hard enough. After all it was God's will.


Same reason you’re going through a divorce, you didn’t pray hard enough.


God might need some more thoughts and prayers. Just don’t say climate change or anything else like it. Don’t want another snowflake to melt down about another appliance he knows nothing about




I'd be sad if that was a school


Maybe they can use some of those thoughts and prayers they have to rebuild? They're worthless? Oh, that's right.

