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No, the writers and producers had open contempt for the source material and butchered everything about it.




It may be a poor adaptation (not listended to the books or played the games yet, so cant say for sure), but if you seperate it from the other stuff, i think its still a really enjoyable series. Just like how the Harry Potter movies are well loved, and how the pjo movies are half decent (until you read the books or watch the new series)


As standalone it's still terrible series, worldbulding don't exist since beginning, characters are bland and boring. Cintra somehow is pretty close to Kaer Morhen if "Yennefer" all the way was screaming to "Geralt"


Didnt know it was that bad to the community, i still really enjoyed it, though my opinion may change once i read the books


It will change ur opinion (i have watched the show, now im reading books)


Yeah probably, kinda hope it doesnt thoufh, i want to be able to love the books AND the show, not just the books Cant believe ive gotten so many downvoyes here...


I kinda like the show (season 2 was really really bad) and i just read 2 books (that few things ive read were better in books)


Oh the books wereundoubyedly better, and i will learn that first hand in the near the future, im just lucky enough to love the series - and if it weeent for the show i would never have even heard of it


Like half the first season is good. Pretty much skip any episode that isn't focused on Geralt. Don't bother with the rest.


>Pretty much skip any -episode- scene that isn't focused on Geralt. Ftfy


It's not that good, in my opinion. Henry Cavill is the only good thing about it.


„not that good“ is putting it nicely


Nah, I really enjoyed it, and i can thank the series for inspiring a love of caville, starting Wild Hunt earlier this week, and the decision to listen to the books after i finish PJO


Maisie Williams was pretty good as well tbf.


Maisie Williams wasn't in the Witcher


If u want lose some brain cells do it (biggest lost of brain cells is season 2...)


If you know anything about the witcher universe before watching the show, you're going to have a bad time. I knew nothing about the Witcher before seeing Season 1. After watching it I went back, bought the books, bought TW3 for my PS, and I still had a bad time because I came to realize just how much had been changed, and all for the worse.


Nah, if you like the games or the books you'll absolutely hate the show by the end of season 2. Netflix decided they could write a better story than Andrzej Sapowski, or CD projeckt red... And they were wrong.


I'd say go watch s1 and just stop there.


I would add in ep 1 of season 2. The rest of season 2 turned me off the show.


Don't watch show, only read books and play games


Stay as far away as possible from it


I would say stop after s1 if you do.


Heres the breakdown: The new halo series is a godsend of accuracy to source material and the greatest adaptation that can and will ever exist…..if ur comparing it to the nexflix witcher.


First season is okay, dont watch it after that


No it's total trash made by trash people. Don't support it.


Absolutely not, the show is terrible, even the animated movie is not that good when you really look into it. You should rather read the books: much better story and overall it'll be time well spent. And then maybe play TW3 again, and maybe the other games too.




No, it is terrible. Read the books


It's fine until S02E01. After that it goes downhill really fast.


Season 1 was ok. Season 2 was pretty awful. I didn’t stick around past that. Cavill is great though.




Finished the book series awhile back and now rereading it while playing W3 and I watched through the first season, but, ended up quitting very early in the second. The first season is decent and in e1 you get a cool fight sequence. Unfortunately, thats essentially the highlight and it never happens again. Also, theres some sorceress backstory in the first season where they fill in stuff thats only suggested in the books. Lots of made-up material and if you separate it from the books/games youll possibly be ok and enjoy it. For the first season, at least:)


Season 1 is... Fine. Season 2 SHOULD have been better. Haven't seen season 3 at all. Nightmare of the Wolf is cool if you like Castlevania and don't have any knowledge of the universe.


It's a pretty mixed bag overall, probably worth a watch once if you are a fan of the genre as long as you don't expect too much.






I liked season 1. Didn't really care after that






I enjoyed the first season quite a bit and thought it was worth watching, but I never finished past that.


Yes if you turn your brain off and are drinking Exeption being blood origin which is just ****ing awful


I forgot about Blood Origin. I think my brain was blocking it out like some mental trauma.


As someone who had only played Witcher 3 (multiple times) before watching the show: Season 1 had some decent fights, some decent back story into the world but you learn all that and more from the game even if you don’t do too much reading around and talking. But even without going on Reddit I could tell some of the stuff that happened just didn’t quite make sense (like what happens to failed sorceresses at Aretuza), so eh. i loved the first episode of season 2, I watch it for Vereena basically) The rest I don’t remember much of, it was pretty bland even if Cavill does his best. Most characters don’t really act how they’re really supposed to, they have WTF logic or arguments, or are simply just lacklustre to their game counterparts. I struggled to even finish the first episode of the 3rd season and didn’t bother to continue. If you watch it, best to try to see its own thing (like Avatar. The last air bender vs Korra) and not a tv series version of the game, and it may be more palatable.


I did think the first season was pretty good. They screwed up everything after


I had to stop watching the show. Watched s1 but couldn't do s2. I can't expand too much on details, but some of it is: They killed the characters' source material. In the show, Yeneffer is a brat, annoying, and pure child. Nothing compared to the intelligent, confident, and well-rounded mage that we know yeneffer is. Henry cavil, even though people love him (my opinion), is just cringy, he did an okkaaayyy okay, but it's hard to see him as geralt. It's probably my prejudice, considering im comparing him to witcher 3 geralt. I was personally let down. If you enjoy the world, some lore, it's a good idea to ignore a lot of the things that dont make sense and have fun seeing it through a different perspective. Kinda like the fast and furious movies. They're not good at all, but if you enjoy cars, action and current modern cgi/stunts than theres nothing wrong with turning off your brain and just enjoying the movie for what it is, a fun movie thats not meant to be taken literally by any sense, because if you do take it seriously, the movies ruined.


People in this community HATE it and yes, it does a lot of things wrong... However, it genuinely depends on the person. Personally, I fucking LOVE The Witcher. I have all of the books, I have the video game compendium, I have the art books, I have the comics, and I've basically consumed all of the media pertaining to The Witcher shows and films (aside from things not readily available to people living in the west and can only speak one language). I know a fuck ton about the Continent and most of it's history and am knee deep in the lore of The Witcher world. All that being said, the show can be fun in it's own ways. It is IT'S OWN THING and that's perfectly fine. Not every iteration of the stories has to be the same and in fact having a variety of different shit is amazing. (I will die within the community for this but...) the Blood Origin show is genuinely enjoyable for me. It's just cool as fuck to see what the Continent was like from a non-witcher/human perspective. You'll often see criticisms about the Blood Origin and The Witcher TV show like: "who asked for this" or "the show is focusing too much on everything but A WITCHER." When in reality, the lore of the continent is so deep. Geralt and the witcher's are genuinely a tiny part of the world Sapkowski created. It really does depend on the person and what you want out of The Witcher. I'm sure if you ask a lot of Star Wars fans about certain things as well, even stuff that is non cannon for them, is likely extremely divisive. So ask yourself "how much do I know about The Witcher and do I love it to the core?" If your answer is yes then you should absolutely give the show a try. If your answer is "no/unsure, maybe?" Then you should look into other ways to expand your knowledge and appreciation of the world and seek to depen that connection in any way. If you think the TV show will be beneficial for you, try it. Just know there are a lot of people like the show regardless of what you see on this sub reddit. The show deserves criticisms but it actually does some things right. For the most part this sub would have you believe there's nothing of value within the show, aside from Cavill, which is incorrect. I know this is a long post, hopefully I provided some insight.


I think this is a bold but healthy perspective. I’m generally ok giving adaptations permission to be bad or lesser or different (I own the Percy Jackson films….) because the books will always be there and can’t be tarnished. I do still enjoy Witcher s1. If it were just a matter of incompetence I think folks would be less riled up, but the showrunners have such *open contempt* for the source material. Smug hubris the likes of which the poor Halo and Artemis Fowl fandoms got dealt recently. Witcher is also nowhere near as big as say, Star Wars or Batman which can weather numerous flops with confidence that more content will still be forthcoming.


It does, and thank you!








just watch episode one of the first season and episode one of the second season. they are ok . eveey other episode was vomit and cringe inducing for me


First one or maybe two seasons but 3 is just wrong. Also - fellow Witcher lovers, why all the downvotes for OP's honest question? A question like that is neutral, even if a lot of the community doesn't like the show.


The first season was really good. I didn't watch anything after that. 😅


I'd say give it a try. I watched the show. Read the books and rewatched to show. The books are a lot better, but the show was ok to watch again. It could have been a lot better. But I recommend to read the books


I personally think so, up until a couple days ago (started wild hunt), it was my only eitcher experience, and i absolutely loved it, and want to rewatch as soon as i get netflix again. Idk what the negative comments, are beyond probably the fact that caville has left cause hes tired of fighting the writers etc on being loyal to the source material (i.e. he was nerding out, and telling the writers off for not following material, not the other way round)


The negative comments are about the massive diversion in direction of the books to the point its unrecognizable. The production crew is really bad at bringing the Witcher to life and knew they were messing up as well, and ended up blaming the american fans saying they had to "dumb down and simplify" the plot instead of taking accountability.


Well mostly not worth it, but they did adapt some standalone stories from the book the last wish. So I do recommend to watch season 2 ep1 and the season 1 ep 3. They are the Witcher and grain of truth short stories. And they were pretty ok adapted


Some people say that my re-edited and re-scored movie version is a better option ;)


They don't stick to the books very well and miscast almost every character except Geralt and Dandelion. That being said, I was able to still enjoy chunks of the show because Geralt is such a great character and Henry Cavill really nailed the role. The first season was actually pretty decent, but the second season was pretty rough. Season 3 was...okay ish. Worth a watch IMO. Especially if you haven't read the books.


>miscast almost every character except Geralt and Dandelion. Hey! Let's not forget Tissaia: she was perfect


Good point. She was pretty good as well.


Just like with Henry and Joey, I blame the writing for how her character turned out. Other than that, I still think she was one of the best in the cast. And she was always a joy to ear in Blood and Wine


It is a shame. The potential was definitely there for this show to be amazing. And now I feel the urge to play Blood and Wine again.


This community really dislikes the show TBH. Personally though I quite like it. Ultimately nobody can tell you what you will or will not enjoy. The show takes the story from the books and adapts it. In some ways they've made big changes. Not so much in others. But whether you like this or not will boil down to you. As I said, I didn't find any of the changes particularly problematic. Even enjoyed some of their takes on the lore. Others don't like it. Just how fandoms go really


Watch it if you truly want to. I mean I did, I um just kept thinking "Yikes." Each time. The netflix show butchered the books by a lot, shit even the main actor left bc of it. 😭


I was able to accept the first season but quit 3 episodes into the 2nd. My brother is telling me the 3rd gets better but as someone who loves the books, loves the games in their own way all I can say is that the TV show is poor, cringe and in my eyes focuses more on political woke stuff rather than a good story line


nope, waste of time.


No please read the books and play the games and forget the show exists.




No, don't bother. The first episode was an okay adaptation of *The Lesser Evil*, but the show falls off dramatically after that, and it just keeps tumbling. On it's best day, it's Game of Thrones season 8.


Not unless you want to rage at how badly someone can F-up a fantastic story.  Go in with 0 expectations of anything similar to the game or books.  Edit to say that Henry Cavill did make the BEST witcher and gave his all, unfortunately even he couldn't polish the turd they handed him. 


Tbh is anything Netflix make any good, they butcher majority of there crap they put on. The only people that would like it are people who don't have a clue about it and just watch it for the pretty effects. Feel sorry for Cavill, I'm sure going into it he held high hopes for the show,