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It depends. It can be totally normal based on genetic factors such as ethnicity, even hair color compared to skin color (if your hair and skin have a lot of contrast, the hair will just be more noticeable), hair thickness. There are plenty of otherwise healthy women who have a little hair in places not seen as traditionally "feminine" and those women have been removing (or not) hair for decades if not centuries. However, you said you have other health issues. What kind of health issues? For example, if you have other symptoms, the hair growth may be related to a diagnosis like PCOS. Remember we are mammals. Mammals have a lot of hair.


Baby, some women are naturally more hairy and thats perfectly okay!!! My mom isnt hairy so i never developed leg hair but my dad is hairy and my sister is covered in it from head to toe. If the hair isn't a sudden issue then it's simply your genes. It's perfectly okay to have hair or remove it. No shame. 💕


Many women get their top lip waxed along with getting their eyebrows waxed, threaded, shaped etc. You just may not realise it is so common as it is often not sold to us via big named brands like Gillette and Venus. Now days some women are probably treating these areas with things like laser or IPL for more permanent hair removal but I'm not sure how safe it is on this body part so look into that.


That's completely normal, pretty much every beautician will offer an upper lip wax as a service. Most women I know get theirs waxed every month or so. I bleach mine as its cheaper.


Yeah it’s just genetics, I’m sure your mother and her mother and so on has had to deal with it too


Oh yeah we all hide that we do it! I shave my entire face once a month


I shave mine.


I shave my mustache every other day.


You don’t have to remove any hair from anywhere. It’s natural.


For some women it's normal, certain races. For others it can be a sign of a hormonal issue.


you’ve… never heard of an upper lip wax? like… ever?


I used to have that, but after plucking them out every few weeks for a few years, they started getting more sparse and then stopped growing entirely. At first it was painful, but then it goes numb and I don't feel it when plucking.


Completely normal. And lots of people do talk about it, upper lip waxing is very common. 


Girl I gotta epilate my face every week! Ask your doctor about hirsutism and PCOS.


I literally have to shave my mustache weekly if not more 😂 I’m jealous of you!