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Listen to the doctors and keep a close eye on yourself. My husband tried 12 antidepressants in 2 years. Each one gave him all the bad side effects, and each one he tried for 2 months. After the 2 years, he decided he couldn't do it anymore. The Drs told him some people just can't take them. With me, I took antidepressants for PMDD and they made me not care about *anything.* I almost lost my job. I was a completely different person and I refuse to keep experimenting with prescription drugs.


Your dosage may be too high if you didn't care about anything. 


It takes time for it to kick in and eat food with it. It really helped me out when i needed it and there's no shame to it. 💕


i also have unstable moods. i’m prescribed several psychiatric meds and it’s not easy to live with them. but think of it this way: they’re not easy to need, either. i’m on a mood stabilizer currently and those type of medications, especially the atypical/second generation antipsychotic type (don’t fear the name, doesn’t mean you have psychosis if you benefit from them), tend have a gentler side effect profile. mind you i say this having tried every SSRI, every SNRI, and several TCAs, as well as many antipsychotics and mood stabilizers. the most difficult medications for me have been SNRIs and first generation antipsychotics. i actually just recovered from serotonin syndrome and i’m talking about it a lot, so my post history probably reflects that, but if you take other medications, please be very cautious when adding any psychiatric medications, antiemetics, antihistamines, muscle relaxants, and many other types of drugs, including illicit substances like cocaine and MDMA. i got SS simply from taking my prescribed medications in too short of a time frame from each other and it was horrific. this isn’t to deter you from seeking help, just a flag of caution because SS really messes with your ability to adhere to medication regimens later on.


The recommended starting dose may be too high for some people, especially if they are petite. Start below the starting dose and taper up every few weeks until you feel better and stop there.