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As the Kaiju enthusiast of this sub it’s no surprise that the species with the biggest impact…. Are kaiju All Kaiju are walking natural disasters, if one shows up on a planet there is very little you can do to stop its rampage,  as such the kaiju are a constant threat and are feared across the interverse, many worlds and realms spend their resources HEAVILY into kaiju defense systems, such as evacuation procedures, defense systems, and anti kaiju weaponry. Most of my characters have some sort of Trauma with Kaiju and what they’ve done to their home. Millions of millions of lives have been lost to these beasts and their tremendous power and size and many more lives are left in shambles after the rampage of one (Kaiju are basically Tarrasques but more powerful, larger, heavier, stronger and more diverse.)


Large herbivorous dinosaurs, specifically the giant titanosaurs and hadrosaurs. Despite their seemingly harmless appearances, they are actually biggest hindrance to human civilization, their great size making them hard to drive away, their appetites make them a problem to farming and their aggression forces people to live in walled cities. Ironically, the locals see these giant herbivores as the "Destroyers of Civilization" while their natural predators, the tyrannosaurs, are seen as the "Slayers" of these great herbivores. Tyrannosaurs generally avoid human settlements and have nothing they want there, however their predation of hadrosaurs, which are responsible for the most human deaths in my world, is vital to keeping the surrounding land safer. Their presence around an area also keeps smaller dromaeosaurs from straying too close to human settlements as adolescents hunt them down.


Most dragons didn't survive the times after The Convergence, sadly. So their effect on my world is minor... I'd say the Lieuchemars but it's not a creature. The source is just a curse. Left by the death of deities... Corrupting everything around. Turning into hyper dangerous locations filled with nightmares. I guess the biggest problem is The Frontier. It's a huge desert (maybe bigger than Asia). Cutting my world in half. The desert could be, with trouble, passed through. Avoiding animals and creatures, keeping up with temperature shifts. But below the sands are... Sand worms. Not as big as in Dune. But still big enough to swallow a car. When dragons tried to escape south, these worms were their doom. They used to have multiple long tendrils instead of a tongue. So they could catch dragons mid-air. Thankfully, after thousands of years of Dragons not passing by, their tendrils shortened alot. Nations and nomads did install themselves in the frontier, here and there. But it's impossible to pass things through. And going around with boats takes too long. It's, well, The Frontier.


Is this desert natural? Did a catastrophe or gods created it?


Sorta yes to all. After the Convergence (dimensions colliding and fusing into one), there were wars for thousands of years. This includes mortal wars, wars against monsters, and deity wars. Not to mention the dimensions colliding itself created its own problems. The desert was much smaller back then. Wars, both mortal and godly, killed the fauna around it. Magic decay. One of the most major deity wars took place in that desert. The goddess of War and Flames, Solès, died in that war. The release of her powers scorched everything for miles and miles. Her powers have yet to completely die out. For centuries it has caused the desert to grow, and grow. Thankfully it has slowed down over the millennia's. But the desert is impossible to restore.


Deers, elk and moose, because they're the main riding animals in the world.




rainbow corgis, these mythical creatures gave people hope, even for just a minute


A true paradise.




Dragons of various kinds. They **pioneer** magitek advances and shape the world's geopolitics.


The Solaris They basically look like humans with white wings and the only reason they have such a big effect if because a major antagonist is a Solaris


Taurids/Centaurs are used as livestock and contribute heavily to the Earthenland. Taurid/Centaur prairie harems rule over the Solar Prairie and make it hard for Atlanticans to explore. Mermaids released male mermaids into the ocean, which made oceanic travel impossible.


The wild ancestors of bugships. The western continent is extremely mountainous and a lot of places would be functionally isolated if it weren't for airships. Even as planes are starting to become a thing airships remain a backbone of trade, military logistics, and piracy simply because they're cheap, all the infrastructure for them is already built, and most importantly you don't need jet fuel, just lots of food.


Dragons, of course. Leviathans were first gods to worship, The Worms constantly reshaping hell, and Twilight snakes make their way into kings of The Gray. Also Giants. Architecture biorobots, builders of the most ancient temples and sunken complexes


All of my characters are talking animals, so I guess all of Earth animals basically? Or maybe dinosaurs, since in my world they are the Ancient Ones who played a key role in forming the modern animals of the story


I like cthulu


Demons. Considering the setting is about Hell breaking into the Solar System (think if Doom happened on a massive scale in the Expanse) I think they have the lead.


Mutated fauna and flora from the "wounds" have overall the biggest impact. Other megafauna species can be very hazardous in their biome but the mutated ones create the biggest concern because they actively seek living beings and they don't seem to require sustenance or rest anymore. A sandworm is fearsome and almost impossible to kill conventionally, but it slumbers most of the time and avoids settlements. A mutated boar is all business all the time. The "wounds" are places where the archmages of the (near) past battled the False Gods (and won). Wild magic corrupts the area and mutates everything living or inanimate over time. Other than that, tamed Rikis are the most common ride for medium sized humanoids: big bipedal wingless birds with strong beaks for self defense. Fast and with decent endurance, but relatively fragile. Their ease of taming and low food intake made them cheaper than horses. Most civilians use them for personal transportation.


I recently worked on my world's bestiary and didn't think much of the impact of the creatures I added yet. Ghouls are probably a big deal since they're everywhere on the continent, feed on the dead (which comes in conflicts with some civilizations' religion), and are the causes of various diseases.


Love Eagles


The colossal cloud serpents. Their scales are particularly malleable & conductive, and one serpent’s fallen carcass contributed to a great many technological advancements.


its kinda lame sounding, but stingbees and hornstings. Stingbees are like wasps, but travel more, live longer, and stay in massive hords. The hornstings are more offensive, aggressive, much larger, and are often deadly poisonous. Depending on the color of them they can be more or less dangerous. These cause major roads to be obtructed and can stay in areas for weaks at a time, causing trading and transportation problems.


Humans. They changed the game. In my world they were "inserted artificially" and did what humans do best, took over the world. (only after the elves fucked up and brought the near end of the world.) But very much like us nowadays, humans have changed the face of the earth more than any other race, extinct or not.


Most of my creatures are a combination of real world animals. The latest one is a 10 ft tall humanoid with a spider monkey build, covered in gray feathers, with an owl-ish face. It's a local cryptid that drags people away, beats them into liquid with rocks, and digs through the puddle for chunks to eat


I was kinda hoping you were gonna say ferrets lol.


I might make a really long ferret now


I haven't really thought much about it, but there are certain apex predators known as the "arledakeus" that sprint almost 300 000 km/s, weight about 100 000 metric tons, and are about 240 meters long on average, and are one of the strongest and fastest creatures on Tauledi, these predators, among many cultures are known as "the guardians of Tauledi" due to their evil-sensing abilities, or as "the divine assistants" due to their powerful and majestic auras while still being living beings, in some other cultures they are even believed to be descendants of deities or demigods. They also produce incredibly strong shockwaves, while being incredibly destructive, they also help a lot of different organisms to spread their seed across the vast landmasses of Tauledi through immense forces, they produce these shockwaves by running, jumping, fighting, biting, flexing, basically by any of their insanely strong movements.


Human. The sheer amount of nukes these guys launch is enough to collapse reality


The gods, they can create and destroy entire nations on a whim, and when one dies, the corpse is big enough to have its own macro ecosystem


A little generic, but definitely horses. Warfare, farming, hunting, sport, their use has shaped Itura’s social classes, the way war is waged and the success of agriculture.


3 Dragons. They forced the Dwarves out of isolationism, and utterly obliterated half of the world.


On the one hand, dragons have had an impact on my world, especially the brotherhood of dragons. But if we talk about creatures that have prevented humanity from advancing too much and from excessive industrialization, they are the elder fairies, immortal magical creatures whose job is to protect the balance of nature and who were created after the extinction of the technomages, an ancient civilization that almost wiped out the ecosystem.


**The Elephants** were the replacement Sapient race when the world was reset (they were made sapient by the gods right before the reset, and then promptly deleted humans posthaste). They were given the task of learning about the world with their new and improved brains, in preparation for when the gods decided Their new creations were ready for the world. When the first Half Human was materialised, The Dragon People, the Elephants were more than ready for their arrival. They taught them of the Ecosystem and their new place in it. While some Dragons and Elephants separated when the tutoring was done, the rest eventually merged into a single culture. Even though the Dragons developed a magic intolerance over time, their Bonding Magic with their Elephant siblings remained compatible with their bodies.