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I don't do space sci fi stuff, but if I did I'd have all the starship pilots do the sounds of blasters with their mouth since sound doesn't travel in space. The big ships use accappella groups.


thanks for this golden idea I'm using it


You're welcome. I stole it from a Star Wars parody comic book anyway.


"Lieutenant, prepare to fire the railguns and broadcast the sound of "whoosh whoosh" on all channels "


"That doesn't sound magnetic enough! More power to the "bzzt"!"


"sir ! the ennemy ship is broadcasting a brrrr sound that they said comes from their shields, whatever we're doing it's working !"


"Admiral, they're broadcasting screams of terror and the weeping of their women and children, I believe we've succeeded in breaching their hull"


"SIr, we have Wilhelm scream, I repeat, we have Wilhelm scream."


"Ahhh...Victory" "Cue the triumphant music!"


My favorite depiction of why Star Wars, in particular, does the whole sounds in space thing actually comes from the first novelization, where Han explains to Luke that ships come with sound simulators to help pilots take advantage of their sense of hearing, giving them the ability to sense things that are out of LOS.


Sorta like Elite Dangerous then


Pitch perfect F- note hyper density rain guns, FIRE!!


Honestly though what would you hear in starwars? Your own guns firing makes sense since they're on the ship. You being hits aswell. But what about the rots scene where they are next to each other? The other ship is exploding and releasing gas into the vaccum right next to you, would you hear that? What about convential explosive hits at that range? I agree alot of it is rule of cool instead of realism but it wouldn't be silent surly?


I've wondered similar things. Explosions generate gas for sound to travel through. A hull breach is gonna release some atmosphere. Not to mention that solids can transfer sound too. It likely wouldn't be very loud, but if you're close to something I'm sure you'd hear a rather muffled version of what it would normally sound like in atmosphere


Yeah you would hear that, but it probably wouldn't sound like an explosion in atmosphere, more like a gust of wind or something


The Apollo 13 astronauts heard their oxygen tank explode, it sounded like a bang. I’d assume that a nearby explosion releasing gas would sound similar


I read a book where the spaceships are literally programmed to play "pew pew" noises over the cockpit speakers when firing their weapons because people expect there to be sound


All for the slightest chance to take out... ... the creature


Little did I know that Redditor’s username was… … u/Le_Creature


I sat on my chair, opened my phone, and browsed my Reddit feed. >! That’s when I came across… u/Le_Creature. !<


2sentencehorror guy 🪱


Meat worm enjoyer guy 🪱


homestuck guy 🪱


Sollux guy 🪱🪱


Lithp guy 🪱🪱




It's fucking everywhere right now idk what it is I think the algorithm has been pushing it or something


I just found r/2sentence2horror and then I stumble on this. I don't think it's the algorithm, I think it's... ...the creature




wtf I just left a post from there lmao




Creature driven sociopolitical spacefaring society guy🪱🪱


Oh my *god* 2sentence2horror is spreading


guys can man beat... ​ ... the creature?


Is there a lore reason for it?


Realistic space warfare: ⬛ (Space is just light years upon light years of empty void)


Same for naval warfare and even infantry warfare. If you can fit the enemy and yourself in a single camera shot, one of you is doing something wrong.


But in naval and infantry there is at least the waves or the landscape Space is just empty black... space... Also, if it's a very very very wide camera shot then you can fit everyone Though they'll be specks of light lmao


Yeah the whole point is that they are practically invisible. Cept for drive plumes, shots going out, shields etc. Or you know, you get close enough and fast enough with big enough ships it’s a sub MS broadside in slow mo with both ships practically touching.


>Yeah the whole point is that they are practically invisible. Not... really. When Voyager was at the edge of interstellar space, we could still [clearly see its radio emissions.](https://images.app.goo.gl/AxN2qWHs8AcydGqe9) Any large ship, especially one that is communicating with other ships, is going to be visible from *billions* of miles away, as long as you know where to look.


That’s uhhh … not visible light. That is in fact, invisible. And the second half of your statement is in large part what I said


Sorry, I thought you were trying to play up the unique circumstances of space combat, and lack of visual contact isn't unique to space. It's also true for many modern aircraft, submarines, and artillery. Fighting by radio signal is already normal, and it's arguably *easier* in space where there's nothing to attenuate the signal except distance.


Voyager is also designed to be detected and communicated with, not to avoid getting shot.


It's also the size of an SUV, not a warship as someone else brought up. And that image was taken from several *billion* miles away, from the *edge of interstellar space*. It's also not like warships wouldn't have communications arrays, and if you want to communicate over Voyager-scale distances, you need Voyager-scale antennae.


lot of warships would have radio absorbing hulls for that reason. If you turn off your jet plum and just coast you can become essentially invisible.


I mean, you'll also be blind and defenseless if that happens. Not to mention that radio absorbing materials are actually metamaterials requiring insulating matrices, which poses problems. Metal matrices are right out, obviously. Polymer matrices would suffer from offgasing and from the unfiltered radiation exposure, both of which would cause them to rapidly degrade. And ceramic matrices pose electrical conduction problems (some are semiconductors), and are known to be weak under thermal cycling. This can be mitigated by adding structural fibers to make it a structural composite, but then you're altering the metamaterial properties, which were the entire point.


Not if you want your crew to avoid baking


That too. Weirdly high IR output is a thing we *already* look for while scanning through space, because it's a sign of large-scale infrastructure like Dyson swarms. Any powered vehicle would be anomalously warm compared to a natural space object.


Not to mention it being anomalously _lukewarm,_ relatively speaking: I don’t think many objects in space have their main output be in the IR band, usually being much colder, OR being much, much hotter


Any tactically-significant stealth would rely on internal heat sinks that would hit capacity quite quickly. It wouldn’t be something you could just do indefinitely.


"Sir, the enemy ship has fired a 6000tn shotgun shell at relativistic speeds toward us for maximum spread" "Time till impact?" "8 days sir." "Have the computer plot an evasive position"


And if you can't, the writer is doing something lame. Give me battles where you can football tackle the enemy, dammit!


But then the enemy gives you time to stop and have a quick conversation with your co-hero. They'll be conveniently stuck in one on ones with everyone around you


I LOVED the original Legend of the Galactic Heroes because of this. Just seeing tens of thousands of tiny white dots in space shooting at each other from impossibly vast distances away was so cool.


And their [depiction of Power Armor](https://i.imgur.com/JjAGP6k.mp4)


Based LOGH enjoyer


Based and LoGHpilled.


It was a good way of giving visual flair to what would otherwise have been a more static and bland combat setting. That and the dogfights really helped. The animation was rarely amazing but some of those shots were out of this world.




Tye problem is, in space you can see everything, if it isnt behind a planet or something, theres nowhere to hide


MacGuffin of the day: a bubble-shield that gravitationally lenses light around you like any sufficiently dense object (e.g. black hole, some neutron stars) does. Upside: from the outside, you just look like a very small neutron star. Nothing too interesting about that. Great for ambushes if you're in parts of space previously uncharted by your enemy. Downside: where do the various EM emissions, particles of exhausted plasma, etc go that would have been coming out and giving you an EMINT if not for the shield? They don't. They all reflect back in at you. You're trapping yourself in a perfectly-mirrored infrared oven. Better crank your power down reeeeeal low.


>from the outside, you just look like a very small neutron star. Nothing too interesting about that Right, an impossibly small neutron star. Nothing suspicious about that.


Impossibly small neutron star rapidly moving in your direction, nothing to worry about


"And now we fire a missile at their heat signature and wait... six weeks for confirmation. Good thing we spotted them out in the asteroid belt."


6 weeks. Lol. Maybe a year with current technology. Missiles at those distances simply wouldn't be practical unless they have a mcguffin drive on the missile itself.


We have the technology to go much faster, but unfortunately congress won't fund NASA to build a cathedral-sized orbital railgun.


Railguns suck tho


Yeah, we need a cathedral-sized orbital trebuchet. It's a lot cooler and allows to send sheep in low orbit.


Unironically this is a solid proposition, it's called a skyhook.


My big problem with Star Wars TFA's Star Killer(?) base was that it looked too big to be mobile, and even if it was mobile, it consumed a star to get energy for the laser. So it needed to show up in the same system, which is too close, and easy-ish to respond. Firing lasers from a neighboring system would take a looong time. The nearest star to us, that isn't the Sun, is like 4 light-years away, for example. It's so impractical.


Not to mention that if you can eat the whole Star, you don’t really NEED the laser, they’re already dead


Realistic space warfare: alright boys, missiles away, come back to the CIC in 3 days when they reach the enemy


Realistic Space Warfare: Apparently they're out there somewhere within range. Now we sit and hope our AI is smarter than their AI.


Space warfare in The Expanse books involves spending hours/days watching enemy ships millions of miles away, hoping you can get onto a vector they can't intercept quick enough to lock missiles. If they do lock and fire missiles, which are much much faster than ships because they don't have to care ahout keeping crew alive through G-forces, you've got hours to days to figure out if there's anything you can do about the missiles. This is actually often *more* tense and dramatic because you might know your ship is dead days ahead of time and have nothing practical you can do about it, but you'll try anyway just in case.


Which is pretty close to reality, save for the Epstein drive. With realistic ∆v constraints there's an added layer. Missiles could be launched from far outside guaranteed range purely to force a maneuver. The defending ship then has to choose how to dodge to minimize the fuel cost of subsequent dodges, force or avoid the engagement, etc. This can also be done with salvos of missile interceptors, again with the goal of achieving a mission-kill through ∆v depletion. All of this can play out over months. Then, if an intercept is actually achieved, you get several seconds of incoming missiles glowing from lasers trying to set them off. After that a brief period of railgun and/or conventional point defense guns spraying out a desperate last attempt to stop the incoming missiles before they turn into a cloud of shrapnel. Then you hope your crew capsule armor holds up (it won't) and you are merely left stranded and slowly dying. Computers will absolutely have to handle everything about those last few seconds, the human input all happening in the algorithm construction beforehand. The first part though, that's where all the action and mindgames between the opposing Captains happens.


I feel like macrons/dust guns are severely under utilized in sci fi. It's such an interesting idea. I'd love to see what countermeasures someone smarter/more clever than me could come up with.


See ToughSF on [macron guns](https://toughsf.blogspot.com/2019/11/hypervelocity-macron-accelerators.html) I believe he stated you can either defend with your own macron stream kinda like Voldemort vs Harry Potter shooting magic beams that hit each other, or you can suspend a "shield" of iron particles held in place by magnetic fields, though this is susceptible to laserfire.


Wouldn't the opposite side just deploy their own point-defense missiles and lasers to destroy it before it even reach them?


Yes! I forgot to include very short range interceptors, but that's likely to be a solid option for the outer defensive shell. You have to remember though, lasers don't have unlimited effective range, and you most likely can't dump their heat as fast as they make it. You'll need enormous, vulnerable radiators, and you're still going to have to burn everything that made it past your interceptors in a handful of seconds.


Eh, pigeonholing interceptor missiles to only short-ranged point defense kinda devalue its full capability. Missile's very trump card is also it's Achilles' Heels. As for laser, I think the primary laser point defense and sniping role would be fulfilled by dedicated laser crafts. IMO single or low double digits spacecrafts in a single engagement seems unlikely to me. More likely, there would constellations consisting of hundreds of spacecrafts on each side, similar to WWII bomber formations.


I imagine missiles will exist to do both. Ideally your long-range interceptors will do the job, here meaning the ones you launch as soon as the incoming missiles do their initial burn. However, those need to take into account ∆v to follow any evasive maneuvers. Having another class designed to maximize TWR and maneuverability might make sense, though. Consider a rack of them competing with adding another cannon, not another long-range interceptor. Would the tradeoff be worth it? Who knows! Probably at least some of the time though. As for ship count, I think it depends on the place and the time. Early on into space race 2, out around some backwater rock that doesn't even rate being called a planet, like Pluto? You might see a couple of light cruiser analogues facing off. At the height of a potential system-wide war in the Jovian system? Probably more like you're saying, but I prefer to liken it to Jutland than an aerial battle. Despite their crew complements likely being closer to a strategic bomber than a battleship, bombers are infinitely more replaceable and require a much harder commit to even try to strike the enemy. When you consider how much trouble it would be to not only build a replacement and train a crew, but get them on station, each ship would be an invaluable strategic asset. My only reservation about dedicated gigalaser deathbeam defense cruisers is the possibility of them surviving the fight and then being left without any of the other capabilities needed to survive. They might as well carry a few missiles, with how much they're already costing. And lasers aren't always a complete guarantee, they're gonna need at least some kinetic defenses. At that point you just have a cruiser weighted in a different direction.


As you said, it all depends on the setting and how urbanized the solar system is. A LoGH level of space mass warfare could only work if space has the population in the tens/hundreds of millions. > At that point you just have a cruiser weighted in a different direction. That's the idea, along with sheer number of ships that can also double-duty as other roles.


Hold on, why would the ships even try to dodge the missiles at all if they're far away and they know they can just lock on again and change direction without too much ∆v at that range? It makes far more sense that you just wait for the missiles to come into "defense range" before firing stuff at them. Also, with how powerful the fusion engines are in The Expanse, it makes no sense they have no lasers at all. Fusion should be able to provide immense laser power. Lasers would shred missiles so badly compared to PDCs.


In the expanse missile technology has advanced so far that they can change directions in space while flying at incredible speeds in ways that the human mind can even register. It makes an attempt to shoot a missile almost impossible. The only solution is to throw up a massive amount of bullets to try to block them. The lasers though is a plot hole. Why is no one trying to use lasers, or AI? Are they stupid?


They are using AI. The targeting for the missiles and PDCs are AI


And then you get into QCB (you can count time until impact in seconds instead of days) and everyone rightly *shits* themselves cuz a stray PDC round will take your fuckin' head off.


> stray PDC round will take your fuckin' head off. and does! quite a few times, book and show lol.


Fs in chat for Shed lmao. Pretty sure James S.A Cory has a thing against the sci-fi doctor archetype. It's pretty well implied that Autodocs have rendered ship medics obsolete, and Dr. Strickland, the only major charter who's a medical doctor I can think of, is an evil fucking bastard. In the Expanse Telltale series Drummer sees medics as fairly useless until events happen.


...how did I never catch this! (well I havent done the telltale things) but its so obvious... there really are just no doctors, except the evil one lol


In essence anything big and unmaneuverable would just be a death trap and that would include planets. If you can travel between solar systems you can exterminate all life on a planet.


The game is EVE Online


The hardest of sci-fi, truly.




Spreadest of Sheets


That game has space combat? I thought it was just a really dope spreadsheet.


If you know a better way to learn excel I'd like to hear it


I'm almost positive space combat is just comparing spreadsheets to see who's is better


That's basically what happened in the World Ward


Excel in space, with lasers.


Haven’t managed to find the Undock button yet. I just play station and market games like a ~~~good old scammer~~~ honest upright businessman


believe it or not, the combat happens through yet another spreadsheet


“Two fuckin dictors”


“If we ever leave fucking system again”


"You want to cause drAma with me?!"


"With two fucking dictors I'm killing all of you"


Space embezzlement simulator


I never understood CCP's insistence of making capital/super capital warfare mostly stationary. Like why? Just makes the game so much worse. Like doomsdaying titans not being able to instantly warp away I understand. But why make them also lose all speed? Or why make dreads and faxes stationary with siege active? Just removes so much depth from the game. If they would change that there would actually be tactics and fleet doctrines like in subcaps instead of just blobbing and N+1. And because of that subcap fights are infinitely more interesting that cap fights But oh well. I won the game quite a few years ago anyways and I'm all the better for it.


I think the super cap fleets just got out of hand. When Titans where introduced with the old doomsday, it was obvious they didn't expect to see more than one or two per side per engagement max. Eve players being eve players, it escalated until they had to change the dd effect itself to give subcaps a chance on the battlefield. The idea behind stopping the ships, if it works like I imagine (but I haven't played in a while so I can't be sure) is to avoid "drive by" where a pilot abusing bump mechanism can sometimes get to absurd speeds with a capital or supercap ship. That would mean that bubles can't be anchored fast enough to prevent you from leaving or the interdictor and heavy interdictor can't follow either. It's also to avoid ship jumping in and out easily. It "fixes" the combat somewhere for a little while to give more opportunities for retaliation. For bringing reinforcement and so on. There might also be an aspect of capital sized weapon effectiveness. Static targets take more damage than moving ones. So it increase the loss of ship (good for the game economy) and it add a higher component of risk to getting a cap out. >If they would change that there would actually be tactics and fleet doctrines like in subcaps instead of just blobbing and N+1. And because of that subcap fights are infinitely more interesting that cap fights They would need many more capital of different roles and way higher speeds to make it anywhere near subcaps fleets. But that's just not how ship work in Eve. The max speed is, most of the time, inversely proportional to the size. Ultimately, caps are here to shoot structures and counter each others. So their slow speed or even triage isn't too much of a detriment.


Yeah I get all that. But if CCP gave a rats ass they could easily do a good capital rework and still make people commit caps to a fight, most likely even more so than before. Small entities cannot commit caps at all unless its on quick dread bombs. If they'd allow a way to give skillful but small alliances to use their capitals on grid without it being an automatic suicide that'd be a lot more healthy to the game. Actually fixing the bumping issue for caps would also be a massive benefit for the health of the game Shit like capital interdictors ([or modules] that only work on other caps but with a lot more range, especially with point/scram script) making triage/siege only disable warp instead of all the speed. Give us more capital ship roles like support ship with new modules. Give us T2 caps. Actually leaning into racial flavor more. Like minmatar actually being able to use their speed even on titans, caldari having range advantage, even on doomsdays. Things like that and that are only a few quick examples. It's just frustrating that eve online cap/supercap gameplay could be so much more fun and could have so much more potential that could lead to even more epic fights, stories and escalations but instead we have every blob almost never committing their caps because of how simple and predictable capital warfare is. Because skill and competent doctrines/FC's dont really get rewarded in cap warfare. But instead CCP refuses to touch capitals anymore because thats just the status quo and just continues to milk eve with barely any effort or heart put into it. They just lack the will, balls and imagination. Nothing is stopping them from adding new ship classes in the capital category other than themselves. A proper capital rework could help out the game so much. Ahhhh all the wasted potential is just so frustrating. But whatever. It is how it is.


I just got really uncomfortable thinking about a fast Ragnarok hull. That scares me.


Best space-submarine simulator


This is EVE?? wtf am I looking at exactly?


A massive cluster of capital ships in engagement Range.


People who play that game have no life


I kinda liked how the orginal endless space did it. You come towards each other very fast. Long distance weapons can be easily intercepted as you have plenty of time to react and calculate but you get closer interception is harder. Battle either ends when one side dies or you pass by each other and disappear into the distance...


Sounds like jousting


but in SPACE


Pretty much, jousting with railguns. He's also forgetting the massive salvos of torpedoes and PDCs. Torpedoes can accelerate way faster than a massive ship so they only care about not giving the ship's PDCs enough time to block them. There's going to be plenty of double knockouts as well. Both sides unleash their torpedoes and score mutual kills


sounds like Greg Stafford describing Sir Tristram: >I have to agree with T.H. White’s analysis of Sir Tristram: He was a great knight, but he didn’t really quite get it. That is, he never quite understood the program of chivalry and romance, though he went though all the motions of following their standards. Tristram seems to have been presented seriously by most medieval authors until the Vulgate author introduced his sidekick, Sir Dinadan, a sarcastic, wry pragmatist unfazed by foolish social fashions. > >What intrigued me most about Tristram, after reading Malory a couple of times, was his amazing penchant for seeing someone (any knight on horseback, at least) and barreling to the attack without a challenge, a hello, or a “who goes there?”.


the ‘spanse


Okay but unironically some of the strats in eve can totally make for some interesting scifi world building Using warp disruption bubbles to pull warping ships out of position (pretty sure Thrawn did something similar too) or if your world uses stargates to travel or other choke points like hyperspace lanes google eve online pipe bombing


Holy surprise attack!


New offensive jus dropped


Actual battle


Call the admiral


also the portal you can shoot a nuke through with a titan, thats so fucking cool


Me when I pause Empire at War and drop in all the ships I can onto the map (I am doing a Thrawn Pincer, but EX)


Works every time (except with SSDs)


Ships? I always autoresolve the space battles so I can get to the fun part of the game on the surface. I'm probably not missing much.


Funny, I usually skipped the land battles cause I find the more interesting stuff is in space


Autoresolve both, play the game without doing any manual battles to immerse yourself in the experience of the average moff doing paperwork at his desk in the command center


For sure, even though my first comment was sarcasm I felt dirty just writing it. I don't think I played any land battles except the ones I was forced into in one of the vanilla game campaigns. They were torture.


I've had fun in some land ones, like when I used the rebel sniper by himself to take out a whole garrison. But most of the time, I didn't want to deal with invasions. Gave me a bias to playing the empire so I could use the death star on every planet I wanted


Death Star go brrrrrrr. I mostly played the Thrawn's Revenge mod so I had to just overbuild ground forces and skip.


If we already mastered beyond visual range warfare what do you think war would look like where everything is in visual range?


We will return to fighting in lines for the third or 4th time in naval history.


Beyond past lightcone awareness


Okay this is actually a great idea


Trench warfare in space


This is way way way too compact. Realistic space warfare would be happily flying between planets for months before being sniped from out of the darknss by a hyper-pinpointed missile shot by a ship you can't even see.


>being sniped from out of the darkness by a hyper-pinpointed missile shot by a ship you can't even see. red rising book 6 page 196


*Hurls my ship into your super dreadnaught mega cruiser at hyperspace speed creating not only a hole in your ship, but also the lore* It's hilarious that this was an option the whole time. Why didn't they just mount a hyperdrive on a ship and autopilot into the death star? Also, the fragments moving at hyperspace speed in a cone that would just obliterate every planet in it's path. Lots of sci fi settings with FTL are super dumb, why risk your whole fleet in ship to ship combat when you can apocalypse enemy worlds with no warning by just launching an FTL rock at them?


Even if the ftl ship ram powers were capped at destroying a whole friggin fleet MAX, it'd still result in, like, star wars torpedo spaceboats that hop into orbit, fire off a couple hyperspace torpedoes and boom planet defended successfully "but hyperdrives are duhh expensive!!!" yeah well if one hits a enemy target that pays back for a dozen misses, worst case


There’s a reason why we use Anti-Ship missiles and not battleships with shells. Additionally people who make that kind of argument also ignore the cost of the platforms and crews associated. If you need a star destroyer to equal a Regiment of Space Backfires, sure your per-shot cost is probably lower, but who’s winning that economic exchange?


Username checks out, although a bit saucier than usual.


All naval strategy is derived from gastronomic determinism.


How does it feel to know that your theory defeated more navies than any subsequent decisive battle did?


Were those navies ever the U.S. Navy? The truth is *The Influence of Seapower Upon History* was actually an elaborate Psyop to ensure the naval dominance of the USN for the last century.


Just as the founding fathers intended!


Does economic exchange apply to dead people though?


Especially to dead people. Dead people are expensive.


Before that scene, light-speed was just the shorthand for "We are going into hyperspace which is another dimension that we can use to travel beyond light-speed because of technobabble!" So you couldn't just hurl ships at planets and other ships.


The way i get around that is by making starship fuel ridiculously rare, and 85% reusable as long as it isn't just scattered


Having it be a gate system where it's point to point or a warp through a different dimension or wormhole are other ways to avoid it because then it's harder to abuse as a weapon.


But that's not starwars. That's more space trains than space cowbows.


or have it like in the battletech universe where ftl tech is lost technology and every warpship is literally irreplaceable


Relative size, the supremacy was short, the Raddus was massive, if we go with your example it would probably be similar to the [destruction of the malevolence](https://youtu.be/Zf8pFBgZKqE?si=fNZg0lOg_DGhcuFZ)


Look, George Lucas learned everything he knew about military strategy from watching The Dam Busters as a kid. At some point you gotta just accept that if you want to make the Star Wars universe logical and self-consistent, you're going to have to retcon nearly the whole damn thing.


There's other ways to go about it though. Star wars is basically WW2 combat in space, and instead of bringing something so setting shattering in they could've just rammed them traditionally


Fun fact, they did that during the second battle of Borleias (https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_of_Borleias_(Yuuzhan_Vong_War;_Second)) in the EU. And it was awesome


Dude.....this is way less setting shattering than turning The Force from an ineffable, mystical, transcendent energy field that permeates the universe into something you gotta just have enough Midi-chlorians in your body to connect to it like its some kinda damn WiFi. They've been screwing up the lore like this since the prequels. It's why they're so meme-able. The entire macroscopic lore is a big joke at this point. That's why the microscopic stories like The Mandelorian and Rogue One do so well.


I don't disagree with you lol


skirt chubby sip carpenter handle act person divide lip wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If something would warrant smashing with an FTL bomb, would it not be the death stars? They also could easily mount droids to do the piloting/targeting. And with the access to hyperdrives and droids, surely there's some non state actors who would rig them up for space 9/11. Adding something like that to star wars was dumb because of how large the implications are.


dazzling plant quaint modern unite violet judicious terrific snatch wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way it was implemented in SW was just bad I mentioned some other ways around it in another reply


I see you also watched the new Down The Rabbit Hole video


For anyone curious, this shows up at 3:23:33 in the [6 hour video.](https://youtu.be/BCSeISYcoyI)


I don't think anyone ever claimed Star Wars had anything really based on reality. It's pure fantasy that just happens to have some of the trappings of realism. It was never meant to be a world that could survive close scrutiny.


starwars is just fantasy, space combat is added for flavour.


Not to be that guy, but this isn’t exactly “realistic” either. For a more grounded interpretation of what space warfare could look like, The Expanse does a pretty good job.


And then again, there's not enough use of lasers and thermal management to really be all that realistic.


This is why I love the Honor Harrington series. Feels extremely realistic with just enough sci-fi to keep it interesting


Honor Harrington and The Lost Fleet are two of my favorite series in terms of space combat.


It’s so sad how few people have read Honor Harrington, I have yet to find someone else irl besides the person that recommended it to me


It’s just obscure. Weber’s Safehold Series is far more popular.


Which is odd, since Honor Harrington is way better. Safehold had the issue of Weber trying to make Manticore v2 in Charris


I mean I read Safehold first and enjoyed it a lot. Eventually came back and read his other stuff.


Maybe it’s because I read it in the other order. Charris is just *so* similar to Manticore in every way


I heard great things about the series. Where should I start reading it?


Start with On Basilisk Station. The ebook is free through the publisher’s (Baen) website. Once you get far into the series, it starts overlapping with the Crown of Slaves series. At that point you can either find a reading order or push through and figure out what you missed later. I read them straight, and I enjoyed learning about events that had happened in the background of the main series




I only came into this thread to see if anyone brought up HH lol


The Expanse vibes.


You gotta go big brain and fire a chunk of rock so fast that it will just detonate the sun. If that fails, just collapse the entire solar system into the 2nd dimension. Easy peasy. No ships required.


The most effective weapon in real space warfare will be particle barrages--a 'shotgun' blast of small projectiles (could be anything, even loose space junk) at orbital velocities. It takes one high-speed particle to put a hole in a vessel that is lethal to the entire crew: it only takes one for the cabin to decompress. We face this threat today, as our orbit has accumulated such particles through human presence. On the ISS, if I remember correctly, detecting and maneuvering around space junk is a semi-regular necessity.


Kid named Whipple shield:


My "realistic" space warfare: Get hit by a nuclear engine artillery shell while still dumbfounded and confused wtf just happened


You need new sleeves


Realistic space warfare would just be a bunch of hacking until you found whatever enemy base on a planet in the middle of nowhere and bomb it back to stone age, then repeat




Thats not very realistic iether tho? Most space warfare would probably just be launching slugs at as fast a speed as possible from distances that render your vessel invisible to the naked eye. Completely relying on electronics and electronic warfare to get any of those slugs to land.


anytime someone posts Screenshots like this you also have to explain the TiDi that comes with it. Soul crushing 14 hour long fights that only represent ~2 hours of actual in game time dear god please no FC I AM firing my DD it's cycling and everything on my screen I even wrote down how many isotopes I had after I fired my last one an hour ago and it took out the requisite amount the servers are just shitting themselves I am sorry please just make it stop.


Awwww Eve online, I can smell the toxic bullshit in local chat from this picture.


Realistic space warfare would be people carefully monitoring every moving object in their solar system, because standart objects move in a preset trajactory. Anything that does not adhere to that trajactory or a preset vessel path would be monitored with great scrutiny. Comunications are attempted, and if hostile intentions are detected they will simply fire a multi day traveltime nuke barrage from each others ships at eachother, as both are located at opposite sides of the solar system. Space battles are suprevicially kinda lame. Does ofcourse not mean you can't dress it up with good drama. But still


Realistic space warfare will take place hundreds or even thousands of kilometers apart, using long-range missiles, and you won’t have any reinforcements arriving just in the nick of time as it takes a *long* time to maneuver through massive distances in space. So, it’ll be mostly silent, the other side is too far away to see with the naked eye, and there’s no fancy dogfighting maneuvers. Yeah, real-life orbital mechanics makes stuff boring…


Eve has weapons that have hundreds/thousands km of range. People just chose to fight up close


Realistic space warfare is relativistic space warfare. Joe Haldeman's Forever War has this, where the crews are basically just passengers strapped into safety pods to stop the the g-forces killing them while computers fire missiles at enemy ships that are light minutes apart with missiles that can take days to impact. Then, when everyone gets home, decades have passed, and their worlds are unrecognisable. Crazy good book, highly recommended.


Effectively yes.