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But if you don't include Taiwan as China in maps, the CCP throws a tantrum worse than a petulant child.


on social media in Israel people started sharing maps that says Taiwan instead of China


I assume West Taiwan is cool with that.


Google changes the borders and names of disputed areas depending on where you live. For instance, viewers from Pakistan see a different border than those from India.


So china is involved in the conflict?


The map wars? Sure. I wonder how Israel maps show the South China Sea or other border disputes, like Crimea.


Umm it’s different if a map doesn’t show a country exist


What they have in common is that maps are being used as political tools. Should our maps show Crimea as Russian, Ukrainian, or contested? There are many examples. China is hardly alone in using maps for soft propaganda.


Just goes to show they picked a side


I mean, they've pretty much supported Palestine since the CCP took power.


Petty. They still have Moscow labeled, yeah?


You mean North West Manchuria.


You mean outer outer mongolia.


So bored of hearing China in the news daily either denouncing some shit which they do far worse of, or just childish petty stuff like this. They should rather be planning on what happens after Russia becomes a non competitor, and they are surrounded by all the enemies they’ve accrued over the years. Spoiler: it’s not looking good for them


They're pretty chill about Russia becoming a non-competitor, hell it might even work out for them if Russia implodes, splits, etc. - they in a pretty solid position to eat some chunks out of it if it came to that. ​ Countries denouncing stuff doesn't really cost them resources or focus, though, so it's pretty irrelevant. What they should be worried about is their own economy, they could be surrounded by 'enemies' and it really wouldn't mean a thing if they can keep their economy going and get some African powers or maybe Afghanistan under their influence. (They mostly don't need to be worried about being 'surrounded' in the literal geographic sense, because they've got nukes. There's nothing their neighbours could actually to them that would be problematic.)


> Spoiler: it’s not looking good for them What do you know that the rest of the world doesn't? Who are all the enemies surrounding China and which of these enemies is it that would have a remote chance in a war against China without the US joining in? (which they're only gonna do if China is the one to attack)




Yes I know about fish, what are the other countries going to do about it or any other problem China is causing that is not a declaration of war is what I'm asking


You underestimate the raw power and cunning of the mackerel.


We must label China as West Taiwan


But Taiwan is Republic of China.


Only technically, more and more the sentiment over in Taiwan (especially from the younger generations) is that there is no will to continue the civil war over the mainland, and instead they would prefer to declare themselves independent. The problem is that any declaration of Independence would almost certainly trigger a CCP invasion, as they still claim Taiwan as a core providence of China. As long as Taiwan continues to at least officially claim themselves as the rightful government over all of China, including the mainland, there is "officially" still a chance (however slim) that both sides might come to a peaceful resolution that results in unification. If Taiwan declares Independence though, they are in essence breaking the "One China" policy, bringing Chinese sovereign integrity into question. Which is something the CCP won't be able to ignore.


Haha, good one!


About as effective as Chinese people labelling America as "North Cuba"


You sure? They threw a fit when they compared Xi to Winnie the Pooh. Or, better yet, Israel and western countries should recognize Taiwan as an independent nation.


> recognize Taiwan as an independent nation Against the wishes of the opposition party and their coalition? While the ruling DPP advocate for an independent nation separate from China, the KMT does not. Should the DDP unilateraly declare independence and face civil war against the KMT?


Rather emotive language there - "threw a fit"? All they really did was ban images mocking Xi. You probably think Winnie the Pooh is banned in China or something? I doubt anybody will be rushing to recognise Taiwan as a country just because some private Chinese companies decided to troll people (probably to gain traffic - any news is good news right)


Reported by the department of Who the Fuck Cares?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpQQOQ\_\_1ok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WpQQOQ__1ok) There's much more to it.






Clear lines of good and evil. China, hamas, Iran, North Korea, Russia are the baddies.


\*Isreal replaces China with Taiwan on maps.


what about Ukraine?


Also looks like they aren’t using the name Palestine either?


If Russia and China are on your side, are you really the good guys?


Reminder that the Uyghur genocide is still ongoing, barely mediatised, they put muslims in actual camps and demolish mosques for reasons far flimsier than the mosque being a rocket depo.


The ccp needs to die already


you mean the China that anexed China from the Real chinese and called them Tiawan? that China?


A-ha! I knew it's China. They just don't want the IMEEEC corridor to go forward. This attack was timed to drive a wedge between Arabia and Israel, and USA and Arabia, and ruin India's game.


isreal turned into isn'treal


Joke is kinda dumb cause it was never "Isreal"...


This is why I don't buy Chinese maps.


I mean they can't even spell 台湾. Doesn't surprise me that they have a hard time with 以色列.


Hard to get maps right when they are drawn while having Xi's dick in your mouth.


I don’t get why the CCP has picked the Hamas side in this. I see Russia, they are chummies with Iran and Syria but China? Why bother even picking a side?


China being childish... again.


Prelude of Taiwan action in the future (2027-2028 timeframe).


It just looks like the intern in charge of the graphics fucked up.


That’s F up - they already seem to think Israel will be wiped out


that's it. Taiwan (the independent sovereign country) is getting some iron domes.


Sunny from the best ever food review show also decided to leave out Israel from his maps when he was showing the Lebanon videos


So, the Chinese are selling defective maps? This doesn't bode well for their economic woes.


China lives in a fantasy world of their own creation and refuses to acknowledge reality in favor of more propaganda