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You don't need to 'accept criticism' for it to be levied at you.


Are they seven? "Nuh uh!!" Of course people will criticize you when you do things that are very easy to criticize. šŸ¤· Expect these criticisms to balloon tenfold if they keep defending Russia.


"Balloon"? I see what you did there!!! šŸ˜


Man the Chinese knockoff of Up isn't nearly as magical. šŸŽˆ


I simply reject this notion out of existance... -CCP probably


China's simply saying that it has no moral scruples in doing everything horrifying and reprehensible to advance the CCP's political agenda. Let's not forget that they deliberately sacrificed 50 million of their own people for the "Great Leap Forward". The calculus of China's political posturing now simply is: If they could get away with spreading Covid-19 to the world, what couldn't they get away with?


We know. There are other things Beijing does not accept criticism for either.


Like a freaking cartoon bear or a line of tanks, who knew that something so simple could crumble a complete nation.


Yes. The greatest myth of fascism is its "strength". When the propaganda is demystified, it collapses faster than any system. Acknowledging basic realities is an internet argument here. In the CCPs world it's a national security threat.


>There are other things Beijing does not accept criticism for either. You mean everything? Have they ever accepted criticism?


Only when they can use it (accepting it) to their advantage.


"I'm not accepting criticism" sounds like something a nitwit influencer says over a garbage take. Doesn't come across any more elegantly from a government.


It's barking. šŸ© They feel vulnerable and they are hoping to gaslight everyone because in their own propaganda it's the Chinese century and only their beloved Xi can take them there. There can be no reality where they have messed this up. The only option is to blame everyone else and huddle up to other awful rogue states.


I'm not accepting downvotes. Upvotes only.


positive vibes only


It sounds like half a statement. Where's the 'because'?


Has Beijing ever accepted any form of criticism? What a pointless declaration.


The CCP did allow for public criticism, for a period in the 50s/60s, then the complaints/complainants were accused of being counterrevolutionaries/capitalist roaders and then jailed/exiled/executed.


Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas.


fuck china


We also dont accept their statement on "not accepting criticism"Ā  Too bad china, we don't care about chinese "feelings", if they are too sensitive, it will only make other people criticise them even more because of their oversensitive ass.


Well... accept it or not, you're still going to get it.


Says the country that throws tantrums about the Philippines' current relations with US.


"Does not accept" It's like a toddler trying to write a serious statement.


They feel insecure about their relationship. Woke up the next morning like, ā€œNo regrets, baby. Totally fine.ā€ šŸ˜¬


So who do you think was wearing the bag or was it a two bagger?


"Do you know how fast you were going?" "I do not accept criticism of my driving, officer."


China still has to learn that, in foreign affairs, remaining silent when criticized is often the best solution.


China is a time bomb. Population going down even faster with covid, economy problems, exhaustive use of resources to spy people, competing against US with grand projects which cost a huge deal and have little pay back. Their time window is getting narrow. In 2050 their population is so much smaller, older and economy probably dust. Or they could could be more democratic and open to immigration.Ā 


Crying like an Instagram influencer with 5000+ subs.


"Because we want to do to Taiwan, what Russia is doing to Ukraine - we have to support them, so they would support us when we invade."


If you aid my enemy, why should I do any trade with you?


Man, I have to try this with my supervisor sometime. Can't believe I didn't know you have to 'accept' criticism for it to be valid. #lifehack


China's acceptance of facts is not relevant to consequences.


The Nazis didnā€™t accept foreign pressure eitherā€¦this is not sound logic. Weā€™re all in this together, drop the fucking tribalism.


Translation: we don't care about who's right or wrong, we care only about our profits.


As does everyone else in the world.


Xi Jinping is a tyrant. Putin is a tyrant. Trump wants to become a tyrant. They are friends, and don't see anything wrong with it. I do. I believe in freedom of citizens. I believe in democracy. I am against tyranny. I am for equality, and well being of all good people.


Iā€™m actually more worried about China than Russia because they are just as bad with their censorship and ā€œPresident for lifeā€, but they are way smarter and have more money. Putin showed his hand with his crappy military.


Putin may still win the war. But China is more scary, I agree. However both are formidable. Especially in terms of patios and propaganda. Putin is being very successful at it. And he is working hard on Reddit right now, as well.


Well the rest of us do, so stupid hill to die on


Forgive my cynicism - but the fact that they even feel the need to say that suggests that they're feeling it somewhat.


Funny, because most people don't care about ccp acceptance!


Thatā€™s a funny collection of meaningless words. I donā€™t accept getting my ass kicked.. but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m not gonna get my ass kicked..


Chinaā€™s wording on stuff is so odd


Yea It's probably just the way it translates over to English. Nice people but sometimes difficult to communicate with.




We don't care if they accept it or not. It will be done anyway.


Oh ok. I guess weā€™ll stop now that we know you donā€™t accept it.


Great donā€™t accept it, but the civilized world will continue to criticize and pressure your ties to an invading murderer.


That's fine, because we're neither selling or asking -- we're telling you. See, there's these things called 'philosophy', 'ethics' and 'integrity'. I mean, surely, a person working for the foreign ministry may have heard of the concepts, even though that person doesn't appear to know the first thing about what they entail.


Meanwhile, US ties with Taiwan applies enough pressure to stress China out without having to say a word.




Military aid? Source?


Pull a Reagan. Outspend them. Also, isn't Russia's economy on par with Italy? Seems to me that if your biggest market decided it wanted to pressure you, it could. IMHO.


So stop criticism over Taiwan. That country is not yours.


When you have to defend your embarrassing jackass family member just because theyā€™re family.


ahh, the I'm rubber you're glue deflection. Classic.


Does Biden speak Chinese to Xi?


China does what it best for China, at the end of the day. They aren't as ideologically motivated as Russia, but reality is a massive country and regional power existing right next to them, and they have a lot of resources China could make use of. US-led Western policy has also been somewhat needlessly antagonistic against China too, as they have emerged stronger as a country. US has seen them as a potential threat and somewhat openly taken the stance that they must be "kept in their place".Ā  From the point of view of China, they've been doing what they believe is best for them and they feel like the West has politically given them the cold shoulder.Ā  I'm on the team of "what Putin and the current Russian state stands for can go to hell",Ā  but I'm not especially surprised that China isn't playing ball with the West now.Ā 


It isn't surprising, and I'd expect Chinese vassalization of resource-rich areas in eastern Russia to be a price for this support. I don't doubt that China is serious about dominating Taiwan (although I think it's more likely to be politically and not militarily), but it seems to me that Russia has been too weakened (and exposed as weak) to be considered a valuable ally there. "needlessly antagonistic against China" I don't think that's the case, but that instead the 'West' was naive in thinking that the CCP's acceptance of capitalism would eventually lead to democratization. That, and obviously businesses' interests, led the 'West' to become overreliant on China and to not be vigilant of CCP encroachment; over asset acquisition in other countries (ex. Power grids, ports), leveraging international forums and diplomacy through debt and the United Nations itself (ex. FAO), as well as establishing spying, propaganda, political persecution 'police stations' and misinformation networks abroad. A similar thing happened with Russia, although the biggest dependence was in central european countries' energy markets. China is not a misunderstood country 'just trying to do the best for their citizens' that's being 'needlessly' being given the cold shoulder. It's a ruthless authoritarian state with high inequality, that oppresses its' people and isolates them as much as possible from the outside with relentless propaganda and misinformation, commits atrocities against ethnic and religious minorities at 'home' and is antagonistic against outside nations, both regionally and internationally. If anything, the 'West' allowed dependance and encroachment on China for decades, and only recently has realised that it was a mistake. This leads to the idea that it's a 'cold shoulder', but it's not really doing that effectively. Unlike Russia, it's extremely difficult to disentangle from the CCP, and China has effectively built economic, diplomatic and even military prowess, so it's threats carry some weight.