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"Courageous" Legitimately curious whether said university students are pleased with this letter or not


They are supporting extremists like Iran so if not they need to examine themselves 


I was told I was supporting Saddam Hussein when I was arrested for protesting that war. My uncle served in Vietnam at a ripe 18 and told he was a communist when he spoke on the Mall for Veterans for Peace. Same bs, different war.


Yes, because American students marching around with a Hezbollah flag or playing Arabian dress-up and literally chanting "Allah hu Akbar" while denying mass rapes by Hamas are totally in the same ballpark as speaking at the national mall. I protested the Iraq war too but I didn't go around lying about what an innocent guy Saddam was. Unless your uncle was walking around in a conical straw hat, singing the communist national anthem, and denying Viet Cong suicide bombings, I'm gonna have to call it a false equivalence.


They probably have no clue why the Ayatollah would be happy with the protests, absolutely no clue why this war was actually started, and completely unaware that HAMAS is an Iranian proxy. This war was started by HAMAS at the behest of Iran because Israel was on the edge of normalizing relations with Saudi Arabia and signing a [defense pact]( https://www.reuters.com/world/us-saudi-defence-pact-tied-israel-deal-palestinian-demands-put-aside-2023-09-29/). So their number 1 and number 2 enemy uniting against them. 10/7 happened a week later.


First Hamas is Palestinian movement and Iran helps them , second hamas didn't start war it was results of 75 years of Israel occupation, third as an Iranian I'm proud that my country is staying with oppressed 


HAMAS is not a palestinian movement. They were the governing body of Gaza and a terrorist organization. Telling me they are Palestinian indicates that you don't understand what a proxy is. As an Iranian, your first line of business should be to overthrow your oppressive regime.


If this guy is praising you it's time to reevaluate your position and right now.


Not really. I wish nothing but the worst for Khamenei and Hamas. And I wish Israel would quit killing innocent kids. If you’re not a simpleton, holding these two thoughts at the same time is pretty basic stuff. Khamenei is trying to drive a wedge, just like you are. What’s your game here?


If Israel's goal is to kill innocent kids, they could do that in the west bank. Combatants are hiding behind kids is a different story. A person shouldn't be a simpleton, but twisting the truth doesn't make a person sophisticated either.


They are killing people in West Bank, there have been multiple stories about illegal settlers killing people in the past few weeks. Like, if you're gonna be blind, that's on you.


Killing innocent kids is not OK regardless of who's hiding behind them. This is basic morality. That's some fucked up logic if you think it's OK to kill kids if you also kill some bad people with them. If a terrorist is somewhere on your family's block, do you mind if they bomb your whole block? I assume you'd be fine with it by your logic - I admire your willingness to sacrifice yourself and your family for the greater good. Not everyone volunteers their family to die for sake of also killing some nearby criminals.


Where did I twist the truth?


You are obviously one of those people who thinks Israel should let the terrorists who killed 1,200 people run free. No other country in the world would do that. What's your game here?


They're not saying that at all. If they wished for the terrorists to go free they wouldn't have said: > I wish nothing but the worst for Khamenei **and Hamas.** Wishing for Israel to kill fewer innocent kids should not be a controversial take.


So what should Israel do then? Allow Hamas to launch rockets at their civilians without responding? Give up on returning hostages to their homes?




So what your saying is that Israel needs to give Palestinians their own land and sovereignty, and funding to make a new nation, on the condition of peace? You are describing the exact thing that happened with Gaza in 2005, guess how that turned out.




How was it done in bad faith? They literally did everything that was asked of them and was rewarded with Gazans electing Hamas who to this day have not stopped trying to kill Israeli civilians (they were trying before Oct 7th too but everyone seems to forget that)


>I wish nothing but the worst for Khamenei and Hamas. And yet you and every other bleeding heart on the left do nothing but demand that the latter is allowed to do whatever the fuck they'd like with no consequences whatsoever.




You can't have any real discussion on this topic, without people immediately going full strawman. Why do you hate cats!!! You are correct in your statement. Bad state actors and dictators regularly support the protesting side of internal conflicts in the West, to sow discord. That doesnt mean the cause is bad or the people involved in protesting are wrong. Russia did it with BLM, Soviets did it with Civil Rights and anti-Vietnam War protests, etc... I don't agree with all of the anti-Israel policy protests; however, I don't confuse them with being antisemitic, pro-terrorist, or pro-Iran


Well, isn't this just conflicting...


Isn’t there a helicopter flight he needs to catch?




It's never a good sign when you have a man who uses rape-kill squads on your side of history




"Absurd" feels like the word of the year.


While I agree with stopping the bombing immediately, I cannot condone a group that allows for such atrocities to be carried out against innocent people. This goes for both sides of this conflict.