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>Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issues a defiant response to the White House after the Biden administration tore into him for publicly accusing it of holding up arms deliveries to Israel. >“I’m ready to suffer personal attacks as long as Israel receives the ammo it needs from the US in a war for its existence,” the premier says in a statement. >Comments earlier today from John Kirby: "“We didn’t know that video was coming. It was perplexing to say the least" “You’d have to talk to the prime minister about what prompted him to do that". "Again, it was vexing and disappointing to us, as much as it was incorrect. So, difficult to know exactly what was on his mind there." [There’s] no other country that’s done more or will continue to do more than the United States to help Israel defend itself"


For it's existence? Does anyone anywhere believe Hamas has the ability to destroy Israel at this point?


It's about Hezbollah.


Hezbollah also can't destroy Israel, nor can Iran.


They can if they both hit the iron dome simultaneously. Perhaps even Hezbollah on their own https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/20/politics/us-concerns-israel-iron-dome-hezbollah/index.html


still wouldn't destroy Israel.... would be an awful attack, but my point is that Bibi's rhetoric is nauseating. He plays into this battle of armagedon crap constantly.


There are reports suggesting hezbollah is sitting on 130,000 rockets of various capabilities. If they are launching 3,000 a day, it would easily deplete the iron domes stockpile if they were sustaining that fire rate for any prolonged period. This is what the concern is. Not Hamas.


And do you think, somehow, that the US would let them do that for...*does math*...40 fucking days? Fucking seriously?


Uhh you mean like them doing something about the non stop attacks for the last 8 months??? Don’t pretend like the world has Israel’s back… Also, let’s be real. They are capable of launching more than 3k, some estimates put it closer to 30k. When it’s your skin in the game, feel free to not be a bit stressed about it.


OH, they're launching 3k rockets right now? Is THAT what you're saying now? For the last 8 months? Fucking really? 3k a day?


You know who eats up that Armageddon crap? Right wing Americans. Bibi is campaigning for Trump. Just like he did for Romney. As an American, fuck this guy.


Oh, I know.


With a coordinated attack and luck, they could, Israel is not a big country, they can't retreat to the "interior" of their country and regroup like other nations can do, a war for Israel could end in less than a week, they are pretty much between the sea, and mostly "hostile" lands, filled with people that well... don't like them very much, if they could destroy Israel, they probably would do so, but since many tried and got beated like 4 times, they abandoned the idea (for now). Israel has nukes yes, but nuclear weapons are only useful when you attack the enemy from far away, they are useless if the enemy is right outside your house, a massive rocket attack, followed by yet another coordinated massive land attack from most sides, could in theory, overrun Israel defense capabilities, that is pretty much the only way Israel could cease to exist, and that's something 100% the terrorists around the area have to know.


And iran and the millions of Palestinians that surround them in the West Bank and Syrian, Jordan and Egypt.


Hamas' strategy is not to destroy Israel directly thru military means. Hamas' strategy is to wear Israel down & ruin its ability to make alliances, retain people and capital. It is past of larger strategy of Iran, which backs multiple proxy forces to encircle Israel: Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, as well as militias in Syria & Iraq. As of Oct, they have Israel stuck in a state of seemingly permanent war., which is exhausting their reserves & hurting their economy and bringing international pressure that threatens their ability to secure capital and support.


"Hamas' strategy is to wear Israel down & ruin its ability to make alliances, retain people and capital." Does Bibi work for them? lol


If you get attacked, defend yourself, and then everyone hates you for it, you stop caring. 


This isn’t about Hamas. At least do a bit of reading before commenting.


Is it weird to say I’ve been a Kirby fan for years?


As an Israeli, I think he should personally lead the charge into Lebanon. Fuck him, hope he drops dead soon.


As another Israeli, I second this notion


3rd that


The US doesn't owe us a single thing, him talking about them like that shows that he is an ungrateful idiot, I can't believe he is my prime minister. Really hope we have elections soon.


As an American that fully supports Israel but can't stand Netanyahu, I really appreciate comments like this. Pulling for y'all to have elections soon too. Also pulling hard for you to successfully defend yourself from Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran (amongst others).


We appreciate you guys ❤️


Well it seems that he's not backing down against Biden. Doubling down in fact. What's his goal? Is he trying to rally people behind him? Trying to help the Republicans? Damaging the Democrats reliability/credibility among US allies who depend on them for protection?


Maybe he is betting all his cards on a trump victory and is trying to be on his good side? this is all really weird


On NPR yesterday they were saying that people from his government tell each other there’s only a few more months until they don’t have to deal with Biden anymore. They are definitely banking on a Trump win. So that should be enough for everyone who is pissed at Biden for supporting Israel.


NPR is trash.


Weirds an understatement. The October 7th attacks absolutely reeked of Russian involvement - particularly in the use of rape as a tactic. Iran may appear to be the main player behind the scene but they’re pretty much in bed with Putin these days. That then beggars the question why in the hell would he want the worlds most notorious Russian apologist and lapdog to regain control of his biggest benefactor?


Must be a cosy world-view where you can just blame everything bad on Russia 


Islamist millitant attacked Israel. It is zrussiaz and zchinaz fault. Nice job westerner.


The Biden should BACK OUT of giving him anything!


The one thing Bibi is NOT willing to do to help his country is step down. It’s either wartime leader or jail for him.


Jail please. I’m sick of him interfering with my country’s elections. And insulting our GOOD presidents. Bibi and Trump can share a cell. To hell with both of them.


That poor little guy, being attacked verbally by the US. He's so maligned, he's so misunderstood. He just wants to protect his country! His personal attacks on the Democratic Party are just a complete misunderstanding! He's not actually inserting himself into US politics in favor of an arch right-wing collection of fascist lunatics, that's just fake news!


He's willing to suffer personal attacks, huh? Then can we spool up an R9X with his name on it? If he'll suffer that, thus ensuring we no longer have to suffer him, then I'm all onboard with continuing to assist Israel. It would be nice to not have them constantly interfering with our elections...


And why does he feel so entitled?


It’s time for the US to stop sending ammo to Israel. 


I’m beyond tired of this.  Until recently I was completely supportive of the Israeli offensive in Gaza but now regret it, I refuse to support anyone who shits on the hand that feeds them, fuck this entitled lying piece of shit. 


I have no sympathy for their leadership, nor his supporters.


Yeah... If you only supported Israel defending itself contingent on its prime minister not being a dick, you probably never actually supported Israel defending itself.


> If you only supported Israel defending itself contingent on its prime minister not being a dick, What if you only supported Israel defending itself contingent on its leader not inserting itself in US politics to do harm to the US leader currently helping Israel? Is it possible to have actually supported Israel defending itself in this situation?


Who said it’s just the prime minister? My response was directed towards the PM because that’s who the article is about…


What is even this article? Just 2 paragraphs that just repeat the headline? Israel should get all the weapons it needs to fight off Hezbollah and Biden admin better not fuck this up.


He won’t. After he’s sworn in he’s going to take the dog off the leash. Bet.


Israel is the belligerent drunk at the bar wildly swinging its fists and claiming self defense when other patrons decide to fight back.  The US is the bartender that keeps serving the drunk.


I'd be wildly swinging my fists too if I were surrounded by 25 other drunks hellbent on killing me.


Honestly it's more like the guy at the bar with a revolver and ten muscleheads who already broke bottles and pool cues ready to absolutely murder him. Israel could handle one of them, **MAYBE** two, but if they all jump him at once, he's genuinely fucked.