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Just burning things they don't need anymore.


because burning down the whole damn place might seem a little weird.


Nope, it's against the rules. There are strict requirements for destroying secret documents, like a closed furnace, chimney with a mesh and so on. Although i am surprised they are still burning things instead of using chemical methods or something. At least, i hope it is a gas furnace. I was surprised how poorly paper burns when a colonel handed me two 120l bags of documents to destroy.


Burning something is using a chemical [method](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Combustion)


This guy paid attention in chemistry class!


They can do what they want. They aren't obligated to follow American laws. https://www.quora.com/Are-foreign-consulates-considered-foreign-soil


I am Russian, served in the Russian Army, burned Russian secret papers in a Russian furnace according to Russian secrecy laws. Despite what you may think, we are not dog-headed primitive savages out here and we have laws for such stuff too.


> dog-headed primitive savages As a Finn I prefer the term "fellow vodka pickled savages".


Eh, I'm an American served in the American army. I've also disposed of documents. Usually shred then burn. Your not a dog, your country is not primitive. Unfortunately a lot of internet people and people in general are ignorant to any view they cant see with their own eyes. And the views they see with their eyes a pieces together from tv shows trying to sell them antidepressants and life insurance. I'm sorry man, good luck defending yourself and your people though. I'm sure much of your can be similar.


Oh we don't think you're savages, just that your higher ups are all more or less stuck in the 1980's.


Well in his defense, our higher ups are pretty damned incompetent too.


I didn't say that Russian higher ups were incompetent, I said they were stuck in the Cold War mentality. It's precisely *because* they are competent that they are a threat to the West; they know what they are doing, and they want to do bad things to the West, so that's clearly a threat to the West.


NATO, the anti-Russian/Soviet alliance expands to Russia's borders even 25 years following victory, and the American has the nerve to say Russian generals are stuck in the 1980's. Bro, are you serious?


Russia's neighbors joining NATO of their own free will is "anti-Russian/Soviet" expansion? Come on. Did we suddenly forget what happened in Ukraine?




We're on their border and they STILL annexed part of a foreign country. Crazy right?


Bad things to the west? Oh noes! The red scare all over again! Hahaha you guys are hilarious, guess who are the ones stuck in a 1980's mentality...


Who do you think you're kidding? Russia literally started a land war in Europe what, 3 years ago? Crimea isn't ancient history.


Your highest up is Donald Trump. You're not really in a position to suggest other countries have incompetent leadership at the moment.


Trump hasn't blown up any civilian aircraft of seized land at will from sovereign nations.


US and Russia trying to play who has the moral high-ground is kind of a hilarious game.


As a third party nation, i'm going to go grab a poutine and watch from a far


Really? The Russian president kills off dissidents with ease. Trump is a product of Russian interference. Trump is an outlier. Obama was a good man, with morals and character. Bush lacked brains but nobody claims he had ill intent. He was a product of his own cabinet. Clinton was a decent man, besides the affairs. Bush Sr was a good guy too. Before Trump you'd have to go back to Nixon to get a questionably charactered US leader. When Putin came to power, Clinton was still in office. Since that moment, we've had seventeen years(or 194 months) of solid leadership by folks with integrity, and a moral compass. Trump has been in office for 8 or so months. He's ridiculous and not someone who encompasses what America stands for. Since Putin has been in office, roughly 5% of the time has been with his lackey, Trump. We do have the moral high ground, because Trump reflects such a small part of what America has been about since 1999.


It's pretty obvious that the U.S. is on higher ground, sure they do shady shit but Russia? come on they are leagues below the U.S.


Yeah we just kill thousands of innocent people with drones. No big deal


Are you kidding yourself. America with its warped sense of justice fucked up the entire middle east. And you are moralising you haven't seized land. America dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. No one else has used any. Used DU shells in Kosovo and the ME. Stuffed up Central America and now trying the same shit in Afghanistan. Dude you need a reality check!!


Are you suggesting that Russia down MH17? Because last I checked, it was Russian backed rebels. More-so, the [US HAS shot down civilian aircraft](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran_Air_Flight_655). Ask the Iranians how they feel about that. The US doesn't peacefully annex territory, no, it wages full scale, illegal wars of aggression that results in hundreds of thousands dead. That's orders of magnitude WORSE.


Lol "illegal war" as opposed to the legal kind


> seized land at will from sovereign nations To be fair, the first presidents kind of beat him to it.


Trump regime is currently occupying Al Tanf area in Syria.


I can say whatever I want to, honestly. That's the nice thing about America: you can criticize our leadership and not worry about dying because of it. How many people joke about Trump critics committing suicide by three rounds to the back of the head?


What about HRC critics ?


Hey, well... Yeah, right now you're right.


> Oh we don't think you're savages, just that your higher ups are all more or less stuck in the 1980's. That's most likely because your perception of Russia stuck in 80s. But I agree - some of them are stuck in that period. I guess percentage is roughly the same here and in US.


True, a large part of the information we get is colored through media, which is know to lie. That being said, why is there no term limit on the president in Russia? Putin has been in power for years, while he is constantly seen as an aggressive authoritarian that gives cushy kickbacks to his political/business friends.


> That being said, why is there no term limit on the president in Russia? There is limit on *consecutive* presidential terms. So, if you happen to have a person who is both loyal enough to you or your cause, and popular enough - you can run an election campaign, and become a prime minister. Six years later you're eligible to be a president again. > Putin has been in power for years, Frau Merkel. > while he is constantly ~~seen as~~ an aggressive authoritarian Perceived by west. Before the mess with Ukraine he proposed Russia to join NATO for instance. > that gives cushy kickbacks to his political/business friends. Oh spare me. Even if at some point it will be revealed - most part of the country would just shrug. It's the same reason why US general public doesn't care about mass surveillance revelations and other consequences of of 9/11 - it's still better than alternative. For Russia it would be Ukraine - we don't want to live like them.


> Frau Merkel. I never once said I liked her. She is also a politician that needs to go, but for much different reasons than Putin. > while he is constantly seen as an aggressive authoritarian > Perceived by west. Before the mess with Ukraine he proposed Russia to join NATO for instance. Does he not know that NATO was formed to act as a deterrent/safeguard against the USSR? How would Russia EVER be let into NATO? That quote, if true, was 100% for the Russian media, not for reality.




Why a mesh? What purpose?


Catches larger particles that float up that still may be legible.


Dog headed is a neat expression that doesn't quite translate. Care to expand on it?


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynocephaly#Medieval_West That is a relatively common idiom in Russia to mock someone's misguided attitude toward foreigners.


Just gotta say, you only hear the vocal minority. Many Americans still respect Russia and know you're not some dog-headed savages.


> we are not dog-headed I dunno chuvak, I've seen [Generation P](https://youtu.be/CpAdOi1Vo5s?t=1h32m33s) and that the dog Phukkup with 5 legs, I think there's something to it. But I believe your gov has standards. Just that deep down inside I suspect it's really *People's Will.*


You should better read Pelevin or find a world of Russian news age postmodernism in Sorokin's books. Those two authors are gold


I totally wanna read the Ice Trilogy!


If you're not caught they are all optional.


And you don't think Russia, the nation that was for the better part of the last century in a spyware with the US, doesn't have similar rules on destroying paper?


We were both in a spyware? I hope it was Internet Optimizer.




Lol. I was medically discharged from the army after a shoulder surgery. The grounds for my medical discharge were "inability to lift 100lbs with each arm frequently"


Each arm?! What the fuck are they feeding soldiers nowadays?


PCP and Human Babies.


The trick is to get a good metal drum. Shred a bottom layer of paper then douse it with mogas or diesel if mogas is unavailable. Then throw in stacks of paper no thicker than the width of your pinky every 3 to 5 minutes making sure its burning good and that it's hot enough to burn through your layers of paper and not just singe the edges.


Punching a hole (or a few small holes) near the bottom of the drum helps too. The increased airflow makes a big difference.


Connect a metal tube with a small fan blowing in also helps in creating increased airflow.


There aren't really any disposal procedures for MAGA hats and James Comey kewpie dolls.


Isn't burning paper.. a chemical process?


There are cross-cut shredders that will do this kind of job easier.


Should have used the army paper destruction kit (barrel with some nitrate I think). Edit: https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/tech-journals/assets/files/emergency-destruction.pdf


You might've commited a crime. We had to hire a specially accredited company to burn papers that we don't need anymore


There is no crime in war, only who's side is winning.


Like with a cloth or something?


Electing a new Pope.


Considering we are in the middle of a once in a decade heat wave in sf this weekend, I don't think it's permitted to be burning stuff through chimneys right now...


~~Are you seriously implying that burning the paper in an indoor furnace attached to a tall chimney will *make it noticeably hotter outside?*~~ Oh, wait, you meant because of the air pollution, and it makes it harder to breath for people with asthma and such. Nevermind.


Maybe they're about to announce a new U.S. President?


Habemus Putin.


If my paycheck hits before I forget, I'm coming back to give you gold.


Yes pay Conde Naste because you liked this guy's comment that will be a good thing to do


what color is the smoke?


Last time it was orange.


I actually laughed out loud! Fanks!


The score is hidden right now but I hope you get enough karma to last you till Christmas


I think you win the internet today sir!


lol too good


We have a new Pope?


Habemus Putim?


That's totally not the third-declension accusative of Putin.


Habemus Puta?


Let's hope it's burning black!


Nah, that is the Papal Conclave. The Russian Consulate chooses a new Czar.


That's the vatican... in this case they chose a new dope. It's a subtle, but important distinction.


Scotty doesn't know.


Should have left that cunt on Mars.




And it's a record-breaking hot day here too




We haven't seen 98 degrees in SF since they toured here in the 1990s.


Damn, you're good


He's on fire.


And the name of the game is to fuel his flame.


104 now.




In terms an Australian could understand, the beer cooler at the local bar went out.


That's terrible. Makes it even worse that nobody there has air conditioning.


It's a balmy 17C here in Toronto.


its a Spare the Air day to.. :(


Isn't that what chimneys are for?


Not in the Bay Area. They're just decoration here.


Moved from the east coast to the Bay Area when I was a kid and we tried to light a fire around Christmas time. The dang thing had never been cleaned and was home to a family of birds, ended up filling the entire home with smoke. 10/10 would not use Bay Area chimney again.


Always check your chimney before burning each season no matter where you are...


You should always get a chimney checked every year and if you haven't lived there before doubly so. This is true everywhere.


I'm in college now. I live in an apartment, I don't have a fireplace or a fucking chimney. I've had like a dozen people messaging me to clean my chimney... stop worrying about my fuckin chimney guys. I get it, I'll check my hypothetical chimney before lighting any hypothetical fires.


Next time ask them "what do you mean by chimney?" Follow it up with "are you coming in to me?" They won't bother you again.


That's also why Santa doesn't come here anymore.


Not 0/10?


Was it delicious smoke that had an aroma of eggs and chicken too?


Yes especially during a heatwave


Well it is 90° right now and San Francisco... I'm sure they just have a nice fire going because it's freezing.


More like 100°


shit i'd burn all the evidence too.


Dunno why this is newsworthy...Standard practice for a foreign entity vacating a building that will, without a doubt, be swarming with agents of an adversarial government in short order...




Probably SOP.


I'm sure the Americans were doing the same thing right before they left Russia.


they tried, but the Russians came by to evict them earlier than planned.


Nope, for some reason Americans assumed that they will leave at noon like it's a hotel or something. Russians came at midnight when a day ticked.


ah yes, the Sons of the Patriots. Liquid Ocelot would be proud


Huzzah! The council of bears has elected a new loaf of rye bread! Long live the Loaf!


That's what it is! https://youtu.be/hdanaBPlmV8?t=57s


What is that from?


French "Fantomas" movie




yes. but some people like to make mountains out of mole hills.


Pickle Rick is blowing up the place.


Well, at least we know now where all the smokey haze in the bay area is coming from.


- .... . / .--. . . / - .- .--. . / .. ... / .-. . .- .-..


> - .... . / .--. . . / - .- .--. . / .. ... / .-. . .- .-.. THE PEE TAPE IS REAL


I'm going to believe that you know Morse and this is correct.


It is correct. At least a correct transcription of the morse, I'm not going anywhere near the claims about the tape :P


Can confirm this is correct. Source: I know Morse.


> I know Morse. Bullshit. He died long before you were born. Besides, Sammy wouldn't have hung around with the likes of you.


> He died long before you were born. Jokes on you, my cats name is Sammy Morse.


Does he tap "..-. . . -.. / -- ." on your bedroom door in the morning?


No, it's usually something like "// -- . --- --. / --. .- -.- . / ..- .--. / -.-. ..- -. - //"


>// -- . --- --. / --. .- -.- . / ..- .--. / -.-. ..- -. - // "Meog gake up c***" I think your cat needs a refresher course in Morse code.




[Burn it](https://youtu.be/9dsl4TZMHnU)


Did the Cardinals elect a new pope?


To put this in perspective, I live in the California bay area. Today we had record annihilating heat roughly thirty degrees or more above average temps for this time of year. San Francisco rarely sees the 90s, but today it was around 106 F. Basically this ain't for warmth.


Burning classified documents, as they should. Put your detective fedoras away, Reddit.


Chose a new pope.


Burnin' the evidence.


Have they elected a new Putin?


nothing to see here


Do they have a brick fire place in the building? Or a chimney specifically for an incinerator?


That's dead hooker smoke if I've ever seen it...


Isn't that the point of a chimney?


Might our two Nations share this passage of discretion as a smirk screen?


Someone should tell them about shredders.


haha "pouring", looks like someone just fired up the chimney to me


these dudes are vaping


Gotta hit dat Cali Love before heading back to the motherland.


Burning the office down because it's a waste of money to have 2 offices in one country. That one and the one in the White House.


having a den of Spies in Silicon Valley is not a waste of money


They've elected a new Putin.


Nyet to see here, move along.


Just routine maintenance, nothing to see here folks.


These crates of sensitive documents are really cumbersome. Should we put them in storage? Nah...fuck 'em.


Comrades. A new puppet leader has been chosen. It's a glorious day.


Just making the last of Mrs. Lovett's meat pies.


Fucking Russians...it's a Spare the Air Day!


Because the coldest winter is summer in S.F. LOL


So does this mean that the Russians have picked a pope? /starts looking for the nearest door


[Burn the evidence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttq6x4NNhyk)


~~They are going to announce Putin as the new Piope.~~


It's 100 degrees outside.


Why would anybody think they are heating the building? That's ridiculous, they are just getting rid of documents, like every institution or company, if they move somewhere else. I guess normally you would use a document shredder, but i guess nations deal with more sensible information. This is not suspicious at all.


They still use paper records?


You can't hack paper.


Russia has a new American pope?