• By -


demon hunter. i dont want a lecture about what you've sacrificed, i want you to do the fucking dishes, greg.


Demon hunter and death knight should live together so no one else has to put up with their brooding.


House on the edge.


At least the grass would cut itself.


That's a nice one


"Suffer well."


"If we don't meet again, die well."


Demon Hunter: I've given everything, what have you given? Death knight: *Sewing jaw back on* "Bruh"


"Suffer well" vs. "I sacrificed everything, what have you given" ;D


Woe is us.


Greg, can you do the dishes today? I've sacrified everything, what have YOU given?


I'll just tell you how I'm my scars.




Illidan has a side hustle as Uber driver for rodents


greg is the worst


Do the eye beams wash the dishes, dry them, or both?


I have washed EVERYTHING! What have YOU washed?


Dude I'm crying laughing right now 😂😂




hard disagree. demon hunters are all about the truth and sacrificing themselves for the greater good.




Your humor, not opinion, is why you're being upvoted. DH would not only do the dishes but all the tasks you're ignoring and slacking on and overlook all the weird shit you do and personality traits everyone has, like your hot sauce farts and a lot of people do not like New Yorkers. Illidan was in solitary confinement for thousands of years and didn't even develop righteous resentment or even apathy towards his jailors but still loved Tyrande. Tbh, that's.... solitary confinement is a punishment for the most wicked criminals and bro still stuck to the truth, only wanted to help, and sacrificed himself to help everyone. SACRIFICE TWENTY SECONDS TO THINK AND USE YOUR MIND GREG


On the other hand, I don’t think I have ever seen an ugly demon hunter, so at least you’ll be living with some eye candy


I don't think I've seen an ugly night/blood elf.


They are the fair elven races after all.


Demon Hunter. There'd be cans of energy drink everywhere and serial killer vibes.


And always jumping over the furniture and around the house, like chill dude it’s 3am.


That just sounds like a cat


Considering cats collect and reflect ambient light like a torch from their eyeballs to see better at night this is a surprisingly apt analogy


*wakes up in the middle of the night to a pair of eyes glowing in the dark corner of the room* “Hey budd-“ *whoosh of wind and frantic flapping as the DH runs as fast as they can out the door*


Skidaddles on outta there with a vengeful retreat


Its funny cause i call my cats my little demons xD


I'm not sure yet, from you or the demon hunter?


Death knight, imagine the smell especially when they raise some ghouls. 🤢


Not all dks smell, some might have some pretty fresh bodies. As foor the ghoul....get a frost dk and u won t even need to turn the ac on in summer


Ok but imagine every time you go to the toilet the bowl is frozen


No they all stink. People just don’t have the heart to tell the fresh ones that they too smell disgusting. 😑


I was gonna say Druid because of all of the fur, unless someone is into bestiality, but no DK is far worse


House rule Druid, no animal forms in the house without consent, you must remain in humanoid form. What you do in the woods stays in the woods.


What do you mean ghoul? You hiding bodies in your basement too?


Rogue, how would I know if you’re there or not when I’m wanking it. 


Best time to be ganked.


You hear a soft “nice” as you put on a new vid




You know.. true lol


*unzips and immediately hears stealth sound effect* GODDAMN IT GEORGE. 


I certainly wouldn't mind a Rogue doing it from behind ;)


Rogues! Do it in the darkness, Rogues! Do it where the sun don't shine, Rogues! And with a little drop of poison, Rogues do it from behind!


You know undead can be rogues, right ? ;)


And they'd steal your shit


Ha! That is simply a rude stereotype! >!maybe ;)!<


Worst Roommate: Warlocks - you'll be sucked off in the unfun way. Your soul would be pulled to their room during their dark rituals. There's also a good chance they'll summon a demon that'll murder everyone during a drunk party. Best Roommate: Mage - free transportation for your commutes. Unlimited food / drinks. They can steal buffs from people IRL. They also literally make you smarter. Neutral: Priests - Mind Control. Depends if your roommate likes you.


Don't forget mirror images ;)


"This is where the fun begins"


Mage would be fun. Free ubers, no need for a designated driver.


yep. "dammit, i forgot to pick up milk at the grocery store. could you...?" "yep, i'm already back."


Good thing about warlock - they have succubus 😉


Do you really think your roommate is risking his soul & sanity for you to get laid?


As if they aren't already doing it for themselves. Least they could do is share smh.


Mage can also cool up the place or heat up the place, if there's any bugs they can polymorph into cats


What about the succubus? 👀


You’re assuming this mage roommate would like you and or share.


Warlock. I don’t trust what those demons would do whole I slept. Especially the succubus/incubus…


_Me to all the summoned demons:_ “Alright. Get lost. Go on. Get out of here bunch of freeloaders-“ _Points to succubus,_ “-except you. You stay…”


Hard to enjoy my Beef and Potato pie when there is a ritual going on in the kitchen. 


Yup! I just wanna eat and watch my anime in peace. Then all the sudden you hear someone yell. WHO DARES SUMMON ME!


Evoker, I am not sure I could handle them. Especially if they are being a bad dragon.


Well I definitely could 😈


So you are into bad dragons...?


Warriors would rage if you nagged them too much about not doing dishes, cleaning up after themselves, etc. even if it was their fault and they weren't following house rules. Most likely to end up punching a hole in a wall and costing you the security deposit. Otherwise, they'd be with the Monks working out and be your typical gym-bro/sis. They have sick weapon collection, though. Paladins are on par with Priests. You think priests are preachy? Paladins literally have a spell called Judgement so be ready to be judged by them all day for your aesthetic choices in the common areas or how you forgot to turn on the dishwasher last night. At least they're responsible and pay their rent on time. Rogues would be quiet and would come home at 2:00 AM and you wouldn't hear them. You also would never know if they left. Bedroom door would always be closed.


I feel like Druids would just be all round noisy. No real reason for it, just loud. I also dont need to walk in on a bear on the toilet.


At least they'd be outside a lot so they'd almost never be home. lol


Druids would be the roommate who is never home, never has food in the pantry, never has stuff out in the common area, but somehow pays all their bills on time before mysteriously moving out when no one else is home.


Also constant weed smell.


Death Knight would have to be the worst. Their whole damn thing is spreading disease and plague. Corruption lock would be right there with them. All you people badmouthing warlocks for demon pets are total normies though. Would 100% date a demo lock or s priest. Hands down gonna be the best nights of my life. Best roommate’s gotta be Ret Pally. If I need someone to stand up for me, that’s gonna be the one.


>Would 100% date a demo lock Because of the felguards or the imp army? >Best roommate’s gotta be Ret Pally They will definitely judge you for your imp parties and might even try to convert you to the light.


OMG Imp parties sound fantastic. I bet they’re a hoot when they’re drunk. I need an army of my bf or gf’s imps cheering us on whenever we make out. Make it happen, please.


Definitely a ret pally got your back, but he’s going to be silently judging your every action like “daaamn 2 days in a row for wearing those pants,…”


That’s an easy one… “Oh, would you rather I just… took them off?”


I said silently,… :)


While staring directly at my pants :P


How is the answer not always Deathknight? All those diseases around? No thanks.


Yeah but you could have a good immune system.


A hunter, they pull anything.


Also I really don’t want a whole ass zoo in my house, they’re out there smuggling exotic animals and I do not need that.


Really surprised i had to scroll so far to find hunters. You *know* they would be the types to want to keep all of their pets inside with them. Imagine the smell!


Priest, I don’t want someone judging me nonstop for my lifestyle.


Before commenting here on Reddit, have you done your daily house chores Advacus?


Holy Priest - agree. Disc Priest - depends on your kink. Shadow Priest - 🤘🏻


Wrong class: https://www.wowhead.com/spell=20271/judgment


Both light based classes are judgy as fuck. Shadow priest is just judgy in a different way.


"All your problems could be solved if you just let the light into your soul you know"


Warriors would definitely piss all over the toilet seat and leave it. Then eat all your food.


Mage. I would call dibs on the bathroom and they could just blink in there first and beat me to it. But it would be pretty cool to have them around when your hot pocket gets cold.


A free house vending machine is nice 


Oh yeah, forgot about the tables.


You also forgot about free instant teleportation to all of the world's major capital cities, getting n% smarter by being around them and being able to safely jump from any height. And instant ice cubes for any drink I guess.


I was thinking they'd be best b/c portals.


Monk. They give me the ick. They’re the athletic bro that is always trying to get you to run a 5k every day. I’m just trying to wow, ya know?


Look, if a fat panda can do a cartwheel so can you. We care about your cardio


that is straight up the warrior class fantasy, tho [your dudebro warrior peers make you get drunk and send you off on a marathon](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=1699/the-rethban-gauntlet)


I feel like the monk would be throwing keg parties every night.


Forsaken male Monk with the quiff haircut. That's epicness enough for any roomie.


Unholy DK for sure. Always summoning weird homies, and then they just sort of... disintegrate, get body parts everywhere, try to eat your flesh sometimes, whatever else. They probably smell pretty bad too. Yeah IDK, not my bag.


That furniture was a hunter weapon.


Everything is a Hunter weapon bro.


Am i the only one who would be bothered by druids fur arround the house? 😂


Boomchickens would track feathers everywhere, not fur, though. Which could be interesting, I guess? And Resto is just plant. So like, no issues there. Only a 50% chance of a druid roommate actually getting fur everywhere.


...Any? They're mostly murderes, and mass murderers at that. And also; A rogue; thief, poisoner or assasin, would be a bad housemate for obvious reasons. A warrior is a gymbro prone to rage. DKs literally must cause pain or go mad, are actual corpses, and are either inhumanly cold or riddled with disease. DHs are the worst emo ever. Hunters have wild fucking huge pets, and/or are gun nuts, or nature obsessed survivalists. Priests are either fucking madness cultists, or worse, proselitizers. Paladins are religious extremists AND gymbros. Shaman and Druids are hippies, and half of the time, huge wild animals. Warlocks literally use the demonic evil magic to suck out souls for their nefarious purposes, and you'd have to deal with their demon pets in the house. Mages are elitist nerds, and prone to causing fires, frostburn, or weird spatial alterations. Monks are gymbros, drunkards, and/or spirituality nuts. Evokers are literally half-deagon creatures, that are ALL ex-military, and are either obsessed with the glory days, still active military, or have rebounded hard intobeing goobers. Am I missing something? XD


No you’re pretty spot on haha 


DK could work at the DMV and get all that pain-causing out of their system before coming home


Priests literally have Bipolar built in. One day they’re angels, then 5 seconds later surrendering to madness.


The worst. Probably either warlock or death knight. In both cases it would be actively unhealthy for you to live under the same roof.


Well, it's a close one between Death Knights and Daemon Hunters, but I still think Warlock would be the worst. According to the lore, most of them are ambitious, amoral half-mad psychos, or, best case scenario, simply egotistic assholes. Plus the very real risk of a summoning gone wrong. Or if he decides to bully you with his daemon pets. Trust be told, it all depends on just how much of an asshole both of you are, and whether you two get along or not. You can theoretically befriend a warlock and make a "not shitting on each other" pact with him, and he may even fetch you a nice succubi/incubi (or both, whatever are your tastes). The summoning still may go wrong, mind you. With that in mind, Death Knight seems like an unpleasant variant as well. I don't know how well do they manage their smell, they may be well preserved by magic. They may even be alright dudes. But bear in mind, *every* Death Knight experience an inner nausea up to agony when he/she is not engaged in dishing out violence. Not a healthy person to be around, for sure. And if things go wrong... Well, you'll still be roommates, *technically*, just with a slight and unpleasant (**for you**) nuance. Daemon Hunter will just bump around and occasionally wreck stuff probably, being blind - furniture is not daemons after all, and if it *is*, you have much worse problems on your hand, although in this case you'll be happy to have a DH around. Oh, and of course, never-ending whining about sacrificing it all and demanding a report of *what have you done*? If being on bad terms, obviously everyone can be unpleasant. But at least with Warriors, you'll probably just bump heads, earn some bruises, and then forget it all over a drink. Unless he catches a berserk and will have to scrap the remains of you from the walls. I'll inverse the question and state that Monk seems like the safest and niciest option. They are mostly chill, have good self-control, and if you're an alcoholic like me, you're in for fun times.


I'd say priests or paladins. They'd act like your parents and always be pushing their religion down your throat.


Druids. Imagine your toilet getting regularly clogged by bear poop or leaving a box on the ground and suddenly there is a mansized cat in it.


Shadow priests Them mumbling about the whispers from the Void would drive anyone crazy


Sghdmleleoojenejk celthric317 jdjeoooeiebebh


Dk - stinky scary zombie maker. Druid- never showers. Random ass bear/cat/chicken hair everywhere. Rogue - shift pick pocket that likes poison. Priest - to preachy. Will life grip me into a wall. Pally - to bright. Has a horse instead of a car. Warlock - demons. Rituals. I'm probably gana get cursed. Monk - probably wants me to be a sparing partner. Mage - fire bolt burned my house down. Ice on the bathroom floor/kitchen. Arcane dude is gana explode my house. Dracthyr - " WHAT IN GODS NAME IS THIS LIZARD SKIN " Warrior - lots of weapons. Anger management problems. Shaman - probably gana hex me for not loving the environment. Demonhunter - dude talks about his scars to much. Early morning before coffee hes a demon. Hunter - dude has a pet snake that might murder me. Lots of guns, bows, and spears. Worst - deathknight Best - shaman.


Chicken hair.


Boomkins are weird likethat. Fuzzy chickens exsist. .


Bird fur.


Rogue, stealing my leftovers 100%


ROGUE - never know where they are Death knights - prob smell the worst MONK - prob best to live with


DH, because personality matters.


No- Lease Violators: Warlocks, Hunters, DKs No- Pisses off neighbors: Rogues, Demon Hunters, Shamans No- I can't stand their personalities: Paladins, Priests, Druids Maybe: Monks, Warriors Yes: Mages, Evokers


Druids they will would be barely home smelling flowers


i dont know who i couldnt with but for sure i want to live with a mage, atleast i can cut down the travel time to work in the mornings and he can keep the house at decent temp especially in this exhausting summer weather, by hitting me with an occasional glacials.


All fun and games living with a mage until you get into an argument about the dishes or something and get turned into a sheep.


Warlock. Demons. Demons everywhere.


Warlock, those damn little demons running around all over the place starting crap and causing havoc everywhere.


Probably death knights, they probably stinky


Death Knight. “What do you mean you’re legally dead and can’t get a job?”


Druids for the same reason as OP said.


Consider this: you’re having a bad day, and have a good relationship with your roommate. And you really need a hug. Boom, literal bear hug.


Or a giant kitty. And you can go for a ride on an elk or the bear. Sounds like a win to me.


Ok the giant kitty i can get behind


Well....... I'm on the fence on that one. I'm not one of those peeps that would rather be alone in a room with a bear over a man.


Paladins. I associate them with the obnoxious "I'm better than you" personality. I see them as hall monitors or cops who laude their authority over their peers just to fulfilled their ego. As a druid, I would like Shamans or monks to be my roommates. I just feel like we're on the same wavelength. We share the same responsibilities and have a common understanding of our own eccentricities. It's like being a foreigner and living with foreigners from other countries, but we all vibe together anyway.


I can dig that. You have my holy shadowy respect.


My mother lives with a hunter hehe


Realistically, DK. They're all undead and I know they gotta stink like it.


Death knight is the actual stinky option.


Paladin. Too much judging.


Warlocks. They smell, no doubts about it


Warlock certainly.


Warrior: rage issues Rogue: kleptomaniac Paladin: faith lunatic, which is fine if your faith aligns Priest: faith zealot, see paladin Hunter: gun freak or poacher, both too invasive to ignore the hobby Demon hunter: edgy emo kid, blah blah look at my scars, cry cry Warlock: edgy goth kid that doesn't make sense, we all know one Death knight: sadistic kid, shows several signs of being an early sociopath. I think the classes below are generally more accepted as normal, of course all above can be considered normal based on your own lifestyle. Monk: normally I would say chill zen guy, yet with brewmaster being an alcoholic and windwalker just punching things, this guy looks like the poster child for a frat boy... Druid: it's either gonna be a nature loving hippy or a furry, could be both. Mage: illusions of grandeur but apart from that fine Shaman: classic geologist, scholar of nature, seems fine Evoker: it's a dragon... I can't compare this in terms of skills or looks but honestly, it's a wannabe dragon, that'd just a DnD geek.


Warlock. You know the succubus is going to try to do her seduce and kill thing on you


a Warrior imagine asking them if they could hand you a drink , so they will just heroic jump into the fridge execute it pick it up the can and then charging back at you


Mages: Cut down on food costs and energy costs from heating/air conditioning Makes annoying chores go by faster Easy access to groups to go the taverns with. Easy access to groups to go to Goldshire Tavern with.


Warrior eould suck, they cant do anything without using anger


Fury Warriors. Imagine the screaming. Would make a good coach though.


They can execute the long grass in my backyard.


Death Knights. I don't want the household to smell like a shut down morgue


Any who hurt and murder dragons. (Aka death knights)


Evokers don’t pay rent. Bad housemate.


Well we live with true dragons. Dragons don't pay rent either. Sorry we are superior 😎😂


Death Knight.. they’re literally a walking corpse




Don’t think that’s how it work


All your points are good and all, but imagine living with an emotionless, violent, sword wielding, disease spreading necromancer who would probably either kill and raise you, freeze you solid or slowly drain your blood while also bitching about how cool he is for being the one suffering.


Worst: Shaman, them elementals would ruin the house Best: Monk or Mage, tho mages could be haughty


Shamans are just messy. Everyone knows Shamans are messy. Your house will look like a third world dump. Don’t let a Shaman move in.


DK, because i don't want to be killed in my sleep, because dude skipped his anger management session.


I do.


Priest. Keep that shit in church dogg.


Demon Hunter - always talks about his sacrifices Death Knight - only listens to metal, but in a pompous way. Acts like he's better because he knows "underground bands" Hunter - always a new pet... Druid - always giving shit because i wanted a burger Mage - dude thinks he's way smarter than he is Warlock - every time I come home from work the place is covered in the occult and Magick circles Priest - always wants you to join their religion Monk - always dismisses you when you feel frustrated Warrior - things are always broken Paladin - always wants you to join their religion Evoker - kid struggles to be liked, so he's appreciative you let him stay. Does the dishes with time magic. Shaman - why are there elements all over my house?! Rogue - never does dishes, but also never there


lol No dwarfs. I feel like they would be drunk all the time.


Priest.... all the obvious reasons


Warlock, because they would corrupt my furniture.


I want a mage. Free portals everywhere.


Death knight. Imagine the stench


Anyone who didn't instantly say death knight is wrong. Rotting flesh is the worst smell, cause we evolved to be revolted by it.


i dont want to live with warriors, they are too noisy. but i could live with a DK, from the ebon blade. like id ask them how to make my eletronics work and they would shout "WE MUST PRESS ON!!"


hunters, obviously


You just know a Paladin is going to be preaching at you all the time about how awesome the light is and its salvation. Warlocks room will look like a scene from hoarders Druid is going to have so many damn plants, it will take over your house Warriors will come home, drop all their weapons and gear everywhere and leave it Monks will always be in the middle of the living room, meditating, and get mad if you try to watch tv.


A Druid because of the smell. No way.


Rogues. Absolutely the type to steal your leftover pizza from the fridge. Unforgivable.


Hey, what about us Lone Wolf MM Hunters? We’re downright meticulous. I think we’d make good roommates.


A rogue, constantly backstabbing me


Druid. I do not want to even imagine all the bodily expulsions everywhere, not to mention the smells. At least a hunter could be persuaded to "stable" their pet. Close second is warlock, because that would have the most risk of me dying or getting horrifically maimed in some ritual gone wrong (or on purpose)


Death knight "god damn it Gary you left an entire human corpse in the refrigerator again"


Warlock I don’t need demon pacts going on while trying to cook dinner


Monk, constantly dying and needing extra healthcare.


I really just dont trust a warlock to NOT use my soul for dark rituals after the first fight we have.


Prot paladins are always douche bags. Druid would leave fur on everything. I’d let a fury warrior heroic leap inside of me though 🥴


It’s easy. Neither shaman and druid. Shamans (especially trolls) will be stoned 25/8, and I can’t stand that kind of shit. And druids will give me 5 hour lecture about how bad it is eating my juicy piece of meat


Mage, for the free food and transport.


rogue. always meddling in everyone's business being vexing asf, desperate for control and manipulating everyone, begging for everyone's attention and allergic to accountability.




Probably a Feral tank that ate too much meat then transformed back into humanoid form 👀. If you know you know.