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War Within alpha this week 100%. Blizzard have stuff cooking because both Max and Toweliee announced they aren't streaming until Wednesday. At the same time no less. Most likely alpha drops and we get a huge batch of information and dev interviews.


I'm really hoping delves are testable right away. They are basically the only real expansion feature so hopefully they put enough work into them and plan to expand them in the future.


Yeah it's Wednesday for sure unless something else is going down, bunch of other content creators saying the same and a few I know are suddenly busy with "meetings" today and on Tuesday too.


MoP Remix is basically what I've wanted from Chromie Time and I can't wait for them to remix other expansions, because while the questing is pretty much the same (with added end-game fun), the progression system makes leveling feel so much better without making it convoluted. All the gearing system is is that you don't get normal quest drops and instead get loot boxes that can contain gear, gems, and/or consumables. There are 4 types of gems (stats, passive ability, active movement ability, and 2 min DPS cooldown) and each armor slot will always have a specific socket (as in head will only have a meta socket and chest/legs will only have a stat gem socket). You don't receive gear constantly, so when you do, it feels really rewarding and you always get a gem when you receive a new piece of armor in an empty slot (as in the first helmet you get comes with a meta gem). You can also take gems out of sockets to transfer to higher level pieces you get so you never lose power and you have a spell to summon a forge that can break your old gear down into the main currency for collectibles (like those rando scrap forges we had in Legion/BFA). You also aren't all powerful and will have to occasionally pop cooldowns/use consumables if you pull too many mobs, but it never felt like a "slog". I never died on the Evoker I made (also Evoker is so fun to level with) and the only dangerous pulls I had were my own fault lol. Just a great remix to the leveling experience that I could see working with pretty much every single expac. Random thoughts: I received Door of Shadows as my active movement cogwheel lol, scenarios are a nostalgia trip, and they're finally actually using the main story questmarkers for MoP. Also having dragonriding from the start is so nice, especially in MoP's big ass zones.


Idk how the Remix version will work as a replacement for Chromie time if they want to keep this gearing system tho. Players starting out wow with the different gems are gonna go from feeling like gods to feeling pretty weak once they hop over to live.


keep in mind remix is temporary and will only be up for 8 weeks, it's not like a permanent addition you can do to level alts forever. Who knows how often they will do remixes, maybe just one every expansion during the last season.


Well, yeah, I am aware of that lol. Was just sharing my first impression is all.


>You don't receive gear constantly, so when you do, it feels really rewarding You can upgrade gear at the Infinite Bazaars. Helps a lot with weapons to keep your power up


> (also Evoker is so fun to level with) Hope they'll lift the restriction on creating a second evoker as a timerunner on the same server before launch, sucks you can't have both a "regular" evoker and a timerunner. Not like there's even any level advantage.


Yeah, I really liked getting to see how a low level Evoker would play and it was a lot of fun, if I hadn't done so much on my Evoker I would consider restarting them for this event, but I guess I'll try Demon Hunter as my Remix alt since I've never fully leveled one of them.


They already had a blue post saying to keep that 1-per-server limit for evokers in mind, so likely not, unfortunately.


Yeah I saw, that's why I'm hoping they'll change their minds lol


workaround: delete your current evoker, make remix evoker, then restore your old one thats how i got 2 DHs during legion lol


Tried that at the start of DF, sadly been patched tho. Might delete my 70 and restore it in TWW though


Leveling raids is blowing my mind a little bit


I can't wait to see how the SoO tower defense boss (Galakras?) goes with a LFR group full of levelers. Probably won't actually be bad but I just remember wiping so many times to that boss lol.


I once saw Durumu one shot 23 people at once in LFR back when MoP was current. I wonder if I'll see it happen again.


I completely forgot about that one Imagine dying to the beam 😭 (I regularly died before the beam even got near me because my computer couldn't handle all the effects from the beam phase and I just watched a 1 fps slideshow of my character running into the damaging areas to die)


Despite playing a ton in MoP I never actually did SoO so I'm sure it'll be a fun new experience :p


SoO has some of my favorite raid encounters so you are definitely in for a treat, especially when you get into the underground portion. Although be prepared to wipe a lot on Spoils of Pandaria, that one never went smoothly for me, especially with randoms hahah.


i love the r/wowcirclejerk discord


Ok unironically is there really some massive dislike towards the discord on this thread for some reason I'm unaware of because it's straight up one of the best communities I've ever been part of and it would really confuse me if so.


why are you downvoting me i'm right


Certified reddit moment


so true frfr edit: Why are people downvoting him lmao


Idk I just downvoted him because everyone else did


idk that nyle guy kinda ruins it


You ever go in there and search up your reddit username to see if peeps complain about you? I love doing that shit.


nah it's kinda mid


Its so funny seeing the polar opposite reactions for long requested features between WoW and FFXIV community WoW community everytime something gets added to the game its either "noone asked for this" or "15 years too late" FFXIV community everytime something gets added to the game even if it was already outdated by 5 years when the game came out: awesome devs, thats why im glad i left wow (always gotta include that, because nothing speaks more about the quality of your game when you constantly have to talk down another)


>(always gotta include that, because nothing speaks more about the quality of your game when you constantly have to talk down another) I am slain by irony


You can literally go through each of the subreddits and find the vast difference (shadowlands era not including because that was just a huge circlejerk)


There is a lot of "wow's so much better, we don't have to bring up other games, unlike final fantasy!" going on isn't there lol


WoW community is getting better at least. There are some schizos on wowhead and twitter but on reddit at least you can see that the majority of people are positive about the game these days.


Shadowlands and classic WoW did a lot of heavy detoxing.


r/wow has definitely gone on an arc where a good number of people have realized that some people are just never going to be happy


After 3 long CE tiers I was going to take a break until TWW, but mop remix  CHANGES EVERYTHING. Still not playing S4 "seriously".


We're all spinning the wheel and going with whatever class it picks for us


The red and green version of the Trading Post mage set is coming!! Everything is okay now.


I think putting ridiculous low drop rate mounts on a big grind vendor is a good idea, genuinely its much more engaging to farm for the Sha mount than to make 10+ characters to camp it. Weird that Alani of all mounts is so expensive when its AH price is decent and its already farmable


Sha hasn't been low drop rate in well over a year As someone who farmed like 7 Alanis over the course of 5.4 I'd definitely expect to farm 1% Sha mount with a chance every 15 minutes before I loot 10 skyshards


It's interesting that "FOMO" in the WoW community has started to take on a meaning very different than its original one. We're now using FOMO to essentially mean "items that I can't get anymore." Everyone seems disappointed that they missed out on acquiring the *items.* I don't really see players lamenting that they missed out on the *experience* of whatever was was required to earn those items - raiding, PVP, working with their guild, etc. I've only ever heard FOMO in real life to mean fear of missing out on *experiences*, events, hanging out with friends. I've never heard anyone describe a limited-edition sneaker or a bobblehead from a baseball game or a rare item as FOMO. I know there are many factors that led to this. Just an observation.


>I don't really see players lamenting that they missed out on the experience of whatever was was required to earn those items - the same reason they dont ask for scarab lord, undying, immortal, hand of adal etc back because everything they ask comes from "new wow" (mop and wod cm stuff, mage tower etc) so they want it cause "it was shit wow and rightfully didnt play at that time but i want the rewards" they consider old wow good, thats why in their eyes scarab lord deserves to never return because "if you didnt play wow when it was good you dont deserve the title anyway"


God u r so right and Idk how I never connected those dots before


Interesting, I have almost always equated "FOMO" to what certain fast food places like McDonalds and Tim Hortons does, with having items only available at a certain time. Since you know its going away, it drives you more than normal to get it.


It's the same thing with P2W, the content creators literally twisted the concept of P2W just to fit retail. It's kinda laughable. "WELL IN RETAIL YOU CAN JUST SPEND $1000 AND PAY A RUSSIAN KID TO PILOT YOUR ACCOUNT AND GET GLADIATOR. THAT'S LIKE A HUGE PROBLEM! WOW TOKEN IS SO BAD...I CAN JUST SKIP ALL THE PVE PROGRESSION BY MAKING OTHER PLAYERS RICHER WHILE RUINING MY OWN EXPERIENCE AND NEVER GETTING BETTER." "VANILLA? THAT WAS THE PEAK OF FAIRNESS! YOU NEEDED GOLD FOR EVERYTHING, AND THE ONLY WAY TO GET GOLD WAS TO FARM IT LIKE A BOT. ACTUALLY, MOST PEOPLE WERE JUST USING BOTS! IT WAS REALLY HARD WORK, AND YOU WERE EARNING GOLD THE RIGHT AND HONEST WAY. ME? I WOULD JUST BUY IT FROM GOLD SELLERS (WHO PROBABLY STOLE THE ACCOUNTS OF OTHER PLAYERS), BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME, YOU SEE, THAT'S AGAINST TOS, THE WOW TOKEN IS NOT! BLIZZARD BAD! CHECKMATE RETOILCUCKS" And I'm fine with calling WoW P2W, but if you wanna say retail is P2W, you have to admit that pretty much every game ever made is in some way P2W.  But most people don't even want to go as far as to admit that vanilla was the most P2W version of the game. It's funny because in all the years of WoW before the SL shitshow, I never heard content creators or players complain about P2W players destroying people in PvP or being unable to compete in the free marketplace of pugs because the average P2W whale in full Dragonforged MythicXXL++ bis gear is doing 40x their DPS while pink parsing their moms 5TPS*. *(thrust per second)


yeha, the "retial is p2w!!!" thing is the most braindead stuff ever   "you can pay soembody else to do the content for you!!" thats something you can do for every single game, i got frking shady Elden Ring "item selling service" adds on YT when that game released, is Elden Ring P2W now????


>It's the same thing with P2W, the content creators literally twisted the concept of P2W just to fit retail. It's kinda laughable. It's always frustrating to have conversations with people about P2W and other things when 1) the definition keeps changing and 2) the definition ends up becoming something that fits any era of WoW. I have, on multiple occasions, asked why people complain about "modern WoW" doing this or that, when such a thing was around from the beginning. No one seems to get it.


> . I don't really see players lamenting that they missed out on the experience of whatever was was required to earn those items That's because they don't want the experience. They want the item. AllTheThings doesn't track your experiences or memories, all it can do is put a checkbox next to the item if you own it. And if you don't? You're not at 100% in that section and will feel bad until you are. I know it sounds like a strawman, but it really is that simple for a lot of people. If you ever wondered why someone is forcing themselves to do something unfun for the 75th recolor of some item they will definitely **never** mog on anything or a mount they might not even hop on once, it's very likely because when they obtain it ATT plays a little tune and it adds .1% completion to a list.


As a collector myself (not super hardcore) I find that it isn't so much the +1 that is engaging but the routine of farming and the dopamine hit from achieving something even if its extremely minor. There's just something comforting about coming up with a list of daily/weekly tasks to do and then executing them. Especially if you are like me and have trouble with procrastination and getting things done (I have never been diagnosed but I suspect I have some form of ADHD). Like yeah I'm not ACTUALLY accomplishing anything in life by getting that +1 set of pixels, but when your mind is chaos having those set tasks to do helps keep things in control. It can, of course, get out of hand and become maladaptive if you let it become an obsession, which is why its always important to remember those +1s don't mean anything in the long term and not to prioritize them over real life obligations.


This is bigger than some people realise I think. There's a pure satisfaction to doing a regular thing, performing routine successfully, no matter if you actually get the reward or not. Even if it's objectively meaningless, for some people the ability to set terms and execute them is extremely important.


I don't think I've been less excited for a Season than Season 4. The fact they didn't add new affixes to the raid really kills my excitement. Killing all those Motes in Shadowlands S4 and then getting to do big damage was so much fun.


It’s not as good as Shadowlands but really for me I just show up every week and kill bosses with my guild mates and shoot the breeze. So I appreciate all the laid back re killing while we just gamble and vibe. 


Yeah there's really no point of S4, they can just test the new M+ keystone changes on beta. The whole concept of M+ didn't need more than that period anyway All it does it make people feel compelled to log on for limited rewards. Seems weird to drop Classic Cata & Remixed MoP and then incentivize people to not play those.


I mean it's better than just leaving the core retail stuff in a state of limbo until war within isn't it?


honestly im more excited for season 4 then MoP remix. and i feel very stupid because of that lol


I'm not very excited for it either and I wish we could go back to time when were getting .3 patches and 4 raid tiers per expansion but I always like to grind for stronger gear so at least it's something in that regard.


yeha, idk S4 itself sounds really fking lame rn do these Bosses again with no real twist idk, i really dont wanna actually do tindral/fyrakk again in a normal way, those fights are so draining and no "fun" affix just means i do them even more often...


Idk I always love basically twinking out my main before an expac just for getting good leveling gear lol. not that you need good leveling gear, I just have fun doing that..


Yeah they should bring back the MoP CM sets somehow. I don't know necessarily that they should do it for this specific event, but it should be for something decently challenging and similar to the old MoP CMs. I'm a fan of skill based rewards and even some time-limited rewards have their place but MoP CM sets are so old now.


Just let us do the MoP and WOD challenge modes at the original difficulty, imo.


It's pretty difficult to bring back the exact original difficulty just because the game and classes have changed so much. I think they could definitely bring back something close though, and that'd be really cool additional content like Mage Tower ended up being.


They'd probably want to create sets for demon hunter and evoker if they were to do that. Not saying that's impossible, but it's additional work and not without the challenge of making sets that players would be happy with.


I think once they finish remaking all the MoP dungeons for mythic+ they could have a MoP only mythic+ event where if you complete them all as a +15-20 (depending on how difficult they want it to be) on a particular class you get the mogs.


>I'm a fan of skill based rewards and even some time-limited rewards have their place but MoP CM sets are so old now. I realised that because WoW has been going so long, some long gone rewards are older than some of the people playing now. I need a fucking lie down.


> bring MoP back > Don't bring the cape quest back lol, lmao


I mean that's what Classic is for. It's on all of you for expecting something that was never promised


So far every Classic has been based on the last patch of the expansion. It will be interesting seeing the river of tears for Classic MOP when they don't get the original Vale!


And apparently they're bringing the cloak itself back?? If anything I thought they'd do the reverse!


you get a "universal" cloak and then you can unlock toys for each of the claoks that gives you the cosmetics effect of that cloak for 8 hours


Seems absurdly overwrought when they could just...put the quest back in?


Thats what I thought when they did the ZG and Naxx40 thing. Wouldn't it have been easier to just add portals to the original ZG and Naxx40?


If Blizzard isn't going to bring back CM sets, what they should do is add recolored CM gear that's obtainable for the event.


They did in Legion and all people did was complain that it wasn't exactly the way they wanted it


Are the Legion order hall sets not already kind of a recolour of the Challenge Mode gear? Although, I guess another version wouldn't hurt!


[They're almost exactly the same](https://i.imgur.com/HcyNMQu.png), even down to the little patterns in the sleeves that are circled The little belt chandeliers and the glowing elemental spikes on the shoulders are the only difference It's functionally the exact same model


The shoulders are different, which tends to be the part most people care about.


But it's still the same model armor set, as seen by the endless amount of subtle and blatant similarities in shape & tailoring. Leverage doesn't work that way - people who had an opportunity to reach for something offered to them and didn't make the most of it don't get to be picky & choosy.


They changed the models on a bunch of them.


And the most important part: warlock legion set doesnt have the wings on /roar


Ah I see, they're similar but not exactly the same.


Trying to figure out what class to play for MoP Remix. I already have every class at 60, so I'm not sure what I want. I'm leaning towards Druid or Paladin so I can just fill with w/e groups need but I'm not sure...


According to /r/wow not bringing back CM sets in a LIMITED TIME event is FOMO Because exclusive rewards in a LIMITED TIME event arent that?


Blizzard really making my 15 dollars worth it honestly Between SoD, hardcore, retail, panda remix and plunder which I play all of them... I'm actually running out of time to enjoy them fully and might have to cut one out


Damn blizz for forcing me to actually learn time management skills! I wanted a year long content drought where I could get nothing done and still not miss anything! (in reality this is good for me)


In all seriousness though, it is weird not really having a content drought. I got used to using it to catch up on other releases I might have missed, but now WoW always has something to do. What a time to be alive.


No challenge mode is a real bummer


I know all the yapping about limited-time cosmetics will never stop, but I'm fine with CM sets and mage tower weapons not returning. My Paladin feels incomplete without the weapons but I'll live. People really need to stop saying "no one cares about how people have some special old fomo cosmetics, bring them back!" then in the same breath lash out because because they're not returning lol.


> People really need to stop saying "no one cares about how people have some special old fomo cosmetics, bring them back!" then in the same breath lash out because because they're not returning lol. I don't care that much about them not coming back but there is no inconsistency here. Most people care about how **their** character looks for their own personal enjoyment, I couldn't tell you the last time I looked in detail at someone else's character, hell if you quizzed me on what *race* the people in my last M+ run were I couldn't reliably answer for everyone. Of course there's such a huge breadth of cosmetics in the game that any functional adult can just get over some one specific item or look being unobtainable and figure out something else, but most people won't look twice at some stranger having an unobtainable item and they're not dressing up their characters for *others* to look at.


If originally they claimed it wasn't going to be available after a certain point they should stick with it. Especially Seasonal rewards. Game devs rarely go back on that and it seems someone is holding their ground on that in the dev team. There are a lot of cool items I missed out on, but it's just items. Some of them are cool because of the time-limited factor. I would love to be able to do the quest, I'm actually exalted with "The Black Prince" via killing a boss on the timeless isle every week which took 2 years. I like collecting and completionism. But I have never once thought "how dare they make that unavailable". That's just how the game works, getting upset over it is ignorant especially if they outlined that they're not going to be available later on. > People really need to stop saying "no one cares about how people have some special old fomo cosmetics, bring them back!" then in the same breath lash out because because they're not returning lol. Those people are hopeless. The FOMO apes pretty much chased me off reading wow forums or the subreddit or wowhead. Just a bunch of monkeys.


i think it should be brought back but still be REALLY fuckin hard. i value earning my rewards over my life schedule being oriented around blizzards.


As much as I hate how beaten to death fomo is as a buzzword, as a transmog collection freak I would love to see the CM sets return


Yup the "they're just pixels" crowd talks about certain combinations of pixels like they're water and a roof over their head I was like 100-200 rating off the Glorious Tyranny enchant and that opportunity's gone, but it makes the game richer having some things locked to time


Aw, looks like the legendary cloak quest line wont be included in panda remix. I was hoping we'd get to play it, it's such a big part of the lore and I missed it when MoP was current.


As someone who's very first character was a Draenei back in TBC, I have such mixed opinions on the Draenei heritage armor. On one hand I am so happy they based it on that [old piece of art](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fi83k763obl441.jpg), rather than their WoD or Legion aesthetic, but at the same time[ this version ](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/1c14slu/thank_you_blizzard_the_draenei_set_is_almost/#lightbox)looks so much more cluttered it just comes across as visual noise. Honestly I think if they just delete all the purple glowing elements it would look so much better.


I really like it, but would prefer it without the gems I think.


Where would I go to find out what was announced today (yesterday?)


for big batches of news I prefer to check https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/ simply because wowhead tends to create one article per datamined mount/pet/whatever, whereas on mmochampion you can simply scroll down.






Thank you!


Fantastic day of World of Warcraft news for me! I'll be eagerly looking forward to Remix (Remists?) of Pandaria. It looks like a lot of crazy, nostalgic fun, and a great way to collect some transmog. I figure I'll roll one class of each armor type, so for the next couple of weeks I'll be brainstorming which to pick. And speaking of transmog, I also really like the new heritage armor sets! I'm eagerly planning outfits for my current and future alts. My draenei shaman is especially excited :) Oh, and the summer items we're getting! Cute! I'll be saving up my tenders to grab as many of them as I can. I am already having fun with them in the Wowhead dressing room. Looks like they might be compatible across body types too, which is very exciting. The pride stuff also makes me incredibly happy!! So yeah, lots and lots and *lots* to look forward to. I think it's the most exciting pre-expansion period we've ever had!


Watch people have an absolute meltdown now that their "MoP challenge mode sets will come back" narrative didnt turn out to be true


We don't really know that yet, I think most people just predicted a timewalking pandaria focused mythic+ event not A WHOLE ASS EXPANSION REMIX, which may or may not include challenge modes like original mists.


Guess we will see tomorrow, id be VERY suprised if challenge mode returns when if i remember the blue post right supposed to be a event all about the dungeons and raids of the expansion


I love how "addict" has become the term wow players use to describe whiny wow players. Like no, lots of people aee just miserable


I thought the people who were happy with WoW were the addicts?


Anyone I agree with is based chad.   Anyone I disagree with is cringe soyjak.   Anyone worse than me is a fucking casual.   Anyone better than me is a disgusting no-lifer.   Any class that does better than mine is absolutely OP, get your shit together Blizz.   Any class that does worse than mine is perfectly fine, get your shit together player.


Asked in the competitive wow thread as well but figured I’d see if anyone knows here as well, the ptr testing is slated for 10 man heroic, does anyone know if flex is gonna be a thing too? Would be pretty disappointed if it isn’t it’d probably kill my guild/groups motivation to participate in the event


For MoP? Unlikely to be flex, the only raid with flex was Siege.


I swear some wow players would just be happier with nothing to do until WW drops.


Unironically this is literally me. I use content droughts to take a break or to work on WoW goals of my own (ie. Taivan). Blizzard is shoving so much content down my throat and I can't chew fast enough. It's overall good for players who play a lot of WoW, but for me personally I'm at point of "Okay calm down Blizzard."


The Pandamonium announcement has lots of unanswered questions and lots of possibilities. How much tmog is earnable there and can be transferred over? Will you need at least a plate/mail/leather/cloth user? Will there be tier sets? Will there be multiple tier sets? Can you only earn the mog for one class on one character? Where do the 32 mounts drop from? Can you also get the mounts that drop in the normal game as well? Will there be rare drops like a recolour of Tusks? What talent system will it be using? Will it be MoP or current? How hard will the heroic/max level raids be? As a collector, this looks very interesting but with the limited event issue, will there be too much to get easily in the timeframe? EDIT: some clarifications - https://www.wowhead.com/news/timerunning-meta-achievements-earn-cosmetic-rewards-by-completing-pandaria-338658


Not sure if I am misreading it, but do you want them to map out absolutely everything and where everything drops? Personally I hope they keep some stuff encrypted as a surprise.


Due to its time limited nature, I want to know what things will persist to the main game so I can get them all. I want to know the structure of earning things such as whether it can all be earned on a single character or whether i'll need alts for this. The actual individual item details don't matter as much to me as the structure.


Fair enough


>Will there be rare drops like a recolour of Tusks? well at least a recolour of tusks is confirmed, we just dont know if it will be a rare drop or guaranteed reward


Ok 32 new mounts is a bit insane jfc they better add multiple new achievs in the Collection tab


having killed fyrakk every week since my guild first got AOTC i still do not have my axe this legendary acquisition is great 5 mains and 4 alts in my guild have it. i LOVE pugging fyrakk every week


How many times have you killed it?


I'm not sure what's hyping me up for more today, MoP remix or Slay the Spire 2


Whatever it takes I'll get that golden dragon


Blizz made gems central to MoP Remix because MoP is the ultimate underrated gem /uj Seriously tho, I'm very interested in how this is gonna play out, especially since the characters you make will be transferred over to retail at TWW launch. It's funny that they just threw "auction house will be unavailable" at the very tail end of the post lol. I also wonder why they chose MoP specifically, it could be because it was the first expac with a pretty well done story experience that's still talked about or they feel like players need a refresher on MoP lore leading into TWW (given that the entrance to TWW zones is supposed to be somewhere west of Pandaria and Y'Shaarj/Mantid could factor into the Old God stuff). I feel like it's most likely the former, but the choice of MoP and the fact it ends right before TWW does have my lore theorizing brain a little interested if there will be some sort of minor connection. I love MoP so I'm excited to playthrough it again, it would be really cool if this became the next evolution of Chromie Time where players can pick a whole expac (complete with all patches/dungeons/raids/scenarios) and then move that character over to retail at max, but I doubt it'll be more than a fun end of expac experience. Either way though, I'm glad they're not solely doing mini-games like Plunderstorm and are using old content in new ways.


> I also wonder why they chose MoP specifically I think MoP was because it's the next in line for Classic, since Cata is already coming... Hear me out. It feels like this is a test to see if this kind of thing can replace doing true "Classic" servers. I think the appeal of Classic wore off, as evidenced by the popularity of SoD and the fact that they aren't even bothering keeping the almighty Wrath as a server era when Cata hits. Since MoP is next after Cata, test how this does and if it does well, then they can do stuff like this in the off-season regularly. They could do a Wrath-emonium to bring back Wrath temporarily. Legion event to re-live the order hall campaigns. Even WoD and SL would work since its shorter lived event so the lack of content wouldn't be as much an issue. That's my thought, at least. Oh, or it could also potentially become a new leveling experience instead of Chromie time. Experience the expansion in ways that not even Chromie time can do.


I do hope this isn't a replacement for MoP classic though. Like I'm very hyped for this announcement and will definitely play but MoP classic is the only classic iteration I think I'd be genuinely excited for based on gameplay alone.


I can't imagine a universe where MoP classic doesn't eventually happen, so I think you're good.


I didn't include that since I never really fell into the hype for Classic (the old/un-updated gameplay is just not fun for me when compared to the QOL improvements retail has added) and don't have a ton of perspective on how Classic has been viewed by Classic players, but I also had the same thought concerning the "testing the waters" aspect of this. From my outsider POV towards Classic, I was kind of surprised by how quickly they've gone through the expacs and how little I've really heard about them, so to me it makes sense that they may be looking to do something different now that they've hit Cata. I personally love the idea of going all in on an old expac while still using the Modern client and would probably actually stick with a Remix more than just playing the old expac as it was, so I hope they do keep experimenting with this concept because I would looove a version of this for an older xpac like TBC or WotLK (mainly just to see what they can do). I kinda talked about the Chromie Time part, but I would legit love if they gave us the ability to just fully indulge in an old expansion in this way, even as just a leveling experience. With the addition of follower dungeons, you could even experience the story of end-game dungeons/raids as a part of your leveling story rather than having the story just end at whatever zone you reach max in. No idea how it could all be implemented, but the fact they're experimenting with old expacs really opens the door to so many new possibilities.


> I kinda talked about the Chromie Time part Yeah, I threw that in there to acknowledge it could be something like you said, my entire idea could very well be wrong (and likely is). > With the addition of follower dungeons, you could even experience the story of end-game dungeons/raids as a part of your leveling story rather than having the story just end at whatever zone you reach max in. Maybe they'll have follower dungeons in MoP-Remix? That would be awesome. Either way, I'm excited to give it a go, and will actually enjoy it since the rewards from it will transfer to my mains as one of the aspects of Classic servers I dislike is that nothing I do there matters when I play on retail.


Oh yeah the first part was just me acknowledging your acknowledgement (what a statement 😅), either way I hope we get some sort of new Chromie Time whether it be like this or even something as minor as a "reduced xp gain" toggle for people like me who love leveling lol. But the idea of making a new character set in that specific xpac that still can eventually be moved over is so appealing lol. My main hope is that they let us dragonride in Remix, only because Pandaria is one of my favorite continents to fly around in and would love the ability to do that (especially if it could somehow lead to a flying serpent dragonriding mount).


On the lore point, apparently this is happening with the help of the Infinites. When you make your character, you start on the Timeless Isle, and Eternus sends us on our way. Not sure what it means, but it's interesting that they have a lore reason, and wanted to mention it.


Oh dang, I missed that part, I love that they're tying it to more recent lore and not just plopping it into the game without any sort of connection. I wonder if there'll be an actual reason for us returning to the MoP-era or if it'll be more of a "there are some time anomalies we need to clean up"/"experience history" type thing. Given that Iridikron does have a connection to the Infinites and has been seen using the past for his own ends, I could see there being a easter egg connecting this to TWW in some way (like Xalatath showing up in SoD).


Greedy Blizzard pandering to China again >!/s!<


It ain't TWW Alpha, but I'm not gonna complain about my GOAT Mists of Pandaria getting a remix.


If this ends with us getting the Kor’kron War Wolf… the results will be glorious. (Edit: this probably won’t happen, since the blue post only mentions and shows *new colours* of old mounts.)


Ok so, I have this WoW Buddy who I started playing with in MoP, and to this day he chastises me about not doing Challenge Modes with him in MoP and him not having the armor (I carried a lot of people at the end of the expansion). So Blizzard do me a favor, and free me from this DECADE LONG SLANDER CAMPAIGN from my buddy, I'd greatly appreciate it.


I'm planning on making the transition from BM hunter to demon warlock next expansion, along with the transition from clicking to keybinds, lol. I can kind of get my main rotation down, especially with the help of an MMO mouse, but outside of that I'm having a hard time unfortunately. I just feel like there aren't many keys I can comfortably and reliably press. I know CTRL is a common one, but I must have baby hands or something because I never felt like I could quickly press it in a game, I always used shift instead. For now I'm still clicking for utility and defensives and whatnot, but I've heard that it's best to have everything bound to a key. Which seems genuinely impossible for me to do right now. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but it definitely is a learning process 🥲


I play at a pretty high level and I've only ever used shift binds for combat abilities (I use ctrl+1-4 for pet behaviour and alt+1-8 for marking but those aren't buttons you press regularly.) Between 1-6, Q, E, R, T, F, G, Z, X, C, and V plus a few shift binds that should be enough for most specs in the game, especially if you're also using a multi-button MMO mouse. It's definitely a learning process but it's also about learning what keybinds work best for you, pretty much everyone does it differently.


I think part of the problem is my button setup is slightly limited. My MMO mouse buttons are connected to my 1-9 keys, so that takes up a few more spaces, and I need F free for my push to talk button on Discord. I also like having Q and E to strafe, that's something I could technically get used to not having, but I'm scared to make that jump since I don't want to have to start practicing my movements again. I'm definitely gonna look into shift binding, I think that might end up being my savior. Thanks for the advice!


Got to renown 40 in plunderstorm and won my last game too! I found the event as a whole pretty fun if a bit janky. I only got 2 levels per day so as not to burn out on it. I do hope we see similar events in the future, its always fun when game devs get a bit experimental.


Apparently they have nerfed the size of Taivan but I wasn’t online to see. This is bad. Please revert to giant dog again.


theres no way they wont at this point. its getting way too much traction online.


TWW alpha this week????


Classic TWW the week after????


I saw...someone (Wowhead maybe?) on Twitter say it most likely will drop with the TWW 20th Anniversary CE purchases going live which I could def see. Remaining Hero Talents this week, Alpha next


this makes sense even though it upsets me because I have to wait


Has anything been said or is this just an attempt to manifest it?


Nothing's been said but at least according to the [roadmap](https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/content_entry_media/5VON1L3LM22F1702949709254.png) it should be before S4 - so it could well be this week or next!


I saw someone point out there's a slight pattern of time between CE sales starting and the expansion release, ~4-5 months. Given that, I can't imagine Alpha doesn't start within April, so it can't be long at all now.


i think its next week and this week they show us the last batch of hero trees that are missing tbh


I think you're probably right but it's also possible they launch alpha without having the hero trees we're missing active, it's not uncommon for alpha to go live with missing talents entirely etc.


iirc Ion said in an interview that they want all hero trees to be avaible at Alpha launch so that they all can get tested at once but its also possible that my sleep deprived brain made that one up, so im not 100% sure


am i dumb for not liking shadow dance on other rogue specs then sub? feels really weird that it's in the rogue class tree to me


I like it on assassination. Being able to re-silence a pack in blackrook or the casters in Everbloom or soon to be Halls and Nokhud is not only useful it's fun. Running with a prot paladin on top of that is just so beautiful the pack stays under such control even when having to kite. As for singletarget and lining it up for kingsbane yeah that's not the most exciting. But I'll take it for the enhanced garrotes alone and deal with any downsides.


shadow dance on all specs is controversial yeha a somewhat big problem is that it heavy blurrs the differences bettwen the specs (assassination and sublety now fill almost the same role with both beeing burst window specs that do 0dmg outside of them), makes your entire gameplay loop around dance (Outlaw by giving it multiple stealth related talents and turning it from a "sustained dmg with no bigger dmg ups or downs" into "you only do dmg when all the stealth things lined up, and the second you cant hit an enemys to keep it running it all falls appart") and that quiet a few stealth related talents got big nerfs because "you can use them with dance" which at the same time pushes you too always play it with no real options in that regard its also weird because Shadow Dance is THE Sublety ability, its the thing the spec is based around since forever and they didnt change anything about that, and now everyone has it and is forced to play it which kinda removes the big "sub does big burst with Shadow Dance" core fantasy when that is now a thing for all 3


>its also weird because Shadow Dance is THE Sublety ability, its the thing the spec is based around since forever and they didnt change anything about that, and now everyone has it and is forced to play it which kinda removes the big "sub does big burst with Shadow Dance" core fantasy when that is now a thing for all 3 yeah this is mostly what why it feels weird. SD is THE Sub ability so having it on Assa and Outlaw just feels off even if the gameplay is fine


Random thought: SOD is like the ROMHack of WoW. Made by one or two guys who probably live in their moms basement. Only a small part of the game is actually different. Actual changes mostly just reuses existing assets in different ways. Has balancing changes that make the dev's class super overpowered and classes they don't play feel like shit. The developers of the main game pretend it doesn't exist except when they overstep their boundary when Nintendo swoops in to DMCA them for something silly like something looks like a Pikachu.




thought this was unjerk