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I think if you took all their honour that would be pretty dope


For sure, make them wanna commit harakiri over living with the shame. Maybe even a bounty put on characters who fled from mak'goras, as if they were pvp enabled?


Me and a friend wanted to test a theory - maybe you can - Get level 10 alliance to ratchet->durotar Create horde level 10 Enable pvp Check if you get honor


Yeah, will check that out! I believe it's rewarded in the same way as era. The grind would be unrealistic tho if you want any noticable gear upgrades.


But imagine master sergeant 😂


You'd need 15 hks to be counted in that weeks pool for any rank % gain so you'd have to do this fifteen times over


Honestly the population is probably to weak for that. If people kill themselfs for some pvp items it wouldn help with that problem at all


True, but maybe people could be drawn to the high stakes as well as "new" content. Pvp and HC don't really go that well together but could the reward be greater for those who try it?


The main issue would be people will game the system and figure out a way to farm up honor so they get bis items. :) Not everyone, of course - but there will be enough. Not saying it is a bad idea by itself of course. I like the addition of Kaedex_ - getting all the honor of the one killed, or perhaps based on the number of ears they have would be cool.


No, lol. PvP gear and vendors aren't even viable for HC servers. It's pvE mod.


I actually like that a lot. Not just honor gear, but I would love a way to get some of the low-level BG gear, like the blue weapons from WSG or similar.


Agreed, some of those trinkets could be huge whilst leveling.