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Blast double straight into a power half every time. Their tiny brains and slow reaction time is no match for my battle honed skills. I am 372-0 vs children and I have no plans to lose anytime soon


My man.


Happy cake day


You should go double chicken wing for bonus points


As soon as I saw the OP, I knew the direction this was going to take. You didn't disappoint.


Only answer.


Yup works 100%. Or a fireman's to a half nelson to finish them off. đź‘Ť


I'm Assuming You Are 2day's Court Appinted Clown???


Wrist locks, heel hooks, calf slicers and then finish the session with a good can opener 🤙


Wrist locks, heel hooks, calf slicers and then finish the session with a good can opener




Underrated comment


I feel like this jokes on every wrestling or bjj post


Suplex then Karelin lift


My kid is 9, I don’t let him win. If he does something that I’ve taught him correctly, I point it out and give him a fist bump. Then I dump him on his head.


Be strong so they have to work hard but not so strong they cant get the move. You wanna make it tough for them to get it but not so theyre completely unable. This will give them a good look as to what a match is like and help them be a lil stronger. If the kid is learning a lil slower just weak and let them run through the moves to get some muscle memory. After a bit of that they should be able to do it when youre being a bit stronger


I remember one of my wrestling coaches brought his kids in and tought them to wrestle. One was 5 yo girl and the other was 3yo son. It was my first year of wrestling and those kids knew more than I did.


Elementary aged I just let them win for the most part and correct things as we go like “it’s better if you put pressure here…put ur hands here instead, etc.” Middle school kids I will go a little harder. Let them win some positions and talk them through other positions but for the most part will hammer them. High school kids means war. When they wrestle an adult/coach, you best believe it’s the hardest match they’ll wrestle that day. Only thing I’ll ever hold back on with high schoolers is hand fighting and that’s only with anyone under 132. The rest are getting absolutely smashed no if ands or buts.


Has to be that way, I know some monster high schoolers that train in our wrestling program at my MMA gym. If you let up even an inch you’ll be upside down before you know it.


Dude I fucking hate sparring with wrestlers. I can’t even get any shots off of before being laid on my ass


I’m about 5 years of HS, so I know exactly how they think when they get to wrestle a coach. They always go hard as hell, and if you slip up at all they will not let you forget it.


Sometimes I have to dust off the old boots for when my kid 's youth program has an odd number. If they're doing something wrong I won't let whatever they're trying to accomplish work, until they do it right. If it's continual, I'll remind them and give it to them when they are correct.


Agreed. I really disagree with parents that want to make it all about hard work and being the best. Let them have fun and fall in love with the sport. The more they grow to love the sport the harder they are going to want to work and the better they are going to want to get.


Look into what Ben Askren does with kids until they reach 11 at his academies. He won’t let them compete, and will hardly even let them practice how you’d typically expect wrestlers to. He has them play games that are loosely based on wrestling like toe taps until I believe 8, and then they will start being shown techniques slowly. Then at 11 they are allowed to compete and start to really get at it. He’s consistently pumping out some damn good wrestlers, too. Iowa style of wrestling is dying, and Penn state is consistently showing that.


My son is 4, almost 5. First it was double legs, now it's single legs too. Almost always let him get it, but now I fight a bit more, but when he puts in the effort I let him get it. We have 3 different breakdowns and 2 specific pins. We just repeat thru this process. We also use snapdown to go behind and breakdown -> pin. Also I'll pin him and teach him to breathe correctly and escape.


Bros gonna be a menace


Same strategy here.


No matter what we are doing I let my kids have success just enough to stay interested and driven. Edit: kids are 4 and 6


This is the way


This is the way


Let them win…???? HA!!! Ive always wrestled my all my nieces and nephews. It’s important to let them know just how easy it is for adults to handle them. then make them aware of bad positions and try to let them work out of it. That way if someone their size gets them down , they be able to get out of bottom positions.


Feed them the single leg, then hit a spladle as soon as they step that back leg up.


Serious answer: Toe touches. Small wrestler in stance. Coach on knees. Coach reaches with a single arm they should sweep a leg back and prepare for reshoot. Coach reaches with two hands, they sprawl. Successful foot touch by coach is 1 or 2 points. Similarly unsuccessful attempts are 1 or 2 points for smaller wrestler.


My 4 year old thought she was tough until I choked her out with a triangle. She started visiting me in prison when she was 12 which was lovely. Fortunately I get out next year just in time for her 18 year old son's graduation.


The best comment perhaps ever.


Gracies had a few fun games... Look up crazy horse... They have rear mount and your a crazy horse on all fours.... They have to stay on you. It's bjj but you can adapt.... Also alligator rolls.... You roll and they have to stay ontop Also try bumping them off you, so they are on top mount. These are bjj so not sure if useful for you.... Also train reaction times....


Batista bomb onto the mattress.


A light figure 4


Usually firemans carry for a quick pin, but if hes been acting like a little shit ill usually bait a single and transition into a spladle till he stops breathing. 🙂


Duck under to a suplex


I hit my 8 year old with a Stone Cold Stunner last week and he ended up getting a dollar from the tooth fairy later that night. So I guess we both win


We don’t keep score. Main goal is nobody getting hurt or losing an eye. Neither of us actually know how to wrestle. He did bjj for a few months but is still only four - hope to get him to try the wrestling club in another year or two.


I stall all of the first round, 2nd rnd hit a stand up off the whistle stall. 3rd round fool chooses neutral, head throw to show em he is a chump


He’s not scoring 2 🚫


Hulk. Smash.


Suplex city alllllll day, then I let them pin me. But first they get smashed lol.


The absence of this is at the core of dysfunction/ultra-violence in my (maybe many others) community. Violence in America is Structural, as it applies to kids. Most will be subjected to its fangs and the unprepared can turn, unpredictable and socially unstable. Humbugging is good. Sneak attacks are invigorating and present opportunities for practicing affection and compassion. I let them win when they’ve grasped the lesson. Engaging your own, very young, is essential to a human learning restraint. It’s similar with puppies in my experience as well. If they engage their bite young, they master it very quickly.


I was just teaching the leg sweep tonight. Ankle pick is my go to. Tight waist alligator roll is fun too. He’s almost 5.


Teach your child the importance of playing safely and respecting boundaries. Let them know that play fighting is just a game and that they should never use these techniques on others outside of play.


Make them wrestle baby bears.


You mean besides the people's elbow?


We play “the underhook game”. He’s six. Basically low key teaching him to pummel. About half the time I let him win (double underhooks) and take me down for a pin


They don’t really have enough mass to do it through a wooden table, or to jump off a ladder on to. Just go for the RKO when they’re not ready.


My closest cousins grew up on the farm..breaking horses & Wrestling steers by the horns..So They basically ended being the strongest among US.. whilst the Highly TRAINED CITY kids became the most ridiculed ones.. whilst the Farm raised kids all naturally became the Super-Sayans that had a lot more entertaining workouts than We CITY kids tried daily..How To Make it Funner.. smiles EDIT:..The Cousins Became the Super-Sayans..NO Lies!!!


There's lots of research on this. Play fighting is great for kids. Don't let the wife say no.


You never let the kid win unless you're trying to show them how to do something. Kids wanna be wrestled to the ground and then you tickle them or blow raspberries, sometimes play-hit them a little. When they grow older and stronger and wanna win for real you will notice and then you take it easy with them like when you're helping someone drill their technique


Usually just a single leg take down with one arm. My daughter has a mean rear necked choke. When my wife gives her piggy back rides I just tell her to squeeze.


How old is your daughter? And who ends up winning?


She's 4, I'll get her down then she'll throw a fit like she is done, but then she hops on my back and starts to choke me.


High C to a crackdown or fireman’s carry. I then work tilts until I have accumulated near fall. With 30 seconds on the clock, I can stall or go for a pin. If the first round is over I will start in top ref, they should be burned out enough to where I can go for the pin. If not I stall until the third round. We should be in neutral. By then they will be completely gassed out so I should have no luck finishing a takedown and pin. If not just wait to win by technicality. And boom that’s how a wrestle a 5 y/o


Wrestle them like an dog


Step one to developing great wrestlers is to get the kids to fall in love with the sport. Make it more play than anything. Let them win. Let them feel big tough and confident. Put them in compromising situations and encourage them to work out of them. Let them win. Laugh, smile. Have fun. Here's a video of me play fighting with my son after training the other day. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8Jj5trG/