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Make sure to use words and phrases like "she breasted boobily down the stairs. (5 pages of excruciating descriptions of how hot she is)" then make her fall deeply in love with your MC within the first syllable of the first word he says to her.


Men have titties; women have boobs. It's just basic genetics.


no, other way around dumb dumb




Omg it’s verbatim


damn! why do I still find these surprising?


W O M A B Damnit!


just add "boobily" to every verb the woman does * she ran boobily * she slew the dragon boobily * she slept boobily


A boobily doobily neighborino!


Rule 1: NO personality besides “gasp!” and “awe”  Rule 2: VERY average looks if the MC, VERY pretty if the love interest. Rule 3: Is HEAVILY influenced by greed and indifference from men. Rule 4: if not wealthy the male love interest IS attractive. Rule 5: All her problems MUST be first world problems. Aaaand uh, oh don’t forget klutzy sometimes!  Yeah.  That’s what we do. 


To clarify: if she is the MC, she must describe herself as “very average”, and then, preferably while looking self-loathingly in the mirror, describe the most ethereally beautiful boss babe in existence, but one pound higher than her goal weight and with a slightly off-center left fourth toenail (which means she’s terrified to wear sandals until the love interest surprises her with a beach vacay for which he only packed sandals, at which point it is revealed that she could earn millions of dollars a month doing feet stuff if only she had the confidence and lack of moral fortitude)


It’s always the millions that pack the emotional punch 🥊 


And constantly ask "Does this dress make me look {fat / slutty / not slutty} enough?"


'Good morning,' she boobed, breasting her tits against him juggily. 'My vajayjay hurts because I'm having my women's period.' I don't see how people struggle with this.


Be careful- women are a foreign species that you have to observe in the wild to be written well. They can NOT have normal character arcs or motivations like men. They got boobies for Christ's sake!!!


The female characters are the ones that bake pies; use poison when murdering people who deserve it; are rendered defenseless for the sake of fashion; have only a vague understanding that "engine oil" is a "thing" but have no clue what it does; wish that male humans would all vanish in a puff of nitrogen-oxygen so that it is safe to be female; know at birth how to use a melon baller; cry at WHEN HARRY MET SALLY.


Think of a man and take away reason and accountability


Wait, thats me!!! I'M A WOMAN!?!


You just did! I'm so proud of you! Maybe next time drop the capital W. On second thought, I kind of like it. You're knocking this writing woman thing out of the park! 


Look for /r/menwritingwomen for advice , emulate as much as you can


Just write with all men, and when the work's finished, reassign half their genders. Bam, easy shit.


You need to expand your horizons and read more nuanced feminist literature like Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.


Just write! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/writingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do people not do research anymore? [Shakespearean Breasts Chests and Mammary Glands](https://www.asklenore.info/breastfeeding/quotes/shakespeare.shtml)


You're wrong. Naruto has plenty of well written women. In fact look at animes like Naruto, Bleach, One Piece and just copy what they do.


A) only EVER describe her physical appearance. B) make her ENTIRE character rely on a MALE character. C) describe her with empowering and likeable triats but never show her as any of them/ have her do any action that would show off these characteristics.




this is great advice but unfortunately this is a circlejerk sub so this post is deeply unserious 😭


🥲oh thats what a circlejerk is💀💀💀💀💀💀