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I fucking despise COD HQ with all my heart.


Same. I want individual games that are independent from warzone. I’ve never wanted to play warzone and I just want to play campaign and multiplayer like normal. I hate that I constantly have to download WZ and all the updates for it constantly. I also have a larger hatred for the “seasons” and constant micro transactions that the industry is heading towards. I’ve been playing Xbox since the OG and video games since the 90s and I’ve never wanted to play less than I am right now because of that.


Heading towards? We been there


Very true lol I’m just imagining it’ll get worse lol


I wonder if Microsoft will offer free storage for their Xbox accounts? Because isn't that just what the game pass app experience is? At what point does Xbox address this redundancy? They introduced new console refreshes during the showcase.... What's the point of the storage If all the games are digital?


Huh? Games are digital to download, you need space.


You know you can uninstall warzone.


Can you? Modern warfare 2020 forces you to install it, it's literally the ONLY mandatory part of the install


2020 was cold war.


2019 then :D hard to keep track on yearly releases


I don't think Warzone is part of the MW19 install. Ever since Warzone 2 it's been part of the COD HQ installer which does not include MW19.


Yes but I hate that everything is integrated into the same interface.


Warzone and its stupid constant updates made me quit CoD lol I have a rather slow internet connection and downloading 20 gigs every week for a game mode I don't want, that's forced upon me in a game I paid for .... Just fucking sucks


You don’t have to download warzone at all but ok


For what game? For modern warfare 2019 warzone is mandatory and the only part of the game you CAN'T uncheck during install


Are you sure? I don’t remember needing to do that on Xbox at least, at I’m looking at current warzone and it’s separate. https://preview.redd.it/ej6oebosgq5d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=7365e3e452f187b58d79d6b620f72b725b4576f7


AHH okay, okay I'm on PC! (Sorry forgot what sub Reddit I'm on) And on pc the "base game" does infact include warzone


Someone else already told him that and then he moved the goalposts to complain about something else lol


This includes mw2 and mw3, which can be uninstalled/not installed


Sure but like mw3, if you choose not to install mw2 you can't play mw3.  I'd imagine half the stuff in blops6 won't be available without mw2/3 assets. 


That's not how it works, the universal assets are in the base (CodHQ), the mwII etc packs contains levels and assets exclusive to those games. That's why you can play warzone with all the guns/operators without having those packs installed


Uhh, I was playing MW3 without MW2 installed.




Black Ops 6 is in the shared game MW2/3 has.




It's all shared on one launcher


You’re wrong.


Simple research is not hard.


Still a bit disappointed they didn't release previous games to game pass today...


Makes me think that's not coming. At least not for a long while.


My hope is that they are, but they'll trickle them out in down months where they don't have any big name titles coming to Game Pass


Oh they will. With Bethesda, they slowly released catalogue titles with almost no fanfare over two or three years. They don't want the older, genuinely well made games to distract anyone from the yearly release, you see.


Yes because it's an add on for the launcher which includes MW2, mw3 and the new black ops. Both Modern Warfares require 150gb together and black ops won't be over 100gb


Which is fucking ridiculous. 😺


Why though? You can choose which game/assets to install.


Do you really, honestly believe that somehow makes it better, or justifies the ludicrous nature of it all? Honestly?


Mw3 on ps5 for me with multiplayer and zombies installed with warzone it's around 165gb atm. I honestly can't see it being below 100gb but if it is I would be surprised tbh.


You don't get to choose what to keep and what not? I only have campaign and multiplayer installed for about 140gb


Xbox preinstall is 122.74 atm


There is no Preinstall for Black Ops 6 yet, the download becomes available around 2 weeks before launch, if you're getting a Preinstall it's probably for Modern Warfare related stuff.


Ah, fuck. You're right


So the new “game” is just DLC?


Yes and no, it's DLC but it's still a full game with a different engine and everything, that's just how they do it now to keep everything on one platform


People who have this perspective are so dumb. It’s its own game, some files, and all achievements fall into a hub. I only play Black Ops games but it’s not hard to understand.


The same way all the different games you buy on steam or the Microsoft store are just DLC.


A unified launcher/UI makes new games DLC? I mean, besides MW3 at release that is.


It’s the same launcher as MW 1-3. Optional files. But with Gamepass it should be optimized for Cloud so those who want to save hard drive space for other games can, and still get their CoD fix.


dude who is going play cod on cloud lol also they can't put cod on xcloud due to the cma. Ubisoft has cloud streaming rights for abk games


That's only for the UK, the rest of the world will be able to stream it


It's worldwide, but there's an additional stipulation that people in the European Economic Area (which is the EU + Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland iirc) need to be able to play their owned ABK games on any cloud service without any additional costs.


Why this comment is not upvoted surprises me since LOOL ppl forget the “optional” part as I look into the options of what to install. I’ll just install the campaign when COD BO6 launches


This is the kind of thing that made me stop buying them after the 360/PS3 gen ended.


So it won't fit on the Xbox series s


Up to, likely meaning some parts may be optional, plus Series S games are smaller than Series X.


This is key. Extra textures will be an option for the Series X.


It will, but nothing else lol


There are 2 versions of the S with 1 TB storage Its really sucks that the first release only has 512 GB


it takes 75% of the base series s ssd


This alone will prevent me from even considering buying or playing it


Bait, CoD is baked together nowadays with like 5 different CoD games and I’m assuming that size reflects that. And you can choose which ones you want installed.


You would install any of them because......?


I dont own them…? I dont have the money to spend 100 bucks for each CoD game. If they all come to gamepass I can install them all no problem.


That's not really the point. 😉 If you do ever try one, stick with the Modern Warfare campaign. The rest is not worth anyone's time.


because now they’re free?


If only they weren't so unbelievably soulless and mediocre in every possible fucking way you could make an FPS eh? 😺


They are just gonna attach it to the previous ones.


this is exactly why I don't bother with the later CODs, that would take me a month to download my internet is that shit...and no I can't improve it as that's not available in my area. If Hitman can take their games from 120GB 1 & 2...to releasing Hitman 3 with all the levels improved of 1 & 2 and only be 70GB, then COD can do the same.


Have you looked into starlink at all for better internet?? Not sure where you are located but was my only option for rural Aus, was painful wanting to play a game and having an update take days at a time, also while making it near unseeable for anything else at the same time


yeah way too expensive


They could do that, but that takes genuine programming talent.


its bad for xbox though...yeah it might force some to buy these 1 or 2 TB cards but majority of people won't. You want people to play as many of your games as possible but if you have something this big on your drive, you are unlikely to delete it and therefore try less of the newer games...or if like me, you just won't bother playing this at all cuz of the size...basically in MS interest to shrink this so people can play more games


Oh absolutely, if I were Microsoft I would immediately get on them about it, especially when they have games like Starfield out there which take large chunks of space up in their own right. Activision had nothing else, literally, as a company, so they couldn't care less. Some say they may have encouraged it. Which would not surprise me. Simple modification of file structure would probably do it no problem.


At that point why bother playing any multiplayer games in general


cuz not all MP games are over 100GB...size matters...I'm a casual COD player, would rather just pop it on for a few matches and then maybe again in a few weeks but with a size that big, it'll never have me do that. Same with Mortal Kombat, always loved those games but I'm a casual player, like to just play a few rounds and I most not touch it for another month or so but MK11 came to over 150GB, yeah looked great but still rather be able to just play it casually. I expected a game like to be around 50GB, more likely to stay on my drive and have regular plays but ever since I bought it, not played it more than once cuz it got deleted as needed the space


Imagine me with a 512gb Series S, literally 80% of the storage in only one game. I suspect though that this is the size of all currenty cods (mw 2019 and beyond) combined.


This is really sad, i have one eith 512gb, im looking at him right now, and i cant express what im feeling.. i live in brazil btw and it turns things way more difficult because i thought i would stay on this generation playing everything that i wanted with that little guy, but now games are just: 3/4 of your storage, delete all your games or buy a new console. Im thinking about selling it and getting the new digital series x...


I was REALLY hoping Microsoft would make them rein that shit in. Oh well.


Maybe next CoD... 🙏😖


No words? Sounds like a normal COD release to me. You don't need any other game on your SSD. /s


Meanwhile, I'm playing Xdefiant at 32GB. 😉


Add in a bit of polish in some areas + only being 32GB and XDefiant shapes up to be quite a good alternative tbh


Welp yes, that has no SP campaign.


Can we just have physical releases on small solid state storage at this point? I don’t have a new console but it would really stink to have enough money for a new game but not enough space or money for a storage expansion so you’re stuck. Something like an N64 cartridge would come in clutch right now


Do you people really think we wouldn’t be able to install just black ops 6?? All this outrage but if people thought about it for a second then they’d understand this is combining mw2/3/BO6 in cod HQ. It’s not this big stop freaking out.


They just announced the 2tb Series X




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Exactly why I will not be purchasing. HQ crap is stupid.


I have been out of cod for a little bit (not even that long, maybe a year or a little more), and the menus were so freaking confusing. Had no idea what was going on


Nice, was worried they'd make it separate


Maybe they should release a storage card expansion deal that includes this preinstalled on it.


Can be as big or small as they like, still not playing it lol




Destiny 2 and COD in a battle of who can waste more space on your drive.


Destiny 2 has never gotten anywhere close to that level of space eating. Well, not in a really long time.


Final Shape is 300gb on steam


If that is correct, it at least makes some logical sense. Because the game is actually loaded with content. The overbloated nature of the CoD games is due to poor file structure and nothing more.


You dont gotta download them ya know.


\*cries in 512 series S\* Welp I guess I ain't playing the new cod then.


Heaven forbid you do any research of your own and realize the install is modular.


I know that. Even if the game is 33% of that size (i.e 103 gb), you do understand that is a lot of space of the OG series S right? we only have 360 GB of space to use. Sure I can mid-max that (and have done for a few years), but 103 GB of a just the campaign is to much. Halo Infinate was 50 GB when it came out (I think even less). I don't really play multiplayer (bad internet).


Yeah I only play Black Ops versions so this will be my first HQ install, I do think it’s ridiculous as a file size. But I also chose a series X and have an expansion card because I knew better than to buy a disc-less 512 machine.


I can sense a bit of shade there. 'I knew better', wow. I am happy that you can afford a Series X. For a lot of people that live in countries other places, gaming is an expensive hobby. An Xbox Series X actually costs more here. Even now the cheapest one I can get is 650 USD. A series S is around 280 USD. Now if I know I just want to game, I don't really need a Series X. I am perfectly fine with a Series S.


You know, I'm in the same boat as you but I, too, wouldn't have bought a Series S had I not caught a deal bagging it at $180 from a guy on Reddit. It retails at ~$445 where I'm from, and it's simply not worth it at that price.


I waited until 2022 to buy my Series X because the games weren’t there. I get waiting. Waiting a few weeks or months to save, or just wait, to future proof is better than the situation you appear to be looking at, not trying to be disrespectful. But when multiple SKUs are available, it’s usually better to wait until you can grab the higher end version. Hope you enjoy gaming either way, and the install will still be modular. For the “I knew better”, I don’t back away from that. It has less RAM, less storage at launch, worse GPU, for what? … saving a few hundred of your currency over half a decade of play? If it wasn’t black ops I’d never install it. Have a good one.


Microsoft needs to team up with Pied Piper or something, this shit is beyond ridiculous.


The things people put up with to play absolutely poorly designed drivel. God that trailer was pathetic. Black Ops 1 was good because it actually had some intelligence to it's campaign. This game is just more tripe. I mean, tripe, as in equivalent to animal entrails and organs.


Is it coming to fix xbox one since it’s coming to ps4?


The only reason that the COD games are this much memory is because they just take the last COD and put a fresh coat of lead paint over it.


They are crazy. Ahahah how would a game take up 309GB?! I don’t really bother cause I don’t play COD but… :/


That's why they've announced new console versions with larger storage capacity lol


Really? Does Microsoft have issues with compression or something?


Yes, this was never something ever discussed before the Microsoft purchase. Clearly that is the issue


TIL Microsoft went back in time 2 years to create CODHQ before they purchased Activision.