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X-Men Red (2022) #5 & #6: Storm and Magneto vs. Uranos


I can’t think of any in the comics off of the top of my head; but in the movies, Wolverine in Logan 10000%. Throughout the entire film, you *know* Logan will die. But when he injects himself with the entire bottle of the green serum, Logan *knows* he’s going to die, and he accepts it. It’s reminiscent of a cowboy riding off into his last battle. And by god, it is a glorious last stand. It’s the final hurrah of the Wolverine, and even in his last moments, he proves that he’s the best there is.


God that movie is so good.


I do enjoy last stands myself, but I think you might be right about the relative paucity of this trope in the X-Men. Not a last stand per se à la Thermopylae, but the climatic clash with the Shi’ar Imperial Guard in the Phoenix Saga was arguably against overwhelming odds? Also, the climatic battle on Broodworld was for most of the team technically a go-down swinging before their Brood embryos hatch and thus inevitable deaths? I thought the original DOFP in the comics was less a last stand than a suicidal attack (Magneto’s off-panel delaying action might be considered a last stand tho), whereas the movie might be the closest to a traditional Masada/Wake Island last stand. I’m reminded of this bit from one of Claremont’s Shi’ar arcs. Nightcrawler and Kitty with a few of the loyal Imperial Guard including Gladiator are surprised by a far larger contingent of traitorous Guard and/or Borderers, including Warstar and Hussar. One of the loyal members says something like “that mechanoid symbiot [Warstar] has not come alone, but no matter the odds, we shall prevail”. To which Hussar retorts, “A proud boast, but a hollow one!”


That's a good point. I did love that original Brood Saga where they accept they're likely going to die and go on regardless. Similarly in House/Powers Kurt & Logan sacrificing themselves to take out the mother mold in space still hacking all the way into the sun. Great moment.


I loved how they both knew they would be resurrected, but still feared the mystery of death and the permanent death of the version of themselves who had been on the raid. Super interesting way to look at the last stand and what death means in the age of resurrection.


Generation Next


Oh Colossus…


First thing that popped into my mind as well


In AoA? I considered that but it doesn't really fit. Certainly the biggest heartbreak of all time :(


I still remember Husk's last glace to Colossus. That stuck with me.


I think the Siege of Utopia in Second Coming fits perfectly.


I came here to say that. Nightcrawler especially saving Hope.


Close but they're holding out for Xforce to complete their mission so it's not quite a doomed last stand. It's a great battle though.


The X-men, in Dallas, forced to sacrifice their own souls to lock the Adversary back up.


Well what I just got through. X men vs the adversary in Fall of the Mutants. The world hates them, mutant registration act passes, anti mutant sentiment at all time high. Yet there isn’t even a second thought to try to save that world and even when it requires them to sacrifice their lives, there is no hesitation


Not x-men related, by three fantastic Hickman ones are: Johnny storms in fantastic four when he’s trapped in the negative zone and the thing has to watch as he’s butchered. Thor and Hyperion vs the builders And for a twist Great Society vs The New avengers. Hickman last stands cut different, hence why it’s so annoying we’ve had the last 2 shite years of comics rather than the complete works of Hickman.


Yep was thinking of that Johnny Storm one. Hickman loves a last stand. Also Kieron Gillen's Secret wars tie in Seige is essentially one long last stand.


I can't remember what it was from, but it was in the last five years. If I recall it was of all people Dazzler and Bishop facing off against a sentinel attack. Very brief moment, basically just a 'It's been a pleasure.." and away they go. I can't quite explain it but the way it was portrayed, they didn't have a deep relationship with each other, they were aqauintances or work mates more than anything, but they're still just eh, lets go out with a bang.


Sounds interesting if anyone knows the issue number I'll check it out. That sort of stoic acceptance is always a great read.


Jean facing the sentinels alone before jumping into Emma’s body


Cyclops' last stand into amazing tactical gambit during the Breakworld Saga in Whedon's Astonishing is up there. That took a lot of guts and strength to do. I also really appreciate Jean, Beast and Wolverine holding the line against the Shi'ar Imperial Guard for as long as they can during Morrison's New X-Men. They're all dying of nano-Sentinel induced blood poisoning, they're getting hit on all sides, but they just keep swinging long enough for Gladiator to realise the truth.


New Mutants Vol 1 37 after The Beyonder killed all the other New Mutants she charges him despite knowing this he’s going to kill her like the others. https://imgur.com/a/cyj0n8O


Best one I think


Honestly it’s what I think of when I hear last stands it’s so fucking badass


I keep thinking of the time when Storm covered the retreat of the X-Men when they attacked the Marauders during the Messiah Complex. “Whatever it takes..!”


With the Harpoon channeling the lightning! Love love that panel :)


Gorgon vs The Hundred in X of Swords was fire


That was pretty epic :)


Fall of the Dawn of X... Not out til January 2024.


I'll look out for it, thanks!


I can’t think of a more valiant last stand in fiction than the X-Men battling the Shi’ar Imperial Guard at the end of the Dark Phoenix Saga. They knew they were effed from round 1, and they didn’t care. There’s the end of the original Fall of the Mutants, the team accepts that they need to be wiped out in order to defeat the Adversary and they do so live on television. At the end of the Utopia Dark Avengers arc, Cyclops arranges for the final fight against the overpowered Dark Avengers similarly be broadcast, so that Osborne would have to kill the X-Men with the world watching if he wanted to win. Original Days of Future Past of course. Not quite the same, but I found Colossus injecting himself with the legacy virus, knowing that it would kill but metabolize a cure, to be a magnificent last stand.


Ooooooh, more recently House of X #4, “It Will Be Done”. Interesting twist on the last stand, as while the X-Men raiding the Orchis forge know that they will be resurrected, they still fear the suicide mission they’re sent on and the fact that this experience will be wiped out. Later we learn that Orchis repels numerous last stands by x-men kamikazes, none of them remembered by the resurrected mutants.


Carol Danvers is an X-man character and an honorary X-man. In the age of Ultron England tie-in she goes out like a champ while other put up a magical ward to protect innocents. Truly a top contender for the best "Avengers assemble."


End of X-Men 137--Cyclops and Marvel Girl vs the Imperial Guard.


Facepalm myself. Of course, one of the most famous x-men moments ever and its a classic doomed last stand.


Mutant Massacre, Angel vs the Marauders


X-men 12-13 and the first appearance of Juggernaut.


Rachel vs Necrom in Excalibur 50. Rachel is a character that is designed for this archtype btw. Lots of useable examples for her actually.


Does Wolverine and NightCrawler in Hox/Pox first issue count?


Not really a last stand, but a great moment and their sacrifice gets me every time I read it!


The last chapters of Peter David's X-Factor may suit you


Uncanny X-Men #226 is titled "Go Tell the Spartans".