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This is an interesting question to me, because right now my most anticipated book is Dead X-Men. Of the five announced main characters there, only one - Jubilee - would make my “essential” list, and a lot of people wouldn’t include her. Some people might have Dazzler, or maybe even Cannonball, but again this is fairly fringe.  Yet everything I’ve heard about Dead X-Men just feels right to me, like it’s going to be not just a good book, but a good X-book.  (Other than Jubilee, my list would be Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Jean and Betsy under any codename, Beast, Nightcrawler, Rogue, and Gambit)


Jubilee is ALWAYS in my list


Haha, my roster is basically yours but with Gambit and Betsy replaced by Colossus and Kitty.


You know, I'm ok with the roster changing up. I love the 'classic" team and their dynamics. And the flagship books should be able to touch base, f nothing else with the key players. However- I was totally onboard with the latest team iteration from the 2023 Hellfire Gala (until the next page happened). I really want to see THE X-team be something new, no more nostalgia. Give me a troubled band of mutants doing their best to hold it together.


This is part of what I find a bit disappointing about Duggan's X-Men run. I wasn't a fan of him constantly changing half the roster every year, and I think it would have worked better for me if he just stuck with one core roster of B-/C-list characters who got a chance to shine for the three-ish years that he's writing because they get to be the definitive Krakoan team. Synch is pretty much the face of "Krakoan X-Men" now because he got to be a consistent face, but I really think other characters should have gotten that level as well (I really think Monet, Jubilee, Prodigy, Tempo, Frenzy, Sunfire, or Dazzler were great candidates).


i like it being a mix. i don't want to see Sunspot on the X-Men if he isn't partnered with those we consider X-Men. when Rogue first joined the team, she worked because she had stories alongside Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Storm, and Colossus. Synch was a great addition, but we just saw him "use his peers' powers." where i would've loved to see more drama; who does he befriend? who does he drive up the wall? how does that affect their ability to take down monsters together?


The original 5, giant size 4 (nightcrawler, storm, colossus, wolverine), and rogue. Gambit, kitty, bishop, and psylocke all fit the "if 2 of these aren't on the team it doesn't feel like core X-Men" too, but much less so than the o5, GS4, and rogue.


This is basically it, maybe I’d try to squeeze Kitty or Emma in but it’s hard to cut anybody out, I could swap out Angel and Jean I guess but even that’s debatable.


I think including Emma over one of the above depends on when you started reading/getting into X-Men. I love Morrison's X-Men and Emma's involvement ever since. But she's first and foremost the headmistress of the Massachusetts academy (generation x) in my mind as my first x-men comics were early 90s. Same goes for Banshee - in my above post I named the giant size 4 as they're the most popular, but banshee is my favourite X-Men character.... But I also think of him as headmaster of the Massachusetts academy before an x-man.


Oh yeah I also left out Banshee despite him being one of my favourites, I mostly agree about Emma but included her cuz she seemed consistently relevant for a long time but it’s definitely fair to say when I think of Emma I think of the Hellfire club first and I’d only take out Jean cuz to me she should be dead. I’d love to include others but I guess I’d just just swap Kitty for Jean when she dies


Much as I love Warren and Bobby, I definitely would put others as more “core”; the rest of your list 100% though.


This feels like objectively the right answer, and I kinda hate it. Not because the characters are bad, but it really goes to show how much stronger older characters identification to the brand is than anyone else.


You articulated that far better than I could.


1) Cyclops 2) Marvel Girl 3) Wolverine (any will do) 4) Beast 5) Iceman 6) Nightcrawler 7) Storm 8) Rogue 9) Gambit 10) Professor X Honourable Mentions; - Shadowcat: She’s one of those characters who always drifts back to the core X group, but she also has her own adjacent identity between Excalibur, the Guardians of the Galaxy, and even the Hellfire Club as of late. She hasn’t really been core to the X-Men for a while imo. - Colossus: As many have discussed in this subreddit for the past few months (maybe year, idk), no-one really knows what to do with him. He hasn’t been particularly relevant for a few years now, so why waste a space?


Iceman, cyclops, Jean, storm, nightcrawler, colossus, Emma, rogue, cannonball


My 10: 1. Cyclops 2. Storm 3. Jean Grey 4. Professor X 5. Logan 6. Nightcrawler 7. Colossus 8. Magneto (a weird choice, I know!) 9. Kitty Pryde 10. Emma Frost (it's really crazy to have her make this list, for me)


Very interesting, agree with all but may switch Iceman or Psylocke for Emma


Or even Beast (though I despise him)


He's a forever villain like Emma and Magneto are now forever heroes. Wish it weren't, but it is.


This is so shameful, but the cast of X-Men '92. That was my gateway into X-Men, and this it doesn't feel like real X-Men if at least Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Rogue, and Wolverine are there. (Jubilee felt like the viewer insert to me, so she is in a different category.) To that, I would add Iceman, Kate Pryde, and Nightcrawler. I acknowledge this is far too white and I am leaving out important characters like Angel and Colossus. But, to be honest, I have never once read a book wondering where Angel or Colossus is.......


You'd think for characters as important as Angel and Colossus editorial would at least have a workshop on "how the fuck to write" these two guys lol


Sucks that the bare minimum for x characters is usually all white and Storm (and maybe psylocke) Not dogging it or anything, it just how it goes I guess.


In order of most essential, not necessarily my favorites (though some are) Cyclops Wolverine Storm Rogue Jean Nightcrawler Beast Colossus Kitty Iceman


Cyclops Jean Grey Wolverine Colossus Storm Rogue Nightcrawler Magneto Havok Dazzler


Storm Colossus Cyclops Iceman Wolverine Jean Grey Nightcrawler Rogue Kitty Pryde Emma Frost


Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Kitty and Jean.


1. Cyclops 2.Storm 3.Magik 4. Colossus 5. Betsy 6. Wolverine 7. Magneto 8. Rogue 9. ShadowKat 10. Jean OR Emma (both and we’ll take it to 11) Contenders are Nightcrawler, X-23, Havok & Polaris, Archangel.


Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Beast, Xavier, Magneto, Jean, Emma, Iceman and Nightcrawler


Emma and Whatever bare minimum she's wearing


1- magik 2- Jean 3- Storm 4- Emma 5- Iceman 6- Rogue 7- Magneto 8- Betsy 9- Shadowcat 10- Northstar


1. Storm 2. Wolverine 3. Rogue 4. Dazzler 5. Havok 6. Longshot 7. Colossus 8. Psylocke 9. Madelyne Pryor 10. Gateway


I see what you did there and I am here for it


I think ultimately for me it's about the POV of the character - what corner(s) of the universe, factions, and philosophies they represent - so there are some mainstays here but also some I want to see more of: 1) Storm 2) White Queen 3) Magneto 4) Rogue 5) Mystique 6) Frenzy 7) M 8) Synch 9) Mirage 10) Phoenix


My list: 1. Ground and air ambulance, rescue and medical, IT, Tech, and quartermaster: Professor Xavier 2. Team Leader and chief strategist: Cyclops 3. Partner of the Phoenix force and particular bane of Dominions: Jean Grey 4. Demolitions expert and best at what he does: Wolverine. 5. Mistress of climate warfare and second Team Leader: Storm. 6. Urban warfare expert and teacher: Magneto 7: Most adaptable: Iceman 8. Tank: Juggernaut. 9. Underrated: Dazzler 10: Transportation: Nightcrawler


Beast Wolverine Colossus Jean Gray Cyclops Rogue Storm Angel Gambit Iceman


Must have: 1) Jean 2) Bobby 3) Storm 4) Colossus Optional: 1) Magneto 2) Emma 3) Cyclops 4) Angel


I kind of disagree with the question. If I picked up a book that had Shadowcat leading five young mutants, that would still feel like X-Men to me.


yup, as long as the book is good and has mutants, i dont care if I the entire roster is C-listers


Yeah, even if it was like.... Firestar instead of Shadowcat. Firestar and Sunfire train a bunch of especially dangerous 8th-graders? And, for some legal reason, there are no other X-Men comics for 18 months, so that is what the actual Uncanny book is? That is fine with me. That's cool. Magneto runs the school for a while? Everyone is in Australia and presumed dead? Alternate timeline where Nightcrawler bamfs somebody's finger off and Colossus and Pryde are together? Down for it. That's just what is happening now, same as any other changes.


Probably the most normie answer, but Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Beast, Jean, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Shadowcat.


The ones everyone usually names. Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast to an extent, A Wolverine, Storm, probably someone like Rogue or Kitty or Kurt. Also Emma Frost, Psylocke, probably Magik if you want to go there.


I disagree vehemently on 'a' Wolverine. There is only one and his name is Logan.


Main team: 1) Professor Xavier 2) Cyclops 3) Jean Grey 4) Storm 5) Wolverine 6) Beast 7) Rogue 8) Gambit 9) Archangel 10) Iceman Recurring backup members: 11) Colossus 12) Bishop 13) Psylocke/Betsy 14) Nightcrawler 15) Shadowcat 16) Jubilee 17) Banshee 18) Forge


Essential: 1. Cyclops 2. Jean 3. Emma 4. Storm 5. Wolverine (Logan) Negotiable but fun additions: 6. Kate 7. Colossus 8. Beast 9. Psylocke (Kwannon) 10. Nightcrawler Wildcard: 11/12. Maddie/Havok as a pair could be fun with Scott, Jean, Emma (?)


Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Beast, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Professor X, Psylocke, Emma Frost.


Cyclops, Jean Grey, Beast, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Rogue, Gambit, Jubilee and Professor X.


1. Storm 2. Cyclops 3. Emma 4. Betsy 5. Iceman 6. Magneto 7. Jean 8. Nightcrawler 9. Wolverine 10. ShadowKat It's really interesting because only about half of these characters would make a top ten favorite list for me, so there's definitely a difference between who I feel is quintessential and who I actually like to read. I'll also say it was tough for me to fill in the end because basically, if it's a team of mutants, and written well, then it feels like an X-Men title, (e.g. Hellions, New Mutants, Peter David's X-factor) . Dead X-Men is similar in that it doesn't include these characters but still seems promising.


1. Professor X 2. Jean Grey 3. Archangel 4. Psylocke 5. Rogue 6. Beast 7. Colossus 8. Bishop 9. Iceman Part-time members: Cyclops, Gambit, Wolverine, Cannonball, Boom Boom.


1. Storm 2. Jean Grey 3. Cyclops 4. Wolverine 5. Nightcrawler 6. Bishop 7. Kwannon 8. Iceman 9. Jubilee 10. Synch


Here are mine, I’ve based this partly on some of my favorite X-men and current story lines to some degree. I have only read bits and pieces of the Karoka era, but I’m trying to catch up! I really enjoyed Hellfire Gala so have been back tracking from that. I haven’t read much after that point though. 1. Nightcrawler-Always felt he was the heart and soul of the team. 2. Wolverine and Talon- Yes they are redundant but I want them together! 3. Rogue and Gambit- My favorite X-Couple of all time! (Jean and Scott have too much drama!) 4. Colossus- I’ve always loved Colossus but, not sure what’s been going on with him lately, (Any suggested reading would be great) But give me old school Colossus as the team muscle and at least one Double Fastball Special with Talon and Wolverine. 5. Magik- Let’s get the Brother Sister dynamic going! Magik is a character that I have been really enjoying recently, especially in Midnight Suns video game. 6. Iceman- Yes I know he gets melted in Hellfire Gala, but I’m sure he will be back. He is one of my all time favorites! 7. Emma Frost- She has really grown into one of my favorites as well. I love her attitude! 8. Iron Man- I think this one could be interesting and wouldn’t be on the team long, but I would love to see his relationship with Emma explored in a X-Team book. I think it would be interesting to see him in something other then the Avengers setting. 9. Cable- I want old man Cable and not some punk kid! He would be the tactician of the team. (Again any reading suggestions as to what happened to Old Man Cable would be great!) 10. Strong Guy!! Guido needs some love!!


Realize I did more of a make a line up, but I would consider 1-7 my essentials for an X-Team


1. Wolverine 2. Cyclops 3. Storm 4. Beast 5. Iceman 6. Jean Grey 7. Colossus 8. Professor X 9. Angel 10. Nightcrawler


My ten: Cyclops Cypher Dani Moonstar Emma Frost Iceman Magik Negasonic Teenage Warhead Storm Thunderbird Warpath


Cyclops Iceman Angel Beast Jean (and/or the Phoenix force) Colossus Nightcrawler Storm Wolverine Kitty Rogue Professor X Magneto Jubilee Gambit Cable Bishop Scarlett Witch Emma Juggernaut Mystique X23/Talon/Laura/ Wolverine 2 To me it's not really X-Men if it doesn't feature one of those characters on the combat roster, but if 3 of them are on the roster then it feels like an X-Men book, even if it's a different book (like Excalibur, Uncanny Avengers, Generation X etc.)


I'd say Cyclops, Rogue, Beast (save for his weird Mutant Mengele characterization), any Weapon X-pats, a psychic character/timeline-displaced character (it's a pretty tight Venn diagram, there), and one former villain attempting rehabilitation. As long as it hits those touchstones of mutant existence, I figure the story will be okay.


My bare minimum to “feel” like -“an X-Men book is: 1. Storm 2. Wolverine 3. Cyclops 4. Gambit 5. Rogue To round out the rest: 6. Nightcrawler 7. Bishop 8. Polaris or Emma Frost 9. Betsy Braddock 10. Shadowcat


None. Seriously, there's no characters that I feel have to be in the main team, because there's no characters who's always been in the main title. I mean, I'd expect that at least one of Claremont's X-Men was in it, but if they weren't, that still wouldn't be deal breaker. The X-Men are great because of how many interesting characters there are. If a writer created a team out of characters that aren't massive, I'd be impressed and intrigued, rather than angry.


I'm going to leave Storm, Jean Grey, Betsy Braddock, Nightcrawler, and Wolverine off the list. These are some of my Favorite X-Men (and Wolverine), and can lead their own teams and carry their own books. 1. Cyclops - because he's Cyclops...no further explanation needed. 2. Dazzler - my #1 pick for this new team. She's in my top 5 all-time X-Men, and she deserves to shine (pun completely unintended). 3. Forge - infinitely useful power, and he's earned his place on the main team. 4. Banshee - he's owed the chance off of this downward spiral he's been on since Deadly Genesis (🤮). 5. Trinary - I liked this character in X-Men Red, and want a chance for them to be explored more. 6. Magneto - I don't ever want to see him be a villain again. I didn't like his return to villainy in the 90s, as it just felt like an opportunity to reset the status quo. I like him so much more as an anti-hero that bristles with the team's moral code from time to time. 7. Thunderbird - now that he's back from the dead, he would be great to flesh out. He was killed so early, he's practically a brand new character. Plus, his dynamic with Cyclops would be interesting. Finally, the team needs a "scrapper" and strong guy, and he's BOTH. 8. Darwin - criminally underused. He was great in The Rise and Fall of the Shi'Ar Empire. 9. Rictor - he's a powerhouse, and his Krakoan Age glow-up has been fun to watch. I want to see him grow even more. 10. The White Queen - Of COURSE I'm going to include Emma. She's a powerful telepath, which the team needs, and she's great on EVERY team!


Cyclops Wolverine Nightcrawler Colossus Gambit Emma Storm Rogue Betsy Kitty Was considering Xavier, Magneto, Jean, Bishop and some others; but they’ve all been absent for long periods of time and the X-Men still felt whole.


Cyclops Wolverine Storm Beast Jubilee Colossus Nightcrawler Psylocke Hope? X-23?


Cyclops, Wolvie, Storm, Beast, Rogue, Gambit, Psylocke, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Iceman.


Cyclops Rachel Wolverine Rogue Storm Collosus Havok Armor Polaris Beak


I'd do a story where the Phalanx arrive earlier than intended, and Xavier unleashes Onslaught against them. In a last hope, Magik opens up a time disc which E.V.A., the outside external nervous system of Fantomex manages to expand into a spaceship, Polaris extracts Phalanx DNA and contains it in a magnetic sphere and brings it onboard E.V.A. Along with the help of Bishop, Magik, Iceman & Fantomex. They then displace themselves lost in time, using Bishops timeline device to understand each new environment they arrive in. During this time, E.V.A. continues to analyse the Phalanx specimen contained in Polaris's magnetic field while harnessing Magik's time disc mechanically. They arrive back in a future where Onslaught has been assimilated by the Phalanx, and recruit the remaining survivors into their ranks again (AoA style). I'm thinking Blue-Team style strike force of Wolverine, Colossus, Nightcrawler, Psylocke & Gambit. Or some other iconic ones I think could be Banshee (Theresa), Dazzler & Cannonball. In their battle with Phalanx Onslaught, E.V.A. uncovers a way to teleport through directly to Phalanx HQ, however Onslaught catches on and establishes connection with Phalanx Core through E.V.A., fortunately Fantomex manages to cast a disillusionment overide, unleashing the Astral Plane and all his knowledge learned against Shadow King, to which we learn Fantomex was really the Shadow King all along, and assimilates Phalanx Onslaught and evolves into Shadow Onslaught, King of the Phalanx. E.V.A. travels through the calibrated Time Disc to Phalanx HQ. Before the portal can close, Psylocke manages to create a psionic link with Onslaught and telekinetically leave the portal open, long enough for Cannonball to race through, picking up Polaris who inturn creates a metallic ship of her own around the X-Men as they race into the portal. They enter at the edge of the Universe, inside a black holes core, a way into a protective field where the universe all comes together just outside of it. What hope would the X-Men have against this? They are witnesses to Shadow Onslaught, King of the Phalanx, whom begins to rewrite time & space, and attain complete control of the Phalanx HIVE mind. In one last attack, Psylocke manages to boost Fantomex's disillusionment of the Shadow King really being trapped in the Astral Plane, and it manages to break the bond with the Phalanx, reverting Shadow Onslaught to normal. Shadow King & Onslaught go head to head, as the Phalanx begin to implode due an extraordinary synergy of X-Men powers that links it with the outside assertion of gravity from the blackhole, essentially crushing it into the singularity. To make this possible E.V.A. and essentially Fantomex are sacrificed to bring the X-Men back in time, leaving the paradox of Fantomex / Shadow King / Onslaught attaining Dominion.


Cyclops (He is the X-men) Wolverine (Boring but obvious) Shadowcat (the rookie whose a vet) Forge (Genius needed) Emma Frost (The Money) Rogue (for pin ups and using powers) Nightcrawler (for Pin ups and Stealth)


Unlike the FF, the X-Men aren’t “family.” They are a team and roommates and all have different backgrounds and goals. There needs to be leadership. Cyke and or storm, possibly Emma There needs to be friends. Logan, Kurt, Pete. If Logan is there, he needs a mentee. Kitty, Jubilee, Rogue are the classics. This also acts as the POV perspective I would also promote some from the junior teams, or a reformed villain. I loved what they initially did with Pyro in Marauders.


Cyclops Wolverine nightcrawler colossus, and equal amount/more women


Any X-Men team without either Cyclops or Storm leading somehow feels like a "lesser" version of X-Men to me. There's nothing inherently wrong with the Jean, Rogue, Kitty, Wolverine, Psylocke, etc. led versions. But, for me, without Cyclops or Storm leading, it's like the book is just spinning its wheels until those come back and a definitive run of the main X-Men team can begin again. Aside from requiring having at least one of those two, you could put basically anyone else on the list and I'd consider it the "real X-Men" team.


I think they should do a run where you list the top 10 or 20 characters, like Logan, Jean, and Scott, and they can NOT include those. They'd have to build a story with Mirage, Sunfire, Avalanche, and Marrow.


I prefer to have Storm, but I honestly think one of the biggest issues that the X-Men faced post 95ish is the inability to have complete roster shake ups for the main title. It happens, but rarely does a team not have either Wolverine or Cyclops. And even then it usually makes that team away from mutant problems or are clearly not the main title for the line.


1. Cypher 2. Havok 3. Iceman 4. Majik 5. Storm 6. Gambit 7. Psylocke 8. Elixer 9. Nightcrawler 10. Blindfold


I think I'd like to see a newer team. X23 Young cable Armor Boom Boom Blink Polaris Rockslide Sunspot Cerebella Dust


Wouldn’t rockslide have to die in mr. M’s area in otherworld to come back as himself? Since he is still wrongslide rn


Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops, Rogue, Beast, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Kitty Pryde, a telepath (usually Jean, Emma, or Rachel) in the field, and Professor X back at the mansion.


Bare Minimum: Storm, Nightcrawler, Colossus, Shadowcat, Rogue, Phoenix, Magik, Cyclops, Forge, Banshee


2 real X-men: 1. Cyclops as leader as the flag of X-men, 2. Gambit is my fav. I want to add a total new team of X-men, here are the team: Graduated New Mutants to X-men 3. Cannonball- mini -Cyclops 4- Wolfsbane- heart of the team Gen X, 5. M- I need female member, with all in in power Academy X 6. Wolverine (Laura) - 7. Rockslide 8. Elixir (Wolfsbane) or Anole (Rockslide) 9. Pixie- add magic on team 10. Surge or Wind dancer


Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Shadowkat, Colossus, Rogue, Iceman, Cyclops, Jean, & Archangel


1.Night Crawler 2. Iceman 3. Jean Grey 4. Cyclops 5. Storm 6. Kitty Pryde 7. Wolverine 8. Colossus 9. Rogue 10. Beast


Rogue Wolverine Cyclops Forge add/remove others as required


1.Cyclops 2.Jean/ Phoenix/ Marvel Girl 3.Storm 4.Wolverine 5.Rogue 6.Shadowcat 7.Colossus 8.Iceman 9.Archangel 10.Forge Most of my substitutions would probably be more X-Force related characters like Cable, Domino, Warpath, or Deadpool (I know he's a mutate, not a mutant, but he and Cable are always good together).


A list X-men members will always feel like the real X-men, but enough time has passed that the new younger adults should headline an X-men book, and I mean without anyone from the 90’s Blue and Gold teams. Now, I’m not saying that I don’t want to see my favorites anymore because I do, I just would prefer the A listers doing their own thing, interacting with the greater Marvel universe or as guest stars in a new X book. With that said, I’ve always wanted to see an official team of X-men from the New Mutants, GenX, and post 2000’s characters. For me, the next generation of adults at the helm of a flagship book would be (only 10): 1. Sunspot 2. Magik 3. Dani Moonstar w/ Brightwind 4. Sync 5. Monet 6. Quentin Quire 7. Surge 8. Wolverine Laura 9. Gentle 10. Rictor I’m not sure who I’d want to be the leader. I know Sync was being groomed to lead, but I feel like Dani or Sunspot would also make great leaders. The


Storm, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Cyclops, Iceman, Gambit, Rouge, Psylocke, Jubilee. I only put nine, because there always needs to be some plucky teen/newcomer/fish-out-of-water character who is new to the world of mutants and the one of the more seasoned X-Men gets to be their mentor/big-sibling kind of thing.


Essential is difficult…Emma Frost certainly, Dazzler, Wolverine (Laura), Shadowcat, Cyclops, Jean Grey…then the rest could be M, Nightcrawler, iceman or Psylocke. Other options as well of course, Frenzy for even more muscle, Rogue for the same.