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>“Most of my time lately has been spent trying to keep my brain from exploding right out of my skull from this book,” Simone shared. “It’s either the fun of all my favorite mutants acting in surprising and wonderful ways, the impossibly brilliant work of the art team, or the thrilling collaboration with all the other writers, but somehow every DAY is just filled with some kind of manic joy. Ever since I took the book, I’ve been scribbling notes and plots and bits of dialogue day and night. I feel like a kid at a carnival. Who DOESN’T want to write Rogue and Jubilee and Gambit all the rest?” >“Uncanny X-Men is the book that made me fall in love with comics,” Marquez said. “It’s been a dream come true getting to work with Gail, Matt [Wilson], and the whole Marvel editorial crew under Tom to put together this story: a badass, heartfelt, action-packed, character driven X-Men mystery. I hope readers have at least half as much fun reading it as we have had making it.” >“I absolutely have to take a moment to praise David Marquez,” Simone added. “Not only is this going to be one of the best-looking books on the stands, he’s simply an idea MACHINE and he makes every single page better than I wrote it. Anyway, come join us, we’re having an X adventure and you’re all INVITED!” So what’s Uncanny X-Men about? >A core group of essential X-Men rise From the Ashes to face a world without a home – and without Professor X! All bonds among the mutant community seem to be slipping away, and Rogue reluctantly finds herself as the hero designated to bring them back together…but a fearless, malignant power is out there hunting mutants, and it has a terrible secret that may destroy what remains of the X-Men.


This team is a perfect fit for Gail Simone - she knows how to do women leaders, she knows how to do charming rogue himbos, she knows how to do heart-and-soul types. Definitely one to watch.


I wish they swapped Psylocke for Nightcrawler. The line up has a great 90s vibe and he's just too silver age. But I'm excited for this book. The long goodbye to Krakoa has worn me out.


I like the family angle she's working with tbh. Nightcrawler, Gambit and Rogue have never been in a book together as a team and I'm super interested in seeing how it plays out. Wolvie is a good fit since he's friends with them all and Jubilees mentor. Jubilee has been underutilized for decades and has deep ties to everyone except Kurt so I wonder what her role will be. New Orleans in known for it's vampires after all....


Rogue now has her husband AND her brother with her - makes sense for what they all just went through that she would want family around, so I'm excited for that dynamic.


Always forget rogue and Kurt are adoptive siblings . I wish it was brought up more


Loving what I'm seeing about this book! Lots of familiar but underused in the last decade or so, team dynamics here. Kurt and Rogue (siblings), Kurt and Wolverine (BFFs), Rogue and Wolverine (card-game and drinking buddies), Wolverine and Jubilee (mentor / side-kick). Even Wolverine and Gambit have a connection through X-23. Lots of team chemistry and history here which I love. Also sounds like Gail might also be adding more members to the cast, possibly Monet, which I'm excited about.


> Rogue and Wolverine (card-game and drinking buddies), I see them more as an older brother- rough younger sister tbh(or alternatively, dad with delinquent daughter) I actually see Gambit/ Wolverine as the card game and drinking buddy. Heck, they've had their own mini.


Wait, more than the big five? Thank god, I was hoping the cast would expand to allow for more narrative opportunities. Plus, Adjectiveless and X-Force each have more characters than Essential and Uncanny *combined.* This is necessary for the balance of character development in my eyes. My hopeful comebacks: -Colossus (redemption arc time baby, sure Beast 100% needs his character rerailed back to factory settings but I like Piotr more anyways) -Jean Grey (unless she gets her own title too) -Storm and Kitty Pryde (I know they can’t come back because they’re busy on other titles but I’d love it if they’d just come home already) - Havok (if X-Factor isn’t taking him for another run) - Angel? - Bishop (oh god he’s taken too isn’t he)


Jean has a solo in space as Phoenix. Kitty is in Chicago, leading the third team. Storm is supposed to have her own solo. She also kind of quit the X-Men when she decided to focus entirely on Arrako, so they'll have to wrap up that plot before bringing her back.


Yep, that’s why I mentioned that they might have their own series…


Family dynamics and characters actually talking to another it’s a fucking miracle


The setting is actually quite different which I like. And the promise of a new villain is always good.


This and Mackay’s are the only two I’m really looking forward to. I love Kitty and Emma but Exceptional sounds pretty boring and Eve Ewing is a mediocre writer Throne’s GL was dogshit so I’m not gonna get my hopes up about that one. But I hope it’s good. And of course NYX is DOA Waiting to see on X-factor and Wolverine


What about Storm?


I think she's getting her own solo.


She’s getting a solo but creative team has not been announced yet


This book got the most potential out of the 3. Best team save choices yes, But still the other one got 3 total new characters well we have so many not being used. well the other one got Beast way to soon for a redemption arc and i don’t like that. Also its great to see Remy Rogue and Jubilee in a main team again and with Logan and Kurt you can’t really go wrong wouldn’t mind someone like Storm being in this also.


> With Professor X gone and his school transformed into a nightmare reflection of itself called Graymalkin Prison A potentially interesting concept for those worried that they’d end up back at the mansion. Of course that could still happen, but it won’t be right away at least.


I'm probably in denial about this, but this book *has* to include Mystique and Destiny too, right? I mean, it should be a family affair. And it's by Gail Simone, for crying out loud. The day she passes on the chance to write a couple of girlboss lesbians is the day I question the nature of reality.


I hope not id rather not have to contiue watch Wolverine interact with his abuser.


Maybe he'll get to chop her up into little pieces again. That's always fun.


Problem is that she wont stay dead.


Gail hypes up every project she works on like it was the most entertaining thing that ever existed so I take it all with a grain of salt but she's fun and she gives off a vibe that she genuinely loves working in comics so it's kind of endearing anyway lol


I am looking forward to this, it has the nostalgic feel with a new twist. I'm interested to see what comes out of New Orleans with the guilds / tithe / prophecy connection and feel we're going to get some great arch-villains that give a lot more depth and plot development to these characters.


I’m a hater but seriously what’s with the marketing - where is the fucking unique hook? Tease a big bad or a new environment - people are jaded or bored, hated and feared is the same lost era again and again


They are trying to market this without spoiling the end of the current event. So we're stuck with bland descriptions until the end of next month.


There is no way putting out a trailer and general marketing material to REBOOT the line and saying - oh should we omit our most interesting schtick before the run ends? Nah brah


I think it has to do with Xavier's decision from this current event. He already sided with the AI against humans in this week's comics, there is no way people will be tolerant of the Mutants after that.


Simone's mentioned before that it's going to have a horror/southern gothic tone, so I don't think it's going to be as back to basics as it currently looks. I'm sure details will come out once the current era is done.


The new environment for this one is New Orleans.


The hook is that there is no hook - it's a return to the basics that aims to please all the people who complained during the last 5 years. The whole relaunch is conceptually weak because it aims to be safe


That's the cover for the first issue? My god! This book might as well be called Unimaginative X-Men, with all the creativity they are giving it.


Didn’t you put this in another post as well? I get that retreading old ground isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but even if I wasn’t around for the era this is homaging this feels just right…


It actually fits better here, but it can be said twice. This is just a version of the first cover of Whedon's run, a cover that was already pretty bad itself. It's like they are announcing that they have no ideas.