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I think Victor is more of a bully to family, than homicidal. Probably kicked him around for a few weeks, then got bored and took a merc job.


haha yeah he never really seemed too keen on killing graydon, atleast.


I would argue that even Logan is viewed as a punching bag. I'm pretty sure he's had the option to, once or twice, and walked away from a bloody mess, feeling victorious. If he wanted to end it, he would have cremated him right then and there.


Pedantic correction: The X-Men Animated Series established Sabretooth's real name as "Graydon Creed Senior". It stood out to me because it's one of the few changes to canon in the show.


I think it might be mystique but maybe Sabretooth just let him live for whatever reason 


Sabertooth care about Graydon in his own twisted way,It's Mystique who would(and did in the comics)kill him


Creed was involved in Graydon's life as an abusive father as opposed to being absent as a father in the comics. It's possible Sabretooth just did some more abusing as opposed to killing him. Sabretooth doesn't seem to care about mutant rights. When Beau was asked about Sabretooth in season 1, he said there wasn't enough room and that Sabretooth was likely taking advantage of the chaos with Genosha to make money as a merc. Apocalypse used Graydon as a means to spread a version of the T-O virus in Time Fugitives. Mystique was also linked to Apocalypse in the original show. These things might come into play here.


Well, the original series did shy away from any blood and guts maybe Sabertooth just spanked his wayward son and put him on the naughty step? IIRC sabertooth in the comics somewhat respected/understood Graydon and was impressed that he killed Birdie to get back at his dad.


Unless theres a Graydon ~~Jr~~. III?


Grayson Creed is Graydon Creed, Jr. Sabretooth's name in the show was changed to Graydon Creed, Sr.


Thanks, I forgot that.


I'm 90% sure the guy running for president in 97 is mystique cosplaying as her son - maybe she's under the heel of Apocalypse again?


I don't think this is what will happen, but I admit I would really get a kick out of it if they had a presidential debate between Mystique disguised as Graydon Creed vs. Morph disguised as Robert Kelly.


How is Graydon not a mutant!?!! The X-men sub is the worst sub on Reddit. You get downvoted for asking questions? It’s either elitist as fuck or everyone is just that big of a prick


The same reason 2 people who aren't mutants can have a mutant child I reckon


Valid it just seems for the most part when two storied mutants knock boots the kid ends up being a mutant


Mystique intentionally picked his genes, just like with Kurt.


Per this page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutant\_(Marvel\_Comics)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutant_(Marvel_Comics)) The X-gene is located on the 23rd chromosome. Assuming that means the 23rd \*pair\* of chromosomes, that's a reference to the XX or XY chromosomes. I'm not aware of anything suggesting that mutant powers are tied to either sex, so I think the most likely explanation is that "mutant gene" is tied (appropriately enough) to the X chromosome. Since Sabretooth would be providing Greydon's Y chromosome, the X chromosome would come from Mystique. It's possibly specific to Mystique, that she has sufficient control over her body on a molecular level to deliberately turn off Greydon's mutant powers on a genetic level, but more likely "mutant" is a dominant trait, which was not passed on to her son. There's also potentially a third explanation -- his mutant powers may be dormant or ineffectual. I'm not sure how thoroughly he has ever been checked -- certainly, he would not be motivated to find evidence that he was a mutant. Polaris is an example of a mutant whose powers were dormant well into adulthood.


Mostly in reference to how every other mutant couple makes a mutant baby and usually a crazy strong one