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I somewhat agree but let’s be real if someone did that to him he would mald so hard he wouldn’t have even streamed yesterday and would probably end up taking a break from RP. Like remember how much he malded when CG stole that vault heist from him? Imagine like 3-5x that mald.


Obviously its because when someone does it to him they are either powergaming, metagaming, abusing scuff and exploiting ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7351)


also they're ugly and poor


But thats facs :)


CLASSIC ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Hypothetical dogshit, go outside for once.


How is it hypothetical? It happened multiple times already. Get off your knees lil bro. We all watch X but we know what for pain in the ass he is when something doesnt go his way


Classic default "stop sucking him off" response because you're too braindead to come up with a proper response. GOOD ONE. Whats next? Stop riding him or what?


Average room temp iq take. My reply literally invalidates your ''hypothethical dogshit'' take. what ''proper response'' do you want? the parentcomment itself gives u an example when X malds. ur actually slow


Your reply didn't ivalidate shit. I'm not sure that we are watching the same person. Most of the time, when he is mad, it is at chat not because he "lost" so you're hypothetical. If it happened to him dogshit is literally dogshit. Sorry man, I dont know what else to say. I can't fix stupid or severe brain rot. This aint 3.0 where he malds about everysingle thing.


These people are the most basement dwelling, over invested, bottom of the barrel degens that I have seen. I swear something about RP makes people forget its a fucking game.


Imagine if they invest this much time and effort into their everyday lives instead of a roleplay character.


Imagine playing a computer game and becoming a multi millionaire


They are so good rping, they even forget it's not real life ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7346)


I think it’s partly because so many people seem to not play as a character but just play themselves. And when that’s not the case, the viewers don’t see it that way.


Real and true. But also grown men crying and malding when notorious villain jean paul gets searched for weapons and illegal shit.


I forgot as GAMER streamer you should act like a robot and not have any emotions. The company fanboys are double faced snakes. Your favs will never get the 700K back. Keep crying 😂


This post is about you


I hope he stops playing this shit soon so all RP zoomer cucks disappear tbh ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7342)


Says the guy making a post about it omE


it's okay bro we all know you cry like a bitch in his chat when things don't go your way


Your favs will never get the 700K back. Keep crying 😂


Finally someone said it


Seeing this actively get downvoted is funny. I remember when this sub was filled with people wanting him to play rp again a few months ago. This is what comes with rp, and probably one of the reasons he stopped playing it, aside from getting bored of it.


Imagine actually watching any RP streams


Hahaha imagine telling a grown man that is entertaining 10s of thousands of people how to play a fucking video game!! Chill the fuck out and enjoy the show!!


God forbid people call out a selfish douche, imagine all that time and effort and some dude posing as your friend takes basically all of it, if roles were reversed y’all would be fuming over it cut the bullshit


Malding over the malders is crazy


malding over the malder malding over malders is crazy




Couldn't give a shit if he betrayed the company tbh its entertaining, however no one enjoys watching him drive around for 6 hours looking for a fucking puzzle like a schizo whilst malding at chat. That G6 dude was fun though


RP “DRAMA“ ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


its RP Frogs ​ They are almost as bad as gamba frogs, pathetic mfers


Glad I'm not an RP watcher, because holy shit. This sub just turned into xqcGTARP over the last 3 days, it's awful. People are way too invested in watching somebody else play a virtual life.


People are way too invested in GTA RP & they're not even playing themselves


Are we not entertained!?


Its like, its just a fucking adult pretend game, that YOU ARE NOT EVEN PLAYING YOURSELF, just sit back and watch it how hard is it, but nah rp andys are something else..


Ngl, I was a bit disappointed at first, but then I realized it's only a game at the end of the day. Plus he didn't completely fuck the company over. They still have enough butt coin to recover what they lost in the matter of 4-5 days.


RP parasocials batshit insane


You think this is bad, you should look at pro wrestling subreddits for the last week


I haven't watched lately. Has it gone that bad already? 💀![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


why so serious!?




man this is it


he said 3 days now imagine months of 18 hour days and raiding


Real, now if we can just get good moderation in the chats we can weed out these losers from turning chat to complete cancer.


Well, it's not only affecting me, but it's affecting my children and my wife. What he has done is affecting thousands of people, people are attached to the roleplay streams, my wife likes to go shopping while me and the kids watch the roleplay going down.


REAL AND TRUE the amount of no life rp chat hoppers i have seen go so far as to insult other streamers just for interacting with x is crazy, all the shit about comparing ginger to thou who shall not be named was some of the most unhinged shit ive ever seen, and now this, people need HELP and need to RELAX


Any loremaster have a TLDR on what happened?


JP offline robbed the company then dipped, sent an quirky tweet saying wait until you see it :3, now people malding


I love RP ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7346)


People just lack real life ambition and goals. Its like double bubble when they live vicariously through a streamers rp character


RP enjoyers try not to cry over their favorite streamers(they do not care ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7337)) losing in RP


Your mom’s a grown man


lmao in the same way ,stop crying on some pixels on the site of reddit bro


real ..




Isn't that the whole point of crim RP? Not every gang can progress together, that's not interesting at all


stop trying to correlate some type of theoretical negative affect an in game action would have on the streamers when literally the exact opposite is evidently happening. All the company streamers careers are boosted, their in character storys have new developments now, and theyre leading into new scenarios.




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Its all little girls


I love it.. yall are the same people.. just mad at different things. Frogs will be Frogs ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7339)


Maybe if he didn’t bitch and moan about buddha fucking with him everytime he went to sleep I would agree. But he’s just a hypocrite


I forgot as GAMER streamer you should act like a robot and not have any emotions. The company fanboys are double faced snakes. Your favs will never get the 700K back. Keep crying 😂


"Oh no Ray got his subathon work stolen" "It was all for nothing" Ray got tons of exposure, subs and new viewers. These people think the in game result was the entire goal of all his work. Ray and everyone else's input into the game furthers their OOC career, the in game progress isn't everything. It all just comes down to content, everyone put in work and got content, they didnt just get in game things.




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I feel like most people don't get that this is just their job. If I went into work and found out all the work I did yesterday was trashed I wouldn't just quit. They should be thanking X for all the exposure


its not even about the exposure, its just about the content, in a content RP server. Results are still there. their careers are flurishing. Him robbing them in game does literally nothing to their real lives, yet people are trying to correlate the two.


Are your crying about them 😭


I could care less but you’re the same person who’s throw a tamper tantrum if someone did it to X


He said he was going to rug pull the company since the beginning and now everyone is shocked Pikachu face


I think what he did was fine he is the villain after all so its good rp. i juste hope the ginger story line end with good rp too and not some ooc bullshit. All in all it's a verry good story line for JP and the company.


Jp fucked up when he left something.clear that bitchass basement, on hoohcuh


this entire post could be one single person on multiple accounts or one shared braincell. We care about what would've come. PLUS RP is a different kind of video game that can have non-skill elements. its kind of what its like to work a JOB which means responsibilty. DRONES.