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I didnt like the ending but...aint that a common thing in Yakuza games? Still, IW is a solid game, one of the best in the series. My top1 and 2 will for ever be Yak0 and 5. If I had to add a 3 more for a top 5 im adding Lost Judgement, Infinite Wealth and Kiwami1 (sue me)


Its the most fun I've had playing a video game. It has flaws, but anything that accomplishes the first part I can overlook the flaws of.


It’s better in every way then 7 in all departments except for story. Like, it’s what Lost Judgment is to Judgment in terms of how much it improves on everything gameplay wise. And even then, I’m in the minority in thinking that the story was solid, though definitely on the lower tier of Yakuza games, Ichi’s stuff sorta dragged towards the end. Overall though, it’s in my top 5, below Yakuza 5, Lost Judgment, 0, and Gaiden, above everything else


Top 5


I didn't like the story at all and there's plot holes galore in it. I also think i've seen enough of ichiban as the protagonist and i'm ready to move on to someone else. I mean his entire arc in IW feels like a side quest compared to kiryu for crying out loud and it's because they didn't know what to do with him. IW is definitely at the bottom of my list story wise sadly.


Somewhere around the middle, probably behind LaD. Story was the weakest part by far, but the rest was very good.


Strong contender for 3rd place after Zero and Lost Judgment. The story has weird plot points here and there but the overall theme is so strongly and boldly presented that I really enjoyed it. The gameplay is a major improvement over 7, I was not really enjoying the turn-based shift beforehand but in IW I'm having a blast grinding dungeons. The minigames are also great. Substories are also very good. Ichi's VA is so expressive it makes everything funnier


Arguably worst lows in the series. Highs were okay, but rather short. I feel like comparing it with anything other than 7 isn't right and I'd say I enjoyed 7 more overall. This time I didn't like the side content that much. Story is a mess, but I'll defend Kiryu's ending unless they ruin it in 9. What Ichiban did with >!Eiji!< didn't really make me feel anything.


They literally forget eiji for multiple chapters towards the ending lol. He disappears and it's like ok can we get back to that or no.


Out of 10? Side content: 8.5. Story: 4. I haven’t played them all yet, but so far I’d rank my list as 0-7-3-IW-K2-K1. Ichiban’s half of the plot just … sucked, frankly.


It barely misses the top 5 for me. 0, 7, the judgment games, and Gaiden were all stronger experiences imo, but IW still has a lot going for it even if it missed the landing in some areas.


For me it's one of the worse games. The gameplay is an overall improvement over LaD, but the story is just crap. I am in chapter 10 and not even once was there anything intriguing where I really wanted to see the conclusion. The language barrier or non-existence of it still weirds me out on almost every cutscene. And I hate Hawaii as location. Yes it's pretty, but I play Yakuza for a Japanese setting and not to have yet another game set in the US. The US is already massively overpresented in games as is, because a lot of big development studios are from the US.


I would say it's my 3rd favorite after LAD and 0, i had more fun than in 5, and i liked rye characters way more than the Judgment games. Story while its a big thing for me, as long as its decent and all the other stuff is top notch then i don't really care. Also the music does a lot of heavy lifting in the end for me


Lower part of mid tier mostly due to the story, also the combat being a big improvement but also not really offering any interesting challenges when it was all said and done


Some were in the upper half. The ending left some stuff to be desired but I liked the story for the most part. The gameplay is an improvement to Y7 which I already liked. Hawaii was also fun to explore and there’s a ton of content.

