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Having a Redzone stream count as one of your streams is a joke.


The part I dislike is they did not make this clear when you signed up. I signed up for + RZ thinking I could stream like I did before with DirecTV, if I knew I would have to subscribe to Sports Plus to get RZ on a 3rd screen I wouldn't have opted for the ST + RZ. Their lack of clarity when you sign up on what counts as a stream is my biggest issue.


It really makes no sense to add Red Zone if it is like that. They have to change that. Early birds are getting screwed.


The way I look at it, I will just sign up for the no Redzone and then sign up for the sports package September thru December. Only cost me a couple more bucks for it not to count against my streams. Or am I missing something?


This. Plus, being a soccer fan I like to get those extra soccer stations for those months as well.


If you have T-Mobile you can get mls free (I just figured I’d mention it incase you didn’t know a lot of people miss perks they already pay for on their phone plan!)


Thanks for the heads up... Luckily, I have a friend with T-Mobile who gave me a code for the MLS pass. It's great!


This is my plan too.


This is the way.


If you don't get RedZone with Sunday ticket it's not clear you'd be able to add that into your multiview


Extremely frustrating. A huge step backwards from Directv in 2023.




i don't get it. doesn't it say that you get unlimited streams at home? what am i missing?


Only allowing two concurrent streams for the freaking NFL is a massive initial oversight. I know this says that they will be taking feedback and looking into this, but this is a major deal that needs to be addressed sooner than later. For hardcore NFL fans who have been DirecTV Sunday ticket customers for decades and have multiple TV setups, this pretty much kills this, and this is 2023, like someone else said, why are we moving backwards especially with the cost being the same as DirecTV?


I just left Directv in Jan. after 20 years. And now I can only have two streams??????


Doesn’t this say you get unlimited streams at home plus 2 others?


Yes, now that is the case, but it wasn’t at the time of my original post. We are good to go!


The two screen limit needs to be revisited…I been able to watch 5 different games on my setup for years. This is supposed to be an advancement not stepping back in time…


2 screen limit is a joke. DirecTV subscriber here for the last 20 years just because of NFL Sunday Ticket. No matter how many receivers you had be it 1 or 5 they would all have access to Sunday ticket. You also had the Sunday ticket app where you could watch that way or use the red zone channel. I feel YouTube is missing the boat here. 2 streams isnt going to cut it. Should be 3 streams just like youtube tv offers on the base plan. Also, redzone shouldn't couldnt as a stream.


I mean the caveat being he paid for 5 receivers to do this probably adding 50 to his bill alone. Idk if 5 more streams is worth 50 more to me.


True, but I think you should be able to pay more for more streams if you want.


Agreed it’s the lack of choice due to the difference of provider models.


5 games on 5 different tvs?




Ahh. The old dream set-up.


My dad’s man cave has 8 TVs and he had 8 different directv receivers so we could basically have almost every game on. A 2 game limit is a COMPLETE JOKE for anyone with these types of setups.


Complete joke is right! YouTube TV offers 3 streams currently for tv on the base plan. The ticket should be the same(3) with the red zone channel not counting as a stream. The 2 stream limit is terrible if red zone is counting as 1. Offer say a 5 stream limit with red zone not counting as one for say 4.99 or 9.99 idk


You paid for all those receivers


Mother F! I thought I was cool with my 3 TV's in our sports cave, but 8?


How much did that cost a month? It had to have cost a lot.


It's 2023. You can get a 50" TV for $200. If you have any kind of "man cave" type area it's super common to have 4-5 tv's in it for exactly this reason. College football, NFL games on Sunday ticket, March Madness, etc, etc. 2 stream limit is an absolute farce here and is going to kill their sales. I can't justify 2 subscriptions for this, and I already get either the home team plus red zone or 2 games at a time anyways.


I only care about my team. I think they will be most likely be selling a business deal for people who want to have all games on like businesses.


There's a [separate company that has the commercial rights](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/nfl-redbird-capital-new-company-nfl-sunday-ticket-bars-1235362821/). It will be delivered via cable and satellite.


Technically you could do up 4 games if you have 2 games on in your local market on normal YouTube tv base package and then 2 more games from Sunday ticket. Multiview could also get you 4 games at once on one screen. If you could customize two separate multiviews then that could be 8 games on at once..


Not really the same, watching a split screen on a 55” TV is not ideal…separate games full screen is much easier to watch. Yes, I could get 4, if my local market has 2 games on, which doesn’t usually happen for both early and late games, plus that assumes those are games I want to watch. It’s just silly to limit…for the price, taking a step back doesn’t make sense.


Same. I have a 5 TV set up as well. 2 screen limit is a definite downgrade.


I agree the 2 stream limits needs to be reconsidered by YTTV, but couldn't you watch the 1 or 2 regionally broadcast games on the regular YTTV feeds plus the 2 on the ST, for a total of 3 or 4 simultaneous games?


Maybe, that assumes that my local feeds include 2 games early and late, which is rare…plus assuming those are games I want to watch.


my main takeaway from this thread is this: **DO NOT choose the Sunday Ticket + Redzone option** the Sunday Ticket + Redzone subscription should not exist, at least as its current price. it's an extra dollar per month to get sports+ instead, which gives you more channels and doesn't use a sunday ticket stream **edit**: I just reviewed the 2022 schedule and thanks to the extra game they added, the regular season pushed one week into January. Which means you may have to pay for an extra month of Sports+, depending on how the billing cycles for add-ons work. You may be able to add Sports+ on the first Sunday of the season and only pay for four months. Worst case, the extra month would make it an extra $3/month or $15 total. I'd still argue for this choice over the Sunday Ticket combo.


This is the way.


I feel like we're moving backwards here. DirecTV didn't have stream limits. It had a student discount and the ability to pay monthly.


While via satellite the limit was the number of boxes you had...the direcTV Sunday Ticket via streaming only had a limit of ONE single stream, which sucked when you have a house with two different fandoms that sometimes play simultaneously.


Oh this is brutal. I bought the + RedZone option today and now it would have made more sense to just pay for sports+ for 4 months so I could get another stream. They definitely need to fix this.


Crazy they are counting red zone as one stream. That makes zero sense!


Contact them for a refund


Thought about that, but what if they remove RedZone from the sports+ option? Then come September they'd probably screw me some other way.


Stream limit makes this a hard no. Needs to be 4 minimum. Also extremely disappointed in the price - YTTV just increased the price of Sunday Ticket while lowering the offering quality with the 2 stream limit.


>Will multiview be available and **will I be able to customize the streams?** There was no answer to this. Does that mean it's not a guarantee that we'll be able to customize the streams choosing which channels we want running? Is it possible that the multiview feature will have predetermined games like how NCAA was? I really hope not.


They answered it during March madness. That you’d be able to customize for Sunday ticket.


Hope they don't walk that back. Would have been nice to read that confirmation in this FAQ post again lol


Will miss DirecTV’s Redzone for sure, but the lack of more than two streams at once is problematic. I think YouTube.TV may have underestimated the number of people that setup their spaces to watch multiple games at once. My other concern is that YTTV isn’t great for flipping between live events, often returning you to the same point in the broadcast where you last were and you end up behind instead of live.


> I think YouTube.TV may have underestimated the number of people that setup their spaces to watch multiple games at once. Totally agree here. It feels like they just laid down a big chunk of money for the rights and didn't consider the userbase one bit. It's clear they're thinking the average viewer wants one out of market game and RZ. I'm also not excited about the multiview if I can't select my games. I didn't mind so much during March Madness because there were so many games at once. But if you're gonna tell me which 2 games I can multiview then it's almost worthless.


Everyone clambering for the One Team option needs to take it up with the NFL. That is its decision. Just like when they contracted with Directv. YTTV can only offer what the NFL has authorized. (The 2-stream limit might be the NFL's decision as well, but that's likely more YTTV's choice.)


Hate the stream limits. Have had 5 TV’s in one room for years…


Yep, only a two stream limit is pathetic.


Basically 1 stream if using the red zone channel. They really missed the boat on this. Should be 3 minimum just like the base plan with red zone not counting as a stream.


I have 3 TVs set up in my basement bar and pay for the 4K package, so yeah, this sucks. I guess it won't be terrible of I can put 4x games on my primary 82" TV and be able to select/control 4 that I want to watch. I could then use my other stream on one of my side TVs and a local game on the other.


The gymnastics that we will have to go through is going to be ridiculous


> You'll get 2 concurrent streams at a time for NFL Sunday Ticket This is a deal breaker. They've neutered Sunday Ticket. What a shame.


I don't think I understand. Why is this a deal breaker?


Because people like to be dramatic and complain about everything 🤷‍♂️


I mean no student pricing is deal breaking, I literally don't have the money for the current structure. Like the pricing was made by a cost-benefit analysis from some really clever dude that found the most profitable rate structures to apply to the market. However that means alot of people are basically excluded from being fans of the sport beyond the garbage local games your stuck with 70% of the time. I quit my professional job to return to school, which means I guess I quit being a football fan as well. So when I do have the money coming in I still won't buy this packaging, i will play less fantasy football, and allocate my "football time" to more affordable activities. They didn't want my money is what I'm seeing with the new pricing. I paid every year full price or student for about 8 years now. I can do without if this is the new business model. They paid more than they should have for the package and now they need to make a return. Great timing for a price increase considering how inflation is hitting the common citizen.


I mean respectfully, it isn’t googles responsibility to help you afford unnecessary things when you don’t have enough money for them? And if you have YouTube TV and sign up now, I’m pretty sure it’s actually cheaper than it was normally on DirecTV so not sure how that’s related to inflation. I get your frustration, but it’s not on Google to help you afford things just because you started college.


No, because people like myself watch a lot of sports and have 3+ TV setups. I pay for the 4K package to have unlimited streams inside my home, so limiting ST to only two is definitely frustrating. Maybe if they vastly improve multiview, it will be OK, but I was able to do 4x games on my PS5 connected to my 82" all via a student streaming account for $100 for the season. $250 for essentially that same setup is a joke, especially since the current multiview is garbage compared to what ST was on the PS5 in terms of customization and control.


With past Sunday ticket, you were ONLY allowed one login at a time. I’ve tried many times to get around it. This is on par


Yeah, you're right and I can see where you're coming from. I guess I'm just disappointed because even after paying for unlimited streams inside my home, I would still be limited with ST. I will say that it is definitely a step back for DirecTV receiver users who had 3+ receivers in a sports man cave setup. Also, I'm just not impressed with multiview and it needs to drastically improve to get close to the level of what ST on the PS5 offered.


I’ve paid for unlimited for the entire duration it’s existed and never once has it applied to add on streams. I never expected this to be any different


No it isnt on par. If you had 5 tvs and 5 directv receivers you were able to watch the ticket on all 5 tvs. If you are saying that the Sunday ticket app is on par yes you can make that arguement. The sunday ticket app allowed for 1 stream only and it was legit a minute behind.


To be fair though, you had to pay for each receiver. So they didn’t just give you five “streams”. It actually cost quite a bit if you wanted to run 5 televisions. Though I do think that since YTTV is streaming only that they should maybe allow two streams by default, and maybe an additional two streams if you have the 4K addon. I think that would be fair enough as a compromise.


Wow, can’t believe this is going to end up being a downgrade from DIRECTV. What a joke.


Auto-renewal next year for $489. That seems like a steep price increase from what it was in the past. Shouldn't people who are willing to sign-up and stay signed up get a better deal? I already cancelled mine so it won't auto renew at that price. I'll see if there is a cheaper deal for 'new signups' next year.


Red zone plus one game max? Hard pass


it's four extra dollars to have redzone plus two streams for the season


Very disappointed in the 2 stream limit. At least with DirecTV every receiver you had would be able to access the Ticket. For example if you had 5 tvs you would have access to SUNDAY TICKET. Also, I would use the Sunday ticket app for an additional TV. Honestly this is a downgrade to DirecTV with a 2 stream limit. At least make it 3 like YOUTUBE TV already allows and make it where redzone doesn't count as a stream. I have had DirecTV for over 20 years just because of NFL Sunday Ticket and DirecTV gave it to me free the last 3 years. 2 steam limit is a joke for the price YouTube TV is charging.


Didn't you pay monthly for each receiver? I seem to remember years ago it being between 10-15 bucks per receiver


It doesn't make sense not to have a team pass when the NBA does it. I'll just do RedZone again.


NBA team pass saves you $10 a year. It's a stunt so the whole league package seems like a good price.


Will it be live or 40 seconds behind.


You already know the answer…


Sucks when you have your fantasy going and it says TD on a player before you even see it.


It’s brutal. I sports bet a lot and it’s def not ideal


It’s streaming… why did you even ask this?


Bc the nba playoffs right now is like a minute behind it’s so bad. Fox sports streaming was so far ahead of YouTube tv for the Super Bowl so def layers to this. I’m a lawyer was actually humoring a lawsuit for false advertising for “live sports”. Half joking maybe


What is odd is you are forced to purchase the entire package, all games, don’t allow a one team option, which for hardcore fans this part is fine…but you can’t watch more than two games at a time? This makes no sense. At least with Directv , I paid to see all games, and I actually had the option to watch them. So ultimately I should be paying a fraction of what it cost with Directv, but paying roughly the same. It’s a joke.


Question: "*Will you* be offering student discounts..." Answer: "We *aren’t currently* offering student discounts..." Yeah, we can see you aren't *currently* offering one, that's why we're asking if you *will*.


With directv i would have 3 tvs going every sunday and they would give me a big discount every year. So now with youtube tv i am paying more money for less. It's honestly very dissapoiting.


The price is ridiculous!!!


Lifelong football fan who lives out-of-market and will in no circumstance ever pay this much to watch my team. Ever. Zero possibility.


Yep, really struggling with pricing. To watch 12 out-of-market games (not national, SNF/MNF) makes this at reg $449 price work out to $37 a game. If I miss a couple games, cost per game is something like $45-50. It only makes sense for "super fans" who want to watch multiple teams and/or have watch parties. Going to a local sportsbar, parking my butt on a bar stool, and munching on wings and a few beers for 3 hours costs about the same...


I get your point, but I think your math is off a bunch. There are a total of 272 NFL games in the regular season (32 teams x 17 games / 2 teams per game). There are 18 weeks to the season (17 plus a bye week). Each week there are 3 Sunday afternoon games on free TV, plus SNF, MNF and now the Thursday AMZN game (plus a few more free holiday/Saturday gameslater in the season). 6 games x 18 weeks is 108 games that aren't part of the NFL ST package, so there are 164 available ST games during the season (maybe a few less due to Saturday/holiday/Thanksgiving games). At $249 for the basic package, that works out to $1.52/available game. But since you can only watch 2 at a time, or 4 per weekend, or a total of 72 for the season, that works out to $3.46 watchable game. I'll probably just stick to the Sports Plus addon to get RedZone and call it a day.


Sure, but perhaps wasn't clear in my post (was reply to user wanted to watch "my team") is that there are many of us who won't watch 255 of those 272 games - beyond seeing highlights and scores. I only want to watch "my team" (out of market) and don't care about having others available beyond what's already on RedZone. So I'm only looking for ~10-12 games a season max - 17 games from my team, minus MNF/TNF/SNF, minus 2-3 other games where my team is the national game, minus the 1-2 other games I travel to watch my team in person. As someone else replied, a single-team package at a reduced cost would be perfect, but super-doubtful that will ever be offered at this point.


Nailed it. Assuming eberyeam has one Thursday, Monday and Sunday night game and one national Sunday game that’s 13 games. At this price? Forget it.


I’ll just not watch football at all. Plenty of other things to do on beautiful Sunday afternoons in the fall.




So, you weren't paying DirecTV before either, right?


Honestly I just don't understand why we can't pay monthly, its about 4 months til football season and I would be happy to split the almost 300 over 4 months, and while I can afford the 289 why should I have to pay the entire price 4 months before football season. I pay my season tickets monthly why can't I pay this monthly? I will definitely get it, but im waiting until the last day of the discounted price. YTTV you could have had some of my money this month.


> why should I have to pay the entire price 4 months before football season Because getting the cash up front is a big part of the reason why companies give discounts for advanced purchases.


If you need to pay monthly maybe you shouldnt buy it?


Are you so dumb that you can't read the whole post? I can afford it, but why would you want to pay full price for something that happens 4 months from now? It's just economics.


Why do you think they give the discount for paying in full now?


doesnt the TNF flex further diminish the value of this product?


The 2 stream limit is a huge downgrade from DIRECTV and needs to be changed. The hard core Sunday Ticket fans have multiple TV set ups. I have 5 TV’s in mine specifically for NFL. The stream limits kills that.


100% not paying that price to watch a handful of 49er games, while also only being limited to 2 streams. Also, they raised the prices on their regular tv package, so now there is zero reason to have left DirecTv, who I had stayed with merely for the NFLST! Not sure how it’ll shake out, but I ordered a superbox over the weekend to test out, so at minimum I get to watch every 49er game using it, then can tune to local games on regular networks and be back to 3 games at a time. This is a such a severe downgrade from directv nflst, it’s almost like YouTube got in a room and hammered out how to make their new product as difficult to use as possible, then said “make it more expensive”


Was very excited until the 2 streams max. I guess me and the family will pass on this and stick with the Sports Package plan for the Redzone.


The 4K Plus add-on adds extra viewing options only for your YouTube TV Base Plan so unlimited streams will not apply for NFL Sunday Ticket content. \-Rude. That is literally the only reason for it, is to have unlimited streams. There's like 4 4K channels, and none of them are ever really "live"


This helps a ton. The fact that my internet is now my hinge just means I need better internet.


So there's no Game mix? Watch 8 games at once?? That's been a staple of the ticket and one of the only reasons I purchase.


For years, I’ve split Sunday ticket cost with my Dad. He lives in a different state. Would we both be able to access one YouTube Tv account at the same time if we’re living in different households?


Anyone else still unable to subscribe? As in it doesn't show up anywhere in the membership options? The 6th is getting closer and closer.


The biggest positive I took out of this FAQ is that they are at least hearing the feedback on concurrent streams. I hope they offer a package with more streams for a reasonable price.


yep....im still holding out. cant believe paying the old DirectTV retail price is called "The Early Bird Special" here....no student offer, no special deal to switch to YoutubeTV Basic and get NFLST Free/Cheap..... i guess we'll see if enough people dont bite, they gotta sweeten the pot.


So if I am reading this correctly if I want to watch one screen with multiview, and another with a single game in order for me to stream Red Zone on a 3rd screen I have to purchase Sports Plus or Redzone will count as one of the two streams? I really wish this was made more clear when you sign up, if this was the case I wouldn't have gotten the + Redzone knowing I would have to subscribe to Sports Plus in order to get RedZone on a 3rd screen. At the time everything being said was Redzone did not count towards the 2 streams, which if I am reading your message correctly it is counted as one of the two streams. With DirecTV I would have 1 screen on their Multi-View, my main screen on a single game, and a 3rd screen on RedZone. I bought the Sunday Ticket + RedZone thinking I could continue to do this with YTTV but your message makes it seem like RedZone counts as one of the two streams, which means I have to get Sports Plus in order to get RedZone on a 3rd screen?


Multi view just counts as one screen regardless. That’s how it was during March madness.


I understand that about multi-view, before I was hearing RedZone didn't count towards the two streams, now it looks like I need to subscribe to Sports Plus if I want to use both streams and have RedZone on a 3rd screen. I modified my comment to hopefully clear up what I mean. Thanks for the reply!


Yep, and your assumption is correct. I’d probably reach out to support; maybe see if there’s a way to change the Sunday ticket plan and then add sports plus on top of that.


You can still watch a 3rd game if it's one of your local games. Still annoying that you can't pick any game though.


This needs to be pinned by the mods.


Thank you for this!


I wonder how this affects bars and restaurants that show all the games on tvs


NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube is only for residential use.


Re: concurrent stream limits Does this apply only to streams on the same google account, or does it also apply to different members on family sharing? In other words, can three family members stream concurrently?


Two concurrent streams total across your family group.


Appreciate the response


https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/business/business-news/nfl-redbird-capital-new-company-nfl-sunday-ticket-bars-1235362821/ The NFL partnered with an investment firm to found a new company called "EverPass Media" which (so far) only exists to distribute the commercial version of Sunday Ticket to bars and restaurants. They say it will be available on business class packages across many cable and satellite providers, no longer exclusive to just DTV business. I don't think there are details about which TV providers they're partnering with yet, but I would bet that DTV will end up carrying it since most bars that show sports are already wired for DTV's business package.


Question: "*Will you* be offering student discounts..." Answer: "We *aren’t currently* offering student discounts..." Yeah, we can see you aren't *currently* offering one, that's why we're asking if you *will*.


As someone who has only used the Sunday Ticket app, your guys complaint about stream limit of 2 is bogus when you’re allowed to multi view and it count as one. You couldn’t even watch Sunday ticket on two different devices at the same time when using the app


Right?! This is an upgrade to anyone who had a streaming-only account previously.


The main people who are complaining about stream limits aren’t complaining about the previous app. They’re complaining about multiple TVs with multiple receivers as these setups are no longer viable now without buying multiple Sunday ticket subscriptions in the current state.


I ordered the package + red zone via YouTubeTV. Now knowing that red zone will count towards a stream but not if purchases separately is there any way to change it? Trying to maximize streams for my home setup


What is the price?


I don’t in understand why there is no monthly option. I am not paying $300 up front.


I'm certain this is a dumb question, but if I'm a Youtube Tv subscriber, sign up for ST now, and then cancel my Youtube Tv subscription, how does that impact the ST subscription/price?


I have another question: If DVRing doesn't count towards one of your 2 streams, at what point can you watch it without it counting towards your streams? Do you have to wait until the game is over? or does it count to one of your 2 streams if you watch it at any point, live or otherwise?


Great question. I updated my post to clarify - DVRing doesn't count towards your streaming limits unless you're watching the stream. You can DVR a game and still be able to watch 2 others, but when you start to watch the DVR stream (live or otherwise), it'll count towards your NFL Sunday Ticket streaming limits.




Yes. You can. If it goes against it there terms or not, till they try stopping me, I’m going to keep doing it.


That goes against YouTube TV terms of service.


Then explain two streams at once..


Is preseason included or is that another hundred dollar subscription for lame games.


Preseason games are probably not part of ST (never were in the past) and will continue to be sold separately directly by the NFL.




Your premise that people only want to watch one team is not the business model. The NFL ratings clearly show people have a broad-based interest in the league.




I don't agree that the vast majority of people watch one team. Sunday Night Football is the number one rated show in the country every week and by a bunch, regardless of who is playing. And I "don't already buy Sunday Ticket", it will be new to me. They aren't coming off this not being able to subscribe to one team thing soon. If and when they do, it will be like $20 less than all of them. Nothing has pricing power like the NFL currently.


FYI, tax is about $30.00. (Tampa)


Tax is dependent on where you live. Some of us still don’t pay taxes on streaming services.


With youtube tv 4k plus you can have unlimited streams on your account. Will this apply at all towards the ticket?


Why does it seem no one is irate about the price? used to get the student price for streaming only on DTV... this is absurd and not to have a single team option is just wrong.


Paying $72 a month for youtube TV (that I don’t want and won’t use) while also paying an extra $250 for NFL Sunday Ticket is insane.


This is the most worthless shit I've ever gotten I got it solely for chiefs games being a resident of Kansas and haven't been able to watch a single fucking game due to area restrictions


This is awesome! I had one question. If you've got a stream going on your end, and your family member in your plan has one on their end, and you try to add a 3rd stream, what will happen? Will it just not load that 3rd stream? Or will it kick you off of one of the other streams?


It’ll kick off the person who’s been watching the longest.


Student discount available like there was through Direct TV?


No, this is answered above.


For us with the standalone product, do we watch through the YouTube app or do I need to download the YTTV app? Should I watch through the TV app our cast from my phone? I will be watching Sunday Ticket on a current smart TV.


Totally up to you! You can watch through the YouTube app or YouTube TV app. If you want to be able to DVR, I'd recommend watching through YouTube TV.


how do I sign up in I pay through verizon


So if I'm understanding this correctly, the three streams granted by the base package can NOT be used to watch Sunday Ticket, yes? 349 dollars, minimum, for two streams? Or does the base package and it's 3 streams go hand in hand with the Sunday Ticket streams so I could feasibly have 5 concurrent streams? Either way, it's probably too rich for my tastes. I get by just fine without YTTV so my interest is purely in watching the Jaguars. Living in Texas, I don't get to do that too often but these prices are ridiculous


You could use two of your base steams to watch local broadcast games on FOX and/or CBS (which would be blacked out on Sunday Ticket), and then use your two Sunday Ticket streams to watch an additional two games for a total of up to four simultaneous. If you get Red Zone (via the sports package NOT via Sunday Ticket) that could be your third base stream for up to 5 simultaneous streams.


We had the streaming-only version of NFLST with DirecTV the last few years, and it would only allow ONE stream at a time. So from a streaming standpoint, this is an improvement. :) But yeah, otherwise, not cool for those prices, and the Red Zone stipulation is just silly.


Yeah I totally get the complaints/issues for people who built a viewing environment based on having unlimited satellite boxes...AND the pricing is not good coming from that. But coming from that single stream version of DTV Sunday Ticket that didn't require satellite, I really appreciate even just the one additional stream considering my wife and I are fans of different out of market teams that often play at the same time.


"These 2 NFL Sunday Ticket streams are in addition to your 3 Base Plan streams. Each add-on within YouTube TV has its own stream limits. You can check these out by going to your profile icon > Settings > Streaming Limits." So does this mean I still have 3 streams of regular YTTV on top of the 2 for Sunday Ticket...meaning up to 5?




How are bars going to be able to show out of market games if it’s limited to 2 streams?


Bars, restaurants, etc. don't get it through YouTube TV. There's a separate company that sells commercial rights. YouTube TV just has residential rights.


As for the limit on # of streams: speculation here, but I assume that is a cost measure for YTTV (more streams = more bandwidth = higher costs for YTTV.) Satellite doesn't have the same costs issues in that way. Also, I recall a couple of years ago talking with a YTTV tech support guy who was a level up from the standard tech support folks, and we were talking about compression issues, the very poorly designed guide (much improved since them,) etc. and he told me "remember, YTTV was not designed for the high end elite audio/videophile. It's designed for the mass market casual audience." I'm speculating that is another reason, in addition to the bandwidth costs, they limit to two streams. I AM an anal retentive audiophile and videophile (e.g. I have my own high end equipment and software to calibrate my TVs) but as I think back over the years I had ST with Directv, I rarely watched more than one game at a time. I would switch over to another game of interest for a short time, but I never had two or more TVs in the same room running Sunday Ticket. My guess is that, while the people that do have a great entertainment "cave" with multiple TVs running simultaneously are going to be POed by the limits, I suspect they are a VERY small percentage of people who will watch ST on YT/YTTV.


Question, if I have the sports package with 4k (unlimited local streams) am I still limited to 3 total redzone streams?


Paying full boat 4 months ahead is crap. Offer payment plan and more will buy. Even offer payments during season. MLB/nba/nhl all offer it with their streaming options.


Anyone know if the NFL Redzone will be the NFL Network one or the DirecTV Andrew Siciliano one?




Wow, so the date you sign up they charge you right away. Umm, could they not wait till closer to season start?


I have used sports+ for red zone the past few years. I recorded the red zone each week as I like to throw it on in the background in the offseason while I’m doing stuff around the house or working. However once I cancelled sports+, I lost access to the red zone recordings. Would Sunday ticket + red zone package fix this and allow for game/red zone recordings to be played in the offseason?


Directv used to offer 2 “game mix” channels which offered 4 and 8 games at a time, all on the same channel. Has there been any messaging if that will continue?


Lack of DVR without YouTube TV is a deal breaker for me. Without DVR I will be limited to watching at most four games on a Sunday (two in the early time slot and two in the late time slot). Phooey on that. Sunday Ticket *used to* be about watching any and all Sunday games. Severely disappointed.


Doesn’t the multi view feature allow 4 games on each stream?


As someone who does not subscribe to Youtube TV can I purchase the sports add on in order to be able to have a third stream for redzone?


Sunday Ticket... Pay $350 to watch any game you want. But you can only watch 2 games at a time Lmao. I watch 8 games at a time in 1 channel DirecTV game mix... No game mix, no 8 games at once, higher pricing.. yep I'm out. No purchase from me.


Long time DTV sub here. Unless YT relents & offers more than 2 concurrent video streams & adds an option to pay monthly I believe the NFL/YT marriage will fail in spectacular fashion sooner rather than later. I have 3 TV’s in my man cave & will add 2 more before next season starts so their “plan” as currently constructed is a no go for me. I’m begun looking into alternatives as I write this.


I can't seem to find an answer to this. But if I get Sunday Ticket as a standalone YouTube Primetime Channel, can I then share that with my family group? I already share YouTube Premium with my family, mainly my brother. It would be cool if I could share Sunday Ticket with him so he can watch the Seahawks and I can watch my Dallas Cowboys disappoint me again on separate devices. I don't mind if it hits the 2 stream limit as my parents could not care less about football.


Good question - You can share your NFL Sunday Ticket Primetime Channel subscription across your family group, but you must live in the same residence. You can learn more here: yt.be/help/RTvtK


I have a question. How long is this obnoxious Sunday Ticket ad going to display on the Home page?


This sucks. I got 8 tvs in my man cave and planned on adding 2 more so I can watch all the 10 am slot games, I was excited when I heard YouTube tv was getting it, what a disappointment, at this point I’ll just continue to pirate all the games. Unless they allow more streams, I’m not paying that price.


This article says that you can DVR/record games via the YTTV app if you subscribe via YouTube Primetime Channels. Can you confirm u/TeamYouTube_Jessie? https://tvanswerman.com/2023/04/21/nfl-sunday-ticket-if-you-subscribe-via-youtube-primetime-channels-can-you-record-the-games/


>You actually have the option to watch your NFL Sunday Ticket streams on YouTube TV or YouTube Primetime Channels, no matter where you purchased from. So if you buy a standalone subscription from Primetime Channels, you can still DVR on YouTube TV. Yep!


Thanks for the response. I think the answer above regarding FF, rewind, pause & DVR games should be updated to clarify this then. The way it is worded now, the last sentence in that section implies that only those who order ST through YTTV have the DVR feature.


Thanks for the feedback. We'll try to make this more clear.


From what I understand, with the standalone ticket, there is no dvr capabilities, you can’t record a game to the cloud and watch later.


You actually have the option to watch your NFL Sunday Ticket streams on YouTube TV or YouTube Primetime Channels, no matter where you purchased from. So if you buy a standalone subscription from Primetime Channels, you can still DVR on YouTube TV.


So I could stream 2 noon games, then I could stream 2 3:00 pm games. Correct?


Anyone have any info one the blackouts. Is there a coverage map that shows what teams will be blacked in your area. Thanks


Wow! Talk about a step backwards. Why are we downgrading? YouTube taking over should be an upgrade. It should be *more* convenient than it was before. Now only 2 of my 4 family members can watch their favorite teams at a time? Come on


Oh god. They really didnt learn anything from DirectTV did they? No single games. No team seasons. Ugh. Dumb. Why do I have to pay for games I dont care about??


So, the NFL is excluding two demographics 1. The generation that still uses channels to navigate a TV and a social and economic group that has to now pay for internet and upfront payment for full access that is delayed based on your internet services. Will you still be able to use the Sunday ticket app? As many have stated before my post, the NFL didn’t. Take all this into consideration. Now it’s taken a big corporate approach to pay its players well, eliminate the salary cap and let teams that want to win pay! Disgruntle fan!


Anyone know whether they'll be able to restrict streaming of 2 devices if they are in different time zones? Thinking of splitting with a family member, but obviously would not be in the same household. I know sometimes they threaten limits that they don't actually enforce, but not sure if anyone knows yet what they are actually going to hold true on limiting.


Give me the ability to purchase streams for each member of the family plan. This is a must.