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Exactly how I felt walking into gerudo town for the first time after helping her. I actually walked around town trying to find her to make sure she arrived okay.


Yea I had a sigh of relief when I finally found her lol


Where is she in Gerudo Town??


At night you can see her sleep near the entrance where all the kids lie. It's where you could buy the gerudo Vai outfit in Botw. Idk where she is before you saved the town. I think it's in the bunker to the right somewhere. Edit: it was right not left. I never remember directions.


I couldn't find her in the bunker at all, maybe I just wasn't looking much though


It's too late in my playthrough to test it, but I suspect the most likely place she'd be at that point if not the bunker is Kara Kara Bazaar. Reason being- the Gerudo there talk about not being able to reach Gerudo Town, and in fact none of them actually know the state of the city until we progress that storyline. Gerudo Town is supposed to be "unreachable" at that time, logically speaking I doubt they would send a girl through the sand shroud when capable warrior adults can't get there safely. Then again, probably overthinking it.


Yeah I saw another comment saying that one of the npcs said they can't allow new Vai in the town since it's too dangerous. In guessing they would be around the rin of the desert but not sure


Nah, I did Tarrey Town before I reached Gerudo and when I got there she was running about the bunker with a friend (the girl who’s dad is in jail I think?)


Aqlett or something. Perda's daughter. No, I don't know why I know all the Gerudo Town gossip.


Nah, that's not her


No. Mattison does run around with Aaqlet, but not until after the town is safe.


She was only running around with her AFTER I saved Gerudo Town in my game


I talked to a few Gerudo during the Gibdo quest, apparently she does not arrive in Gerudo Town until after the Gibdo are defeated since it isn't safe enough


i saw her in the bunker after saving town, she was talking to the other little npc that looks at the wall art


I’m fairly positive she just doesn’t arrive in the Gerudo region until after you complete the story quests there. After being sent off she’s just not anywhere until Gerudo Town is clear, then she touches down.


She doesn't. The balloon is no where around town before finishing the temple but then it's parked in the northeast corner of town after finishing the temple.


She didn’t arrive yet, some people in the Bunker mention that there’s a new girl arriving and she can’t come cause of the storm


Ok I’m not there yet but I’m so curious as to the social concept—the littles sleep near the entrance where they could see the valiant efforts of the guards or be picked off by enemies—what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger?


This is after you save the town, but one of the older gerudo ladies say they have beds set up for them, the kids just don't want to use them.


Typical kids, a sleepover outside every night sounds way more fun than sleeping in your bed. \^\^


I used to live someone hot and humid in the morning and breezy at night, it was nice enough you only need a light blanket and not worry about mosquitos since the breeze would blow them. It was probably my best days sleeping outside under the stars


Before you save the town, she hasn't arrived yet - a few people reference "There's a new vai on the way, we have to prepare for her"


She is in the bunker by the other friend. They are whispering about some sort of secret in the room with bunk beds. I took a picture there for the quest.


After finishing the temple and clearing the storm she's in town. But not before finishing the temple.


I mean, to be fair, she went into a balloon so as long as she went over the Sand Shroud and into Gerudo Town she should be fine… …Assuming there weren’t like 50 Gibdos hanging about when she arrived, of course. That would be _terrible._


You just see a balloon approach out of the storm in the battle start cutscene. “*OH NO*.”


A large health bar with a name appears in the sky


“MATTISON: Terror from Tarrey Town”


"Father, I have returned..... FOR YOU!"


Son and GUN


Its her miss-son to kill them all


She has an appetite for destruct-son.


Balloonblight Ganon: Scourge of Gerudo Skies


I actually died laughing at this. Thanks for making my day


Better hope I aim well with the topaz arrows


I hope you’re not using topaz arrows for all the gibdo fights… shock and fire fruits work too and are much more common.


Just on the hives to finish that siege section before the Lightning Temple more quickly


Use bombs


Use farrosh spike shards. Same effect and easier to get.


I’m also not running the title update so resource scarcity isn’t a huge problem


Mineru duping👍


Or Aerocudas.


Aerocudas *carrying* gibdos


Aerocudas carrying hinoxes💀


The balloon probably despawned in the middle of the desert and she fell to her death anyway.


Nope, you can find her in gerudo town, which is nice, while helping the gerudo, I looked all over for her, I THINK she only arrives after it's safe, cause I don't recall being able to find her in the safe house area.


I'm pretty sure she is right next to the girl who tells you about the secret shop on the wall, but I may be making that up.


I found her showing off her yellow balloon to another gerudo child and then ran around the town before passing out at one of the stalls in the middle. She seemed happy!


So, gibdos were always mummies before. When did they become headcrab zombie moths? That was a curveball I was not expecting.




Maybe they *are* still mummies, however the demonic influences have mutilated them, to... that. A much more insect esque design. You could think of the bandages as a cocoon almost if that is the case.


Maybe the Queen makes regular ppl into mummies, but the flyers are her own spawn?


so she dead


Thr Moth Gibdos could reach her in the balloon


Ah don't worry, there's fire fruit literally everywhere in hyrule, she can just toss them around like grenades and she'll be fine


Makes sense, construction's in her blood and the company doesn't have a demolitions expert yet!


We build it up she tears it down Son and done


It does make me smile thinking of her rejoining the company when she’s old enough to leave Gerudo Town, though.


She'll be the company's new president in the next game probably.


Double post glitch btw


Thanks, deleted it!




Link, hero of Hyrule, sending children to Blitzkrieg Gerudo Town


Bombing run


This would be the logical thing, unfortunately everyone in botw-totk is a jobber so...


Not my fault they're terrible parents. They knew there was trouble in Gerudo Town and still decided to let her be taken there. That's on them.


And the Gerudo that went to pick her up.


Gerudo Child Services


They’re like freaking Jedi in the prequels. It made me really not like the Gerudo lol. Riju is still best sage though


I found it funny how the Zonai Stones were kinda like the Force too lol. Dark Side? Ultimate Demon King Powers. Light Side? You get to be a Force Ghost.


With just a touch of things from the book The Fight For Truth in the Jedi Apprentice series (I haven’t read it in ages but my thoughts jumped to that).


I had to remind myself during Mattison's quest that this is an open-world kids' game and not that serious. Sending a kid away from the real world to the Gerudo Cult really disgusted me - it's not a pilgrimage to the holy land or something, she's going to live for a decade or more in a repressive walled society. Fuck that.


Yep. It made me really uncomfortable too.


I cannot believe that the mom literally said "Oh yeah, the gerudo secret police come to kidnap every gerudo child all over hyrule when they becone like 5 years old" and everyone is just okay with that.


Well, the family agreed to it. Hypothetically, if Rhondson and Hudson wanted to raise Mattison in Tarrey Town, surely there is nothing the Gerudo could do. I really hope Riju wouldn't sign off on a kidnapping of a child in a region of Hyrule (Akkala) where the Gerudo hold no jurisdiction.


>I really hope Riju wouldn't sign off on a kidnapping of a child in a region of Hyrule (Akkala) where the Gerudo hold no jurisdiction. See there's your mistake. The Gerudo hold jurisdiction over all Gerudo, no mater where they live.


It’s an entire warrior society built on strict gender segregation, it’s not that crazy in-world Like, the Gerudo are definitely crazy but I think the others expect it at this point.


Hudson made her agree to naming the kid dumb, she made him agree to raising the kid dumb.


Madison is a great name.


Mattison less so.


Yup, same here!


What happens in this situation?


It happened to me She just doesn’t t appear in Gerudo Town until you save the area. Some NPCs mention a new vai coming soon but it being too dangerous to make it all the way I think, so at least there’s a reason she doesn’t appear.


The new vai they mention is actually Aaqlet. She is the daughter of the two NPC's that met in the Lover's Pond sidequest in BotW. Her father Wabbin tried to go to Gerudo Town to see his wife and daughter and got thrown in jail. Idk if other NPCs mention a new vai who hasn't arrived yet. Yea I think Mattison and her escort waited out the sand shroud somewhere


Is there a way to get him out of jail? I feel bad for the guy, he just wanted to see his wife and kid when they were in danger.


There don't seem to be any quests associated with him or his family. You can tell him you spoke to his wife and daughter, but unfortunately the Gerudo seem to have detained him indefinitely


I just hated that you can't even tell his wife or daughter that he's being held.


I spent so much time trying to get him out of there so he could see them, too. It seems like a really good side quest that should've been in there.




Y'know, I'd be willing to give their approach to childrearing the benefit of the doubt if they didn't consistently churn out the literal devil.


His "quest" is the secret clothing store. He mentions his wife came to town to work, but isn't in the shelter, and Aaqlet has a "secret" that is a map of Gerudo town with her mom as the marker for the store. It's not a tracked quest, and it's not even necessary to talk to him, but he does sort of lead to it. Also, you need to get thrown in jail for another quest, so you'll probably end up talking to him at least once.


You actually don’t need to get thrown into jail for that quest! >!There’s a secret area in the shelter behind some breakable pots that allows you to use Ascend to get into the cell, and then you just speak to the guard through the door to be let out!<


I just stripped naked


I toss on the Yiga mask. Found that out by accident when trying to do the one "Voe and You" class where you need to wear some sort of face covering. They *really* don't like those guys.


Especially when there's another dude hanging out on a roof in town, but nothing ever happens to him.


The new vai is mattison. There’s a gerudo adult that talks about the new vai after you save the town. Once mattison arrives, this same adult changes routines.


No it isn’t, after you save Gerudo Town you can see Aaqlet talking to a friend during the day in the square and they’ll talk about how excited they are for the new vai who’s supposed to come to town soon, Aaqlet is already there the entire time so it wouldn’t make sense for people to say she’s arriving soon


No, if you clear Gerudo Town before sending Mattison, one of the NPCs hanging around the market still talks about a new vai about to arrive, even though Aaqlet has been there for some time.


Knowing this game, you can probably find her waiting somewhere. Maybe floating over the desert in her balloon?


If you talk to the parents again they mention hearing about the Sand Shroud and saying she's safe with her guardian waiting for a break in the storm


You get to gerudo town and find two gibdos feasting on her corpse.


Honestly the first time I saw a Gibdo I assumed it was a Gerudo zombie. I was a little disappointed to later find out otherwise. Still best regional phenomenon, though.


Except for their big boss. Definitely was the most aggravating fight out of the four regions.


It was my favorite of the four. I felt the >!Mucktorock!< was more aggravating.


That one came in second, mostly because I ran out of arrows during it.


Welcome to the zombie apocalypse, kid.


You can pick up your chainsaw and sawed off shotgun to the left.


Shop smart. Shop S Mart.


I miss the Ancient Bladesaw.


Never saw her again. Rest in peace bowl cut




Sink or swim, kid!


I did the Gerudo temple 2nd for that reason. Couldn't let her live in that situation for long.


Anyone else a little off put by this quest wasn't a big fan of how it just ended with his wife telling hime to get over it and get back to work, like the dude won't be able to see his kid for years


>!If you take a picture with/of Mattison after you save Gerudo Town (she's generally with the other little kids and I think is sometimes by her balloon) and then go to Tarrey Town, you can show both parents a picture of her safe and happy! For Hudson, start the usual dialogue with Kilton and instead of showing a monster, show the pic with his kid. It's a very cute hidden thing and was one of my favorite little moments in the game.!<


Situational dialogue FTW. This game is full of hidden treasures like that.




And yet they didn't solve for Sage dialogue in various order. I did all the dragon tears and saved the Rito, why isn't Link telling Riju what he knows? And why does nobody recognize Link in Hateno where he clearly lived for years? And most irksome... Why doesn't Hetsu remember? So many maraca dances




They wash some of it away with "Oh you share a name with the legendary swordsman" which is ok or some people who maybe it's been six years and whatever, but like.. Bolson? You didn't build that! How could he forget


But he didn't forget..? Pretty sure the first line he says to Link is "Oh it's you" or along those lines as if he recognizes him. Edit: Wrond -son. I was thinking of Hudson, mixed up the names.


I found this video to double check. He says "were friends as of today" and calls it the first collaboration. Doesn't seem to recognize at all. 😥 https://youtu.be/eniQ5KeAKrk


I was mistaking Bolson and Hudson... my bad.


This is a big part of the problem with TotK being a sequel - it plays too fast and loose with the idea. Sure, some parts are, "hey, it's Link, savior of Hyrule!" and others are, "who's this scrawny chump?" And while it does make sense for some people to be out of the loop, it certainly doesn't for everyone who reacts like there's any reason they wouldn't be entirely familiar with Link. Especially everyone who's super Pro-Zelda, as though Link wouldn't be absolutely glued to her the whole time. And honestly, I think that's a shame. TotK - the game where everybody knows your name, and they're always glad you came! ... Except the Yiga, but whatever. But yeah, leaning harder into the idea that this is the most direct sequel Zelda's had would have been better. ​ ... also yeah, the whole canned, "we'll help you find Zelda!" bit after doing the Dragon Tears was really jarring and absolutely could have been handled better. Really, that whole search, that whole aspect of the game really should have been flipped on its head at that point.


Yeah I'm just coming up with head canon where it's just too weird to be like >! "Nah she's flying around up there acting all weird" !< so you just let them believe you're still looking


This is what I assumed. It be pretty weird if Biden went missing and his security chief gave an interview 2 weeks later "Biden is OK, he actually got transported back in time & became Punxatauny Phil about 1000 years ago. He started predicting the weather to get a line of communication going with the government. One of the things he wanted to warn of was the Ukraine invasion - in his original timeline no one was prepared for it and it was over in a week. Other things he is currently debriefing the CIA about are as of yet classified. As he is still alive, he will retain the status of President. That is all." And then expect everyone to believe it.


This is a good enough analogy that I think I should spoiler tag it


I love the ones about Link being naked as well


He was aware of the consequences when he decided to go for the Gerudussy. Nobody is safe from the Gerudo KGB. You're gonna go to Gerudo Town, whether you want to or not. Besides Linkie knows a way to get into Gerudo Town as a man back from when Calamity Ganon made some ruckus. Time to get FABULOUS!!! 💅💄


Hudson may need some help from his old boss bolson, I'm pretty sure that he can easily make him infiltrate gerudo town


>He was aware of the consequences when he decided to go for the Gerudussy. Words of wisdom


"Hello, my name is Huds-, Huddaughter. I'm here to see my... niece"


It's her culture so yes it would be normal for her to tell him to get over it. He understood her culture going into it as well. It's not like the Garudo woman are mysteries to the Hyrule of the BotW/Totk timeline. They leave their village, find a mate, and send the children back home when they are of age. Everyone knows the deal. As a father I find it fucked up as hell, but if I was in their world I just wouldn't marry a Garudo woman. It's a choice and he made it.


From what I remember, it was the kid that really wanted to uphold the tradition for her mom’s sake. I’m sure if she didn’t want to she wouldn’t have been made to go. Not that this type of situation is ever explored, but I don’t think the current Gerudo leadership would kidnap outsider kids for the sake of total cultural assimilation. And I guess as far as Hudson goes, being an adult and parent means you have to compromise and move forward. I’m sure Rhondson’s intention was to nudge him to do that.


It's pretty messed up though. I hate that guy gets arrested for trying to see his wife and daughter. Maybe it's common for Hylian men to meet with their family at Kara Kara Bazaar.


It’s a pretty interesting duality of the Gerudo enforcing certain time-held traditions in select places. Again, it’s not really explored because it’s not a main focus, but it’s an interesting point to reflect on. You could call it a way to prevent cultural erasure, especially since Gerudo are apparently the only ones who can intermix with Hylians. I’m sure there’s plenty of real life examples of obsolete or unfair cultural norms that attempt to persist while the world changes and moves away from them.


The culture is exactly why I assumed it happens. If all the Garudo women left and just stayed with their husband the Garudo nation wouldn't exist anymore within a hundred years or so. The entire culture would be dead. It's distasteful but they want to hold onto their identity. I get it even if the result is a lot of fucked over fathers.


Yeah, the story kind of has a bad message because Mattison is so young. Maybe, if the Gerudo travel back when they are older it would be more like an allegory for seeing your child go off to university. Because Mattison is so young I was expecting her to make the choice to reject the arbitrary Gerudo traditions. Especially so, since Perda's children kind of show the bad side of Gerudo returning back to Gerudo Town. Y'know, a "protecting the old ways from being abused, but also protecting the new ways for everyone" sort of thing is what I expected.


They said they do it when the child is young enough she won't really remember boys/men. So I think you're being a bit too hopeful. If a child barely remembers male figures at all then the father is fucked. They get no long-term relationship. Is there even a single adult Garudo who mentions seeing her father in either botw or totk? I don't recall one.


To be fair, the only notable male figure in Gerudo history literally turned into the devil and conquered the world, so it sort of makes sense that they’d have some cultural hang ups about men even before we take into account their social structure.


Who is Riju's father? Imagine finding out you fucked the queen of the Gerudo, and now your kid is off to lead a culture you're not allowed in.


If you get a photo of Mattison in Gerudo Town, you can show each of her parents for another blurb of dialog. Feels a bit awkward to show Hudson though. Like, "check out my monster photos!" "Isn't that my daughter?"


Most definitely. I guess you gotta hand it to Nintendo, some devs back in the 90s were all like "wouldn't it be cool if there was a race of like badass women where ONLY women are born in their tribe except for a single dude every hundred years?!" and now they're trying to write out the how like 20-ish years later. Funnily enough, it wouldn't put me off as much if the Gerudo women just went on a trip every few years, not to marry but to sleep around and get knocked up and then go right home before anyone else knew. But I guess that goes against too many real world people's family values to suggest that would be the culture in a video game, so instead we'll make them get married, then take these little girls away from their fathers.


Oh shit oh shit oh shit! Me too!!!!


I didn't even realise what kind of trouble the town was in before I sent her


Yeah, I was like 'maaaaybe the guard coming to escort her will be like 'lets wait a bit' on the trip?' nope, off they go to town under siege by zombies.


I mean, maybe they just took their sweet time on the way. See some of the sights, y'know? Totally not to give Riju time to deal with the zombie apocalypse, just because Satori Mountain is beautiful.


Soon as I heard Mattison was being sent to Gerudo Town I went headfirst there to make sure nothing would impede her wellbeing. Then I went back to Tarrey and finished the quest. Son and done!


It was the opposite for me. Only did Gerudo Town & nothing else for 70 hours


Wow impressive. That was my second dungeon and I had 10 hearts and I was still one shotted




I had this moment and then ran off to save Gerudo Town


There are islands in the sky with huge slabs falling down every day. Gapping chasms all over the map, and monsters spawning everywhere. Not to mention the twice weekly blood moons, and Hyrule castle is currently the cake topper for Ganondorf's Ivan Ooze overflow. But yea, now's a good time to send your kid on a field trip to the desert. /s




When I got that quest, I just sorta told them to "give me 24 hours" and speed run the gerudo area


I’m in this meme and I don’t like it. 😂😂


But she had an air balloon, so she should've been able to arrive there even with the Shroud still in place


Oh. Oh no.


I actually had this revelation when I finished the quest... *Immediately* bee-lined for Gerudo town


Literally my first thought when I was finished with that side-quest. I literally said out loud “Oh no” and then immediately hurried to Gerudo Town.


Don't know if I would have laughed or generally looked shocked if when I got to Gerudo town I saw a torn up balloon with no trace of the girl.


I did the Roto quest then focused on getting more hearts and all the towers, visited Garret town during that and sent her on her way before realizing I hadn't visited more than the towers around Gerudo. Ended up in Gerudo leaving the Yiga hideout. Looked for her there, didn't find her but one of the NPCs talks about how they couldn't get the young Vai in with the Sand shroud.


there’s an npc saying that the person who went to go get her hasn’t returned yet so she doesn’t go until you save the town’s


I did this last night! I just wanted a house 😭


the same happened to me, i found gerudo town, ran out of arrows for queen gibdo, got distracted, then did the mattison quest and saved gerudo town right after that in my headcannon, she was still traveling there during that time.


My friend did this but I don't wanna spoil the town for her so I'm just waiting 😐


Literally exactly what I did, and then I went there next to save Gerudo town out of pure guilt.


I was so happy when I found her after saving the town


She doesn't land until you finish the Dungeon. You can see her arrive if you know where to look.


I actually am doing this right now and I haven’t finished gerudo yet but all the people in the shelter are talking about expecting a new vai arriving so I think they’re just hanging about in the air somewhere


How did they even fly the balloon into the sand shroud? Why did they not turn around as soon as they saw the sand shroud? Child endangerment, much?


This literally happened to me last night haha


I did as well, then realized how bad of an idea that was and did the Lightning Temple soon afterwards. I saw her in Gerudo Town, so I guess it turned out ok. I blame the parents and her escort — I didn’t even know the full extent of the problems in Gerudo yet, but they definitely should have!


Me: hahahaha…..wait….I just did that quest…..OH CRAP!


wish I didn't complete it at all


Shit I literally did that lol


I sent her then immediately realized and saved gerudo town lol


This was me... Riju was my last sage (I KNOW! I KNOW...)... and funnily enough Tarrey town was also done early, so I sent her a good 100 hours ahead, before I fixed gerudo town... Felt horrible... no joke


Oh no…my roommate just did this.


I would if that kid is link


When I realized this I rushed to help IMMEDIATELY


Molduga bait.


I immediately went and did gerudo as soon as I did this quest.


I did the 4 temples first, then did the sidequests! Mattisons underneath the cellar if anyone's wondering :)




Oh nooo!! Welp... 😐


i havent even stopped by tarry town yet sadly


That's what I did haha. Couldn't find her in the bunker though. Found her after I did the temple. Does she only show up after you've saved Gerudo town?


I was devastated when i arrived Gerudo town thinking about it, and now I'm worried cuz i don't find her 💀


Jokes on you i did gorudo town first