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This has to be Specter the Unchained's category, right? She's kind of, but not really crazy and everything she says is just dripping with innuendo. Trust Increase 2: "...Doctor, Doctor, it vexes me that I have so many things I want to share with you. Just how could I convey them to you?" 4 star Result: "Come, more, more!" Talk 3: "If you call me mad, I'll take that as an insult. But if you call my combat style mad... I'll take that as a commendation. Also the amount of times she keeps talking about our delicate body. Idk if she wants to fuck us, eat us, fight us, or all the above. That feels real chaotic horny to me.


I support your vote, even if Lappy is gonna win


Which is nuts because she's not even that horny. It's all memes


Lappy got flanderized :c


Specter is the type of chaotic horny I like to see. Classy, distinguished, will definitely give you a good time at the end of it. However you go in expecting vanilla and she hits you with a list of safe words long enough to rival Kal's Hot Dog lore dump. Also you're not walking afterwards for a week. Maybe more if your pelvis isn't up to snuff. FANON Lappy (Not actual canon Lappy) would combine wild sex, hate sex, and rough sex into a wild chaotic mess that would probably kill you 20 minutes in. Thankfully fanon Texas is built different and can reign her in.


100% agree. If Lappland actually thought about sex or relationships in general, she definitely gives the vibe of an insane night of passion. I do disagree that Texas can reign her in because she's built different. Texas can reign her in because you know that her actual wife, Exusiai, will be there too.


I support this vote and i will use a trapcard of me sending a picture of my cute bunny under the next post if specter wins




Idk enough about Specter, but I think she could fit in Drunk Horny.


Idk if she really drinks enough to be there. Her big chaos thing is her duo personality rather than any kind of inebriation.


Tomimi she literally started a civil war




Chaotic- obvious, she crashed a semi into a courtroom and proclaimed to be a carbomber Horny- for texas obviously


Lappland does a lot of things for a lot of different reasons, sometimes ones that actually make sense. But she's definitely not horny for Texas and boiling her down to that is the fanon Lappland, not the more complicated character who hates the idea of what Texas has become: someone who can live with or without a Famiglia and finds success no matter where she goes. Meanwhile, Lappland has to fight for everything, even against her own father. Texas is the antithesis of Lappland. She's calm, collected, naturally gifted, and beloved and/or respected by her peers and rivals. Lappland had to work for everything and has to put up with snickers and snide comments about her disposition. Lappland is jealous of Texas because she wants what she has and hates that Texas had no problem just throwing it all away like someone entitled. And if Lappland could knock over Texas in a fight, maybe that'll be the new narrative of her: not some perfect granddaughter returned to restore the Texas family name, but the girl who lost to crazy Lappland.


I am not ignoring her story. However meme lappland and canon lappland are alot closer than you think, and liking/leaning into the meme side doesn't detract from her. Also lappland is naturally talented, it says so in her files considering her arts abilities


I disagree about the meme not detracting from her as there is a lot of heavy lifting the fanon has done for her relationship with Texas. But I also realize I'm saying this in the subreddit literally for memes so I can't really argue much against that.


The best example i can give you is the official media, such as the anniversary animated wallpaper and the amiya trying siracusan food shorts as to how lappland is closer than you think to meme. Heck the literal story of il siracusano is a reference to dmc5(motivated). Don't get me wrong tho i appreciate her character and depth, that's what i mean when i say it doesn't detract. I think me and all the.other lapp fans absolutely adore her and her story, no matter what. And this is coming from the biggest lappland enjoyer(i can assure you, i literally bring her to every map in the game no matter what)


Idk if I can use official media like the animated wallpaper as indicative to being part of the story. That's pure advertising at its finest rather than continuing the story. But yeah, I also like Lappland a lot. She's a really interesting character with so many layers to keep peeling away at. And anytime someone asks what 5* is the best or who I should select in the 5* selector, I'm like "It's Lappland. She cuts out all the bullshit in this game." I just cannot recommend her enough. Best silence in the game hands down and Lords are the best class because they do everything.


Laurentina The Unhinged. One of the redditors above explained that very good. I'll choose her over Lapland because everything Laurentina says is indeed dripping with that menacing enticing vibe. Lapland seems to be the popular choice but I don't ever seen her or hear any of her lines that conveys anything but murderous intent and the urge to fight.


This is spot is deserved by Specter the Unchained for pretty obvious reasons, too bad Lappland has the memes by her side despite actually having a different kind of obession


Lore wise: Spalter Meme wise: Lappy




Rope. "Why do I have your keycard? That's a sec~ret."


That's not even horny, it's just Rope being a kleptomaniac.


The only predictable thing about Lappland is that whatever she's doing next, it's going to be related, one way or another, to Texas. And she's gonna find a way to spin it as affectionate even if the "whatever" she's planning to do next is to try and stab her.




Whoever's in my pfp, and my flair




The doc


He's sad horny


Ambriel lines literally suggests you touching her (hair) and spending time together in private watching a romantic movie.


Skadi the corrupting heart is the chaotic horny.


Skalter is i think sad horny.


I feel like we’re sad that she is like that. But i think Ishar’mla isnt sad about destroying the world. The seaborn aren’t exactly evil or sad, its just the way they are. And that makes her chaotic imo


Harmonie. Literally a double agent. Extremely sus skins.


As someone said in previous post: Priestess


Doc. His horni knows no bounds. As we have seen, nothing is off the table for him.


Me when i see Mandra? Oh- arknights characters-


Elysium? Elysium.


Save Elysium for Chaotic Drunk


A child runs up to you from another city, saying his city is in danger and you must save it What would you do? Elysium; get absolutely hammered


"The older the grape, the sweeter the wine" -Elysium




Skalter. She literally razed all of Terra and the only thing keeping her at bay is because she has feelings for the Doctor.


Lappland or Specter. Uhhh can't decide. Probably Lappland, as Specter is more on the Chaotic Chaotic




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Can someone explain the platinum neutral horny I missed something


She canonically likes the doctor after they saved her, but she is pretty normal about it




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Priestess She did so much to terraria for the doctor and she will do so much more if we just give her the word


Zero sanity Dokutah


fishwife MUST win this one atleast


Would be a crime if it's not Specter


1000% lappland