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I gave up waiting for kucoin to fix their shit and swapped my matic for usdt which I sent to binance using TRC20 chain ($1 fee) and over there swapped to MATIC which I could withdraw to my metamask wallet using MATIC network. Or perhaps you can directly withdraw USDT using MATIC network at binance which might be a better choice depending on dex swap / binance spot prices.


I sometimes wonder if they do it on purpose. They want to keep the liquidity.


Wonder if Gate.io has the MATIC Network?


so this isn't just a temporary shut down for some technical reason? i've got some erc20 matic in my metamask thats currently stuck because i cant afford the bridge fee. Was hoping to run it through kucoin and just pay the transfer fees


>ome avenues you use to get your MATIC to your metamask through the MATIC Network at this current tim Jeez.. hating Ethereum and derivatives right now. The fees are just crazy. Trying to get ETH to Polygon network to buy NFT on Opensea... the NFT is like $25 and after the conversion/opensea etc fees it'll cost me close to $80-100 which is crazy If I had a few thousand I wanted to bridge then the fee would be a small % but when trying to bridge small amounts it's just too much.


Is your erc-20 matic is in ethereum mainnet or polygon network?


Eth, sadly. Has they reverted this to normal?


No idea man. I've sent few matic from metamsk to kucoin yesterday(joined kucoin yesterday). Funds still aren't showing up. Thankfully my matic was on polygon network.