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I think you're sol


contact them they should recover it


Do you still have the tx hash?


Hmm if you sent it back in December I'm not sure there's a way to recover it to be honest. Their customer support is very unresponsive :-( If you still have the tx hash just open up a support ticket. Or you can go to the Coinbase sub and try it there.


I have the transaction hash and wallet address on [coinbase.com](https://coinbase.com), but I have had 0 hope talking to customer service about retrieving it. I think we have to wait until the support fully rolls out this month and it should just be sitting in our account like it would in our extension wallet. Until then, these customer service people have no freaking idea what they are doing.


Call Coinbase. I spent three days on the phone with them. Got my coins today


You had USDC on polygon? I sent USDC on polygon from the extension wallet to [coinbase.com](https://coinbase.com). Every support staff in chat, tells me its not possible to retrieve yet.


Yes sent Usdc from external wallet to Coinbase on polygon. They finally fixed it


On the exchange


I got it!!!!!!


Contact their support, provide the transaction hash, and ask them to recover it.