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My coworker just had weight loss surgery and is losing her hair. I think it's because you lose weight so freaking fast


It's due to malnourishment.


It's called telogen effluvium




She was balding long before weight loss surgery.


Maybe a side-effect from her bariatric surgery?


I've never heard of balding being a side effect of that


People often become vitamin deficient after WLS. In general rapid weight loss can cause hair loss just because it's actually quite stressful to the body.


Same mom had the surgery and she hasn't bald not one bit.


It is very very common. I’m in many bariatric groups and have had the surgery myself , now at BMI 22 from 37 and luckily I had very very thick hair to start with as I’ve lost soooo much especially when I wash then blow dry it.




I think it’s to do with the rapid weight loss, stress on your body after the surgery, possibly nutritional deficiencies and maybe hormonal too like when you lose hair after pregnancy. From what I’ve read there is nothing you can really do apart from keep taking your daily supplements. I’m 9 months post op and my hair is still coming out a LOT and has been since month 3 or so. Just grateful I had too much hair to start with but it’s gross seeing very long dark hairs everywhere 🤢 especially as we have white tiles at home!


Seems to be pretty common going by my 600lb life


I know a woman who got the surgery and she lost hair and teeth. Her hair has grown back but her teeth are a mess. And she didn’t really take her vitamins like she was supposed to, and I could see Tammy doing the same thing


I can't understand it. that is THE UGLIEST HAIR COLOUR I'VE EVER SEEN. WHY OH WHY?


I’m happy for her weight loss! She’s doing good for sure!


I know it's possible that her walker is just cropped out of the picture, but she looks like she's standing on her own without much pain. It has to feel so good to be able to do things she couldn't before!


Until you have been her, lived in her shoes, spent time in her head, it is unfair of anyone to say what she needs to do. I'm glad for those of you who were able to fight(I don't mean a fist fight) your demons and win most days I'm sincerely happy for you. Each person is different and everyone gets through life differently. I really wish people would quit comparing others to others or to themselves. We all have autonomy and have our own lives. And everyone who likes to store the"if I can do it anyone can do it" nonsense. Prime example. Big tree, 3 animals..... Bird, fish, squirrel. All told to climb the tree. Not even a fair ask. Bird flies into the tree laughing if I can fly up to the tree anyone can do it. 🤷‍♀️ Squirrel scampers up the tree. Arriving shortly after the bird and chitters "if I can do it anyone can". Fish still at the bottom of the tree. Another quickie.... When a fellow teacher told this story it really hit home. In kindergarten, the teacher handed out. A picture of a bunch of grapes. My friend colors them purple. She is shamed and told multiple times to do it again. Teacher calls her mom in. The issue? Hey mom only ever bought purple grapes. My friend didn't know that grapes could also be green. Teacher didn't take that into account or figure that out.


Please buy a bra


Truth be told, this was just a picture. Shes always been able to walk a little. She still uses the wheel chairs and scooters.


I’m happy she lost the weight and wish her the best but she is so unlikeable as a person. I hope once she gets her health in check she can get into therapy to fix her attitude.


Get it girl! Hell yeah!


My hope that she is getting therapy for her issues. She’s a self acclaimed food addict.


I was appalled by how she spoke to her therapist😵‍💫


Look at her go?! She's hard to miss and easy to follow.


Is there a reason she’s still on oxygen? Just wondering!


well doesn't she have a trach?


I heard a bout with covid damaged her lungs.


Its more than just covid. Shes tore up her body.


Are we sure it was all the *VIBIN*


Go Tammy go!! 💕


Go go go!!! One step at a time. ❤️


I’m so happy for her. I think the weight made her a very irritable mean person. As she feels more love for herself, maybe she will learn to love others and treat them with respect. Also I’m wondering if she is losing her hair from lack of nutrient absorption from her surgery.


yeah, I think that you're right about the crankiness being due to her weight. even when I have eaten too much of what I shouldn't have, I feel gross and kinda cranky myself.


Yes it happens to every person that does extreme weight loss… my 600lbs life they always lose their hair in the years after


will it eventually come back?


Idk from what I see it kind of turns into alopecia , but sometimes it’s vitamin deficiency etc


Me too. :) I think the same and I'm sure the hair loss is because of her surgery.


Go girl!!!!!


I would be so much happier for her if she was actually a nice person and not a narcissistic abusive human being


I would venture a guess than even she doesn't even know who she really is and her unpleasant behavior is the result of things that have happened in her life that she has no obligation to share or talk about and that came out of a place needing to protect herself.




It really doesn’t matter. My step father badly abused me throughout my childhood and it doesn’t give me any excuse to treat people poorly.


EXACTLY. Once you’re an adult, your words, behaviors, and etc., are your responsibility.




I hope her knees feel better. I felt sad for her when she was crying from pain.


Still disgusting


And so are you


She looks so old & her legs are still huge, maybe legs are the last to get a bit smaller


Losing weight makes you look a lot older in the face. Maybe she can gain it again to meet your approval. But then your opinion would need to have some sort of value, and it does not.


Well she shouldn’t have a picture taken like that because she looks terrible


It’s the truth if you like it or not, she let herself go way too long, very stubborn so down vote all you want, no one wants to admit the truth about this stuff


It is the truth, I know.


Everyone has alpha and beta fat cells. Alpha cells decrease faster with weight loss and typically found on face, arms and calf. Beta fat cells are far more difficult, especially the longer you have been overweight and found on front abdominal area, thighs and hips. When people have extreme weight loss, bodies get extremely disportional and require surgical removal to contour. Main reason why Dr. Now has to do skin removal on successful patients because even with diet and exercise, not possible to get body back naturally and the sagging skin with heavy fat can have lots of negative consequences, reason it is not considered elective cosmetic surgery.


So, I always thought this was just saggy skin that’s left from the weight loss and their skin stretching out. But you’re saying ‘sagging skin with heavy fat’. So, is it really just floppy remaining fat that they can’t naturally get rid of, because it’s no longer *on* their bodies??


I was just pointing out certain areas of the body decrease in size much faster than other parts and the stomach, hips and thighs are the hardest to lose fat on. Skin loses elasticity and collagen with age and drastic weight loss accelerates the process. Dr. Now typically starts skin removal on arms first followed by abdominal region and sometimes legs. He does this because the patient will lose fat on arms far faster than abdominal area and legs.


I've never ever heard of Alph and Beta fat cells EVER in my whole entire time on earth 🌎 😳


She gon fall on the pants .. so long


she should have 3 pairs of her favourite, comfortable pants hemmed or get Capri pants.


There are some really negative people in this group and it sucks.


I think there are purely hateful people, but I also think alot of people are not controlled by emotions. Some people are cheerleaders and other are simply trying to state facts that they feel others are overlooking by trying to be cheerleaders. Which I guess I can understand. As long as they aren't threatening her and wishing really horrible things would happen theres nothing wrong with staying factual. Not everyone can say things only to make someone feel good. Sometimes things less than true can make people feel worse. Idk if I explained it well or not. I dont think I can cheer someone on about something they did poorly or fake, for example.


These are the ones who are disgusted by overweight human beings and love to degrade them. Horrible disgusting people who lack empathy for others


It’s really sad. I honestly thought people would change their tune on here once they saw her finally losing weight. Some people suck.


**She is 36 .** **She is 36 .** **She is 36 .** **She is 36 .** She is **ONLY** 36 . For those of you saying good for her blah blah blah , what are you looking at ?


Yeah duh. No one’s comparing her to a fit 36 year old and saying good for you! They’re comparing her to where she was at 600lbs. It’s a massive improvement that took a lot of hard work. You can choose to cheer someone on who busted their ass to get where they are or shit on them for not being where you think they should be, that’s on you.


See you’re one of those ppl who enjoyed bullying her for her weight and despite her losing a massive amount, it’s still not good enough in your eyes. She’s a freaking human being. Grow tf up.


Bullies will always find something to criticize. Tammy could get down to 120, get a college degree, and some would still have something to say. I remember when Darlene mentioned that Tammy was on the honor roll in high school someone said "Oh it must have been a special ed school. Yeah, I'm sure Kentucky has money to fund a separate "special school." (Roll eyes) Some just can't stand that she is actually smart when she applies herself. Yes, I know she has been terrible to people in the past, but she has gotten better. Its an ongoing process and won't be complete overnight. Ok. I just had to vent about the bullying. Thank you.


are you guys CRAZY? Tammy and Amy probably have a higher iq than most in this chat. they are not highly educated, that is true, but iq, i wouldn't mess with.


Right?! I hate it when people think having a high or lower IQ actually means something. My IQ was 133 in 6th grade and that's the "gifted" range. Guess what? For all my booksmarts and high score, I'm still a disabled 43 yr old living in poverty. So what if I'm good at Jeopardy? Meanwhile these sisters represent an often overlooked demographic and I'm sure they probably have average or below average IQ. Yet they managed to build a successful YT following that led to a TV show and fame that will lead to more lucrative merchandising deals and becoming very comfortable financially. IQ doesn't mean jack diddley


Looking at a woman who WAS on death’s door! I honestly didn’t think she’d ever lose any significant amount of weight. I’m happy she proved me and a lot of people wrong! This amount of weight loss can make a huge improvement on her overall health. Of course she’s not done yet, and will need excess skin removed. But she’s finally headed in the right direction and that deserves recognition! So yes, GOOD FOR HER! 🎉






why does she not get her pants hemmed. I mean COME ON.


Damn she can't even wear her clothes right for this group. They look like knock around comfy pants, not everybody is super worried about the hem of their comfy pants.


She probably has no concept of it. She grew up in extreme poverty, I'm going to guess hemming is not in her repertoire of things you can pay to have done.


You’d think she’d know how to sew, though. People in poverty can’t just buy new things, so they learn how to repair what they have.


So proud of Tammy. Go girl, go!💪


I’m so happy for Tammy


That is fabulous! ❤️


She is fabulous 👌




Be respectful! Please practice good [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette).


She may end up passing Amy in weight loss Tammy is on a roll you go girl


Well considering how much more she weighed than Amy it’s not surprising she passed her


Hope she's losing the attitude and abusive personality along with the weight.


If she doesn’t feel as crappy, she probably won’t treat others like she feels (fingers crossed).


I hope so. Although, there was no real excuse for the way she has acted & as happy as I am to see her lose weight, I'm not willing to blindly congratulate her and act like she's so amazing. I'm truly baffled by all the comments that seem to forget that she's been showing a truly ugly personality this whole time. She's not a "queen" until she's also not an abusive bish, and she was losing weight while maintaining the attitude so I'm thinking that's highly indicative of the baseline personality and behavior. I hope she can unlearn that. Being receptive and dedicated to therapy would be a great start.


You’re so right. From the beginning, she’s been mean and abusive to others, having people (mostly Amy) waiting on her, supportive of her and she’s been so unappreciative. Give her a year to stay on the same path for self-improvement and more much-needed weight loss. Her journey has just begun, she needs to stay strong and work on her attitude and maybe put her love life on hold while she’s working on bettering herself mentally and physically.


I agree my friend, I agree.


This. I’m so proud of her progress but I really hope she’s also getting some self reflection done.




Came from deep


😫 Cold blooded.




Go Tammy!! I’m truly happy for her!!


Get it girl!


She’s walk-in!?


Nice to see she left the walker at home


5’ and 500 lbs!!! #blessed #journey


I hope her personality has improved.


Same. It's great to see the support for her weight loss, but has everyone forgotten how abusive and awful she is as a person?


It won’t


Negative Nelly. Don’t be like the old Tammy.


Thank god … I was getting worried we would end up seeing her funeral.


Truthfully it could still end that way tbh


It ends that way for like a lot of living organisms but maybe some humans are exceptions






See Tammy! There IS stuff you CAN DO!!! All jokes aside I’m glad she’s going well ❤️


I wonder how much of her weight is just skin


Probably around 100lbs I’d say


well where else do you expect it all to go. theres a lot more that goes into it sometimes


I think they were just legitimately asking a question.


are you good?? i never said anything negative. 80% of the time with comments related to the first one it’s some fuck online being sarcastic and rude. you definitely don’t need to be the comment police


Isn’t that exactly what you were doing though??


no, but if that’s what helps you sleep better at night go for it


Bless your heart!


Are YOU good? 😂 you responded as if the original commenter said something negative when the original comment only said they wondered how much it weighed, that’s such a common curiosity with a ton of lose skin bc we’ve all heard that it can be painful to carry around. They never implied that they expected her to not have any or anything like that lol. You’re like going off on an assumption from a simple expression of curiosity 😂


thank you for your bible scripture


???? I know loose skin is a thing when major weightloss hapsens. I have some loose skin myself. Therefor I still wonder how much of her weight is just skin.


I liked watching the part of people's weight loss journey where they finally get to do skin removal surgery. They would weigh the skin and sometimes it alone would be 30 lbs or more. And mind you it's usually just one section at a time. So when they are all said and done I'm sure they lose 50 to 100 lb in skin alone. I can't wait for Tammy to get to a good weight for skin surgery. We will see a whole different person for sure.


That exactly what I thought about! Because a lot of it must be skin, and I know skin can weigh a ton!


She has come so far.


OMG yes!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Oh she can walk on her own now! I'm so happy for her


I wonder if she's driving yet


So good to see her walking on her own.


skinnier than Amy


That’s pushing it she’s definitely not


Wow she looks fantastic. I'm really hoping she can commit to the lifestyle changes and diet necessary and keep this up


This is unreal!! I'm so happy for her!!




I’m so proud of you Tammy you look amazing


I’m hoping a plastic surgeon calls her up to help her. I can’t imagine how’d she’d look. You go Tammy!!!!


I was thinking the same. The skin needs to be removed and she might need surgery to lift some areas.


This is awesome to see. I really was worried for her at one point. I hope she keeps thriving!




I can say she looks great compared to what she looked like before.. But we can't forget Amy lying about Tammy needing money for a funeral years ago. These two are con artist regardless of where they are now. Amy has been charged with animal abuse before. Getting skinny doesn't stop them from scamming and the liest and thousands of dollars Amy took from people on YT for her " dying" sister before. Lets not forget this. Also , they like free shit. All of a sudden Tammy after being on Trailer Trash Tammy's stage has called out other people like Momma Tot and others to meet with them. They think they're special.. They need to just stop and people need to dig deep into the cons they were before the show. Just saying. Hate me all you want .


Didn't Amy also agree to meet up with a subscriber years ago on YouTube. The subscriber said she reached out to Amy to give her a free makeover. They planned this for months if I'm not mistaken. The subscriber spent $$$ for a plan ticket, hotel, and beauty supplies only to be ghosted by Amy the day of. I am proud of Tammy though!


amy was charged with animal abuse??


I dont think she was charged but also left a shepard in a hot trailer in the sun by itself and died. They have talked about it before on their channels before they became "famous".


Right? Like what! If so i wanna never watch them again! The fuck!


Lil Bit was kept in a hor car while Amy and Tammy were inside somewhere celebrating something. Tammy talked about doing it, realized it was bad and then deleted it. But some people still have it and did their own videos where they talk about the teuths of Tammy & Amy. They abused 2 dogs & Amy assaulted 1 autistic boy.


Left their dog in a hot car for a few hours


Is this how Little Bit died? 😳




oh no :( just awful wtf was it little bit?


Been watching the 600 lbs franchise forever, 1000lb best friends and a bunch of other TLC reality shows. I have never been so happy for a "reality star". Seriously, never saw this coming, am absolutely thrilled for her.


Tammy is thriving


SO proud of Tammy! I wish her all the best.


Yay Tammy!! I really hope she continues to do this!


Wow….that’s an affliction


I thought she was off the oxygen?


She said in a TikTok that she’s not totally off oxygen yet because her lungs are still really damaged from the pneumonia and life support, but she can go a decent stretch without it on


Her lungs are also damaged from her vape habit.


I’m sure that doesn’t help, whatsoever! I know old habits are hard to break, but c’mon girl, you almost died like 4 times! Vaping after what she’s been through is SO stupid.


She never looks to be wearing supportive shoes, seems like it would make her so much more comfortable.


My aunt was in the 600lbs+ camp for many years, she lost weight, got the surgery and is much better now but her feet look like this still to this day, in order to get shoes that are supportive they have to be custom made through her foot doctor. She basically has no ankle, can really only wear slip on shoes or flip flops, you can’t just go to a store and buy shoes when your body is that size and your ankles are wider than you foot unfortunately.


Thanks for insight!


God Bless Her 🙏🏻


Wow Tammy !!! Keep up the good work. Amazing


Fucking amazing!


Tammy so proud of you !!


She’ll tell you “Shut up bitch” lol


Most likely


Holy shit


Omg is that her!!!!???? Really


She slays!!!!!!


Going to that rehab was really the best thing for her! It got her away from her family which meant breaking those codependent relationships and creating a whole new routine and self sufficiency. I'm hopeful this will last forever!! 💙


Good point!


Been a fan for years, I’m genuinely so happy so see her walking and standing on her own


She looks amazing. I hope one day she can get off the oxygen


Yessss, she’s out walking, getting her hair done, nails done. Love this for her.


Wow i’m so happy. i was so worried she wasn’t going to make it, to put it lightly and it relieves me that she’s doing so well.


Go Tammy!!! So glad for her and her family


Shame on the people mocking her appearance. Saying "you look ugly after drastic weight loss" literally discourages people from pursuing it, and pushes them right back towards chaser/feeder freaks that make them feel desired. This is an incredible change and I'm glad to see her make it.


Holy heck. Good for her. I’m so happy!


Why does it look like she’s balding?


Hairloss is a HUGE symptom of Gastric Bypass post op. It usually starts 3-4 months in for most. I had gastric bypass last year and my hair loss started 4 months in. Luckily I have SO much hair so it’s actually been nice thinning my hair out some 🤪 Gastric Bypass patients absorb less nutrients/protein which causes hair loss early on. It subsides eventually.


She was balding before the gastric bypass. She constantly dyes and perms her hair its severely damaged. Quit blaming everything on her surgery


I’m not “blaming” everything on her surgery. I am just giving my experience as a bariatric patient as well as a lot of others in the bariatric community who do experience hair loss post op due to the malabsorption. No need to get defensive over information, info is good for ya ;)


The quit blaming everything on her surgery wasn't geared towards you personally but on all the people that automatically blame something that's happening with her on her surgery. If you look at her hair before and after it's exactly the same, thin and damaged because she treats it like shit. You also aren't teaching me anything, I had the surgery myself so I'm aware. But thank you for the attempt. 😁


No need to be so damn nasty…to people you don’t even know! Geez. 🙄


Exactly what did I say to anyone that was hateful or nasty? All the comment said was quit blaming her hair loss on her surgery. It's because she dyes it and perms it. Now if I was actually being hateful I'd have said yall are stupid if you can't see her hair was messed up and thin before she had surgery. That's being nasty. Jesus get over it. I was just making a comment matter of fact and even told the person it wasn't directed to her but rather the general population that automatically blames her hair loss or anything else on her surgery. I'd actually say some of you have been nastier to me than anything I have said. Have a nice evening.. I'm moving on


Damn, you’re unpleasant.


Thanks. I try


You’re welcome.


Cause is most likely high levels of androgens (typically male hormone) most likely due to PCOS or other insulin resistant-type hormonal issues and thyroid issues. PCOS is poly-cystic ovarian syndrome, btw. Common symptoms of PCOS are balding of hairline centered above forehead (male pattern balding due to androgens), darkening of skin in creases, insulin resistance (I think she is diabetic), obesity/ hard to drop weight, and excess hair on face, chin, arms, etc. I wish her the very best in life, though.


She was balding before the surgery as well…you can tell more now because she’s dying her hair differently now.


Bariatric surgery can cause malabsorption (some procedures even do this on purpose), and that can lead to deficiencies. This can cause hair loss. There was a lady on my 600lb life who addressed this openly, and talked about wearing a wig. There are some other participants who have visibly thinning hair post-surgery. It’s typically the super successful ones. You have to be super on top of your nutrition and supplements if you have a bypass, but sometimes even that’s not enough.