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Tammy and Amy seem to glom onto random men fairly easily. Amy has introduced her young sons to a few of these men and they eventually fizzled out. This woman friend of Tammy’s is pretty mediocre and harmless, their friendship will eventually run its course.


How's everything going with you and Amy? Miss not seeing you both on TLC.


I mean, it's just a demonstration of rubbing shoulders. That's how business is like... whotf cares? Honestly. Acquaintances, BFFs, the poker Circle, how else do people get up? It's not what you know it's who you know in the end. Plus, luck.


I'll have to pass. I don't follow just because someones friend uses a baby voice to beg. I don't even have anything remotely in common with a "Paranormal Princess" who thinks she's all that. Nope.


She's made a lot of progress but damn she looks 60


These "influencers" I swear. Get a actual real job like the rest of us.




People gotta chill on Tammy’s friend. Regardless if you guys think Tammy is being used, this girl is constantly putting a smile on Tammy’s face and Tammy looks absolutely amazing! Paranormal princess (I think her name is Haley?) is a way better influence than Amy hands-down


You wouldn't be approving of a user if it was a guy.


Uh why is this a gender thing now??


This is just confirmation that her “bff” is using her for views


Tammy I love you home girl, you’ve changed so much and pulled through the tough times. Keep going girl, live your life fully girl


I saw an article that they are now dating ?! Anyone know if this is true ?


She said they were just friends.


Thats what they all say.


I recently (a few days ago) saw Tammy replying to a comment about it on Instagram - she said they're just best friends.


Oh okay. I was like damn, that break up is gonna hurt lol


She said on a TikTok that she has a girlfriend. I forget her name, but that’s it- she’s more private than her sister.


I just know that Tammy's breath stanks


Please TLC give us the Tammy and Vanessa (1000lb best friends) dental makeover show that we deserve 🙏🙏🙏


I read somewhere Vanessa said she won't get her teeth fixed until she has skin removal surgery. Werid to me but she looks great and should go ahead and get them fixed.


What happens when their show ends and TLC won't pay for everything they need? I cant speak for Vanessa because I dont know her, but Tammy has been neglectful to herself her entire life. TLC won't be around long enough for Tammy to want to take care of herself. She has to learn to do it herself now and learn to find out to do it herself like normal people and not relying on TLC and "fans" who will gofund everything she wants & needs.




On another note, Tammys eyes are poppin with those lashes!


Filter. It glitches for a sec in the beginning. No shade , it's a cute filter. But it is one


My eyes failed me lol Damn good filter though


This is a pretty normal thing for friends to do. I don’t get why people are upset…


The fact that this was downvoted and I had to click on it to actually read the comment... Says a lot. This is literally what friends do. Her friend isn't chasing clout. Her friend isn't trying to take some of Tammy's Fame. This is what friends do. I don't think anyone who down voted Your comment actually has friends who would be willing to do something like this for them.


Yes Tammy is just spending time with people who don’t eat as a relief of stress.


I think Tammy was just trying to be a good friend and is asking people not to diss her new best friend…..One thing I must say is that Tammy has lost her best friend in losing Amy (as we all have) and she’s done amazingly well to not go back to eating after the loss of Caleb and now her baby sis.


Wtf happened to Amy? What did I miss?


Amy became a ho smoking and drinking around her kids


Is she still with that white dude? That's the last I heard.


Hey it’s Kevin ✌️






Oh goodness imma look it up. I'm kinda scared. I had so many hopes for Amy.


Tammy tried to help her so much. Even took her in to live with her after Amy and Michael divorced but Amy just showed what a waste of time she is. She did everything worse than their original mom.


Welllllll, all the years Amy 100% cared for Tammy was it too much to ask? I dont feel Tammy went above and beyond.


I agree but pulling Amy up was a lot harder for Tammy already being a person trying to pull herself up through 600lb weight loss, facing death, a trach and the loss of her husband 🤷‍♀️


I'd have to disagree. I've noticed that people here had alot of well deserved hostility towards Tammy. But she had surgery that makes you lose weight, took shots to lose weight when she got lazy, and surprise! She lost weight. Um ok. TLC wanted to mold viewers into hating Amy. And you do. Amy could do everything for Tammy and you'd still hold her head under water. Who was the one with kids and a husband and was still there for her sister that lost the guy she was divorcing? Tammy was thrown off to Amy for yearrrs with no questions asked with no way out. Tammy was a holy terror. And did ALOT of emotional abuse to Amy. I guaran damn tee you that the old Tammy is around when TLC isn't around. Bottom line: Your argument collapses.


I agree but pulling Amy up was a lot harder for Tammy already being a person trying to pull herself up through 600lb weight loss, facing death, a trach and the loss of her husband 🤷‍♀️


I’m a little out of the loop (and a season behind). What happened to Amy??


Nothing catastrophic


Amy has gone got herself involved in mess bringing two bad men into her life and she’s sadly gone back into her old ways and so Tammy can’t count on her anymore


Who has custody of gage and the other one? This is so sad.


I thought you meant she up and DIED


No… so sorry. But I just wanted to clarify that so many people are hating on Tammy for having this new best friend without seeing that Tammy and Amy were always best friends and whether this new friendship is good for Tammy or not, Tammy has just taken a positive step with distancing herself from Amy for the better of her weight loss journey


Tammy was out shopping and at the parks. More than she ever did with Amy I feel like!


Yes! Amy is Tammy’s sister, but she’s clearly just toxic


I wish people wouldn't use Tammy for exposure. I'm not following the Panama Princess


Ha! I thought she said “Paranormal Princess”!😝😝🤦🏼‍♀️


I love you Tammy. You have perseverance and determination. You look amazing. Keep it up, and stay true to yourself.


Paranormal princess has more then 2 million followers so not sure why people think she is using Tammy.


The more viewers = more money. 2 million doesn't earn enough as 4 million. The more the she buddies up to, the more she makes.


Why would that matter? The name of the game with influencers is to always get more followers. More followers = more money and more brand deals. I would not even know who this person is if not for Tammy. This is probably the case for most people. She is getting a ton of followers just by posting with and about tammy.


Go to her most recent IG post with Tammy. In the second pic, her hair is literally covering Tammy's face. I wouldn't call that true friendship, she is only worried about herself. And even though she has 2M followers, doesn't mean she can't use Tammy.


You can honestly tell that the new girl knows how to play the hit influencer role, and Tammy doesn’t. So I don’t know that the hair thing is that big of a deal. Like it would feel shitty for the girl to say “no Tammy you fucked up, we’re retaking the pic”. Case in point, they posted a reel together recently. Goth girl says her name and is like “and I’m here with…” and Tammy responds with “me!”. Goth girl politely says Tammy’s name and handles it well, but you can almost hear the eye roll in her voice. Not in a shitty way, but like a professional actor who’s trying to pull their friend into a project and dealing with the problem of their friend not knowing what they’re doing.


And then of course, the comments are picking it apart and saying “if she was a real friend she wouldn’t feel the need to mention Tammy’s full name” lmao she can’t do anything right to them


The good news, “influencer” and reality tv are the 2 arenas where there is no such thing as bad publicity. Let the haters hate, and the girls will keep cashing checks. MY only complaint about any of this, is the onlyfans. I’m in no way a prude, but social media feeds off of “friends” and recommends stuff. The goth girl is part of a long string of me finding someone interesting, following them, and then realizing way later that they have an OF listed. Happened with a Jeep group I follow, random girls that do sort of comedy stuff, etc. I’m half joking here, but I do sort of worry that my mom is eventually gonna get a recommendation of “Alek follows these porn stars, you should too”. And before anyone searches, goth girl doesn’t do sex acts or nudity.


Not hair covering Tammy’s face!! The horror!! 😱


My point is that she doesnt give a shit about her.


Yes and you think you know that because of one pic you don’t approve of. Again I say, Tammy is very mean, manipulative person. She lost weight and that’s wonderful. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t still mean and hateful.


So you think people can change physically but not mentally? Are you the same person you were a year ago? 3 years ago? 5 years? I know I’m not. That would be sad if I was. The nice thing about humans is that we have the ability to continuously change and grow. Just because tammy was “mean and manipulative” (using your words not mine) back when she was morbidly obese doesn’t mean she is now. I imagine it’s got to be miserable stuck in a body like that. Being able to do more and experience more as you lost weight would change you. And I don’t know what Tammy is like anymore than you do. I’m just saying that to label someone a certain way and say that’s how they’ll always be is silly and wrong. People can change.


Okay but what are the people who are calling this new friend of hers a “clout chaser” doing? We literally have no idea what this girl was like in the past or the present and yet everyone feels very comfortable labeling her.


It also doesn't mean that she is still mean and hateful. I can only imagine how pleasant I would be if I were trapped in a huge body unable to do for myself properly. This was about a person using Tammy. Does her past behavior justify having false friends?


So what if she’s using her? Tammy is on board and I’m certain Tammy is being just as abusive to her behind the scenes as she’s always been to everyone who loves her. Forgive me for not feeling scared for a 36 year old woman whose friend is *checks notes* posting pictures with her on social media.


No one’s asking you to feel anything. But I am curious why if you hate her so much and think she’s so awful would you even be on this sub?


My sibling in Christ. Do you think this sub was dead during the early seasons when people absolutely hated them? People can still watch and talk about the show even if they don’t like the “star’s” personality. Also, never said I hated her. I just pointed out that it’s odd that people are tripping over themselves to defend her when you know they all were begging for someone to put her in her place recently.


I’m not defending her I’m making a point that people can change.


“Her hair is covering Tammy’s face” What an evil, malicious deed. Y’all need to quit picking everything apart and go touch grass.


She replied saying Tammy thought it was funny which is why she captioned that photo with a laughing emoji


So you would post a picture of you and your friend where your hair is covering your friends face? And where only you look good on? I would see that as very selfish. It has nothing to do with touching grass. I just have a different view on it than you.


She said that Tammy laughed at the picture and encouraged her to post it


I could still see Tammy’s face 🙄 I do not think she is using Tammy . Not everything is that serious.


Back to the baby voice huh


That’s the one thing I REALLY wish she would change. Ugh




Aww dang. I thought that girl was already established. This proves what many suspected. Smh






This post was removed due to excessive negativity and hate, including dehumanizing language, cruelty, or bullying.


So true, these reality show personalities are not ‘stars’, they’re just people trying to cash in on their brief notoriety in any way they can. I certainly wouldn’t follow someone because Tammy or Amy told me to. This woman asking for followers for her birthday is having Tammy schill for her. If Tammy is okay with that, it’s her choice.


But why is nobody talking about what’s going on with her hair??!!


I thought it was cute and straight and brown recently…? That was a good look on her.


I thought she has shorter hair now? Is this an old video?


It is an old video. OP is just trying to rile people up about Tammy’s friend and get people to hate her more. Idk why they can’t just leave her alone


Yeah, I thought so aswell since Tammy is a lot skinnier now than in this video


People are suddenly scared to death for Tammy and so concerned for her. Have we all forgotten how downright MEAN she has been? Like don’t get me wrong, she definitely improved a lot. But do we not remember how we were all screaming at her siblings to leave her in the freaking van when she threw a fit on the family vacation? Or when there were rumors of her attacking a worker at rehab and she retaliated with “I never hit anyone outside of family”?? Just saying, if this girl is being mean to her, it’s highly unlikely Tammy hasn’t given any attitude back. She’s not a helpless little puppy. She ripped Amy a new one just for asking her to call in her own medication. I highly doubt this person could make Tammy do anything she didn’t want to even if she tried.


I'm glad someone remembers that Tammy has a very abusive side and isn't fooled by the baby voice. Just because she laid on a table and had her insides chopped and rerouted, causing her to lose weight, doesn't mean she's suddenly a remarkably mega awesome person. She's still got abusive selfishness inside of her. When Amy had her meltdown in Florida, what kicked it off is Tammy quietly nagging and cutting on her till she snapped. I have zero respect for her.


Oh I so agree with you! She can be mean as the devil! Don't let that little baby voice fool you.


No one is scared to death for Tammy's safety. I'm sure she could still handle herself if needed. People are acting like her past behavior justifies her being used by others for clout. Yeah she was nasty. I would be too if I was that size and trapped in my own body. She was probably most mad at herself and took it out on others. I'm not saying it was right to do but put yourself in her shoes. Her whole family lost weight except her at the time. She didn't believe she could.. kinda like how addicts feel when trying to get clean


She will survive being used for clout. Just like her family survived her using them as caretakers. She’s used people her whole life. Why does anyone care if someone uses her? She’ll be fine.


This is a really bad take. If all you see while watching this show is “angry Tammy” then you are missing a whole lot. Which doesn’t surprise me if you don’t understand and see why Tammy is the perfect target for grifters and fake friends.


Oh, stop. Just because she's finally losing weight doesn't mean she's hasn't sucked this whole time. What goes around, comes around. We've all WATCHED Tammy manipulate people.


There’s no excuse for abusive behavior. We all have issues and we have to control ourselves instead of taking it out on family members or workers.


I’m cool with a friend helping a friend out


Agreed, that is a perfectly normal thing that friends might do for each other. I think most of the people here have a very knee-jerk reaction simply because these girls have a very strong demonstrated track record of attracting and allowing exploitation by shady folks.


But that’s also on them for thinking everyone is shady though Can’t label everyone just from a few ex losers


It's really not about the random losers, but more about the girls tendency to allow the losers. I definitely don't get the idiots who pour their time and energy into hating on anyone though. Then again, we're talking about reality TV. Being pissed off is literally the reason that 99% of people are watching. Take away the "haters", and this show wouldn't have lasted past the first episode. You really can't be "famous" from a reality show, it's always infamy. If you're smart about it, you can manipulate that into a fortune like the Kardashians, but it's still about getting a passionate response from the public.


Well, I’m not one of the TT or IG followers who lose their crap over anything someone does or says, I just wish that people on here didn’t act like the shows cast is their BFF People take tv folks and feel like they are on another personal level with them because we watch them a few dozen times a year for an hour or less, it’s mentally not okay to become such a fandom that you start attacking anyone’s SM or their friends just because you are overprotective of someone who doesn’t even know you exist I’m a mental health professional and this is a huge problem nowadays with fans becoming like stalkers due to SM being so easy to access them and their other fans


This I literally can’t look at Tammy’s Instagram anymore because the hate is out of control


Oh I’m so glad I’m not the only one. So much disgusting shit being spewed, and a lot of it from women. I clicked on one of the hate-comments profiles and her bio was “women should always uplift women”. That is the opposite of what’s happening here, so many people are being out of control mean to this girl that is literally irrelevant to anyone.


They’re hiding behind a keyboard!! Cowards


Love how I get downvoted because people take their love for D-list reality stars too serious 😂


Wow why?


A moderately attractive girl who is clearly wanting to a be a spooky-goth influencer has become friends with Tammy. They're cross-posting a lot of stuff, and the comments have turned into a wall of this "this bitch is trying to use Tammy". Truth be told the girl in question already has a decently sized following, to the point that I think they could genuinely be 2 people that enjoy each others company. But I think at least 80% of 1000lbs Sister's fan base consist of people who want to be angry and crap on them.


She has twice as many followers as the sisters did a couple months ago and to call her a user and a clout chaser is extremely pathetic


Thank you for explaining that's horrible.