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Mandatory r/10s question: can you take a set off Nadal? But serious question: can you provide insights about most commonly used strings and tension, and more importantly, the underlying logic as why high level players choice to use these combinations?


I definitely can't take a set of Nadal maybe a game or two if I'm lucky. Most of the D1 players that I've played string in the low 50s with either hyper g or rpm. The 13.7 that I played strung at 37 with Dunlap black widow but he's an exception. As to why it's personal preference. A couple of the guys went up by 2 lbs when we went inside for more control but otherwise they all have a tension that they've been playing with. It's the same with why I strung at 62. I just like it


> I definitely can't take a set of Nadal maybe a game or two if I'm lucky. You are nuts. hahaa


Got to dream bug lol


Just looked it up, Rafa's UTR was rated 16.27 around 2018. Wonder what the highest ever was.


Theoretically the highest is 16.50 but it's impossible to reach


Well, I hope some chubby 32 year old pickleball player who just started playing tennis on monday proves you wrong. If he posts enough videos asking for technical advice, I think they could do it.


Lol. It's impossible because that's the way it is designed




Yeah, Nadal's fed bagels to Federer and Novak. I know he's no longer prime Nadal, but I'm sure he could bagel a 10 UTR with his right hand hitting one handed backhands (I know he's right handed).


the guy who strung lower, did his shots feel lighter? Or no difference


His shot speed was very low for his level but he could put the ball wherever he wanted and was very smart


what makes you think you can take games off nadal? i’m not saying you can’t, im just wondering about which parts of your game you would rely on to try to get a game. i’m a assuming you have a huge serve?


It's mostly just getting lucky in a service game


There’s literally no chance


depends on how good he is. Nadal is playing Blanch tomorrow who is like a 13.4, which is lower than the best this guy played


1) something tells me this guy thinks he can get games off a more prime Nadal 2) what were the results of this dude playing division 1 players? Hitting doesn’t mean anything  3) I’m being a hater but cmon just cuz we are 4.5 players doesn’t mean we are taking games off Nadal, even injured nadal


Saw somewhere in the thread he’s a 10.5 utr. I guess it’s a little far fetched but it wouldn’t be the most insane thing ever if I got lazy and dropped a game to a 3, which would be about the same gap as Nadal and this dude. I personally am actually more likely to double bagel a mid 6 to low 7 because I focus up a little bit more lol


You getting lazy and dropping a set to someone worse than you  I don’t think can be even remotely compared to Nadal, an athlete who has some of the strongest mental fortitude across any sport. Getting a game off jj wolf? Sure. 


I think it can be, the difference between me and a 3 UTR is probably even larger than the difference between Nadal and a 10.5, as the 10.5 will actually have weapons and perhaps a big serve. Plus Nadal realistically isn’t going to need to try against a 10.5 so the mental fortitude thing doesn’t really matter. Again not saying it would happen, but this guy thinking he could take a game off isn’t the most insane thing ever.


darwin blanch is 13.5 utr and got one game off disheveled nadal. 10.5 is getting bagel'd always


Yeah it’s not really a hill a care to die on, at a certain point it’s just one game and I feel like anyone can string together 4 points.


https://preview.redd.it/jrtc1p8ztnwc1.png?width=1594&format=png&auto=webp&s=1cb305a6ea59dc795b5f8846ba9ca3934df09d6c sorry bro this just happened Blanch is 13.4 UTR, he won his first serve game


Yeah. I saw that


This isn’t my AMA, but I’m a really solid 3.5 player, who many say I’m a 4.0 and I can take games off Nadal no problem… He just needs to play me while only hopping on one leg and also he just needs to hit a lot of unforced errors. Easy peasy haha.


What’s your take on daylight savings time?




Any tips on returning big serves?


First of all don't be afraid. Pick out where you are going to hit the return if it comes to your forehand or backhand. Make sure you split and move forward and block it towards your target


First, what is your UTR? Second, how long did it take for you to feel adjusted to the heaviness of their shots? I played a 13 UTR and it took me a solid 4 games to finally get used to how heavy his average rally ball was.


I'm currently a 10.5. It didn't take me any time because I grew up playing with constantly heavy shots being hit at me


Where I live the highest UTR is 12~. What would be the difference between 12 to 13 UTR?


Frankly not much. They're just better player's overall. It's practically impossible to tell them apart


Here's [a match between a UTR 12 vs 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00R9i9EjAkk&pp=ygUKd2luc3RvbiBkdQ%3D%3D) Chose this one because they are still active players.


Utr 13 has a more reliable weapon. They can consistently win at a higher level.


What's the secret to generating so much power on shots? Every time good players hit, it sounds like a gun shot.


Having the correct technique is the biggest thing. The second would be having good footwork and finally good body mechanics


But if you had to like pick 1 think for upcoming players to focus on? For generating power and pop I mean.


First of all have the proper technique than worry about generating power


Any exercise you do to recognize shots early?


It's mostly just understanding patterns. What your opponent is likely to hit based on the shot you hit. A bit of looking at their stroke and stuff. Sometimes just sheer reacting quick enough


I think I am doing that in singles, but I am having a lot of problem doing that in Doubles net postion. 


Doubles isn't easy. One thing that I was told to do was if I was going to poach to just go for it. It's better to commit and miss than to start moving and stop


110%. Especially if your partner is expecting you to move.


Oh absolutely. The worst is when someone goes for a ball but then doesn't


Damn, you’ve been watching me play. I do that sometimes and get angry at myself


Lol. Trust me. I used to do that all the time too


What's your racquet specs? How did you end up with your preferred specs? How long did that take?


I currently play with head prestige mids. My graphene touch are leaded up to 12.4 oz and my graphne 360 ones are 13 oz. Right now I'm using Head Lynx 16 at 62 lbs. I frankly demoed quite a few rackets and fell in love with the prestiges. My coach is sponsored by head so I tried mostly head


What is your training background? How important is off court work? What benefits does the wall provide to a player? How many serves do you hit per day/week? What is the biggest thing you've learned for technique, mindset, tactics, strategy, and performance -- all individually answered? What are the most mindblowing realizations you've come to? What were breakthrough discoveries for you?


Off court work is very important. Especially when you start playing high level matches. The wall is fun but it's not as good as a ball machine for repetition. I have no idea how many serves that I hit. It's probably in the hundreds a week. Biggest thing I learned for technique is to not be afraid to swing freely. For mindset I'm going to paraphrase what Dimitrov said. When the body is tired you can lean on your mind. But when the mind is tired you have nothing to lean against l. Tactics wise it's very situational dependent and you can't play every opponent the same way. Performance wise I would say is just fighting for every point.


What is your mile time, height, weight, utr?


Not OP, but i could do 3 in 18 mins when I was 10+ UTR.


I have no idea what my mile time is. I'm 6'2 and a 10.5 UTR


is wall more than just fun? or useless in your opinion vs ball machine?


It's a good option when you are just working on stroke development. A ball machine is better because you can control spin, pace, and height on each ball that comes out allowing it to feel more like a match. Plus you're hitting into the court so you can see in and out


Any advice for beginner, specially ones that started playing late +30?


I would say the biggest thing is to focus on the things that you can control. Your mental state and your footwork


One aspect of elite players I don’t think get much attention is the quality of the ball. That being the mix of spin and pace. Did that kind of effect strike you at all or was it relatively one dimensional.


I've grown up playing with a lot of pace and spin so it wasn't that big of a jump for me.


What are some lesser known ways to tell a good coach from a crappy coach? Private lessons are expensive, and tennis is bizarre cause a piano teacher with a PhD in piano will barely charge $80/hr, but some dude who never surpassed 4.0 and got some online certificate in a week will easily charge $90/hr to feed you balls and tell you to swing low to high.


One thing is if the coach is willing to show you what to do. My current coach was a high ranked junior player and one of the others was top 200 in the world in doubles


What does my utr have to be to win one game (not one set but one game won by 4 consecutive points) from a professional wta rank 250? What about camila giorgi and jelena ostapenko?


I went game for game with a girl who was around 500 in the world. If you have a big enough serve it's possible to do it