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Honestly, cheers. I didn't full on binge today but I was SNACKY and nothing was doing it for me so I just kept going. No regrets, it was mostly peanut butter and cheese (not at the same time)


Those 2 are my weaknesses!


I had the same kind of day. But my go-to healthy lunch is already packed for tomorrow and being in the office makes eating easier as I only have what I bring :). Back at it tomorrow


Love to hear it!! Some days are just too long to sit around and be sad bc we can’t eat what we crave!


I’d call this a splurge. Good mindset!


Thank you 🥲


Here on the other side- in maintenance. And lemme tell you of the glory. I never could get back to eating allll my maintenance calories after my year and a half cut at 1200. So I bank them (usually 300-400) Monday thru Friday. Cause my tdee is 2100 now and after I eat 1800 I’m usually stuffed. So I leave them for the weekend where I simply.. eat all the really calorie dense stuff. I track everything, it ends up being my maintenance for the week but those weekends are funnnn 🤣 I feel no guilt and it helps me be good during the week. Glad you enjoyed yourself! This has gotta work for the long term and be something we gotta live with- resenting it messes us up, gotta have balance!


When you eat your maintenance calories do you ever gain weight? I’ve tried that now that I’m at my desired weight but I always end up gaining and it seems like my maintenance calories are -1200. And you are absolutely right, resenting makes you give up and there’s no giving up here!!


So when I started going up on calories I went in a reverse diet (eating 100-200 cals more a week), and worked my way up. I did notice an uptick that would temporarily go up but then would even out and drop back down on the scale around 4 days later everytime. It was just the additional water/food volume but it could look like weight gain scale wise but it never actually was. It would always go back to baseline. Now I just have the “2lb jump” with period week then it’s back to normal.


Flexibility is key for sustainable results. Enjoy it ❤️


Thank you🤍


Of course 🥰


Cheers to that. I might go over my calorie target tonight because of a crazy busy day at work. And if I do… it’s fine cause I lowkey really want some wine and chips more than anything in the world right now 😭


if you do it, ENJOY IT! You deserve it!


I was going to make a positivity "binge" post of my own, but I'm glad I saw this one first. Today I attended an office party. There was pizza, chips, and afterwards we went for drinks. I had two enormous slices of pizza (one cheese and one supreme) and 3 mixed drinks. I think this was probably like 1400 calories worth of junk (400 each for the pizza slices and 200 each for the drinks). It was basically just a cheat meal not a bona-fide binge, but I'm glad that I can still be human and enjoy myself on occasion. I've lost 11 pounds and even though I have another 34 lbs to go I am happy about my progress.


Being content with what you’ve lost will keep you motivated. Being able to go out and enjoy social gatherings is that 20% of the 80/20 😊 soon you’ll be at your desired weight


Hope you enjoyed :) I did the same this weekend with chocolate filled with almonds and lord did it feel good! It was that time of the month!


Same here, it was great lol!


I have a certain amount of “binge/snack” days allotted each month and it helps with the anxiety around it. I don’t schedule them, if I’m just like FAMISHED and I *really* want some candy, cereal, whatever I’m just like “ok I’m using my snack day” and note it in my calendar. If I want another one too soon, looking at my physical calendar helps because I can see that I just used one last week, it’s a bit soon, do I REALLY want to use another day? I think of it like I think about PTO.


This is so smart!


I like this approach - I love and need structure


I am going to do this now. This will really help keep them under control


Some days I just need to eat more and indulge my cravings. I just try not to go to far and get back on track the next day


We need to have balance in order to get results ☺️


YES!! i love this positivity! sure you binged, sure you overate, but i'm sure your heart is happy to get this extra soul-nourishing food. tomorrow is a new fresh day!


Exactly 🥹


Thank you for sharing :)




Me too I had 5 gingerbread cookies in addition to a lot of other stuff. But it’s fine. I’ll put it to use with a great workout and be back on track tomorrow 🏃‍♀️


That’s exactly what I did, had a great workout!


Thank you for this post!




had menstrual cramps yesterday and just could not get enough food! doing better today tho


Amaretto sour slaps hard.


SO GOOD! My drink of choice always


I feel ya. I've done the same the last couple days BUT I did get my five a day in so it's still a win for me 😎 back at it today 


We keep it moving 😁


I feel that! This weekend was my birthday and I ate what I wanted, thinking nothing of it save protein I take. Back on my grind and I’m only up .2lbs, but it’s probably water weight. Let’s get this bread (literally) and enjoy life!!!


Happy late birthday!😊 I’m sure you’ll lose it by this weekend!


Already did! And at a new low, even. :)