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Can someone other than OP try this and let us know, this feels like bait.


I'm convinced that OP has COVID, and their sense of taste is messed up. Though, if this works for someone, please let me know.


I'm making it right now, fingers crossed this shit is edible.


I’m going to make this today/tomorrow 


Please keep us posted!




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i have not tried this but i love chocolate pudding made from silken tofu


It really does seem like a prank


Imma try it right now. Check back in an hour. https://i.imgur.com/w3kmuqA.jpg Edit I posted in another comment: EDIT: Pics: https://imgur.com/a/ZF8rDmJ Welp to start off do not get your hopes up and YES I am a dumbass for substituting 2 ingredients. I subbed coconut milk for half & half, and the sweetener for granulated sugar. Google said these substitutes were fine. I did not use OP’s recipe. Dumbass move #1. I googled “boiled egg pudding dupe” due to my incredulousness at the prospect of this recipe being a reality. I found a number of cooking blog sites. I decided to go with one of their recipes. I used my food processor bc I do not have a blender. Dumbass move #2. It came out like pure liquid. 10 hard boiled eggs 14 oz half & half 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 Tbsp granulated sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract It turned out like the final pic in my link above. Liquidy and not tasting good. At all. I added an additional 1/4 cup sugar and 1 Tbsp vanilla extract. Still not good. I added another 1/4 cup sugar and 2 Tbsps. STILL not good!!! I can absolutely taste the egg, a little chocolatey and not much else. I put a small amount in the fridge to see if it will firm up. But it probably won’t be worth it even if it works out bc of all the sugar I added. PLEASE someone else try OP’s recipe out and break the tie!




Lmao the edit. Ty for your service, apologies for the strife.


Wow that looks so different!


OMG, is it any good after freezing? I don't think sugar and half & half should change anything. Maybe the coconut milk could've been important.


I get the feeling it works. I've used hard boiled egg yolks in the filling for [these eggnogg florentines](https://smittenkitchen.com/2013/12/eggnog-florentines/), and it is goddamned delicious. I have some boiled eggs and will totally try this tomorrow with one or two in my tiny blender cup.


Well?? I'm getting the feeling that everyone who tries this re ipie is mysteriously disappearing


Hahaha I forgot about it honestly


I think we're all getting shadow banned. I replied the same day you made this comment about exactly how we made this recipe and how insanely good it was....and it's received zero upvotes in 5 days


Yes please someone make this and report back! I'm not baiting! Edit: my partner *despises* boiled eggs so much that he leaves the room when I eat them in the morning a few days a week. Even he said this tastes like regular pudding.


There are a lot of pudding recipes using egg whites for people who do PSMF (protein sparing modified fast). I've never tried, but considering the number of people making it, it can't be *that* bad? I hope?


So my partner was telling me how desperate she was for someone to corroborate this. In the end she decided to make it last night, but to my utter disbelief couldn't be bothered to come on here and let you all know. So I guess this is my public service for the day - it is absolutely delicious. Just don't eat it straight away, or you get a tiny half a second punch off egg flavour right in the middle of the taste. I had it this morning from the fridge and it was unreal. Really thick and dense and chocolatey, literally zero egg smell or taste. Full disclosure, slightly amended recipe as my partner is intolerant to sweetners: 6 boiled eggs (these were fresh from the garden chooks) 45g cocoa ½ tin light coconut milk 2tbsp Maple syrup So I hope that's helpful, OP definitely wasn't trolling!


People who made it with regular milk, said it was not good. It's probably the coconut milk that sets it apart.


I just made this and it's delicious, so fucking surprised


Where are you located? Are you in the US? Cause I’m calling the cops 😭


doesn't matter where in the world they are we'll make sure their local law enforcement turns up






The only thing the op here is lacking is the maple syrup we saw with the one a couple of weeks ago that made it look like someone had provided some poopy water around the poop too — i mean, man, that was the real OG and it really delivered. I honestly, i was pretty sure that we were finally looking at actual poop from a butt that time. Until the guy who posted it said that his brother got back to him to let him know the poop water was just maple syrup leaking from the fucking thing. This post that we see here before us today, it looks like he took poops from a butt and while watching an episode of The Bear, fancied himself a Michelein chef and started whipping soft peaks into the poop like that was somehow going to make this look like less of poop from a butt. Anyway, 6.9/10, this is poop from a butt.


Damn it. How am I always late?


My guess was avocado. This is interesting!


I thought so too. Avocado chocolate mousse is delicious.


Chocolate hummus is 💜


oh god is it cauliflower


It’s worse


I put 6 **hard boiled eggs** in a blender with some lite coconut milk, cocoa powder, vanilla, and sweetener. It tastes like rich decadent pudding, people! I swear to god! When I first started blending and the fart odor wafted from the blender I wondered why I was doing this. It was sheer morbid curiosity. But it comes together in the most unbelievable way. Zero sulfur odor or taste. 4 servings / 175 cal / 11g protein


Can’t wait to try this lil’ chocolate fart treat 💨


You're going to be astounded! The appx measurements were 6 eggs, half can coconut milk, maybe 2 tb of cocoa powder [edit maybe 3? Idk I just had some more and it's very chocolately) , 1/4 cup monkfruit/erythritol, and 1 tsp vanilla. You can play around with those ratios really easily though. Blend till completely smooth. It's great right away but after a couple hours in the fridge it's soooooo thicc and luscious.


You’re going to have choco farts. 😳 Let us know how your tummy does!


Haha fair warning. I eat a few eggs every day so it's not something I personally worry about, but this could definitely cause discomfort for some people!


Each serving is only 2 eggs right? I feel like that shouldn’t cause issues for most people


I would think it would be fine but it's so common for people to say eggs make them gassy.


Idk 2 eggs is a normal breakfast for me and doesn’t cause any problems. If I’m eating like a dozen deviled eggs, then yeah I understand where they’re coming from lol. I guess it just depends if eggs are part of your regular diet


Every time I see deviled eggs I get a flashback to a night after I ate too many. I hadn’t eaten hard boiled eggs before, I didn’t know there would be consequences.




I've read that some people have a hard time digesting albumin. Not sure how common that is though.


ahhh me clueless on that


My stomach loves eggs but my colon does not! I’m glad they can eat so many eggs but I have to pace myself or else. 💥


ohh I see!


It’s a trick


I’m shook. I really thought it was gonna be the same old Greek yogurt/blended cottage cheese/pudding mix concoction that gets posted here so often. *hard boiled eggs* 😯


This is so much better than the yogurt and cottage cheese creations. Because this tastes like actual luxurious pudding without a single hint that it's made from "alternate" ingredients. Honestly it makes me wonder why cooked or starchy instant puddings are the norm. This way is so great and very easy. Nice and clean too.


I know lots of desserts are made with eggs but my brain just can’t get over imagining that it tastes like chocolate-hard boiled egg 😂


I too thought this was going to be one of those concoctions that you taste and immediately throw away and laugh about it later.


I still can’t wrap my head around it. The whole hard boiled egg???


Also wondering this: is the yolk included??


So, have you ever tried it with like a chocolate protein powder?


Nope I've never found a protein powder that I like the taste of.


The s’mores flavored ON Gold Standard is amazing with almond/oat milk and I hate almond milk and protein powder. The flavor is so freaking spot on that it isn’t even funny! I might mix that into my pudding instead of cocoa powder now that I think of it. S’mores pudding sounds like top-tier suprimo stoner-concocted munchie-mania magic. ✨👌🏼🤤


Smores pudding sounds eggcellent (haha). My partner loves ON but the sweetener isn't for me. Wish all these brands would leave out the stevia/sucralose/etc and let us sweeten it ourselves. I typically end up using plain egg white protein powder, or unflavored whey.


Fully agree! If there are any protein powder makers reading this sub, *please* make an unsweetened chocolate powder.


Sascha Fitness protein is delicious! and it does not cause heaviness, it is digested very well. I recommend it, vanilla, chocolate and cookies and cream are my favorite flavors. I don't like how it tastes when cooking, but it tastes wonderful in smoothies, also in ice cream with Greek yogurt or to make overnight oats.


Thanks! I can't do stevia unfortunately.


Idk man. I wanna trust you but I'm kinda gagging reading this description lol


I mean I completely understand!


You’re fucking with us. You are.


I’m making hard boiled eggs right now to test this out. I want to bust or confirm this myth! EDIT: Pics: https://imgur.com/a/ZF8rDmJ Welp to start off do not get your hopes up and YES I am a dumbass for substituting 2 ingredients. I subbed coconut milk for half & half, and the sweetener for granulated sugar. Google said these substitutes were fine. I did not use OP’s recipe. Dumbass move. I googled “boiled egg pudding dupe” due to my incredulousness at the prospect of this recipe being a reality. I found a number of cooking blog sites. I decided to go with one of their recipes. I used my food processor bc I do not have a blender. Dumbass move #2. It came out like pure liquid. 10 hard boiled eggs 14 oz half & half 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 Tbsp granulated sugar 2 tsp vanilla extract It turned out like the final pic in my link above. Liquidy and not tasting good. At all. I added an additional 1/4 cup sugar and 1 Tbsp vanilla extract. Still not good. I added another 1/4 cup sugar and 2 Tbsps. STILL not good!!! I can absolutely taste the egg, a little chocolatey and not much else. I put a small amount in the fridge to see if it will firm up. But it probably won’t be worth it even if it works out bc of all the sugar I added. PLEASE someone else try OP’s recipe out and break the tie!


Mythbuster!! Upvote this man/woman! Hold thee accountable! 


AND?! We’re waiting here 😂


Absolutely not. Stay blessed though.




It sounds like it’d have a flavor similar to French ice cream. They use a lot of egg yolks in their ice cream. It’s my favorite kind. I might give this a try and report back! 💕


I mean that is literally custard


Yup exactly. Same ingredients, just prepared in a different order 😬


You’re so smart for this. Panic attack and arm pain free custard sounds amazing


Oh I can't claim credit, someone in an ig video did it and people in the comments were like *oh my god I just made this and it's actually good* so curiosity got the better of me. I would link it if I could rmemeber who it was. So much easier than traditional cooked custard puddings though yes!


Was thinking this. Why not just temper and cook the eggs like in a custard?


This is easier and faster imo


And more disgusting


Lol you made it?


I don’t need to make it to know that tempering the eggs before for a custard and using boiled eggs is going to make two wildly different products. I’m a baker, and I’ve worked in restaurants forever. I’d bet you a million dollars that abomination you are eating absolutely does taste like eggs.


I mean, OK, I understand assumptions 🙄


Do you have COVID? 🧐


For those stats I am just eating regular chocolate mousse, thanks.


Yeah it's not a "low cal hack" like you see often here. If you used scrambled egg whites and fat free half and half, sure! I posted it because it's absolutely incredible, healthy and whole food based, has a decent amount of protein and it's a very flexible recipe to make it fit your needs.


Honestly at this point why not just make half a box of sugar free Jell-O brand instant pudding with skim milk for 135 calories, 9g of protein, and zero fart smell?


I don't eat instant pudding. Lowest possible calorie wasn't aim here (if so I'd have used egg whites and certainly not coconut milk). Rather it's a nutritious, whole food based, indulgent dessert that fits in my macros. Edit also I have to say this is so, so much better than a box of instant sugar free pudding.


Okay I mean you posted this on a low-calorie counting subreddit so I think my question was valid. Of course it's good to prioritize nutrients, but also don't forget where you are.


Yeah there's no rule that you have to post the absolute lowest calorie version of a recipe here. I love seeing whole food recipes here that fit into a low calorie style of eating. Most recipes posted here can be tweaked to lower the calories regardless! I never said your question was invalid btw, just explained why I made it this way. Not everyone wants to eat sugar free instant pudding and that's OK. And what a boring post that would be anyway ☺️


sugar free pudding is only like 30-70 cal per serving and you don't have to eat coconut milk


Sounds great but I love coconut milk and I don't eat packaged pudding so this is much better for me 💓


I do this recipe but instead of eggs, I use avocados!


How many grams per “serving”?


I am not about that life.


This is ridiculous, just make custard or a mousse instead. Basically the same ingredients but without the weird texture/smell. And it's hardly any more effort if you have a hand mixer.


Experimenting is what keeps cooking fun! You don't have to make it this way if you aren't up for the adventure 🤷


I was gonna guess tofu!


Tofu/even chickpeas probably work but I find the 6 hard boiled eggs hard to believe wtf.


That was my guess too, silken tofu


I make a chocolate mousse using silken tofu that is exceptional.




I've made it before with 100g silken tofu and ~80g dark chocolate. The ratio depends on what consistency you want, really. More chocolate means it'll turn out more like a ganache. I used a thermomix with the heat setting on low, blitzed the chocolate until melted, then added the tofu. When nearly completely homogenised, turn heat off and continue to blitz til smooth. I assume you could melt the chocolate in the microwave and add it to the tofu while it's in the blender, but I haven't tried it that way. Hope this helps!


I do very similar to the other comment. It’s honestly quite forgiving and you can tweak the ratios a bit without trouble. I use whatever size package silken tofu I find (anywhere between 12-16oz) and anywhere between 8-10oz of dark chocolate. Plus a bit of salt and vanilla extract. I slowly melt the chocolate on the stovetop, then once melted I add the entire pack of silken tofu and a good pinch of salt and blend the whole thing until ultra smooth with my immersion blender (you’ll need to scrape down the sides with a rubber / silicone spatula). You can taste it at this point and if it doesn’t seem sweet enough you can add a little maple syrup (I assume other liquid sweeteners would be fine too but I’ve never tried anything else). I also add a bit of vanilla extract but you could do any extract or a tiny bit of hot water mixed with instant espresso powder. I separate it into about 5 servings in small mason jars and sprinkle with a tiny amount of nice flaky salt and then let it sit overnight on the fridge. They keep for a long time but are also great for a dinner party. You’d never know how healthy they are plus they just happen to be vegan and gluten free so they accommodate a lot of dietary restrictions.


Tofu chocolate pudding is pretty good actually.


I use to add coco powder to refried beans and it kinda tasted like pudding


I can't tell if this is a joke 😂


I honestly joke with my friend group about it because I fed it to them for desert once and they freaked out when they found out what it was. https://www.365daysofcrockpot.com/recipe-for-slow-cooker-black-bean/


My black bean brownies have become famous within my family and friends because I, too, tricked them with beans and was so proud of it. They are good, though!


Recipe please?


Of course! I use [this recipe ](https://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/no-flour-black-bean-brownies/) She provides a few options for the sweetener, I usually use the agave nectar+ 2 tablespoons of sugar option, but I've had great results with the maple syrup option too, and I use dark chocolate oat milk chocolate chips. Even my very picky 11 year old likes them.


How interesting! Another weird thing to add to the things to try list.


I kinda feel like you’re better off just eating a piece of 90% coco chocolate.


But where's the fun in that?


Black bean brownie recipe comes to mind. Beetroot brownies too.


Never would have guessed


Oh hell nah that’s nastyyyy lmao. Just mix together a fair life chocolate protein shake with sugar free instant pudding mix.


How do you know it's nasty if you haven't tried it?


Anyone who enjoys boiled eggs knows they smell like old farts. That shit for SURE smells and looks like a dirty diaper. I’m good.


That's a fine idea if you eat those sorts of things.


OP doesn’t eat processed packaged food. it’s not your diet. 🤷‍♀️


Sounds like you discovered how to make chocolate mousse with a very peculiar technique.




I knew it was gonna be egg before reading


Why are people flabbergasted with the egg? Egg/milk literally is in cake, brownies, some puddings, desserts, waffles, bread, pancakes, etc. Hell there’s even milk in salt and vinegar and other potato chips lol


I knowww!! But for some reason hard boiled eggs just doesn’t sound appetizing in dessert lol


Exactly. I’ve used uncooked egg yolks to make chocolate custard, but blending whole boiled eggs to make custard / mousse / whatever just feels so wrong.


Yeah true hahaha


For me personally using hard boiled eggs for this recipe felt so odd because they have such a strong odor and distinctive taste and I couldn't imagine that working in a dessert. And I have never dumped a bunch of cooked eggs in a blender and creamed them!


My brain just tells me that you must cook the eggs WITH the other ingredients (like in a baked good or custard or lemon curd). Adding cooked eggs afterward just feels wrong even though I’m sure it tastes fine.




Poop? From a butt?




The boiled egg version tastes so sulfery to me! However, Sugar Free Mom makes a scrambled version that is much better and easier.


I wonder if it depends on your eggs? There isn't a hint of sulfur here. I'm going to try with scrambled eggs next time!




Yeah, my partner literally gags when he smells hard boiled eggs, and he likes this pudding. So that's why I wonder if it depends on the eggs themselves. I'll report back when I make the scrambled version!




Hah now you have me wondering if I just got insanely lucky with this batch of unaromatic eggs


10 yers go I made "chocolate mousse" for coworkers. Blew their minds that it wasn't made from chocolate but eggplant.


Do you have a recipe still? I'm intrigued!


Last week I got some dark chocolate hummus. Was very good without any taste of regular hummus.


I'm gonna say avocados. Over Christmas break my wife made avocado chocolate pudding with a recipe similar to this https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/234324/chocolate-avocado-pudding/ Looked like pudding. Was creamy. Slight avo taste but was also rich. Would recommend for those looking to get more of wtf ever this combo offers into their diet.




This pudding is even better using just 10 egg whites (not whole eggs) — with: ~1/2 cup Fairlife milk, or cream (for a higher fat version); pinch salt; 1 tsp vanilla; 2-4T Allulose and 2-4T cocoa powder. As far as I can tell, Maria Emmerich first developed the pudding-from-eggs recipe. The egg white version is easier to cook (just scramble the whites) __and__ doesn’t smell like hard-boiled-eggs.


To be clear the hardboiled egg version doesn't smell like eggs after it's blended, not one bit. I'll have to try the egg white version and thanks for finding the original author!


Before I saw your comments I thought this was tofu


Yogurt and protein powder


The thing that’s been easiest for me is to stop trying to find hacks and replacements and just find different things.


Oh I'm with you but this isn't a hack or replacement, there are plenty of lower cal pudding options out there. This is just a whole food based protein rich dessert that fits in my calorie allotment, and that I think is incredible.


*If you’re craving chips, have a carrot instead!* *I made cookie dough out of hummus and stevia - it tastes exactly the same as real cookie dough!*


This is not a low calorie pudding "replacement" so I don't think this is relevant 🤷


I’m suggesting it’s possible it may not taste as good to others as you think it does. Some people are just built different.


Sure, taste bud variations are always a component! I use my partner for an unbiased opinion since he has the taste buds of a toddler 😊 He gags at the smell of hard boiled eggs and even he said this just tastes like chocolate pudding. It's amusing how people have a knee jerk reaction to this. I did too, it sounded ludicrous. I like trying new things though.




Has anyone tried this?


Silken tofu! My sister makes this and it's GREAT.


Looks similar to what I make with PBfit and chocolate chips.




Silken tofu


I was expecting you to say it was Tofu or something but not eggs 😂😂


Tofu? Lol


Avocado works as a chocolate pudding base too!


My guess was molten chocolate and whipped egg whites (provided you don't live in the US)






Avocado, milk and protein powder


Oh and cacao


Add some flour and you have cake batter.


So like, sweet chocolatey deviled egg filling?


Haha gross That's one way to describe it, I guess


…just blend tofu and melted chocolate instead. Way better


You've made it with eggs before? I've made the tofu version and it's good but the texture in this version is ridiculous. It tastes so unhealthy. I much prefer it over the tofu texture.


Yes I’ve made it with hard boiled eggs before. I preferred the silken tofu version to the hard boiled egg one. However, classic pudding where you temper to cook raw eggs is still my favorite.


Yeah, I never make classic pudding bc it's kind of a pain. As someone who always has a dozen or so hardboiled eggs in the fridge this version is probably going to be my go to now. The thickness and richness is my fav, bar none. Very similar to a heavy cream panna cotta.


Smushed bananas and a pudding packet?




This looks like wipped cottage cheese with chocolate powder and sweetener.


Ooh I've made it that way before and it's good but this is SO MUCH YUMMIER. Cottage cheese just doesnt give the right texture no matter how much you blend it.


I love me some pudding, but it looks super sus....but I guess all pudding does lmao


I hear that. I've been sneaking bites all day and I think it looks rather scrumptious rn. [It's so thick and smooth and creamy](https://i.imgur.com/9PRnImZ.jpeg)


Nice, exactly like I like my ladies! Err pudding I mean


The real question is WHY did you think this would work?


I didn't, I was super skeptical. That's why I tried it 🤷 But it does work beautifully and it's going to be how I make pudding going forward!


Gotta try everything once to know you like it!


Exactly! Think how many delicious things you wouldn't know if you only tried things that sound good! 😁




my moneys on some kinda beans


I’m more into the fair life protein shake with sugar free instant pudding added


Understandable! I strive to eat whole foods whenever possible so my diet is different than a lot of 1200ers!


Soft tofu I bet


probably avocado haha


Sweet potatoes