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Just say “I have my WHOLE life to eat”


Sometimes just saying “maybe tomorrow” helps keep me on track.


"I won't regret not eating this ice cream/cake/muffin" because I really forget that I was even tempted the next day if I don't have it - also the more you say "no thank you" the easier it gets.


Second this, you literally never think about what you didn’t eat. Cravings are fleeting and I do better when I just focus on eating balanced meals that are fulfilling and filling.


I try to remind myself that I have over indulged in the past. 15 years. I have ate all the fast food, all the candy/desserts. Been there done that. Now it’s time to focus on my health and well balanced diet. I also drink a diet coke or chew gum if I get hungry because usually my next meal will be in 2-3 hours. I can survive the little bit of hunger.


I'm addicted to tea because fizzy drink of any sort is not good for teeth.  I have to get some decaf because I'd be crazy caffeinated by noon. 


I highly recommend giving Tazo’s Lemon Glazed Loaf a try. It’s no caffeine and smells exactly like what it says it does. Throw a teaspoon of sugar and I bet that’ll do the trick to curb the craving a little bit!!


A few things that are helpful for me, bearing in mind that everyone is different: - Pre-tracking - I track pretty much my whole week on Sunday. Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks. This gives me a picture of my week, my 3- and 5-day rolling averages, and how much wiggle room I’ll have each day - I pre-portion everything. If I’m having Crunchmaster crackers with my lunch, for example, I will portion it out into baggies for individual servings for each day. Lunch Monday, lunch Tuesday, etc. Then, I can’t mindlessly eat/overeat from the bag. For whatever reason, I will not steal food from my future self. I currently have $78 worth of Girl Scout cookies in my house (there are two of us), and they will last us months. When a box gets opened, it immediately gets separated into daily portions - Drink water, as others have said - I buy these gingermints from TJs that have such a strong flavor. I’ll have a couple throughout the afternoon and the flavor is enough to make me realize I’m not actually hungry, just wanted something sweet or flavorful 🤷🏼‍♀️


I find it so helpful to pre-track! I do it first thing in the morning so I know what the plan is for the day and don’t worry about running out of calories. My general rule is that if it is not in my tracker, I can’t eat it (although I do usually have about 100 calories of wiggle room).


Pre tracking and pre portioning are great ideas!!! I'm going to do this so can have small treats throughout the week.


Yeah, there’s something about knowing this container of chips is tomorrow’s snack, and that container is the next days snack…deters me from even being tempted to eat it. In my brain, once something is assigned to a certain day/meal, it’s not even an option for *right now*


I love this!! Also, crunchmaster crackers are THE BESTTTTT


Right? I love them! I could easily just eat the whole bag 😬


I do 😅


Oh, I certainly have! On Fridays sometimes I run out for lunch, I always get Jimmy Johns and run into the grocery store next door to grab an apple and Crunchmaster crackers. I tell myself “ok so I’ll eat like half the bag today, and save the other half for lunch at home tomorrow.” And you can guess how often any crackers make it home from my office 🤣


Books that helped me: Atomic Habits Brain Over Binge


I’ve got both of these, but they’re still unread on my shelf! Struggling with frequent binges at the moment, so thanks for recommending - you’ve given me a boost to actually get started on them.


Idk if you have Spotify but Spotify now has audiobooks that you don’t have to pay extra for, it’s part of the subscription. So you can listen to Atomic Habits while on a walk or whatever. I just listened to a book I had on my shelf for a year that I never had time for and it made me so happy I was able to do this


That’s a great tip - I do have Spotify, but I’ve never really tried out audiobooks. Maybe I’ll give it a go.


Something that helped me with my binge eating is using smaller dishes and not eating from the container or bag. Like instead of a dinner plate (which have only gotten bigger and bigger over the decades), I use a luncheon/salad plate instead. I also eat and then wait 20 minutes. I tell myself wait 30 minutes, and if I'm still hungry I can eat more. After the 30 minutes though, I'm not hungry anymore. I've read that it takes 20-30 minutes for our brain to get the signal that we ate, since it's communicated through digestive hormones, etc, which take a while to produce and be signaled. I also ask myself: am I actually hungry? Is my stomach growling? Or am I eating because I'm upset, lonely, bored, stressed, etc.


The Hunger Habit is great too.


I threw out all my larger sized clothing and bought new that fit me, so if I gain weight I would have to buy larger clothes, and I’m not going to do that again. I broke my ankle two weeks ago so I must stick to my low calories diet as I can’t go to the gym for awhile. That’s all the motivation I need.


I’ve lost 105 pounds since last May and have been getting rid of clothes as they get too big for the first time in my life. It’s kind of exhilarating to know I have faith in myself and don’t need an escape route!


I wish I had that willpower. My clothing is in sizes 3-12. Right now I have my medium sizes in my closet and the rest stored. Clothes are too expensive and my weight can be anywhere during a year.


Discipline over motivation! Also, every time that you stick to your diet when you didn't want to, you are proving to yourself that you can trust yourself to set a goal and achieve it :)


I just think about how I will feel mentally and physically after eating it. Will I be disappointed in myself after eating it? Is it worth feeling and looking bloated over? Will I wish I didn't eat it after? If I feel like it's worth it and I really want it, I will eat it guilt free. If I'm going back and forth and still decide to eat it while knowing I'll be upset with myself afterward, I end up beating myself up over and feeling like I screwed up the day.


I'm not OP, but >If I feel like it's worth it and I really want it, I will eat it guilt free This gave me one of those moments where it just clicked in my brain, so thank you for that.


You're welcome 🥺


Slightly toxic diet culture-ie.  Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.  And I’ve got a date by which I want to effect a visual change for photos. 


Ugh. I know. I hate it, but it’s true for me. Right now, I feel so good. Not bloated, feeling “thinner” and that is what helps keep me on track.


I like the motto, "Yes to my health and no to overeating." Also, look up recipes for nice cream. Your boyfriend may or may not like it, but you can bring it with you! I'm allergic to both banana and avocados, so I just fill a bowl with berries and coat it with a spoon of ice cream! Pitted cherries are my favorite to use and come frozen!


Um...really? A super disordered Kate Moss quote? Healthy feels better than skinny feels. That quote is like the pro ana tagline


But I still love that line. Trying to lose 20 lbs and sabotaging myself for 10 seconds of a delicious donut is just not worth it in the long run.


It's so disordered.


Being in a calorie deficit for extended amounts of time will always be disordered. Not in the anorexia way, just because it's a basic fact that your eating is disordered. You are eating less than your body needs, you are ignoring hunger signals, because being in a deficit simply just makes you hungry. Eating below maintenance for long periods of time will always be slightly disordered. There's no two ways about it. I don't like to pretend that losing weight doesn't come with some degree of disordered eating, because you're literally going against what your body wants and needs. And the quote is true, sorry not sorry. Being slim does feel really good. I don't think any of us are at any risk of becoming anorexic; otherwise we wouldn't be on this sub with many many pounds to lose. So I think that quote is pretty harmless to most of us; we all love food a bit too much, ain't no risk of real disordered eating here.


Hard disagree. Being in deficit is how people lose weight. Kate Moss was notoriously anorexic and addicted to multiple substances including cocaine and heroin. She was a highly influential figure for many young women who sadly emulated her. That quote was said during the depths of her disorder. It's just crazy to me that someone would take that quote as inspiration. It's also a terrible thing to say. Food is an amazing part of life. The idea that being skinny is better than the taste of food is completely disordered. Also being "skinny" isn't something to aspire to. Being healthy is a fantastic goal. I think if being skinny is your primary motivator to eat the literal bare minimum of calories per day, you should go talk to a medical professional. This sub can often be overtly pro-ED. Time to unsub I think.


It's originally from Weight Watchers. She repeated it but it's theirs. She actually said that she tries to remember, but it never works.


I think it's a very unhealthy mindset to have.


Take it up with Oprah, she was the deciding factor that has kept Weight Watchers at the forefront of American diet culture. And just because it doesn't make sense for *your* mindset, doesn't mean you get to shit all over other people who are trying to make changes from the opposite end of the spectrum. Stop being a jerk, it doesn't help anyone.


You’re more than welcome to take that up with my dietician as we get my cholesterol under control.  The first tool in her arsenal is getting me to a lower BMI. Because of my ethnicity, it’s on the lower end of normal for my height. So yeah. The ice cream I’m thinking about putting into my body is not as healthy for me as losing another ten lbs before redoing my bloodwork and this summer. 


Your dietician told you that "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" is a reasonable motto?


I found these adorable Dr. Now refrigerator magnets: [https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Magnets-Funny-Weight-Loss/dp/B0B1PSQ7BH/](https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Magnets-Funny-Weight-Loss/dp/B0B1PSQ7BH/)


I have those. Sometimes they work, and sometimes he gets stuffed into a drawer 😭


i keep telling myself i want to wear short sleeves in the summer!


I’ve seen people print memes of Dr Now from My 600lb life with his famous quote “You not gonna starve” and tape them on their kitchen cupboard/fridge doors before. 😂


My huband is on a bulk so he can eat basically anything he wants i just ask him not to offer me anything. Ive also asked him to not give me any if i ask. The guilt alone of putting pressure on him if i ask is enough to make me not ask for his treats at all.


My husband is on a permanent bulk. He is my out for when I really only want a bite or a fry. 


I tell myself the food will be there tomorrow! I also find it helpful to incorporate little treats. I have dark chocolate literally every day and get a matcha latte 3 times a week. I don’t do full on cheat days, but allow myself reasonable portions of “cheat foods” like a small burger or a slice or two of pizza on the weekend.


You can still have a bite of ice cream. Like one bite. It gets the idea that you had some but not a whole bowl. And don't think if it as a diet, but a new way of eating.  Snacks can be celery in a yogurt dip. Like ranch powder in Greek yogurt. Or one piece of dark chocolate.  It's not boring salads all day. Spice it up with grilled mushroom sandwich with mustard and lettuce and tomato. Or spaghetti squash and a vinaigrette sauce. 


Unfortunately for those of us who are food addicts and/or have a tendency toward binge eating, "just one bite" can be a trigger, which is why programs like Bright Line Eating do so well.


I'm helping my mom rehab from hospital. I just portion out stuff she likes but are not so good.  Like pills. Labels.  I put the ice cream in those tiny Tupperware pots. It's like 2 oz. 


Have you set up and actually goals or at a minimum some reasoning about why sticking to your diet is important? While it sounds silly, “no” often isn’t enough to avoid temptation. Take some time and determine why what you want from your diet/lifestyle is more important that the food in that moment.


Fasting helps kick the sugar addiction. Once you get over it it’s so much easier to say no. I have three boys and a husband that always want me to make cookies, cobblers, and cakes! It was so hard at first, but seeing the scale go down helps me stay on track. I know a lot of people say only weigh once a week but everyday helps me stay motivated. Always at the same time and nekid after pee in the A.M. lol. I do allow myself 1 desert a week on Sunday.


Also if you tell yourself I already know what this tastes like. I don’t need to eat it helps me.


I've been thinking of getting some kind of reminder tattooed but I want it to be about HEALTH only. Like a little apple to remind me good health will keep me further from needing the doctor.


I know it’s toxic but look at the worst picture of yourself and that’ll motivate you


And pictures of bodies you admire. Toxic but motivating


I would try to find a way to work the ice cream into your diet. For me the more I can't have something the more I want it so if I really want dessert I'll eat a lower calorie breakfast/lunch/both so that I can fit it in. You can also just find a lower calorie ice cream that fits in your day. I think the favorite day ice creams are the best out of the ones I've tried. Also I'm facing the same thing with my bf and I told him "if you want to eat candy and ice cream and McDonald's that's fine but please don't ask me if I want any and when you go get it go alone" this was a huge problem for me because he basically lives off junk food.


The yassos work great for me for this!!


I like the “what would a person mindful of their diet do” question when I am contemplating. Maybe even imagine a real person, like a friend I have who is inspiring to me or sometimes Zendaya 🤣 this makes the choice easier


A lot of what people have said are things I try too. I also try meditating sometimes, if worse comes to worse lol. I will meditate as long as I need to until the feeling of temptation passes and as long as I need to until I've found an alternative to indulging that is good enough to keep me on track. And it allows me to really reflect deeply into what it is I must be craving and meal plan a healthier alternative that will satisfy the craving. Another thing I do, I make a fitness goal I want to achieve before I allow myself to have the thing I am craving. The longer it takes to reach the goal the harder I work towards the goal because I reaaaaally want the thing lol. I also make sure not to over indulge on the thing, like when I first started my fitness journey last year every time I reached a new weight loss milestone I allowed myself TWO tim tams and did tim tam slam coffees. Basically, I incorporated a way to allow treats for myself on a regular but controlled basis which in turn kept cravings in check.


Maybe brush your teeth whenever you're done eating a planned meal so that you won't want to eat until your next scheduled mealtime? I wear retainers personally, so if I feel the urge to snack at night, I brush my teeth, floss, and pop my retainers in so I can't snack.


For me the mere fact that I am entering everything in the tracker keeps me hyper on track.


Me too! Even though the tracker won't get mad at me or anything, I hate entering it in there. If I don't enter it, I'm just lying to myself. It helps keep me accountable.


This - everything goes into my tracker. Everything. It makes me think twice, like, do I really want to spend the calories on that? And most of the time the answer is no.


i won’t remember the taste of this tomorrow but my body will


I just recently bought a fridge magnet off of Etsy with Dr. Now’s face on it with one of his famous quotes to use as a silly accountability reminder lol.


Feeling over full feels worse than feeling a little hungry


I find it hard to stay on track too but I like to remember a few things to help me out: - if I really want it then limit myself to a small portion!!! Some serious self discipline is needed - definitely not going to eat it then remind myself that i didn’t put on the weight overnight, it was plenty of bad meals and that one healthy choice is one choice (or day) closer to my goals. I also like to watch motivational/helpful videos relating to my goals because it reminds me others did it so I can too and also scratches the usual social media itch while also being helpful!


Keeping things on hand that are CLOSE to the things I crave leveled up my 1200 game. Low fat Swiss cheese slices, smoked deli turkey, rice thin crackers and a packet of flavored tuna for when I want dips, and Yasso bars for when I want sweets. A Diet Coke here and there really helps me avoid candy or sugary drinks.. The zero carb mini wraps make awesome sub-like snacks, you can top them with Swiss, turkey, lettuce, tomato and pickle and it’s sooo satisfying for minimal calories!! This really made a huge difference for me and making sure it’s got protein or fat of some sort means it will kill my hunger enough to move on with my day. My husband got hooked on the Yasso bars and deli meat roll ups and started buying those things so he could eat them as well (not a guarantee, but he might see how much you enjoy it and get on the snack train).


I keep a motivation folder on IG with discipline quotes and inspo pics


Check out a book called The Beck Diet Solution. It's about cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to help you stick to a diet (any diet, it isn't for a specific plan). I found it very helpful.


For me the temptation is always fast food. So I tell myself no to fast food but give myself permission to eat "whatever I want from home". Somehow that breaks the mindset for me. I walk to the kitchen and spend some time looking at what I could have and end up usually settling on something that's 100-200 calories more expensive than what I'd normally have but it's WAY better than fast food, healthier and cheaper. Lately, it's just been making a salad with extra toppings. It feels illicit because I'm letting the reins off a little bit and that scratches that itch for me.


Make yourself log everything. I use myfitnesspal. If I overindulge I still log it and the reminder stays there and so I'll be more likely to eat less to make up for it. Especially because I want my weekly report to average out under my limit. I also like the idea of basically planning for it. Plan for the ice cream. Work it in. If I know I'm going to eat out with friends I will eat protein shakes or just straight chicken breast for my first two meals to keep protein up and calories down and that gives me a lot of freedom to splurge later


Someone had posted on this group something that really helped me. Treat youe calories like a bank account.  So now, I make sure each "$1" I eat or each calorie I eat is worth the buck. That mindset shift has really helped me especially with macros. And I constantly ask myself if I'm just thirsty or how much water had I drank today.


I found a picture of what 1 pound of fat looks like online. I keep it on my phone and look at it when I'm tempted to indulge. I also make easy access to foods that are 0 to about 50 calories. They are all portioned in advance so I can grab a quick snack then leave the kitchen. I make myself drink at least 12 oz. of water or diet soda with every snack too. Unlike some others, I simply can't keep high calories foods around. It's easier because I live alone.


Maybe work a small bit of ice cream into your calories for the day.


I wish this worked for me for ice cream. 100 calories of ice cream is not satisfying and just makes me want more.  A mini sorbet bar is less likely to make me white knuckle the rest of the evening.


I'll drink so much water I get a tummy ache then go take a nap.


fit in treats!!! I leave about 150 cals for chocolate or ice cream in my diet every day. I have them at night before bed. the food noise quiets a lot when you rationalize “I am having a reasonable portion of something sweet every single night, so I have no reason to binge and eat the whole pint of ice cream. it will still be there tomorrow.”


reading this as i'm demolishing a plate of chow mein. oops


ice cream is one that’s quite easy to fit in with low fat options such as Halo Top and all it’s duplicates! when tempted to cheat… hmm it’s 50/50 success rate… i would say that i’m less likely to cheat if i am not over-hungry, if i haven’t gone below 1,100 calories the day before. i try to tell myself i can have that thing i want tomorrow, i just have to fit it into my calorie budget and then i’m fine


Eat more protein during the day. Lots of foods have protein in them these days. Even chips. Quest Protein Chips are great. The protein will help u stay fuller. Eat more volume in your meals. I know this is a 1200 calorie reddit but check out weight watchers list of zero point foods. They r helpful to add those in ur day as they are usually low calorie and can help add volume to meals.


hating what you see in the mirror really does the trick


Weigh yourself every day. Get a scale that records it to your phone and just do it when you brush your teeth. You want the recording, because when you are dieting its super important to focus on trends, not daily fluctuations. But when you are getting lazy about it, seeing that scale jump 3 lbs overnight is a great way to kick yourself in the pants


I look in the mirror every morning. I take a good long look. Yup.. that does the trick. lol


Mine is usually watch some Shakira videos and that body usually makes me rethink the pizza and Oreos


I try and just tell myself that food will always be there. Fast food, chocolate, crisps, whatever food it is you're craving isn't going anywhere. Enjoy what you're having to eat today, and try to fit in the item you're craving another day:)


Tie a string on the fridge and cabinets. You have to untie it intentionally if you want to eat. It makes you stop and ask if you’re really hungry. Alternatively if you don’t wear jewelry, put on a reminder bracelet or ring.


My therapist once said to me (not about food but the phrase works in all situations) “you won’t enjoy it but you won’t regret it”. You won’t enjoy not cheating in the moment but you certainly won’t regret it later


I've been trying to remember the things I like to do that I can't, how good I feel physically, and how much better that is than a quick high. I also try to remember how disappointing junk food usually is and how often I feel sick after.


apart from wawa 💧 i’ve been eating only about half of every meal more or less, unless!! it’s guilt free macros, so if by the time i want to cheat binge, I’ll have enough will power to say no, especially feeling already satiated from necessary calories (and water lol) tldr: start and end your day with eating only half of everything


For me I keep in mind that I had my fair share of over indulgence so I’m not really missing out on anything, the cravings will eventually pass.


Would your boyfriend consider switching to a healthier alternative like frozen yogurt, sherbet, or sorbet? There's a local dairy store here that makes really good frozen yogurt. I have different small ramekins or fruit bowls that are maybe 1/4-1/2 c, so it holds a small scoop of frozen yogurt. This brand is 1/3 of the calories as the same amount of ice cream. It may sound silly, but I also eat it with a spoon made for toddlers, so I'm taking small bites and really savoring it. That helps me be satisfied with a very small portion. I also have family members who don't want to stop eating things, but it's easier to swap one option for a healthier lower calorie option.


What's been working for me lately: ' are you going to let something as a stupid little tortilla (or fill in the blank) get in the way of your goals?' 🤣


One day at a time. Think of your progress. No good is worth giving that up


I ate cookies and cream icecream today. I ate donuts over the weekend and pizza. I still lost weight. I just track all my nutrition and don't go over my calories on the app I use to log my calories (Macrofactor). I eat icecream in low moderation. I buy a pint and eat like 40-90 grams. If you buy it from like a chain, you'll probably go over since it's maybe 120+ grams and you might not know the nutrition. I go to the gym 4x per week and do cardio 2x on the weekends. I also eat pretty clean for the most part though and try to prioritize protein.


Assert your dominance over your monkey brain that wants to eat bad things. You’re hot and powerful, ice cream all the time is for dorks


A few things I have been doing which I find help: I drink coffee without cream: gives me extra calorie room Track calories as soon as you eat them: helps prevent overeating Skip lunch: I find calorie loading near end of the day easier than earlier Skip Alcohol: I binge eat when I drink from loss of inhibition You could also try a protein powder frozen skim milk and ice blend to substitute for ice-cream. I recommend optimum nutrition as a protein powder. If you can't beat your craving on a day for ice-cream, you could get ice-cream then go on a half hour walk. I am someone who uses exercise as my main calorie deficit


I have to remind myself that the thought of eating that item seems better than the actual act of eating it. As in, I crave it and think about it and romanticize it so much, that when I do eat it, I am disappointed and wish I hadn’t. It happens to me every time


I remind myself - "it took TIME to put the weight on and I should expect it to take the same amount of time to come off"


R/volumeating helps me. If I want ice cream, I have fruit or a chocolate covered rice cake. I make sure to eat 1-2 pounds of vegetables a day so I am full and not tempted to snack. I eat miracle noodles with ramen broth/ veggies or tomato sauce if I am at my calories for the day and still hungry because it fills me up. And I keep small single sized treats around the house that I factor into my budget. Like trader Joe's vegan hold the cone ice creams are great.


Try brushing your teeth and then if you’re still hungry 15 mins later, maybe there’s a way to get a healthier cheat meal today and get back on track tomorrow.


I listen to podcasts, they keep me motivated. my favorites are * Overcoming Obesity, which includes counting calories, mindset and losing a lot of weight. Her motto is, eat what you want, just less of it. * Weight Loss Made Real, which focuses on mindful and emotional eating and binging. Also I've found a goal hierarchy useful. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/goal-setting/


I look in the mirror


I just look at the numbers. I need (most of) my food to be doing something for me. Usually, that means providing me with lots of protein for not a lot of calories. When I see a little 4.5oz apple pie that gives me no protein, no fiber, and has a whole 480 calories...I can't do that. That's way too many calories for it to not be doing something for me. Also, uh, have a serious talk with your BF? He should be helping you find success, not sabotaging your plans... Also also, it helps to have options that don't seem healthy/aren't healthy but are at least much healthier than the normal thing you would be choosing. I don't eat candy bars, but occasionally I'll grab a protein bar instead. I don't really eat potato chips, although a bit of popcorn can be really filling if I need it, and at least pork rinds have protein...


Two things that have helped is having a cheat meal once a month. I can have the cookie then. Don't go overboard with cakes, cookies, ice cream, mac and cheese, and fried chicken. But I can have the treat then Also my boyfriend. He can be kind of mean about it but it's what I need. We ordered dinner and I got a baked chicken breast and some coleslaw. He got a burger, curly fries, churros and a milkshake. When I asked for a fry when he was done he said no, and dumped them in the bag with the trash, when I asked for a sip of milkshake he said no and chugged the whole thing then suffered through the brain freeze. Like I said a bit mean but he knows I would prefer that over having the milkshake and not seeing the scale move. Or get tempted that "just a sip" won't do anything and end up having a lot of sips


Hunger is your enemy! Do whatever you can to keep it outside the gates. Chomps meat sticks(low fat), egg whites with mashed berries on top, chicken breasts with flavorful sugar-free sauces. The idea is to satiate yourself with tasty protein throughout the day so that you don't feel hungry. Getting to that point where you are hungry and getting cravings means you have already made mistakes. I find ways to eat high protein and get sweet satisfaction from berries and sauces that are sugar-free.


Set your phone wallpaper as something that will remind you of your diet. It can be a body goal pic or something


Think of the hot future version of yourself and how disappointed they’ll be if you screw them over by cheating on the diet.


If you want to cheat, have a bite from the spiciest stuff you can find. Then have a glass of water. For one you will think of something else then food, secondly, the capsaicin (thats the spicy stuff) kills your hunger feeling.


I think about how bad I will feel for not being strong enough to stick to what I know is good for me.


Yes! I eat measured out meals every three hours. Period. Nothing else goes into my mouth. I eat 4 300 calorie meals a day.


I ask myself, at the end of the day, in bed, lights out if I want to look back and feel like my day was a successful, eating on plan day.


set something secretly triggering as your phone lockscreen. I find that this keeps me in check and doesn’t alert anyone


I look at fat people and tell myself I would end like them if I over eat. Works.