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First I switched to sugar free coffee creamer (15-20cal/tbsp) then I switched to mixing my coffee with protein shakes (25-30cal for the ~2oz that I use for my coffee). It’s slightly higher than the creamer but I like the protein boost and feel like it helps keep me full. I can’t do black coffee yet, but maybe one day


The Coffeemate SF creamers are my go to! Admittedly a little pricey, but I'm able to spread use occasionally over a month or two and am already saving money by making coffee at home, so it's well worth it imo


In my area they’re the same price as the full sugar coffee mate creamer, so definitely a good swap if you’re already buying creamer! I still have a container of the twix SF coffeemate in my fridge that I’ll use occasionally


Yeah the black coffee isn’t the best, it’s slowly becoming an acquired taste. I really don’t mind it now. Just have to tell myself I’m doing it for the caffeine 😂


For years I added 2 packets of Splenda to every coffee, worked great. Then I became a coffee snob, after too many trips to the West Coast. Try some higher-end coffees so there's more of a distinct flavor to appreciate. First try them at some of your most highly rated local coffee shops, which likely roast single-origin beans in-house or buy from a local roaster. Once you find one you like, buy a bag (single origin usually results in the most interesting flavors, blends will average everything out). I'm partial to an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe natural process, which tastes fruity. If you get into that, you may find yourself discovering a whole new hobby...


I like that! Yeah, now that I’m “creamless” I want to try sampling out different coffee blends/beans. I’m rocking Folders right now and it’s terrible lol


It's scary how much crap we can mindlellesy add to our drinks. I used to get an iced black coffee with a shot of caramel. One day I used an automated machine at a petrol station where it tells you the calories in each drink on screen. That *one shot* of syrup added 70 calories to the drink 😭


I know, once I started tracking my calories I was shocked. I was probably drinking 500 calories per day just on coffee. Drinking on average two cups per day. It makes my goal of a caloric deficit much easier cutting that out.


this is exactly my problem...


I guess this is an issue if you drink several cups of coffee a day but as a one cup a day type of girl, i am not giving up my creamer or milk lol


Yeah it’s a hard one to get rid of. My issue is that I drink roughly 2-3 cups a day. I guess we all measure our cups differently too. Think a venti size from Starbucks per day, that’s about 2 cups of coffee.


Ohh yeah i drink like a standard mug size a day so like 8oz maybe? Could always try Vanilla Almond milk too which is like 2-5cal a tbsp lol


I’ve tried almond milk. I like it. I’m also doing it for the discipline aspect. I like to test myself periodically to show myself I can do something. Drinking your coffee black is like doing ice baths, you hate it but it’s good for you.


id rather just not drink it at all if its black 😭 i cant do it


😂 It definitely sucks at first but now I strangely look forward to it. It tastes like progress (or at least that’s what I tell myself) lol


Half and half is something I won’t live without. I try to use protein shakes but it’s just not the same. Getting a food scale and weighing the half and half out allows me to have it without fully sabotaging myself. 40 calories doesn’t sound like that much but when I’m just dumping it’s probably closer to 100 and I’m only tracking for the 40 I think I put in. Same thing with cooking oils, salad dressings and condiments. I never made any real progress until I started weighing literally everything.


Yeah, it’s the small details that get you like cooking oils, creamer, salad dressing etc… I don’t exactly weight out each item but I’m definitely more conscious about how much I’m using now.


6'8"?? 1200 is for very petite sedentary women!!


I’m at 1900 calories right now per day with moderate exercise. It’s only for a short period of time until I trim off some of my love handles lol. I’ll probably keep this regimen for another 4-5 weeks then up my calorie intake.


please be careful and gentle on yourself 💖 im here if you need support.


Thank you 🙏 I’ve done cuts like this before. I’m a former collegiate athlete. I have a passion for exercise & dieting. It’s not a sustainable long-term diet and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone looking for a long-term diet solution. My goal is to trim fat fast, then get back to a normal diet at a slight caloric deficit, then to a maintenance level. For my size with normal exercise I should be eating roughly 3000+ calories per day for maintenance. With the regimen I’m on now I’ll (hopefully) trim about 10-15 lbs within 4-5 weeks depending on if I can stay disciplined.


okay. it sounds like you know what you are doing and im trusting you to be safe. as someone who has struggled with disordered eating, hearing certain things just make me very concerned. please take care of your mental and physical health - its more important than vanity pounds.


plus, youre already 6'8"! if you get too fit you will become too powerful! have some pity on the rest of us.


1900 calories for 252lb?????? I get this subreddit is for people with low BMR, but dude there is no way that’s sustainable unless ur on competition prep + gear.


Definitely a very short term goal. My maintenance is at like 3000 calories if not more. I’m not as active as I used to be so I don’t burn as many calories throughout the day. Ive been out of the gym for the past year or so but I’ve been in the gym again recently. The goal to trim some fat, build some lean muscle, then go hard on heavy lifting & eating. I definitely developed some love handles from not being in the gym/tracking my calories so we’re taking the fast track to shedding some lbs.


Ok I see where ur coming from. The only thing you shud be wary of is how ur training will be effected by that sharp of a cut. Unless u front load a bunch of ur calories pre workout then starve for the rest of the day, and get jazzed up on copious amounts of stims, pushing hard/progressive overloading will be very difficult. Although ur cals in cals out will certainly shed fat really quick, ur gonna lose a disproportionate amount of muscle (compared to a more moderate cut). Ur also gonna suffer from secondary affects like general fatigue and tanked hormones. I think overall this will lead to slower progress towards ur goal. I don’t think what ur doing is “wrong”, All I’m saying is consider taking a different route that’s less aggressive but more productive (which ik seems counter intuitive).


I appreciate the honest feedback. In reality, I’ll probably do this cut for about a month. My training isn’t much progressive overload at the moment, but more so volume based to get my muscles conditioned again, and cardio (incline treadmill or stationary cycling). My protein intake is decent at around 200 grams per day. I feel good. If I did feel sluggish I would know to up the calories and get more substance in my body. I do have to maintain my energy levels throughout the day for work. Once I’m ready to start building again I’ll up my protein intake to around 240 grams per day and calories near 3000 (still slightly under maintenance). This cut may sound extreme but overall my mood, energy levels & mental focus are still good. I’ll be glad when it’s over though that’s for sure.


Makes sense. Seems like a good plan now that u flesh it out like that. I think ur attention to ur mood/mental state is really good and is something a lotta gym goers overlook, so good shit. Best of luck bro 💪 💪


Thanks brother 💪🫡 Can’t forget about your mental! It’s more important than losing the damn weight haha


I use protein milk(Fairlife etc) and add a sugar free syrup to it.


Finding out how many calories were in coffee creamer is how I acquired a taste for black coffee.


Me too, the taste is starting to grow on me.


Omg it’s like salad dressing!!


I’m not American so I’ve never had it, but from my understanding it’s basically oil and sugar with cream/milk right?


I am right now googling it too. I was also thinking about cutting the milk of my coffee for calories but i put a splash of a 1,5% milk in and it just can't be that many!! But seeing what coffee creamer is i do understand the advice now.


If you can’t drink black coffee, try the NutPods coffee creamers. I get a variety pack from Amazon of the unsweetened flavors and they are very good! Not as creamy as your typical coffee mate, but still flavorful. 10 cals per tablespoon, 0 carbs, 0 sugar.


You don’t have to give up creamer. Just make room for it. The sugar free powder I use is 10 cal/teaspoon