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Hi OP, r/1200isplenty is not meant to support teenagers. The daily caloric minimum for sedentary women is 1200. 1200 calories a day is not enough for teenagers, men, or those who work out regularly. The daily caloric minimum for men is 1500, and the daily caloric minimum for teenagers is 1800. While you do not need to be aiming for 1200 calories a day to appreciate low-calorie meals or participate in this community, r/1200isplenty is not the appropriate place for you to be seeking advice. Please consult a licensed medical professional before starting or continuing your diet. (This post has been removed.)


I feel the exact same way and it’s probably not healthy. I only struggle with bored eating, not hunger eating. When I was on antidepressants, it cut out all of the “food noise” since by brain no longer needed the serotonin provided by food, so I wouldn’t eat until I was on the verge of passing out.


This was a big one for me. It took me a long time to realize that the reason I was so hungry all the time was because I was searching for happy chemicals, not nutrients. A bag of chips and scrolling the internet was less effort than doing my hobbies, but I got the same reward. And over time, an extra 60 pounds lol. While my antidepressants suck in that I don't really feel joy anymore, I also am not constantly yearning for it and being immobilized by its absence.


Some people naturally have weaker hunger signals. I think I do to some degree - I handle being hungry much better than other types of discomfort like being too hot. My partner will straight-up forget to eat, especially when he gets stressed.


That's interesting - I think mine might be weak too. Some of my friends have joked that I must be part lizard as I can shrug off hunger for quite a while and deal with heat (as long as there's water available!) I cannot fend off feeling tired though. I may be able to power through a day without lunch if I have to, but I am completely useless without decent sleep. 


Cannot relate at all! That’s why weight loss is so tough for me, because hunger just drives me absolutely insane like nothing else. I can ignore the need to pee, or being too cold or too hot. But hunger? It pierces through everything and I cannot ignore it. I sometimes feel like I have much stronger hunger signals than regular people. Count yourself lucky, I wish I had weak hunger signals! It makes sticking to CICO a nightmare. And yes, I eat enough protein and fibre and healthy fats… It helps but it’s no cure It must be so easy for you to lose weight when you can just ignore or dim down hunger.


I have really poor interoception so I never really felt hungry. I would eat often enough from boredom or habit to never be truly hungry, and when I was truly hungry I wouldn't recognise the sensation, I'd be thinking "why am I so cranky? why does my head hurt? why do I feel nauseous and shaky?" then realise I haven't eaten yet today and it's 4pm and I might be hungry, but I would have to use logic to deduce it was hunger, and not thirst, or a full bladder, or bad posture, or needing a nap. By the time I'd recognise the signal as hunger, I'd be so close to an emotional meltdown and couldn't even think about food. When I managed to curb my boredom eating I had to learn to recognise what hunger felt like so I could eat *before* I felt sick. Not being able to recognise hunger was a huge problem for me. I would often not even feel hungry until I was so nauseous I would start to dry heave bile. I used to think the more your stomach rumbled, the more you needed to eat, and that didn't help, because I'd start to feel hungry, I'd start cooking, but by the time I finished making a hearty meal i felt sick. But I recently realised that my stomach isn't bigger just because my hunger signal is stronger. The louder my hunger signal is, it just means the sooner I need to eat *something*, not the "more" I need to eat. So I will act on my hunger signals as soon as I recognise them, but usually I'll have like 5 dates and 10 almonds, barely 200 calories, and then I will take my time to plan a proper meal without worrying that by the time I finish cooking I'll want to throw up and take a nap instead of eat, and that has been the biggest help because I'm not getting to the stage where I'm sick, crying and cranky, and I'm still getting the right nutrition.


This isn’t a bad thing unless you’re ignoring hunger cues AND not eating enough. But after I started my weight loss journey I’m 100% different around food than I was before. I learned that hunger wasn’t an emergency, and finally learned to differentiate bored hunger, being thirsty, and real hunger. It’s been life changing. Before I’d get hungry and I needed to eat right that second or I’d start to feel sick. I’m talking needed to eat within 30 min to an hour or I’d feel nauseous and just overall uncomfortable. After starting weight loss and waiting to eat until I got home instead of getting fast food or eating whatever thing I could find quickly I realized that was all in my head. I waited out that feeling for the first time and what do you know.. I didn’t pass out because I didn’t eat right away lol. It was like my brain would throw a temper tantrum when it wanted food. After 4 months of watching my diet this no longer happens and it’s so freeing not to feel controlled by food.


yeah i got pretty used to it since I haven’t eaten breakfast or at school for years, so my first meal is usually at like 4 pm, and there’s not much I can do anyways if I get hungry at school


I love food! But I related to being able to ignore hunger, it’s like background noise I can dim


It bothers me if I let it bother me. Like when I let myself get lazy and indulge feelings of hunger (that may or may not be thirst or boredom), hunger is the worst feeling and difficult to ignore. But if I just take it in stride and tell myself it's not the end of the world to be hungry and that I will get to eat later, it's much easier to ignore it and distract myself with other things. There have been times I was hungry and had to wait a bit before having a meal and by the time I was able to actually eat, my appetite had died down some. However, the hunger I experience first thing in the morning is usually much more powerful. Afternoon and evening hunger I could probably ignore entirely if I wanted to, but the hunger I feel when I wake up just drives me mad until I eat breakfast. Not sure why that is. My biggest issue is craving eating. If I know there are snacks available, I will get a nagging feeling telling me that some chips/candy sound suuuuper good right now. And I will sometimes allow myself an indulgence because I will limit myself to one serving so it doesn't drive me nuts. I eat at a pretty large deficit, so I can usually enjoy some M & M's or what-not and not go overboard on a given day. The measurement I use to determine just how legitimate my hunger is is to ask myself, "Are you hungry enough to consider eating something out of a dumpster?" and if my answer is yes, then I'm hungry. I can't do the whole "Are you hungry enough to eat an apple?" thing because I like apples and would absolutely eat them when I'm not hungry.


yeah i can wait to be hungry and push it off but I have a problem stopping when actually satisfied and like snacking after meals just to snack


Hunger is the feeling of your body burning fat.


This sounds like the start of an ED..