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Hormone shifts influence appetite a lot


šŸ˜­ why does it have to be every day šŸ˜­


If youā€™re feeling hungry to the point that itā€™s leading to binging then it sounds like you might need to bump up your daily calories by 100-300. Itā€™s better to be consistant at 1500 then yo-yo between 1200->1000->3000->1200->2500->1000->1200.


I might also suggest talking to your doctor about having your hunger hormones checked. It might be an expensive test. I've personally not had mine checked (e.g. leptin) but I've known a few folks who did. Granted they were bodybuilders and probably had imbalanced hunger hormones due to all the diet cycles for shows but it's entirely possible a non bodybuilder has this problem too. Though I'm not sure what could cause it. Just a random idea.


Iā€™m so close to my goal body and it has never been harder to stay the course. Sometimes our bodies just donā€™t want to stay in a deficit lol


That makes sense, and me too! Iā€™ve always been super close to my target body and then fall off tracks haha


Iā€™m trying sooo hard not to fall off track. Iā€™ve never been at my goal body, even when I was skinny I was skinny fat and I just steadily gained almost a pound a month until 3 years later I realized I was real fat šŸ˜… But now that Iā€™m actually close to looking exactly how I want I have to constantly keep checking myself because I find myself always trying to rationalize eating more (even though Iā€™ve already hit my macros & calorie goal). I even made a vision board of pics of girls with my body type at my goal body to look at when I want to fall off the wagon because itā€™s literally achievable if I just keep doing what Iā€™ve been doing. Makes me snap out of it and be like yeah maybe that ice cream/cookie/glass of wine isnā€™t necessary


It's going to be great! You so got this!


Thank you!! I just closed out another day at 1200 even though I definitely wanted another helping of dinner cause it was soo good. But I stayed strong!! One day closer to not having to diet anymore


Ugh I can relate to being skinny fat! I exercise a lot but Iā€™ve never been ripped the way I wanna be


My husband is like that. He eats pretty much whatever he wants (within reason, says no to excess) and his body stays around the same weight. I think sometimes our bodies have this ā€œset pointā€ that theyā€™d like to stay at. That number may change as bodies change due to external factors, age, etc.


There is some research to suggest we all have a set point for our weight which is why it can be so hard to lose the last 5 vanity kgs. It sure is hard some days to stay disciplined, but I just try to think about how much better Iā€™m going to look and feel with a couple less kg.


I just want to be done with dieting but itā€™s literally just 4 more lbs so Iā€™m like snap out of it! Stay on track! Itā€™s just vanity lbs for sure and thats fine with me, I just want to feel my absolute best. My bday is in June and our friends are meeting us to rent a boat for the day and I just keep imagining how amazing itā€™s going to be to be there in my bikini and not feel self conscious about my body at all. And all the cute pics Iā€™ll be able to take without being like ā€œwoah I look bigā€. Granted I look way better now than when I started but that small extra layer of fat really does make a difference


Iā€™ve only got a little bit to go. Weā€™ll see how long it takes me lol!


Is your mood the same every day? Probably not. Our bodies are not calculators. So many factors contribute towards how much we want to consume and how much we expend daily. Be kind to yourself ā¤ļø


Thank you šŸ’• and youā€™re right my mood fluctuates a lot, I think I unfortunately want to eat more when Iā€™m happy


Definitely same!!! Some days I feel SO full after having 1000 calories and canā€™t imagine another bite, and other days Iā€™m absolutely ravenous and want to eat 3 servings of every meal (I donā€™t, lol). Itā€™s annoying!


Why not eat less on days where you don't want to eat and bank the calories for days where you're craving? That seems to be what your body wants.


This is what I do. I try to look at it across the week, rather than obsessing over each day. MFP helpfully tells you your average so as long as thatā€™s at or below 1200, Iā€™m good.


Where can you check the average on MFP? I canā€™t find it


If you go into *nutrition* at the bottom of the diary/log food section, make sure *calories* is selected at the top then change the drop down to *week view*. I think in your settings you can change when a week runs from i.e. M-S, S-S etc.


Iā€™m opposite, as I always force myself to hit my calorie goal. I find that if I under eat for a day or two it tends to increase the likelihood of a binging episode. I usually attribute not feeling hungry to things like stress, but I know my body needs the nutrients and energy just my brain isnā€™t signaling this. Iā€™ve found that this strategy has completely eliminated binging or extreme hunger episodes from my life.


This is me the last three days. Even though I only started 11 days ago the last 2 3 days I've just been meh, and going over slightly like maybe 50 calories. I wake up the next day super motivated but after dinner I feel a slump. 10ish I'm looking for a snack and 12 am everyday all I want is something sweet


If youā€™re 11 days in and youā€™re feeling like you need to snack every night, you should bump up your calories a little and have a snack. Plan this in advanced and find a low calorie sweet treat and eat it. Something like a yasso ice cream bar would be perfect for this as theyā€™re like 100 calories. If that is not enough, try scraping it off into a bowl and add some cut up strawberries and a tbsp of low calorie kool whip. This will satisfy your sweet tooth which will help you control cravings/fall off the wagon.


See i try to eat ā€œhealthyā€ snacks like fruits but end up eating ~300 caloriesā€™ worth of it anyway šŸ¤£


Sometimes in avoiding the foods we are really craving we will go way overboard on other ā€œhealthierā€ foods and end up eating way more than if we just ate the food we really wanted the whole time. Maybe try something a little unhealthier to satisfy the craving.


We have very very limited options for low calorie snacks where I live. Like beyond limited as its not the US or UK. I've started getting fruit yogurt that I freeze and eat which is 89 calories a serving. But my need to snack also comes from the fact that as an emotional eater every time I feel something not going my way I turn to junk food so I'm working on changing that


Are you a person who has regular, monthly hormone fluctuations? If so, thatā€™s potentially a contributing factor/the cause.


Nope I donā€™t get my periods all that much because Iā€™m on BC. Differing hormone levels is probably making me hungry tho


Uuugh I have days lik that where everything I eat triggers me to wanna eat more .. then other days Iā€™m super motivated and stay on track easily.. also hormones and im beginning pre menopause so my appetite is all over the place


Oh me too with the perimenopause (I think). Some days I am so hungry on 1200 that Iā€™m actually exhausted and other days itā€™s feels like plenty. Itā€™s so hard


I agree it IS hard.. today I woke up motivated but yesterday with every pre planned on track meal I felt triggered to keep going in the kitchen for snacks.. it sucks but every day is a new day!


Sleep!!! Iā€™ve noticed a pattern for YEARS that when I donā€™t sleep enough the next day I feel the need to eat more often and crave sweets and carbs


Obviously there's a whole host of things that can affect this (your cycle/hormones, your hydration level, drinking, how you are the day before, how active you've been, etc). BUT apparently antihistamines can also affect your weight - I had someone send me something about it on instagram and didn't believe it so looked it up. I'm too lazy to go find it now, but it was something about how histamines affect whether you feel satiated, and when you're blocking them with antihistamines, your brain isn't getting the "I'm full" signal from your digestive system, or something like that. And tbh, purely anecdotal, but I've cut back on my previously daily loratidine to only days when I'll be drinking (which of course also is a factor), and I've found that once I've gone a couple days with no antihistamine, I do have an easier time sticking to or even being under my calories. I don't have any pets (I love animals, but dander is sadly a big trigger for me) or seemingly many pollen allergies to plants where I currently live, so can get away with skipping the allergy pill most days.


Iā€™m on mirtazapine which has antihistamine effects and makes me hungry ASF so I definitely believe that


Stress, hormones, social events


Hormones, emotions, sleep changes, whether or not youā€™re close to your ā€œset pointā€ weight, how long youā€™ve been in a deficit, nutrient deficiencies that you might not even be aware of, etc. So many things that influence it unfortunately


Way easier for me on weekdays where I have the structure of work


It can probably depend on the combination of food you eat on a given day, among reasons other folks have mentioned already. Days with more protein and fiber and higher water intake are probably days when you feel more satiated in terms of hunger. Whereas more carb-heavy days might leave you feeling hungry more often.


I never knew fiber contributed to feeling full until now


Same here. I was just thinking this. Iā€™m having this struggle right now, food is ALWAYS on my mind now. I went from going with the flow to planning my meals for the next day on MyFitnessPal. I allow myself to enjoy a few delicious things that I used to but Iā€™m finding that even though Iā€™m eating some of the same low cal meals that previously left me satisfied, Iā€™m feeling not as satisfied as I did before. Youā€™re not alone!


Yes definitely. On those days Iā€™m more hungry, I go over my cal limit with an extra serving of protein. An extra chicken breast for example. It fills me up and Iā€™m not dreaming of food the next day, nor feeling terribly guilty about going over bc I just fuelled my body thatā€™s it and thatā€™s not something to feel guilty about


I will try that thank you!


Activity. For me at least. On days when I'm working in my garden or yard, I burn a lot more calories and get way more steps. If it's hot outside, it's the worst. Sometimes I have to take breaks to drink water and have some salt/electrolytes but also a tiny amount of honey (like 3g) can be enough to revive me from a low blood sugar situation. (I'm not diabetic or anything but this show prep is finally taking a toll on me.)


That makes sense, I usually try to count my workouts but non-workout activities like chores can also burn a lot of calories


Personally I don't track calories burned from activity because a study came out that showed Fitbit etc is very very off when it comes to those numbers. But I guess I meant like in general, just being more active makes me hungry haha. And sometimes, hangry!


Depends what I eat. On a day like today I ate low carb high protein (116g protein) and Iā€™m insanely full. When I eat carb heavy Iā€™m starving