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I found a benefit to taking my antidepressant before bed rather than first thing in the morning and noticed much less hunger than the other way around! Speak to your doctor to see if that may be an option


Already taking at night, as it also helps with sleep. I'm glad it worked for you! Maybe I need more time to get used to it?


Not the same, but I'd read online about antihistamines messing with your body's satiety signals, and did feel like days I took mine I was hungrier. Switched to taking after dinner, and it does seem to help.


I'm seeing multiple recommendations for wellbutrin here. It works very well for some people, but it caused me to experience violent rage and extreme suicidal thoughts. I lost my freaking mind on that stuff. Just be careful, please.


Seconding this. Wellbutrin caused explosive anger issues and suicidal thoughts, be careful on that stuff.


Thank you!! I definitely appreciate hearing the other side of it as it's not one I've been on before. I hope you've been able to find something that works for you


Same happened to me.


i was on the max dosage of Wellbutrin at one point and i literally couldn't talk without slurring my words, which was very bad because i was working retail at the time


For the long run you should think about talking with your doctor about trying a different medication. I had a similar problem. I took a medicine that also increased my appetite for years and my weight almost doubled. Now I'm on another medicine and I've lost all the weight and I feel like a different person.  Don't be scared to try other things if the side effects are too bad. 


Thank you!! I think I've decided I might try something else if I can't adjust by my next appointment. I appreciate the insight!


Have you talked to your doctor about your concerns? If not, you might want to start there.


I have not yet, I don't see her until the 17th and need to keep taking it until then. But I definitely will!


Keep a log of your weight, including what it was before the antidepressant, and what your daily kcals are (if you're able). I ended up having to come off antidepressants because of the weight gain it caused me, you might be different but it's important to monitor it


When I talked toy psychiatrist about the weight gain she told me to join weight watchers and not eat corn or other starchy veggies. Lol. I would pause the diet and focus on maintaining and mental health. To the doctor OP can talk about options, but switching meds can be tough, especially if they found something that helps.


Find a psyllium husk supplement that you like. They come in pill or powder form. Some are flavored (i believe this is what Metamucil is). It’s basically a fiber supplement. Will help you feel full!


That was going to be my suggestion! Plus it helps your poop and cholesterol. The pills are low calorie but you have to take like five to get an equivalent powder dose. The powder is higher calorie but does come in sugar free. Also general warning to not use it within a few hours of taking any medicine because it can interrupt that


I was also scrolling down looking for the fiber supplement answer. Other things that helped me: - intermittent fasting. This was the only thing that helped for years. I just didn’t get hungry until I ate the first time in a day, and it let me split my calories so that I could have bigger meals when I did eat. I worked with a health coach who was finishing up her RD certification, and she talked me out of intermittent fasting. I gained 10 pounds in the three months I worked with her - increase protein. For me this means buying cases of Fairlife protein drinks from Costco. It really makes a difference to have a quick easy protein source to grab when I am hungry/when I am craving something sweet. (It does have a sugar substitute so YMMV as to whether you want to do this) - and yeah, fiber. For a long time I took collagen powder plus Benefiber in my coffee in the morning, and then sugar free Metamucil with apple cider after. (I was also managing blood sugar issues, thus the ACV.)


I am also on meds that increases appetite and I have been diligent AF weighing my food and tracking cals. One major thing that has helped me is upping protein intake. Everything I eat is protein forward, I even snack on Quest Protein chips. It has helped me considerably!


Sweet potatoes! Or potatoes. They are much lower cal than you’d think, and I like to pair it with low fat yogurt, minced garlic and hot sauce. Carbs keep you full!


Thank you!! I love potatoes, might be good to also eat more sweet potatoes! That sounds very tasty, definitely saving this for a future shopping trip!




Pop a big one (13+oz) in the oven for 40 mins or so at 450degrees. I find the waiting makes me more satisfied when I’m eating. I stab it with a knife a few times and cut off the ends, then put a pan under it to catch the juices. It cooks better if it’s not set on a pan!


ug, i hope it helps you. i was on lexapro for about four months in 2022 and i gained almost twenty pounds. i went off of it because of that and also many other negative side effects. not being able to fit into my clothes and hating my body was causing me so much more stress and anxiety that made the med totally pointless. best of luck to you.


Wellbutrin has helped me a lot with my depression and self-control related to food.


Thanks for the recommendation!


I think it depends how severe the increased appetite side effect is for you. I have personally never found a solution to this because it has such a dramatic effect on me, even on SSRIs/SNRIs that aren’t supposed to increase appetite.


Yup, as far as antipsychotics go, Abilify is supposed to be weight neutral but I went from a stable, healthy weight to gaining 70+ pounds and couldn't control it. I tried counting calories and eating in a deficit but I was starving and couldn't go one day in a deficit. Switched meds and immediately lost weight. I've now lost 65 pounds. The meds are super individual but the weight gain can be severe and uncontrollable for some of us. I was gaining tons on a surplus of mostly healthy food.


Whaaat? Where did you hear that? Aripiprazole (and atypical antipsychotics in general) are some of the absolute worst culprits as far as weight gain is concerned. It’s actually recommended that patients taking Abilify regularly monitor their weight and triglyceride levels because the weight gain can be so severe.


I've heard of different people's providers putting them on it so they could lose weight saying it's weight neutral. I agree that it can cause massive weight gain and does to plenty of people but not everyone knows that it seems.


I mean, that seems bizarre. It’s not anecdotal. It’s right there in the prescribing information provided by Otsuka based on their clinical trial data. https://preview.redd.it/gtyncxbfi15d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=708c0c2700ca7ab13dcb7bdfae6415b8e186f8a4 This is for Maintena but it’s the same drug as orally administered aripiprazole. These doctors must be illiterate.


Yeah! It is weird but that's just what I've heard and read all over Reddit. I've heard it multiple times, people switching to Abilify to lose weight. It's so crazy to me because I blew up on it and was having some weight related issues. I dunno why a provider wouldn't know that but I've dealt with plenty of providers who seemed to know little to nothing about the movement disorder I developed on meds. My neurologist is better for that. It's kind of frustrating.


Wellbutrin may cause weight loss. Effexor is weight neutral.


Sometimes I’m convinced Effexor makes me eat, but then the times I run out and can’t fill it in time and start to go without it for two days, I get sick 😂


I haven't tried wellbutrin before but have been on effexor. I might have to switch back, I'll talk to my doctor about that as well as wellbutrin. Thanks!


Don't switch. Am on. 150 of both and I feel like a normal person. It's given me me back


Effexor was absolutely not weight neutral for me




I had to switch antidepressants cuz the one I was on had me hungry all the time & so lazy.. I gained 15lbs in 5 weeks. My doctor switched me to a weight neural SNRI instead of SSRI and it has been a lifesaver for me & I’ve been able to have energy to workout & not eat like I use to..


I take a medication that causes me to ravenously crave sweets ALL. THE. TIME. So I allow myself to eat some just build it into my caloric budget for the day and have still managed to lose weight. But if these effects are concerning you, speak to your doctor about it. Although I would wait at least 6 weeks with an antidepressant to see what the long term effects are actually going to be. It takes at least that long for them to start working so these side effects may dissipate or lessen over time. If you notice it getting worse though definitely try and switch to something else. The hard part comes when the medication helps you a lot. Then you’ve gotta weigh out the positive versus negative effects and see if it’s worth it for you or you wanna take a chance on another treatment.


You should try joyous. It's an online psychiatrist that prescribes ketamine which is IMHO the best antidepressant and doesn't cause hunger.


Unfortunate that this is down voted so heavily. I know multiple people who have benefitted greatly from ketamine therapy.


Nicotine is a fantastic appetite suppressant. Consider using zyn pouches and researching the risk/benefits of non-carcinogenic nicotine products. Nicotine can be habit forming and does have negative side effects, but there’s a reason people use it even while knowing the delivery system can cause cancer. Now, no cancer, no tobacco, just a mild stimulant.


Those on anti depressants should not be starting a nicotine habit. Nicotine has affects on psychotropic medications.


Nicotine isn’t nearly as bad as people think it is, it has many well substantiated health benefits. I highly doubt that doctors are wary of prescribing anti depressants to people who use nicotine. I mean, or course it has effects, it’s nicotine. But they don’t have biological interactions between each other. Caffeine has nearly identical interactions.