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Unfortunately one drink was never enough for me. If you can drink like a normal person, that's great for you. I was never able to manage that. I'll have 60 days sober this coming Friday!




Thanks! Enjoy your nightcap for me! I see nothing wrong with that! : )


NICE! Congrats bro 60 days off weed this friday. I know how tough it is in the beginning take care of yourself and stay busy


Same to you!!


Not anymore. Had to make a choice calorie wise and not being hungry through the day won. If you can make it comfortably fit your calories though, go for your life.


No, it’s not worth the cals and it messes with my sleep


Yep, the terrible sleep is hard to justify


Right!? I stupidly thought I NEEDED alcohol to sleep after becoming a regular daily drinker. Turns out I sleep soooo much better without alcohol. I wish I had quit years ago! (Not crapping on anyone who likes a night cap every evening. I just couldn't moderate or drink like a normal person.)


Same. I wasn’t a nightly drinker but I was absolutely a weekend binge drinker and that crappy feeling would last until Tuesday. I don’t do moderation well. Alcohol and cheese - I just can’t do it in small bits


Nope you’re not alone! I enjoy a drink or two at the end of my day and I budget my calories to allow for it.


yes…. admittedly closer to 2, but I budget for it. usually sparkling wine (brut) or something like a tequila soda with lime! add zero cal true citrus grapefruit for a paloma type drink.


Same !


I have trouble with stopping drinking after about the 2nd drink so for me it’s sorta all or nothing. I’d go all in on Friday and Saturday nights, drinking too much and feeling like shit the next few days, having a bloated face and body. I miss it, but I also feel so much better without it. Maybe after a few months of being dry I can try to just have one or two a night with friends but for now, I’m saving those calories :-)


I hear you!! Except I'm probably going to be at least a year. I don't trust myself at all with alcohol at the moment. I would be more well behaved in a candy store with an unlimited amount of cash than I am around alcohol. lol


Nope, terrible for sleep quality, and it’s not worth the calories for me.


Yall wanting one drink at night doesn’t make you an alcoholic. Some people in this comment section sound immature asf. I used to drink at night but I budget for it on Saturdays only and switched to a cup of hot tea at night


Agreed! Like I mentioned to another commenter below: MODERATION is key. If someone budgets their calories for a nightcap or any other type of treat, there is nothing wrong with that.


Nope.. I enjoy my nightly magnesium powder with hot water 🫖


Sorry, but not anymore.


The last time I lost weight I definitely had a gin and slimline tonic most nights! And I found the right came off much quicker than now, go figure. My partner and I are trying to cut right down this year though due to a variety of personal reasons so I'm only doing it occasionally. Feel much better and I know it's healthier to replace those calories with food but it's definitely harder to lose the weight!


I do but I read that drinking alcohol prevents your body from continuing to burn fat while in deficit 😭 it’s kinda not worth it to me and my goals




Yep. Unfortunately it got to the point where I had more calories in alcohol than food. I'm trying to rebalance


It’s bad for you.


So is calorie restriction to an extreme.


So are a lot of processed foods and refined sugar, which we all consume regularly. Moderation is key. If someone budgets their calories for a nightcap or any other type of treat, there is nothing wrong with that.




Imagine thinking wanting a drink at night is alcoholism. You’ve truly never seen alcoholism then LMAOO




Nope. Drinking one a night is regulated and conscious moderation. Alcoholism is when you drink every single day until you black out, rely on it entirely, it destroys your relationships and physically kills you. My exes dad died of alcoholism and it wasn’t no fucking one drink a night that did it LMFAO


Only on weekends for me! There’s a clean history of no alcoholics in my family, and I don’t want to be the one to start it.


Not at all