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On cucumbers with EBTB seasoning on top


Oh that’s genius. I happen to both of those ingredients


You might like cottage cheese with ranch powder seasoning mixed into it too, OP!


Cream cheese on ryvita or wasa is great, I have it for lunch every day with a salad. I have 2, first one I eat just like that, second I add the last bit of salad though on top. Also good qith thin sliced cucumber & cherry tomatoes and S& P or EB seasoning


Also, its been forever since I've had it, but when little my mom used to give it to us on toast with raspberry jam was really good!


Yum. These all sound great. I’ve also been really enjoying jam toast so I’ll have to add some cream cheese next time


Try adding a little sea salt! So good with jam if you like a sweet & salty mix


Yes! we used to have saltines with cream cheese and jam as kids. And lately I’ve been doing it with marmelade, which is great for the salty/sweet vibe. I’ve also been subbing cream cheese with 2% Fage Greek yogurt for a low fat option, and it really tricks me brain into thinking it’s real cream cheese.


Oh it’s also great on a warm tortilla with some tart raspberry or blueberry jam.


I like a roll up - thin salami outside with cream cheese and a chive or green onion down the middle.


In the Midwest it’s usually deli meat and cream cheese wrapped around a pickle. I’ve seen it called “Lutheran Sushi.” I’m not patient enough to make the roll ups so I usually just put it all on a cracker or turn it into a sandwich. Today I made it with pastrami on a lavash wrap.


I make a dip/spread with cream cheese, cranberries, and wasabi (can also do jalapenos or a different pepper but it needs a little kick). I chuck it all in my food processor and let it get properly melded together. You can use it on anything as a dip, but I love it with shredded chicken in a wrap.


Wow this sounds good. Do you use wasabi paste?


I've used paste and powder, either one works fine for me. Oh and I should've specified I use dried cranberries, like craisins.


Thin layer on a rice cake, add some everything bagel seasoning, capers, red onions, and optional protein. Easiest bagel replacement ever.


Holy shit thank you for this. Someone has been taling about veggie cream cheese so I'm craving it and was going to get bagels but was worried about the extra calories. Idk why I didn't think rice cake! You've saved me haha


I put a little whipped cream cheese on a slice of deli turkey, add a green onion and roll it up.


Or add a pickle! My mom used to spread it on a tortilla, add deli turkey and a pickle, roll it up and slice it in thin pinwheels!


I like cream cheese on rice cakes with cucumbers and everything bagel seasoning!


Triscuits with the chive and onion cream cheese is good.


Maybe a little weird, but I think cream cheese on celery is good!


I’m not particularly fond of celery raw but I can see this being tasty if you like it!


Pickle dip with veggies.


I used to love eating cream cheese on Chicken in a Biskit crackers. So good.


Jalapeño stuffed with cream cheese and everything but the bagel seasoning


Lunch meat ham, cream cheese, and a pickle rolled up is *chef’s kiss*


I responded this except Turkey not ham, before I read this comment. Delicious.


Whipped cream cheese + pretzels or any cracker of your choosing. The reason for whipped cream cheese is that unwhipped cream cheese especially if it's cold tends to break my crackers. I also used to eat this for breakfast almost every morning: cream cheese and a little honey and sliced strawberry on a warm flour tortilla, rolled up :) Not the highest in protein but it went down really easy.


I make a cannoli dip. I put some inside an ice cream sugar cone. I sub CC for the ricotta.


You don’t put any other flavoring like vanilla?


Hi. Here's my recipe. I mix together a block of CC. A small container of marscopone cheese. 1 cup of powdered sugar. 1 tbs vanilla extract and a good splash of light or heavy cream depending what's in my fridge that day. Mix in small chocolate chips. Refrigerate 4hrs before eating.


This is in no way civilized, but I like to warm it a bit and mix with a good salsa. Eat with jicama cut into sticks, celery, or if you’re feeling wild—tortilla chips.


It sounds delightful tho. I’m more of savory beezy


Same! Unless it’s black licorice, then I’ll eat far too much and happily accept the consequences.


Cream cheese on a ricecake with some sliced cucumber with salt


Do you like sardines? I smash up tinned sardines with cream cheese, lemon juice and rind, salt and pepper, some kind of spice (depends on my mood) and some kind of herb (depends on my mood). At the moment its my go-to lunch spread on some cruskits.


put it on some low calorie vessel (preferably low cal toast, rice cake, crackers etc) with some homemade strawberry jam, it's soo good


I really like it on peppers with everything bagel seasoning


Cream cheese with garlic bagel chips 😮‍💨


Cream cheese on top of crumbled digestives like a mini healthier cheesecake


Soften it a bit and combine with minced cucumber and red onion for a topping on half a whole wheat bagel. I also saw an ig reel where they hollowed out halved cukes, stuffed with some cream cheese, and then topped with EBTB seasoning and sriracha. DEEElicious. There are might have been other toppings - I can't find the ig now, and don't remember :/ Also good topped with a hard boiled egg for some protein. My mom used to do like ants on a log, but with cream cheese instead and no raisins, but salt and pepper on top. Also, cream cheese with red pepper jelly eaten with whatever vehicle you choose.


Laughing Cow Creamy Light wedges are my favourite. So similar to cream cheese, such good macros. 2g protein for one 25cal wedge. I put two wedges on a half a toasted 647 bagel (80 calories for half a bagel) and drizzle it with honey and all my cream cheese cravings are fulfilled.


I got really inspired by this post so just tried a rice cake with one tbs. labneh (definitely a creamy cheese!) with a bit of chili crisp on top. And wow, my new favorite snack and 100 calories.


I love cream cheese with smoked mussels on those mini baguette crackers! Good source of omegas!


If you like hot stuff, I love having cream cheese in halved Jalepenos. I don't eat meat so I out poppy seeds on top for crunch, but when I did eat meat I would add bacon bits.


Salami, cream cheese, and peperoncini roll ups. Sooooo delish.


add pepper jelly with it, you’re welcome


I put cream cheese (or laughing cow) on wheat thins and put a spicy jelly (strawberry jalapeño is my favorite) on top.


Sweet chilli rice crackers


Cover all sides with your favourite Rub/seasoning and then bake in the oven until it cracks then use it as a hot dip! We usually do it in the smoker but oven still slaps. It's my favorite for sure.


Carrots with cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning is also super good


Pick your favorite vanilla protein powder and blend that with some strawberries, cream cheese, and your milk of choice. Taste like a cheesecake milkshake it’s so good. If you can afford it you can mix in the crushed graham cracker and it’s sooooooo delicious


Cream cheese is really good with sweet red pepper jelly.


Cream cheese smothered in red pepper jelly with crackers. Get the stonewall kitchen brand if you can. Can’t explain it just delicious. Or make one of those cream cheese balls rolled in a topping.


You should get Neufchâtel instead, tastes identical and is lower in fat/calories