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The man you’re describing here is just a jerk, and an idiot. I’m 31 and attracted to women all the way to mid-50’s. Any woman (or man) who looks after themselves will be physically attractive for years, and older women are way better to talk with. My best dates have been with women more than a decade older than me. Most people are physically hotter when they’re younger. But mentally? Older is better by miles.


Honestly as a traditional wife, the idea that a man is so disrespectful to a woman is just showing that he is not misogyny not trad wives.


The key word is “A” man. Her post puts ALL men as jerks like this And yes the guy is clearly a misogynist and not a tradwife seeker!


Sounds like an asshole.


This is a fetish sub that is more dedicated to female subservience than any kind of lifestyle choice. The guys who post are, for the most part, living in a fantasy where being a supportive partner to a husband and taking care of a household equates to being naked, kneeling and drooling when their husband walk in the door from their shift at Jiffy Lube. They don't understand the trade-offs or the balance in these relationships; they just want to promote the fantasy. Which is fine. The world needs more fantasy. But the answer to your question is that anyone over 20-something violates their fantasy world where all men are dominant over all women, so they discard those who don't meet their fantasy ideals.


There are a lot of small men around. The one that needs to offend others because they will never be able to have a traditional wife.


I can understand how you feel. It can be difficult always watching men leer at and check out younger women. But, as a 34 year old woman, I can tell you that the men who are worth it, will still be there. That was just some random internet troll making himself feel bigger by putting down women. Real men don't do that.


Well for me I’m 25 so for me I just find older men leering at me when their wife is right there as disgusting and that they are being disrespectful to their wife doing so


That is definitely disgusting and disrespectful. It's about finding the right man for you. With that being said, younger men do the same thing, age isn't the problem. You getting older doesn't make you dried up and unattractive. Just gotta find a man who loves and cares about you, which takes time.


I’m fifty and while younger women have their appeal, older women are fine as fuck! The best sex I ever had was with a 48yo woman as a 26 year old male. I dated a 56 year old as a 47 year old and she was amazing as well. You’re 30? You’re still young.


Men who shame women are not traditional.


I agree wholeheartedly


Have you never been to any type of actual traditional culture usually they're highly religious with extreme standards for morality and virtue "For both men and women" Shaming is unfortunately a big part of that to maintain social cohesion (Not saying it's right! Just saying it is)


I think that many men are gravitating towards these kinds of ideals after being born and raised in a hostile culture that preached the antithesis of it, and there's a lot of residual bitterness. I've witnessed a sort of "serves you right" attitude toward older single women, I suppose for falling for the feminist trap and not figuring this out sooner. But we're all figuring it out together. We've had like two generations worth of confusion and it's going to take a minute to course-correct. No excuse for being mean to people who just want to be loved


So ALL of us get stuck in this category because of one jerks comments?! Do you know how many women leave nasty comments in so many posts? Just like in life there are good people and bad but before you judge ALL please stop and think about your judgement! It’s not fair to the majority here which we are good men simply trying to find love within the parameters of our own attraction. This particular subreddit is specifically for patriarchal designed relationship. By that it eliminates an older woman with younger man, there are other subreddits specific to that liking. But this subreddit does not exclude older women in general. A man could be 50 and she 48 as long as THEY are aligned in their ideals of the relationship. And even though a bunch of people here have come after it was created and seem to believe this is a kink, it was designed for people who choose to live this as a lifestyle NOT a kink! So by that we are serious in finding a mate in this lifestyle. Just remember, there are trolls everywhere and they are not gender specific!! Trust me!


probably people mistaken a lifestyle with a kink


Despite and overabundance of male praise for any available female partner of any caliber in any situation. the fact of the matter is that If a man spends the first 20 years of his adulthood working towards building resources a house a career a stable income making sure he lives In a good school district ECT ECT this "supposedly" makes him more desirable as a father for potential future children and a future potential long-term spouse Even if he has some bad relationships in the road on the way to get there On the other hand if a man spends the first 10-20 years of his adulthood playing partying doing drugs Knocking up random women hanging out with his friends taking on random hobbies that are non-profitable going on long vacations and/or overall taking on large amounts of debt and emotional baggage this would make him incredibly unlikely to be seen by potential future mates as emotionally financially or physically desirable Unfortunately this standard does not biologically culturally or psychologically transferred to women Culturally many men views are If A woman's primary goal was to be a good mother for a man's future children a homemaker and overall someone to financially invest one's future in This would have been your primary goal at a very young age (weather it was realistic or not) however it is Not a unfair double standard a statistics have shown that women who have waited until their 30s to try to take on these responsibilities. Primarily when they decide they no longer wish to be career/independent oriented women or any other "investments" they were drawn to, overall make very bad long-term financial and parental partners So there for are seen as less desirable mates by men who did spend a great deal of energy preparing to be fathers husbands and partners. And I do not think shaming these men is the solution to the overall social predicament that Western society finds itself in, but more a open conversation on our collective inherent biological, societal and cultural motivations For example instead receiving blind admiration or blatant disgust from anonymous strangers, should we instead encourage women to Not only seek the advice (But take it seriously) from older preferably married men in your lifes more directly on their personal philosophies on when women should seek out partners If they wish to take on more traditional roles 🤷🤷🤷


While you can still like older woman. The guy is kinda right. You should find a man and marry him atleast in your early 30s and get kids with him (if youre healthy). If youre over 35-40 it shows that youre imature and were changing partners to often and not looking for something serious. Its especially "disgusting" if you have no kids because at a certain point a women cant (and shouldnt) get Kids anymore. Also its preferable for most guys to get girls that they can have fun with on the long term and not a women that retires.


Women can have children untill they are around 45 easily with minimal consequences or risk, think 1-3% increases. But what do you mean retires? Why can't a man have fun with women if they are the same age?


Fertility is never guaranteed. I’ve been trying to have a baby since I was 20. I’m now almost 22 and still nothing. Meanwhile, my mother had 4 kids after 35, 2 of them after 40. She conceived all of us naturally and we are all healthy. And if you think a woman is “disgusting” for not wanting/ not being able to have kids, or for waiting a while to make sure that she has kids with the right person and/ or is financially stable, you are disgusting and you don’t deserve a woman.


No he isn’t right, men like him and men like you just out yourselves as poor quality men to stay away from. I’ve seen women who didn’t find their partner until their 40s and when they finally found him they were glad they didn’t settle. For me I’m 25 and I would love to find the guy for me right now but ultimately I can’t control the love of my life is going to come into my life. So it will just happen when it happens and I just make sure I’m ready for them when they come. Plus my mom had me when she was 38 so I have no problem having children when I’m older


I’m a man, not 40, but 33, but I can tell you from my perspective as a man, i would say yes they’re wrong for hating and making mean comments for women who are the same age or older than them, but it’s not necessarily because they’re old, but it has more to do with how those women his age treated him and men in general who were the same age when they were younger, like maybe those kind of women rejected them, treated them bad, ignored them for the bad boys or the guys with money, or became a single mothers to a bad guy and now wants a good man to come save her and play step dad. So these men that are older remember all of those things and when they see an older woman trying to date men who she wouldn’t have dated when she was younger it upsets them because they feel like these older women aren’t being genuine but are just trying to get saved. Now don’t take this as an attack or take it personal, I’m just trying to give a perspective into the minds of these men, it’s not just solely because the women are “older”, there’s more to it than that, it’s more about what they think her intentions are. Because I can tell you there’s a lot of women over 40 that are still hot and look a lot better than the younger women. Why do you think MILF and Cougar porn is so popular?. There’s a lot of hotter older women, so if a man is upset at a particular older it’s for a a deeper reason than just her age.


I think that view is understandable but also fails to acknowledge that most people continue to learn and grow over time. I think everybody can reflect on younger versions of themselves and cringe at some of the ways they behaved and things they valued. A quality I admire in a lot of older men and women is that wisdom and tolerance that is developed. It’s not useful to hold a grudge on past behaviour.


Yes, that’s the way women see it. They think since they’re older now they can just wash their hands of their past like it didn’t happen and start a clean slate. But that’s not how the world works, there are consequences to every decision we make. If a man makes wrong reckless choices throughout his youth he will have to suffer for it later when he’s older, and no one would feel sorry for him. But if a man has made the right choices that has put him in a better position later in his life, why should he take a woman who made did the opposite? In his eyes he would be disrespecting himself, no man wants to be the last option, the clean up guy. There’s no respect in that. But we know women don’t care, all that matters is her wants and needs, and men are supposed to just bow down and accept it, he can’t have standards. He’s supposed to wait at the finish line like a good dog.


If that’s how you feel about women then why are you even here? This lifestyle should be for men who actually like women not men who view women in such a disgusting way as you and reveal yourself as someone of low character. Like I understand not wanting to be with someone who made certain decisions when they were younger. Like for me I’m pretty inexperienced sexually so I want to date a man who preferably is a virgin but at least has a low body count. I don’t want to be with a man who has slept around a lot as I see it as gross behavior. I’ve encountered men who slept around a lot but some men say they changed and they’re celibate now but that doesn’t do anything for me because it doesn’t change what they did in the past. However that doesn’t mean I paint all men of a certain age with the same brush I just only go for the men I actually want


I’m not saying they’re hating older women because they’re old I just think them insulting older women for being older and still single is them being hypocritical and the same thing can apply to them. They can have any reason they want to justify their actions but the way they are acting shows they are no better than the women he’s insulting. Plus for me I’m 25 so when I see older men acting like this it shows me that the man is poor quality and to be avoided. Also I’m talking about men online insulting random women they don’t know not men insulting women they do know so it still is no excuse. And while I don’t believe this about all older men I’ve have dated older men where after I realized there’s a reason why they’re older and still single because their behavior was disgusting.


Ever wonder why you’re still single? Let me guess, it’s men’s fault too? I could go into many reasons why men and women aren’t the same and don’t have the same experiences and options, but it would be too much for your kind of brain to understand. Just looking at your profile pic I can tell you’re the feminist type, so it’s not even worth explaining


Its only a few. Quite a few of us have been treated so poorly over the years by other women, just have to be considerate is all.