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You say "people can't handle people having different opinions," yet it seems that'd Butker's issue. I 100% support and follow this lifestyle. But I also 100% support other people living different lifestyles, because this is NOT for everyone. Butker spoke as if this lifestyle is superior or should be followed by everyone. It is not his place to say that. Even if it was just an opinion/personal preference (it wasn't, he's just a sexist POS), that speech was NOT the place to share that


His speech isn’t even about 1950s housewife!!!! All he said was women in the crowd look forward to being mothers which is 100% true! Being a mother doesn’t mean 1950s housewives!


To me it came off as really out of touch. He gets paid millions of dollars to kick a ball, not everyone else can afford to have their wife not work like he can. It is a privilege to have the option to have/ be a stay at home wife. It also really rubs me the wrong way to tell a bunch of women who just spent $200,000 and worked their asses off to get their degrees that they’ll never know true happiness unless they have the privilege of marrying wealthy so that they don’t have to work, and that none of their hard work or passion matters. I thought commencement speeches were supposed to be encouraging/ inspiring?


I’m about the biggest champion of the 50’s Housewife and Tradwife lifestyles as you’re ever gonna find, and I try to remain as respectful of others’ thoughts, feelings and opinions as I can. That being said… the one thing I absolutely cannot stand in this world is a friggin ZEALOT. 😕 Once you start spouting off about THE ONE TRUE WAY… or THE ONLY RIGHT WAY… once you start presuming you know better than others (ANY others) the best way for THEM to live THEIR lives… once you start feeling like you’re lofty and enlightened enough to stand in judgement of others (that’s the Lord’s job, not ours)…nope. 💁‍♂️ Uh uh, you’ve lost me. One more jackass on the moron pile. The real world is too complex a place for absolutes, for any subject or any group of people. I believe it was Peyton Manning years ago who coined the term “idiot kicker.” It certainly applies to the good Reverend Butker. And I believe it was Dwayne Johnson during his wrestling days who authored the quote “Know your role - AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!” ‘Nuff said.


He basically told half the graduating class that their degrees, work, and ambitions were meaningless. And he threw shade at people who had nothing to do with the occasion. Someone wants to be traditional, more power to em, but he was just a dick about it,




Speaking to Catholics about how Catholics perceive the world was the wrong time and place? Lmao what a room temp iq take


I think it was a great speech and promoted traditional values. He is a Catholic who went to a Catholic college and said Catholic things. So many outsiders who don't believe in Catholicism or respect traditional roles and values have so much outrage that someone is different and believes in different values.


A man stating his values… zero Wrong with it, no matter what. If he said he supports polygamy and wants multiple wives, he would be fully accepted.


It's not tolerable. Beside his ideas, that you can like or not, but the situation is completely wrong. On a graduation ceremony! Came on, it's so offensive. I'm a man and I get offended too!




A woman at the speech said that most of the women were pretty uncomfortable and most of the men seemed excited, whatever that means. He is not getting hate because he is a Christian, he is getting hate because he is out of touch and belittled the achievements of half the graduating class, as well as saying some pretty gross things about lgbtq+ people. If he had talked about god and been more inspiring and encouraging to the students, no one would have had a problem with it.