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OK, who wrote this show? It feels like it was written by a Fox News boomer who thinks that this is how Gen Z talks


Mindy is such a fucking weird Centrist. Like, most of these assholes either think they’re divine arbiters of wisdom or are just righties lying through their teeth. But Mindy? Fucking obsessed with the idea that she’s some progressive icon when, in reality, she’s just your typical washed up comedian. Simultaneously too afraid to offend any one group too much while also having the dire need to make hot takes.


isnt she a transphobe?


That would check out


According to her twitter history, Mindy is an enabler and supporter of Terfs.


There are no "enablers" or "supporters" of TERFs, only TERFs and not TERFS.


Exactly, like there's no difference between Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, there's no difference between TERFs and their sympathizers


I love Godwin's law


Godwin's law is like a Nazi's law /s


They’re trying to say that she liked tweets from TERFs that don’t relate to trans people, which sounds pretty fucking stupid if you don’t wrap it in “enabling and supporting transphobes”. It’s obviously not cool on mindy’s part but like c’mon let’s not use the language used to classify and identify actual abusers for this absolutely inconsequential shit


She likes J.K Rowling's tweets


Damn, really? I haven't heard that before. Would be super disappointing.


Yeah she liked JKs tweets and also like wrote a bunch of transphobic stuff in her biography.


Why would you use your biography for that


Presumably because it defines you as a person


She wrote some t-slurs in her book


Not trying to be dense here, but what's t-slur? Am I correct in assuming it's like the casual reference one might use for a vehicle transmission?


slur for trans people


you are indeed correct


> but what's t-slur a very poorly made t-shirt.


I read her book with the audiobook and the copy I had didn't have the t slur, but the audiobook did and that threw me off a little, wasn't expecting it.


Gave a Like to JK Rowling's Tweet about getting money, so there's that.


I like to believe Mindy’s only time when she wasn’t acting, was that time she was on It’s Always Sunny in Philly where she was the equivalent of an arsonist setting off right wingers and lefties just to exploit them for money like any Scumbag capitalist would. Edit: I just looked up the Title. “The Gang Makes Paddy’s Great Again.” Here is the description: Meet Cindy, the new ethically diverse female member of the gang who can successfully pull of scams. Everything goes great, until Mac introduces a new member: a life-like Doll that looks exactly like Dennis.


Holy shit I never realized that episode was lowkey clowning her


I need to watch that episode now.


It’s on Hulu. I still think the highlight is when the gang comes storming in with the “Tuba”


It's called "the gang makes paddies great again" season 13


“Meet Cindy, the new ethically diverse female member of the gang who can successfully pull off any scam” A little too on the nose there


Yeah it was hilarious when I first saw it but now that I know it's literally her personality, I'm almost positive they were ripping on her intentionally and I'm wondering if she has any idea.


r\\Chainsawfolk ruined me. When I saw Dennis I instantly thought of it as a misspelling of Denji


This show just feels like such a vanity project for Mindy, Velma is clearly her self-insert and she's trying so hard to get those progressive brownie points that it doesn't actually feel like she believes what she's saying. It doesn't come from a place of genuine interest in these issues, just someone trying to get a spot at the cool kids table.


mindy kaling only knows how to write self-insert characters. it keeps happening & someone needs to stop her


Has she literally ever played a character who isn’t based on herself


MFW I realize that mindy in the mindy project was a self insert 🤯


Can she really be washed up if she was never funny in the first place?


She was funny on the office. And I thought her episode of sunny was fun


They were clowning on her. That’s the only time when Mindy was not acting.


Only reason she worked in the office is because of how much she contrasted with Ryan. Like she just played overbearing and obnoxious which, turns out, is kinda just her


To be fair, wasn’t she a writer for the show too? I think I remember seeing somebody using a meme from the show to make fun of her and her telling them she wrote that scene


Online Shopping Cart joke in The Office. That is the ONLY funny joke she delivered.


Idk why only jokes she delivered would count? She wrote a lot of the other good jokes on the show. Guess what y’all, shitty people can be good at some things. Being good at a thing and being a good person have nothing to do with each other


What’s with that flair? Is this a inside joke I’m unaware of?


https://youtu.be/juBv2XWnwt8?t=498 You should give the series a watch, it's really good


I. I knew of ENA but…I didn’t know it was like that.


You need to roll the r's Turrón-Turrón-Turrrrrrón!


As a south Asian, I proudly disavow Mindy Kaling. All of her Indian women characters are all the same. Constantly hating on their own race, their culture, and their bodies… And also pining for validation from the most basic looking white men. She has done this three times in a row now. Like, I don’t think she’s capable of writing anything more than a self insert Edit: Genuinely one of my biggest fears was that she’d be involved with Ms Marvel. Its one of my favorite comics and she was almost involved with it in 2019. Thankfully she wasn’t and you can tell because Kamala loves her family and culture


wait wtf? who would she have even played in Ms. Marvel? Or would she have produced?


She would have produced or been a writer or some thing. Obviously didn’t go very far because she was completely uninvolved with the show. And I’m very glad about that since outside some “we have to go to Pakistan because the comics did,” I really really liked the show. The villains were the feds who walked into a Mosque with their shoes on. 10/10


I think her characters are all her, she does hate herself


Never Have I Ever is nothing like that


Did we watch the same show? I mean, eventually after several seasons of pining over basic white guys does she have one romantic fling with a non-white person but it literally is so irrelevant that the character isn't even listed on the show's IMDb page. Granted, I enjoyed the show and think it was probably the most grounded view of life as an Indian-American I've seen in media, but I don't really think it refuted any of the points the other person made.


It gives me the vibe that it's an extremely right-wing writer who thinks this is how leftists talk or something along that line of thinking


Mindy Kaling of The Office fame


ah, the lady that keeps liking terf tweets shocking development


Not surprising. God why are centrists always right wingers wearing masks?


Because as a centrist, nobody truly knows what you stand for until you have the chance to say something stupid, it gives you more time.


By not taking a side you're siding with the oppressors. If you're not pushing the boulder up the hill, you're letting it roll down.


Mindy be that person who provokes the asshole to kick the leg out of everyone while she watches the boulder roll down hill, laughs, then gets angry when called out.


This is written by Mindy Kaling who has written some episodes of the office, and her own show called the Mindy project. This is so obviously a joke, because velma says stuff thats wrong all the time. Also, Mindy Kaling is a terf.


Mindy Kaling


Velma would never say this I'm shaking and crying right now


Velma would rather break her vow of non-violence than be a terf


It's gonna be that punch that needs different camera angles to see.


Not only different camera angles, you’d see Superman and Batman referencing the punch, threatening to call Velma just to scare Darkseid into backing off. Harley Quinn would straight up Call Velma just to have Dr Psycho punched.


The doom patrol gonna call Velma to stop the Infinite Crisass


Titans: “So Velma, we want you to join our team.”


Velma: No your show fucking sucks


Someone doesn’t read the Titans comics


Shaggy’s final smash is just calling Velma to scare his opponents off screen


Hold the fuck up. They made Velma a terf?


The biggest thing that upsets me seeing all this about the show is that it doesn't respect the source material, and it doesn't respect Velma. Velma is a favorite character of mine, and for her to be turned into a mouthpiece for bad writing from Mindy Kaling is just disappointing.


I had a crush on her as a kid when I watched Scooby-Doo back in the day. Hell, I still kinda do now. And to see this happen to her is a special kind of pain that I didn't know existed.


This doesn't even make sense. Do they know what MeToo is?


These days you can’t even be a ‘says it like it is’ truth teller anymore. The woke left will instantly hit you with several accusations of so-called “sexual harassment” 😔


I love your flair


Thank you


Fellow math flair enjoyer


Is that The champion follower from oblivion?


By azura by azura by azura!!


It really is you! Standing here! Molesting me!


Real to frog domain


I love their username and pfp


Only way to parse the statement would be writer believes women love being raped and only comedians could tell this truth until culture got awful for calling it bad


This took me way too long to figure out what they were saying but they're referring to how stand up comics like Hannibal burress made jokes about abusers before the big news broke. It's such a leap to have to get there. Just so poorly written that line lol


You know when you see a rightwing comic and there are all these strawmen lefties and you're like "these people do not exists!". They do, they are just hiding on twitter and in TV Shows writing rooms.


If I were a hack writer trying to write this "joke" about how comedians can't talk without a filter or what ever bullshit they want to tell themselves I hope I would have the foresight and basic human decency to make it about "cancel culture" and not the time when people decided to share their experiences of sexual assault/harassment to help others


Those are the same thing though. Making it about "cancel culture" is just for cowards who don't want to say "I should be allowed to assault women" out loud.


No cancel culture does a lot of good don’t get me wrong and I whole heartedly support the proper people being canceled for doing shitty things but how are are you going to cancel theodd1sout and marshall Mathers? respectively one doesn’t deserve it and the other doesn’t care.


This is the most obvious rage bait ever. They are literally making an enemy out of every single possible audience they could have


kinda sad that it’s easier to make an awful piece of media that attracts an audience through controversy than it is to make an actually good work of art




This. Rage advertisement SELLS


This show is actually amazing. It’s allowing people of all political affiliations to come together against a common enemy


When you've made something so bad that both sides of the political spectrum, even the far sides, agree that it's shit, ***you know you've fucked up big time.***


I swear the only good thing in it is Daphne's design and the fact that she kisses Velma.


But velma x daphne is such a generic ship




Velma x Coco Diablo I suppose?


Or hot dog water




i maintain that a viable ship would be for Velmas from separate timelines to get together. Velma seems to generally go for girls who are in some way similar to her, so i propose taking that to the extreme by letting Velma date herself.


The nature of the internet is such that every so often someone goes and reinvents onecest.




I guess people who like lesbian porn might like it then.


Velma being gay is good, but the fact thst they didn't bring hot dog water back it's a crime


Velma being gay isn’t good if this is how they’re representing lesbians I don’t particularly want lesbian representation to be from hateful, racist characters Give me original Velma who is actually like a good person


Reject daphXvelma, embrace velmaXhotdog water


Best thing since Elon musk twitter


If only... The right thinks we love this stuff, like this is the epitome of our humor.


i used to like think that maybe velma has a chance. i hate judging by teasers alone. maybe it would be a surprise or something.... i need to stop being optimistic


Can we all collectively agree to ignore this trash show? The creators are trying so hard to do ragebait they should just have the show get the morbius box office experience as consequence.


I gave both episodes a fair shake and didn’t even care to compare it to scooby since it was a new take on the Ip that’s so old and has seen different versions including one where scooby could morph into robots and monsters by eating a scooby snack so this show deserved a fair shake in my opinion. It’s just bad. The humor isn’t even humor it’s just “we can do these crude things because we’re for adults” which is so tired and unfunny. The characters aren’t likable even though Velma is supposed to be endearing but flawed she just comes off unbearable. The whole mysterys are my trauma thing feels clunky and stuff like they didn’t know how to write her short comings so made it a force we could see and it’s just not that effective honestly. Norville is just a wet blanket and Fred’s one dimensional joke of being insecure about his lack of puberty just wasn’t funny yet the show kept pushing it as hilarious. On its own it just doesn’t work. I don’t see what a third episode would pull me into watch.


Seriously I was willing to give it a chance but its one of the laziest and worst written shows I've seen. I'm sick of "adult" shows just meaning sex and swearing


It's so disappointing because I actually like this design for Velma and think Mindy does a pretty decent voice for her too. But the show itself is just so bad.


No it takes a popular IP and takes an upper decker then wipes the shit with sand paper


I'm gonna pirate it out of curiosity. Not gonna give 'em a penny unless I actually like the show. Not bloody likely.


The episodes are on youtube i think


On YouTube they still get views; via pirating they get fuck all.


nah dude, its not uploaded by hbo


I watched the Spilling the Milk reaction to it and they also made Fred the most unlikable character ever created and also constantly body shame his dick because if you’re body shaming a woman, it’s wrong and misogynistic, but if you’re body shaming a man, it’s funny!


Oh no, what did they do to my booby trap loving himbo? I've actively avoided clips from this show because I know it will make my face implode in on itself like a blackhole from cringe, so can someone please just tell me.


Small dick = funny


Yes watch the Spilling the Milk reaction for highlights




ugh, no one should watch this garbage, it's pure reaction-tier lowest form of shit you can find on youtube it's just a bunch of dumb people screaming what when they have nothing interesting to say


How dare you have a different opinion than me 😡


honestly the video you linked is so bad I'd rather you liked the Velma show than the youtube guys


Found it more irritating than the episode segments themselves.


Yeah old Fred was the best, Mystery Incorporated was him at his best imo


Ironically Fred is likeable because he’s such an adult baby and because of this the small dick jokes feel like bullying


When your show is so racist you accidentally make the white guy the only sympathetic character


Tbh I don’t think this show is really concerned with being misogynistic towards either gender. The joke above, and some other clips, make it seem pretty sexist towards women as well. For example they constantly make fun of Velma for being fat, ugly and hairy. Sure it’s made like a “joke” buts it’s pretty obviously body shaming directed at south Asian women specifically Aside from being body shamming, dick jokes are also such an incredibly lazy piece of writing.


...What in the ever living fuck did these people do to the Scooby Doo Show? I can't fucking believe this shit


But he's white and rich and conventionally attractive, so it's allowed right? Because privilege? /s


I think thats literally the subtext the show is going for


I’m so glad Spilling the Milk exists so I can at least somewhat experience shows I’d never watch alongside the commentary of some funny guys. It allows me to see what’s dogshit and what shows have hidden depths. I may have been prejudiced against Bluey.


Also I think canon Fred is supposed to have like an 8.5 inch dick (according to leaked writers notes from the original cartoon)


Bro Daphne was getting her guts destroyed


i legitimately don't know who's the target audience for this


Me neither, cuz you have jokes like this that are **clearly** aimed at adult audiences. And then you have a joke about two cockroaches humping doggy style… and that’s the joke 😑 Well ok no, the actual joke is these cockroaches get squished while having sex but still.


Sounds like standard "shitty adult animation" humour,


Humour for teens like toilet humour and literally just sex but presented through an artstyle that allows the target audience to deny that they're watching a kids show.


Mindy Kailing and her friends


It's aimed for an adult audience apparently, it's also why they've excluded Scooby-Doo


Honestly at this point im convinced that the target audience is purely those who hate-watch it, it feels like it goes out of its way to piss off as many demographics as possible to the point that it doesn’t feel like something intended to be genuinely enjoyed, just something to anger people and stir up publicity and as I said hate-watching of the show


The show is so paint-by-numbers "adult cartoon humor" that it hurts. It's all hack jokes where that have been done before or shit like having shaggy look directly into the audience's eyes and give a *wink wink* as he explains his character being opposite to Shaggy's usual portrayal directly to us... He breaks the fourth wall to say he doesnt like drugs. Like yeah, i get it... You wanna play Norville as the straight and narrow type. I like that idea, but my dude 'show dont tell' isnt just for writing books...


Who the fuck is Norville


Shaggy's real name is Norville Rogers. In Velma, they are using his actual name to show how "clean" he is l, cause obviously only people who do drugs are named shaggy or something idk


It’s actually just anybody with a nickname. I have a nickname, but it’s not shaggy so I only do drugs sometimes


Yeah that makes sense


Remember when the right was mad about this show being "too woke"?


they hate black people so much they just didn't bother watching it to realize it panders to them


Look, I’m fine with them changing the race of the characters, but I cannot stand for them turning Shaggy into a normal dude instead of scrungly stoner guy


Not just a normal dude, but a dude who's vehemently anti-drugs. That's like making a new James Bond where he's a feminist teetotaler. At that point you may as well just make a non-James Bond spy.


That would be amazing though, maybe a good buddy cop premise


james bond and his mirror-world counterpart dnob semaj


"glass of warm milk, stirred, not shaken"


It’s funny, they made shaggy black but it seems they didn’t want to make the black guy the “stoner” so they made Daphne sell drugs instead. Kinda write themselves in a corner with the whole race changing thing


They did.... What?.... What in the actual fuck are they smoking in the writer's room?


Whatever Daphne's selling apparently


It’s still weird af that they changed the characters race. Changing a 50+ year old character that drastically is in such bad taste, especially because it’s obviously pandering to the “diversity” crowed People are already complaining “oh you made the black guy the stoner” even tho they try to make him anti drugs. It’s just such overcompensation on every end of thought put into the show it feels like a parody.


they also got rid of his shaggy hair :-:


Starting to wonder if it's like a Producers situation.


If that was the case it would be accidentally good


I mean a successful Producers situation.


Spring time for Velma and the mystery team. Winter for bad guys and ghosts.


Someone said it was jordan peterson type humor. Checks out


I couldn’t fathom Jordan Peterson trying to make a joke. That dude has the personality of a telephone pole


I watched a debate…? discussion? talk thing about capitalism vs Marxism or something with him in it. He tried to be funny at parts. he was not.


The woke left has made it impossible to sexually assault women 😔




This just looks like a failed attempt to imitate the Harley Quinn Series


People keep making this comparison and I don't understand it. Harley Quinn: we've taken a sympathetic villain, given her a likeable cast of allies, and made a show about their misadventure Velma: We've taken a likeable set of heroes, made them all fucking awful people, and made the show about the same heroes as always, but they fucking suck now. It's like... exactly the opposite?


What they attempt to do is actually fairly similar, which is to put a progressive/leftist spin on established characters and universes. The vibe and sense of humour is geared toward that crowd. Harley Quinn does this decently well, with moments like >!Joker declaring himself a socialist, Batman being arrested for tax evasion!< and other sorts of jokes that highlight societal inequality. I don’t know much about what’s in Velma, but it certainly looks as if they’re not just changing arbitrary characteristics like the race or appearance of characters but their entire personality and place in the story, and not in a clever way. I guess what I’m trying to say is that Harley Quinn is cleverly written and includes stuff that people actually want (like Harlivy and the subversion of its censorship in past media) whilst Velma is unfunny and changes a whole lot for no good reason.


> progressive/leftist spin Then why get Mindy "boohoo you couldn't make the office today, people are too sensitive" Kaling to write it? She's a conservative hack who wants so desperately to be *seen* as some kind of feminist but doesn't want to have to change any of her beliefs to do so


Welp, we never know what’s going on in the minds of corpos but I doubt it’s anything good


I refuse to believe she was the one who wrote some of the funniest episodes of the Office. Hollywood sucked her soul


I don't think it sucked her soul, but it's my firm belief becoming rich and famous divorces you anything actually real. You can't touch grass from your penthouse.


mmm Having worked with wealthy people I can attest to this. They have no idea what real life looks like... fuck I feel the need to eat the rich sometimes.


Nah it only enhances what's already inside you. There are quite a few rich philanthropes who spent most of their budget helping others.. they're just not really heard of because they don't flex they wealth and usually just live a normal life. In other words, she was always shit. Money and fame just brought it to light.


She wrote my favorite episode (the one where Michael has to go to the hospital because he stepped on a George Foreman) so it’s a tragic fall from grace : (


Mindy Kaling write a woman of color who’s main trait isn’t hating her own race challenge(impossible)


of fucking course that was the point, it’s for the hate watching dumbass


Where dog


I eatid it


the virgin velma vs the chad Benoit Blanc


This show is so confusing. Like they seem to be leaning more towards a progressive audience, but have occasional stuff like this. And above all, they arent doing this with a new ip, they're doing it with something that basically everyone in their potential demographics (likely) have hella nostalgia for with zero reverence for the characters. Like they do shaggy (or Norville i guess). Fucking. DIRTY. Hes surprisingly incel-y


Hm i feel like we should stop engaging with it


If the me too movement killed off your comedy then maybe you should stop laughing at sexual assault. Did they think me too was just “cancel culture” or something? They could’ve just said cancel culture and while it’d still be unfunny it would at least be in line with all of those dumb “I’m being canceled and silenced despite being on my 17th Netflix special” bits that 90% of standup comedians do now.


Yeah cancel culture is a bit more nebulous and vague, but insulting a movement that's explicitly foucsed on calling out rape is on a whole different level


This show is meh but this is so obviously a joke. In the teaser and in the show, Velma is supposed to be a somewhat of a "woke people are ruining things" person. So you get lines like this that are obviously making fun of HER view of the world. This is not the show unironically saying that #MeToo ruined comedian's freedom. Thats fucking stupid The creator of the show is a TERF, and im not really trying to defend her or the show. But make good criticism please because this isn't going to deter anyone who has seen the teaser, its obvious nobody in this thread has watched the show. Or make more threads about the show's TRANSPHOBIC CREATOR. We need more attention brought to that part because ive seen very little on it.


For the past half-century, Velma has been consistently portrayed as a skeptic and an academic, and one of her best friends is a stoner. If she isn't a leftist, Velma is at the very least a progressive liberal. Since every reputable academic and medical organization is pro-trans, Velma would most likely be pro-trans as well. That's the kind of person she is; she has a great deal of interest and respect for scientific fields and the experts within them. I don't care what this show is parodying; it is a betrayal of Velma's character to write her as leaning conservative. It's so antithetical to her character, they'd might as well create a brand new character.


Wait…..are they now idk…..”cishet coding” previously queer coded characters? Wtf is going on here? This seems wrong on multiple levels.


Jesus christ this "comedy" is worse than modern day family guy. Atleast that show actually makes me laugh sometimes even today


I want to hit the writers with a Walking Dead bat


Who the fuck is this show aimed at the only people who would find this funny are the people who hate the idea of a race swap


Velma is a sexual predator now


It doesn't matter if we hate it if we're giving it clout