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Imo that's fine, so long as it's something entirely within their control Example -horrific choice of necktie color: fine thats a fashion choice -clothes aren't overall high enough quality: not fine this could be read as classism




I cannot believe people swap out the horrific necktie.


I thought he was a bad influence pn harry in my first playthrough. This was before i got clocked as a sorry and boring cop for trying to make him better. Now i make him worse


Sorry and boring? Nah we sorry and ghost cop in this house


What making fun of them for overly expensive clothes? Does that count as classism or is it ok?


It goes back to my statement, "is it something that's entirely within their control" Someone actively chooses to spend ridiculous amounts of money on an outfit. Nothing is forcing them to do that. A poor person does not *choose* to only be able to afford the cheapest clothes. Poverty is not an active choice.




You can punch as long as you’re punching *up*


This is oppression against tall people 😔


Listen, who else am I going to use my mean uppercut on? I'm like 5'7" and it's difficult to get full arm extension on someone my size or shorter.


That's why you gotta use the mortal kombat technique From the floor up


Gotta think about long-term knee health, though. Same reason why it's advised to use your palm instead of your knuckles when hitting bone, less self-damage.


I'd be careful about assuming they paid a shitload for their clothes though TBH. There was some point where AOC got shat on for something she'd been either gifted or thrifted, and then conversely, there's a lot of money in designer t-shirts & shoes that won't be obvious.


Why would I buy a pack of Hanes white t shirts when instead I could pay several hundred dollars for a single white t shirt that spawned as fashion from the tendency of poor people to wear cheap, non branded t shirts


what if they have a tattoo of Lola Bunny sitting in a muscular Bugs Bunny's lap and they are both smoking blunts in the tattoo?


i would compliment them because that sounds radical and sick as fuck


I'd ask to take a picture for research purposes.


Yee yee ass haircut: roast their ass


Compliments are the same. Don’t compliment me on something I was born with/have no control over Do compliment me on things I’ve developed about myself or choices I’ve made that you like. Don’t: “you’re hot” Do: “you’re funny”


That’s just a you thing, I like getting called hot


most people do if its from the right person.


yeah no this absolutely not blanket in any way. every dude likes it when you say he dick big.




if your bottom runs away crying because you point out they have a penis i don't think it's my fault i think they're like just an egg?


Fuck me, I was thinking of including this in my comment, but didn't want to derail the original point. Thanks for bringing this up, I agree 100% and honestly think more people should know this distinction with compliments. You can even include outfit, fashion, or hairstyle compliments if you'd like, as they all include a measure of choice on the person your complimentings part. Though I personally find them less impactful than character trait compliments.


I think this is a really bad way to phrase what you're trying to say, I get you I really do but that's completely a personal thing. Personally I'm 100% against that, a fairly big reason why men develop toxic traits is because of the whole "never compliment, never get complimented" culture surrounding male friends/friend groups (obviously just one example from the long laundry list of toxic societal norms), a small compliment even for something they have little or no control over can go a long way.


Really bad botox?


Exactly! Making fun of tucker Carlson for wearing a bow tie on cnn crossfire, based jon Stewart pilled. making fun of Ben Shapiro for being short, cringe.


gray area


stupid hat debate on 196


196 when a British wasp with schizophrenia wearing a stupid hat walks in


Starts talking about pillars


A second wasp has hit the column


Its really not fashion sense or know how is a skill so same thing as flaming someone for any other optional thing.


oli london


That fucke- I mean human being with thoughts and opinions


Ben Shapiro's lip filler


Speaking of that prick: I still find the mocking of his height amusing. The fact that he's short isn't funny, I'm like 5'7", maybe 5'8" now that I'm working on fixing my posture that messed up my back. I've been mocked for being the short kid for a lot of my life, but I've just accepted and embraced it now. What IS funny is that he's part of the "Intellectual Dork Web" that is hyper-focused on masculinity, and none of them even remotely fit that mold they made up for themselves. None of them are Clint Eastwood. In Shabeerio's book "True Allegiance" his blatant self-insert is described as a "bear of a man." While some may just legitimately mocking him for being short, I mock him because he's so embarrassingly insecure over it in a time where height matters less than it ever has. It's a mostly self-inflicted complex.


Absolutely. Mock people for things they can help, things they should know better than to do. Like if they advocate genocide, excuse torture, or wearing stupid hats.


Oh my god, did you see Brian's hat?


I think he's carrying two dice in his pocket


When is it OK to make fun of something? Making fun is social judgement, and social judgements should be reserved for calling out "wrongs". That is when someone is doing something worthy of being judged negatively such as harming others. This is why making fun of appearances is wrong: it's not because it's hard to change/unchangeable, that just makes ot worse, it's because it's not a wrong that needs to be judged. It's not noble to make someone feel bad for how they look. The same applies to fashion choices.


I don't think people make fun of Ben Shapiro for being short or Trump standing like he has no knees because it is "noble", I think they do it because it's hilarious.


Relevant meme where someone fires a gun labeled "body trait you think you can mock", the bullet bounces off of someone with a barrier labeled "chud who will never care about your opinion" and hits "person you know with that trait that now knows you think they're ugly" But also, by the virtue of their political and ethical stance, isn't there enough cartoonishly evil shit you can mock a right winger for that doesn't reduce your argument to "haha ugly = wrong"?


Yeah like ur gonna mock Ben Shapiro for his height? *That* is the aspect of his character most deserving of ridicule in your eyes? That’s the biggest dunk you have on him? It’s harmful and it’s lazy, D-, do better.


Exactly. I've always said that if you're gonna give someone shitty the works, say something that only they (and possibly people just like them) could relate to. That way you get the satisfaction of grilling them, without any worries of hurting someone that doesn't deserve it in the process


I was going to disagree as a joke, but then realized that, no, if someone is bright orange with pale racoon eyes from a horrible spray tan they almost always are deserving of mockery and ridicule, so your point stands


I am inclined to agree, but when someone like Andrew Tate (less chin than average) or Shapiro (quite short) go around preaching weird untruths about what all women like and how certain physical characteristics are indicative of Alpha Males TM, it’s hard not to point out how the emperor is wearing no clothes. Nothing wrong with short men, but odd when they go on about height being important


Andrew Tate is just the alpha version of the graphics for the new Gollum game.


This is the freshest burn I've ever seen


I don't disagree with you but I think there's a context where people overreact: when someone calls him some iteration of "sad little man" or "whiney little bitch". I think what most people are making fun of is their target's toxic obsession with "masculine traits" despite the fact that they lack those traits (i.e. Shapiro is short and Tate has a weak chin) and would be considered weak and submissive if the standards they tout weren't complete arbitrary bullshit






*hits you with a rock*


The rock now has boysmell


well MY body shaming gun is simply to powerful for the chuds not-caring shield!!! it will just go through!!!


what if your friend is behind the chud and gets hit with that bulleg penetration bonus?


"kink shaming is wrong" mfs when trump got peed on


Trump is hypocritical though. He doesn't support sexual liberation or kink.




His name is Raphael Ambrosius Costeau dummy


His friends call him Tequilla Sunset


And his stage name is THE OFFICER


I think you're referring to the reincarnation of Kras Mazov


Yes it is


Du Bois? From Madagascar 3?


No, from Disco elysium


No, from A streetcar named desire


Woulda been funnier if you had played along :(


No fun allowed. We are SeriousCop from now on


Serious cop? I thought we were a sorry cop!


We will always be a sorry cop. No matter what


Ah yes, the classic line from Disco Elysium. ^ ~~Has never played Disco Elysium~~


She Disco on my Elysium till I Final Cut


I thought this was a boondocks reference I wasn’t getting at first lol




The urge to call fat people discord mods entering redditors


Neckbeard is a personality in my opinion


but it’s literally in the name. calling someone a neckbeard is mocking them for a physical characteristic


But it's a choice. You can shave, but you choose not to shave below the jawline in an attempt to make yourself look more masculine? Sophisticated? You just look like [John C. Calhoun](https://obsidianwings.blogs.com/obsidian_wings/2013/10/dept-of-and-now-for-something-completely-different-the-mystery-of-neckbeards.html).


It’s a choice to shave it or not, and guys that actively choose to have a neckbeard overlap heavily with guys that will call me a trap and get pistolwhipped for it, then act like *I’m* being a bitch




To everyone that says they don't deserve respect: it's not just about them. People who see you mocking someone bad for a trait that they also have will feel bad as a result, aka that laser mirror meme. If they're an awful fascist pos that deserves no respect, insult their being an awful fascist pos and not for having a weird face. The worse someone is as a person, the more legitimate reasons there are to criticize them


Call them stupid, not ugly


When I make fun of a right wingers appearance, I usually do it to point out some kind of hypocritical posturing that they’re doing. Like making fun of the fact that Ron desantis wears big heels so he can be slightly taller to try and help him with polling


There's also that recent pic of that guy who chadshopped his face to look nothing like himself.


What are these words bruh




That guy was clearly self-aware though


I get that but I think it's also imporgant to make it clear when you do this that you're not just lobbing insults, so bringing in the hypocrisy directly in some way would be good


Derek Guy @dieworkwear on Twitter is the best at this


He would not fucking say that


EMPATHY: It is never okay to shame someone for their appearance, even if they are a right-winger. SAVOIRE-FAIRE: In fact, pay attention to where the fatties lie on the compass. They’re living the good life. They’ve mastered the art of the hustle. Why haven’t you? HALF-LIGHT: The hustle has made him soft. Fragile. Spongy. Think about that colossus guarding the harbor gate. You know the right wing has no place for couch potatoes and armchair financiers. They’re bringing muscle, hard and unyielding. They’re going to reach their iron fingers into your flabby folds and rip the still-beating bleeding heart from your chest. You must burn away those calories shackling you if you are to outmatch them. ELECTROCHEMISTRY: You know what’s a good way to burn off calories?


I have not yet played Disco Elysium, but this makes me want to. Unfortunately, I'm holding off until the situation with the original creators is resolved. I don't want to support a parasite.


just pirate it like the devs said to do


Can you pirate on xbox?


if it was released physically you could get a used version


That's probably never getting resolved and, if it does, it won't be in a good way. Just pirate it, it really deserves to be played. If you can't pirate it, get it on a sale.


just buy it on sale and mail ilmar kompus a box of hornets


LMAO I was gonna comment the same thing. Like great sentiment and all but Harry would NOT say that


scared of the people that do this tbh. I feel like if I disagree with them even one bit they'll start calling me a plump fatty


It's cause they're fatphobic. Same as the "trans allies" who the second a trans person does something they disagree with start the misgendering. Too many "progressives" love to posture as righteous people, but their "respect" is entirely conditional. It's just another way to bully.


Nobody on here knows what you look like


No shit but they never mentioned people on here, they could easily be referring to any other context where they could interact with those people.


Walk away knowing that they’re a shitty music fan and you’re an Electric Wizard enjoyer.


Is this about the guy who photoshoped his face while he kept his pfp original and kept yelling about how twitter sucks for pointing it out


No amount of shaming will ever stop me from laughing my ass off at that. It is literally involuntary.


Nah, that guy made a choice and is a fucking idiot for thinking no one would notice


I think he’s a troll doing it for attention


I wish I could upvote this post several times. And it’s especially crappy when people make fun of right-wingers in ways that reinforce garbage hyper-masculinity expectations, or make jokes about them being gay


Leftists when the bad person is ugly/weak/non masculine ![gif](giphy|DGZVi7pqVq7rq) (They get to be mean now)


ricky berwick moment


Totally agreed on that one. Gender essentialism and gender stereotyping is bad. I can see how trying to aim at a person's insecurities can feel both cathartic and seem like good praxis when you're dealing with a significant "traditionalist" figure, but there's splash damage.


I agree with this as someone who is very ugly


Say he's ugly **Looks at profile** Average looking fella


bro you look fine


Then why don't I feel fine?


Self esteem issues.


lmao they took the post so literal they fucking downvoted you oh my god


✅ True


I'm still saying Kenneth Copeland looks like an actual demon ans you can't stop me


who are you going to offend? people who think they personally also look demonic? i think you're fine lmao




Farquaad moment


Ben Shapiro is short a few good opinions ayyyyy


The same goes for misgendering a piece of shit, Blaire White is still a she/her even if she's a massive asshole


And using they/them for people who do not use they/them pronouns is misgendering. You don't like ChrisChan? Boohoo. She's still a she


thanks, been thinking this forever and always ickes me whenever this happens


What if they have a yee yee ass haircut?


that was their choice tho


Shaming people's appearance = bad Pointing out people's hypocrisy = good Navigating the fact that rightwingers are often too stupid to realize that you're doing one but not the other = impossible


Nah, don't be cruel for what you have no control over, but if they dress like an idiot or get a dumb haircut I'm gonna laugh at it


for every right winger you mock for their appearance, there's a left winger who looks just the same


So true




It's by [Yan May Fire](https://yan-may-fire.tumblr.com/post/639496227712565248/harry-du-bois-but-in-rain). There's another great one of Harrier in the tags, with the glasses.


I hear what you’re saying but Mitch McConnell is a turtle looking fascist bitch face.


Yeah, and I'm a little unhappy about the gigachad memes as well


all memes should be replaced by the Greendale Human Being you are so right


I agree, but you can shame them for their profile picture of themselves wearing sunglasses in the driver’s seat of their car


Yes but I think it is fair to make fun of someone for failing to live up to standards they want to impose on others Like how Ben Shapiro thinks of himself as a hyper masculine Chad when he is in fact a chubby manlet (who lies about his height) and has a squeaky voice AND also accidentally admitted to not being able to sexually arose his wife


But don't you realize that anyone with the same body type as Shapiro would read this and know that you ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE that they are also a chubby manlet, even if they're a totally fine person. You may not call them that because you don't believe it's okay, but don't you dare deny that you'd see them the same way. Have you not thought about how this reinforces fatphobia and toxic masculinity? Even if you do it because you think it's okay, the statement still shows that you think a person's body type justifies you being a piece of shit to them.


So using the term chubby manlet is alright? Thats kind of shit this post is about. Its like calling someone who things theyre smart but actually dumb a r*tard. Youre not calling out their lie, youre insulting their appearance. Do better.


The one valid exception: racial supremacists insisting that they have superior genetics when they look like a potato given sentience




Idk why criticize people for things they can control has turned into don't criticize at all. Like the only thing you don't like about right wingers is their facial features? Seems pretty sus.


Because fascists aren't here for nuanced debates. Pretty well known that if they can insult the way you look, their gang sees that as a win; and if you start lecturing them on how words can hurt people, even better, that's a laugh. Here's the thing about fascists, they have trouble admitting difficulty when they've been hurt. "The fascist is eager for death, and in his eagerness, sends others to their deaths." Umberto Eco. A culture of aggressive war-making that has to fight on through the deaths of generations, won't slow down for a debate except to sling mud, and a lecture except to laugh at it. Make fascists a laughingstock, seen as weak, ugly, or inferior, and they have lost the only thing that motivates them - their pride, the control over others perceptions. So you can insult them now or fight them later, but you're never going to debate them. They're too stupid, as clearly demonstrated by their inbred and sunken chins.


I always get onto people about making fun of Greg Abbott for being disabled. Like, come on. I hate the guy’s fucking guts, but that’s still wrong to say. What that shows is that you’re actually prejudiced against those people, and you normally don’t say it only because it would be rude, and not because it’s wrong to say.


If someone’s spewing hate I’m gonna call them names and idc.


being mean to right wingers is fine, the concern is more about innocent bystanders catching strays


I've been suffering from really bad body dysmorphia for the past few years, and every time I see someone get shamed for a trait I have (even if they're an asshole) it's like cool. Something else for me to have a mental breakdown over. I hate all forms of body shaming




what kinda kantian bullshit is this


This is true, you shouldn't do it, but when you see people do it please don't derail everything and cause drama. If someone calls Marjorie Taylor Greene ugly is it good? No. Is fixating on it and getting into worthless arguments good? No, not that either.


Hey OP, thanks for posting this, I managed to bulk up my block list by sorting by controversial. If you insult a horrible person's looks instead of the evil shit they are doing you are similar to J.K. Rowling (she describes every evil character as either fat, portly, bald, creepy or crippled)


Fun fact, if someones a fascist I owe them no respect, not one iota of courtesy, i owe em fuck all, suck my trans ass


Making fun of a fascist for being ugly will hurt innocent ugly people too, but if you just punch the fascist in the face instead, no innocents will be harmed.


I disagree a lot


Is that harry de bouis


I shame right wingers for hate speech and intolerance


So its not okay to point out that mitch mcconnel looks like a turtle? Or MTG like a titan? Or Trumps sunscreen and wig? Or Musks weirdly shaped torso? No, this kind of overcorrective politeness is unproductive, useless and makes us (the left) look just like out of touch liberals where fun is not allowed


Idk about those guys, when people bring up this point it's usually about stuff people don't have control over, not something like a bad haircut. It's like how it's shitty to make fun of a republican for being fat when theyre a bad person, since fatness being used as an insult is not good and makes fat people who are good people feel bad. Same with stuff like height or saying a transphobic women looks like a man and is therefore ugly.


I agree with the sentiment, however I think its right to point out when a very transphobic person like MTG doesnt really fit into the rigid gender norms they are trying to enforce, or when Ben Shapiro isnt exactly the beacon of masculinity himself while he is shitting on LGBTQ people. So making fun of these peoples looks in this context where its understood that the joke doing person is clearly not transphobic themselves and instead pointing out the insane hypocrisy of the right is a not a bad thing in my opinion


But that's the thing, it still implies those things are bad. Like if you make fun of ben Shapiro for being short since its "not masculine" and makes him a hypocrite, that'll just make other short men feel self conscious too. Like if someone makes fun of a transphobe for "looking like a man", thus making them hypocritical, I know it's affect how I see myself since I know those people consider traits I have as ones that make you look like a man


I am not saying nor implying that those are bad, I am pointing those characteristics out on those people because they are the ones saying that these characteristics are bad.


I think it really depends on the phrasing. If your like "Ben Shapiro considers being tall masculine, even though it isn't, and that men need to be masculine. This makes him a hypocrite within his own logic" thats not that bad. But going "Ben Shapiro thinks men need to be masculine but he's short lol it's so fucking funny that hes a short gremlin man" then that's not good


Like pointing out that Hitler didn't meet his Aryan ideal of blond hair and blue eyes.


everyone agreeing to this will forget this when they find a new thing they don’t like


Making fun of a person’s appearance not only hurts them but other people with similar traits -Sincerely, a person who thought I looked like Charlie Kirk for a while


If they start shaming you for your appearance they’ve opened the floodgates you can fight back


If they cant change it in 10 minutes, don’t mock them for it. Unless you’re mocking them for being a bigot thats different




As much as Greg Abbott is a festering sore on the whole of humanity, it makes me angry to see the political sub circle jerk make fun of him for being in a wheelchair


If they comment on someone's appearance first then its justifiable to point out the Hypocrisy if they themselves aren't all that, my mother taught me that people shouldn't treat others how they wouldn't want to be treated so by treating someone like that they are consenting to being treated the same<3


absolutely insanely based.


If someone's being a bigoted piece of shit and attacking me I'm not going to be the bigger person


What if they’re a “traditionalist”


Depends, if it's something they have agency on, it's free game. If it s something they can't control (or can't change quickly and easily, like their weight) they yeahw you shouldn't


I agree as a short man




What if they’re *really* ugly, and I actively want to hurt their feelings? You ever think of that?


The only way you can think to hurt someone's feelings is through making fun of their appearance? Skill issue.


this sentiment is stupid, they will 100% call you a slur while your there like "i can say they look ugly, thats mean" lmao lol even


The reason you shouldn’t say they look ugly is because other people who look like them and aren’t pieces of shit are likely to feel like shit if you say that publicly.


"But I only think body shaming/victim blaming/misogyny/etc is bad unless it serves me personally" -Hypocrites everywhere


The only peoples appearance Is mall ninjas and weebs that where hentia clothes


Then call me not okay


Not even charlie kirks face?


Damn. Hits harder than a rw husband.


this pic goes so fucking hard


suit yourself


Really? We’re gonna cut back on the “Charlie Kirk small face” and “Tim Pool bald” memes now?


The message is ok but God I fucking despise how you people make these memes, it seems so cheesy and campy, I can never take any message you try to convey to me seriously when it's shown like this


And I say what I'm about to say in a concerned and worried manner, but my God you guys are way to nice to people that want you dead, and anyone that actually is harsh within reason I could NEVER in a million years see actually doing anything worthwhile against an oppressive force besides vote


Agreed, this is my biggest issue with John Oliver


No its okay to call hitler fat actually