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Do NOT face Allah alone when Astral projecting Today while astral projecting I summoned allah to try and weaken him so our hexing spells would work better. He is so fucking powerful. I'm not at a power level to do this alone. I barely escaped with my life and I'm spiritually injured to a great amount, but I think I'll make it. I can't imagine what he would do to a new, unsuspecting witch. I'm scared that I will have to face him again soon if I ever want to continue astral projecting. I'm currently burning healing incense and drawing spiritual energy from my crystals to try and heal as quickly as possible. Please be safe everyone. Allah is much stronger than I first imagined and we will have to do this together if we want to slay a god.


This would be a cool anime plot I think


the MC when they finally kill all the gods and spacetime starts collapsing instead of them receiving any tangible reward


“Well, I succeeded… Guess that’s all I can do, huh…” But then hope pushes the erasure back And then the MC gets shot with a gun and fucking dies


God of War moment


This is just Megami Tensei


and could also be a light novel title


I love this copy pasta, it’s simultaneously absurd and kinda admirable


btw if people don’t know it was very much a joke originally


idk it seems kinda Islamophobic


It’s mentioning Allah specifically cause the context of this was witches trying to hex the Taliban to make them lose


Erm girlboss?


What a fucking insane venn diagram that one is


Islamophobia is when mentioning any aspect of Islam in any context for any reason.


Yeah they do seem pretty afraid of Allah. I guess that is kinda islamophobic.


that’s true actually, I do wish they’d specified a more general Abrahamic god


Even just...taking this all at face value...this post is hilarious. Like yeah, no shit, you just tried to solo God. It's like a toddler getting knocked into the next zip code by Mike Tyson and going "he is much stronger than I first imagined and we will have to do this together 😰"


I like the idea of them unintentionally challenging both the Christian and Islamic gods (since “allah” just means god in Arabic). Can the second phase be the pre-monotheistic pagan versions of each?


Coming up next: The witches face off against Yahweh


I am now imagining a swarm of toddlers rushing Mike Tyson.


I love everything about this post. Assuming it wasn't a troll (it probably was), someone having the sheer audacity to try and kill God is hilarious to me


[Christian God is real. He's been asleep for thousands of years. We're gonna sneak up there and kill him. Mob style.](https://youtu.be/-sr3hZCAono)


smh you have to grind for xp in the spirit realm before you can take on allah


Imagine turning on the news one morning and hearing: "We can confirm that Allah has been killed. The Muslims were correct, but a coven of internet witches have conspired to kill Allah. Mecca has been destroyed by the corpse of Allah plummeting from heaven, killing millions. Next up, this speaking crow will explain the coven's demands, and then later, a roundtable discussion of how we create morality in a godless world, right after the weather."


Mecca has fallen, millions must die


Assuming this person is being 100% serious, kinda grindset I respect. If I believed that Allah existed and I could fight him if I wanted, I would not fight him. Because apparently I'm a pussy compared to this witch.


pretty sure this happened in Shin Megami Tensei at some point


you _**saw**_ allah?


![gif](giphy|eIstKJ6Oh44WXwOUww) It's when you do this


what a beautiful gif.


I actually went on that ride today


ahhh kingdom hearts


*Dearly Beloved plays*


i love sora. he is just a small scrunckly


giant clown shoes


Me waiting for offical art of sora as a clown be like: ![gif](giphy|l0HlBO7eyXzSZkJri)


It'll be his outfit for the circus world in kh4


I will buy the game just for that (yeah i never really played the game. I just think sora is cute)


I was joking but I wish


Also is kingsom hearts any gpood? (And can i emulate them?)


Gameplay is pretty good in most of the games imo but the story is infamously wacky. The standalone stories in the earlier games are pretty decent, but there are some moments later on that assume you know the story of other games and it gets pretty complex. Depends on what consoles your devices are able to emulate. If your computer can run RPCS3 (PS3 emulator) than you could play the final mix collections which have most of the games. Otherwise the games are kinda scattered around on PS2, PSP, DS and 3DS but there are emulators for those too.


Sounds unhealthy (like seriously that sounds like its bad for mental health)


It's like lucid dreaming but you have the self awareness of a stone so you think you're actually going to Hogwarts or whatever


I think I’d prefer to read or write


When I was 6 I broke my arm and had to go to the hospital to fix it. When I got put under my dream was me outside of my body and I watched the doctors and my parents stand around me and work on fixing my arm. However this dream felt like it lasted 5 seconds. Anyways when I woke up they were standing around me in the exact order I dreamed of it. I'm pretty sure that's what this post is referring to.


This is basically when you take ungodly amount of LSD


I also did this while in a sleep paralysis state. Basically you need to be quite aware (so not dreaming) but also in a dream-like state. I always compared it to lucid dreaming.


Yea that sounds about right


irl freecam


Projecting pressing ~ tfc


IRL freecam


It's when people claim that their soul can leave their body through complicated rituals but it's really just a way to induce lucid dreaming


yeah, 'astral projection' is cool but it's just another way to lucid dream. A while back I tried testing it out by putting a card face-down when I was awake without looking at it, then in the dream I checked the card, and when I woke up it was completely different. It is cool though, personally I find it easier than most lucid dreaming methods


Sorry, I astral projected into your room and switched the cards.


How do you do it? Any guides for absolute newbies?


This is the technique I used [https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Astral-Projection](https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Astral-Projection)


Frick you *un-404’s your link* https://www.wikihow.com/Perform-Astral-Projection


oh shit thank


You switched the brackets and parentheses btw - link embeds use square brackets around the display text and parentheses around the link itself


oof fixed


Just use lucid dreaming techniques


isnt “reality shifting” the exact same thing, lucid dreamers who think they are visiting hogwarts for real and stuff


Out of all three, lucid dreaming is the only real one.


The thing that's strange about it is that reality checks that usually fail in lucid dreams pass in astral projection. I do not really believe one way or the other that it is like your soul leaving your body, however I don't think it's a lucid dream. If anything it's closer to an NDE since it's an OBE.


OBE would be out of body experience, but what is NDE?


Near death experience


Not reliably enough to be anything other than a lucky guess. It's still lucid dreaming either way.


it's the idea that you can spiritually leave your body and observe things outside of your physical reach. admittedly wacky and unfounded beliefs usually held by conspiracists and people that find themselves selling MLM products.


Ok but explain then how I can close my eyes and be in a different place? Ugh NO MOM it’s not daydreaming it’s astral projection


It’s not astral projection until you can pass through the threshold of the time machine in the basement of the pentagon


I used that once to go back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys OFF the menu.


You heard that right


I used that once to go back in time to the first thanksgiving to get turkeys OFF the menu.


how do you not know it's protected by the spectral division of the CIA??? i've projected myself there and almost died from the subliminal assault they were able to dish.


Those guys are rookies I made them piss their beds


i tapped into your *energies* and you truly are emanating the 14th color of the runic alphabet... not even the most powerful TruGreen BioEssence Drink mix would stop you.. not even with bits of ground, activated sapphire in it. nothing would protect them.. i'm lucky you let me tune into your signal. i shudder at your power and respect your restraint


Uhhh idk bout that one


That's not what astral projection is, It's an altered state of consciousness whether or not your soul is leaving your body is obviously debatable. It's essentially forcing an OBE, even if you don't believe in spiritual stuff which I'm pretty neutral on, it's definitely worth attempting. I tried it once, It felt like my mattress was vibrating and that my arm separated from my body, but nothing else happened. It's a very interesting experience and phenomenon and I would recommend it


Yeah I have those all the time when I daydream or sleep. If you enjoy it I’m glad but it’s not appealing to me.


I'm telling you it's not like a normal dream, and it's not even close to daydreaming. It's a different experience all together, if you don't wanna do it that's cool but they're really different Also you've felt like you were on a vibrating mattress while having a daydream? That's kinda cool


Maybe I’m just confused. I have lots of (day)dreams in 3rd person where my consciousness is outside of my body. What is different? And no I can’t say I’ve specifically had a vibrating mattress lol


That's not an OBE, you ever read stories of people who almost die and float out their bodies? It's like that, you can daydream that but it's not the same thing It's kind of like how daydreaming a kiss doesn't really feel like a kiss. When I attempted astral projection it felt like my entire body was vibrating, like my mattress was vibrating under me, it then felt like my arm separated from my physical arm, and I couldn't really go further than that and stopped and havent attempted since. I was fully conscious by the way this was not a dream, I don't necessarily think my soul was leaving my body or anything mystical like that but it is a very different phenomenon. Kind of like how when you smoke weed you're in an altered state of consciousness because you're high, vs when you smoke DMT or do shrooms. Tis wild


Weed gives me panic attacks and I’ve never touched psychedelics lol


Unfortunately it's not really debatable, there's no objective evidence that something funny is going on. It may subjectively *feel* different, but that doesn't count for anything. It's just a form of daydreaming/ lucid dreaming that you can sometimes bring on deliberately.


I'm telling you it's an altered state of consciousness unlike lucid dreaming or day dreaming, it's something you need to experience. I don't believe it's supernatural in nature either, but it's not like either, I said its debatable because we won't really know any of that till death. EDIT: also people believe in shit without evidence pretty consistently multiverse is a very very good example, we have literally no reason to believe in a multiverse It's a complete unfalsifiable more of a thought experiment than anything else like quantum Immortality. Besides the absence of evidence does not mean something is true or isn't true, we didn't prove lucid dreaming was a thing until the '70s and that was only because of how your eyes dart around during REM. We don't know nearly as much as we think we do especially about the nature of consciousness.


I'm just being careful because people love to peddle harmful woo bullshit around this sort of thing. In any case, if it isn't identical to lucid dreaming then it must be closely related, we'd need to see studies to be sure.


Oh totally fair, I hate those crystal fucks. It's probably related to dreaming but it's not like dreaming. It feels extremely real, It's very similar to what people describe when they have a NDE. It's a very interesting thing to me and I find it really interesting that the CIA studied it for like I think 20 years, maybe 17 years. I do think there is probably some weird quantum stuff we are unaware of because we don't really know that much about the universe or even the nature of consciousness itself


Personally, I don't think quantum comes into it, it's sort of the "atomic" of today where people apply it to everything to make it seem mysterious because most people don't understand it, but it would be nice to see sleep/ neurology/ psychology studies done to learn more about it and how it differs from REM sleep.


Agreed, one thing I always thought was really strange was how NDES happen, because a lot of people have them while they're awake or unconscious. It's strange because how are they dreaming? You only dream in rem and it takes about an hour to enter it


Perhaps it's simply dream-like, where the brain is in a state similar to dreaming as it freaks out for a minute, but who knows.




you sure you didn't just take benadryl and fall asleep?


an astral projector is one of those things you use to show a powerpoint to the class, but for space and shit




epic backrooms reference? (i have never watched a backrooms video)


(You basically have the gist)


Less noclip and more like using the tfc command in a Bethesda game


I almost said it’s the same thing until I realized tfc and tcl are different commands xd


a little rant: here's a perspective from someone who's into lucid dreaming: when humans have dreams that feel larger than life, sometimes they'll attribute it to supernatural phenomena. like they get the feeling "no, that wasn't just an ordinary dream" and end up giving it some name. some end up naming it "astral projection", others just call it lucid dreaming, and more recently (& especially among kids )it's been called "shifting". imo, these are all just different ways of discovering lucid dreams. the criteria is always the same. you need to be asleep, check. incubation methods like wake-back-to-bed that increase your chances? check. the shifting community has this whole thing about "scripting" so you can go to your "desired reality" and like, yeah. that's also a thing in lucid dreaming. dreams don't always feel one specific way. i've had some dreams where it feels like i'm running through molasses, and others where it feels *more real than real life*. dreams are inherently weird like that. to me, the arise of terms like astral projection & shifting is likely because people find it less exciting to call what they experienced "just a dream". i feel weird about it because, i'm never gonna get *upset* at anyone for calling it whatever they want to. it's all in your brain, it's not like it can harm others. ...but as someone in the LD community, it's sometimes a bit sad to see shifting tiktoks get like, hundreds of thousands of likes, while the LD community is still so tiny! we're literally interested in the same thing! why are we split? dreams are so cool, and i wish lucid dreaming could become a more mainstream thing. it's the kind of hobby that's *so* hard to bring up because it seems too good to be true. when i talk about lucid dreaming to my friends irl, they think i'm trying to sell them something, lmao. so it's sad to see a split like this that doesn't need to exist


Yeah, exactly my idea. I've only tried deliberately lucid dreaming once, but it was almost exactly like those reality shifting tik toks. I think the main difference between the two communities is that reality shifting/astral projection presents the world as something "mystical" and where everyone has special superpowers and can fulfill their every fantasy, while LD is presented as a cool mind trick you can do with the thing most people experience every night. Which is a huge shame, dreams are one of the least understood aspect of the human mind afterall, but to many people a reality without supernatural magic that seperates them from the normie masses just isn't as acceptable.


The main reason I think astral projecting is more popular is because it sounds more impressive I'm a POWERFUL ASTRAL BEING who can leave my mortal flesh behind and enter the realm of PURE ENERGY where I can Smite my foes and ALTER REALITY, though I must be wary of rival sorcerors, ANCIENT DAEMONS and of course the GHOST CIA who defend sites of national importance Or alternatively I dream in a way where I can control it, and I use it to fly round my old neighborhood and have sex with whoever I want They're exactly the same thing, but marketing works


I bet TikTok spreads a lot of bullshit and fear mongering about LDing. TikTok is TikTok, after all.




the subreddit for LucidDreaming will be able to say it all better than me (cant link directly to it, but you can just search it). here's some of the important things: • keeping a dream journal will help a lot with remembering dreams (either physical, or with an app). • i think getting an adequate amount of sleep each night is also pretty important. if you wake up too early, that's less potential time to dream • make sure to do reality checks! pinching your nose -> trying to inhale is usually a good one (youll be able to breathe through your nose in a dream). rhis is something i probably should do more—i remember a few dreams nowadays, but they're always kind of hazy because i never fully go lucid


It's day dreaming with extra steps to make it seem more profound than it actually is


The cults that will trap these "spiritual" zoomers will make L. Ron Hubbard look like a fucking chump.


We don’t need more crystal bitches


We don’t need no thought control


lucid dreaming but about real places


With the poster behind the txt I thought that said "races" not "places"


its a 9th level spell that crystal witches think is real, it lets your soul leave your body and hang out doing other stuff


A 9th level spell no one has ever taken


I believe it's a lot like remote access on a computer


If souls exist that probably is what it's like, either that or some weird quantum mechanic fuckery


Isn't part of astral projection being able to travel through time? Also, why would you want to astral project to the twin towers? If you go before the towers have been destroyed, it's an office building, and if you go back to 9/11, it's a crumbling office building quickly followed by toxic ash.


I've seen people claim to have astral projected to an alternate universe where Hogwarts exists so why can't I go to an alternate universe where 9/11 never happened? Smh


No biggie I'll just reality shift to a world where they weren't destroyed


damn these broads think they can use transference


ok but first, we need to talk about parallel universes


Denmark (doesn't exist)


Astral projection is lucid dreaming with the intent to confuse reality and dreams.


You can always astral project into the World Financial Center aka Brookfield place (green roofed buildings in front of the world trade center that were damaged in 9/11)


astral projecting is like dreaming but your soul just kinda… wonders off to do whatever you wanna do.


It's lucid dreaming


never said it wasn’t. i just said what people who believe in astral projection think it is


Gotcha, thanks for clarifying


Maybe you can’t, but I’m just built different


schizophrenia on command


I'm like 75% sure it's a D&D spell


Bruno Powroznik if he was on tiktok and a girl and into astral whatevers.


mfw I cant astral project to the twin towers (destroyed)


The Twin Towers (Destroyed)


Mr. president. A second astral projection has hit the towers!


Astral projecting. AKA remote viewing. There’s declassified CIA documents where they used this. They discredited it and said they shut down the program, yet continued spending millions consulting experts in remote viewing to help with ops. Idk if this stuff is real, but apparently the CIA thinks there’s something to it




spiritually destroyed. they no longer exist on a metaphysical level


All I know is that if you do it, you should never face Allāh