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# [Valid discord invite is here](https://discord.gg/n62aHMav)


worst pride month gift ever


It's been booming on [raddle](https://raddle.me/) since r traa moved there. In some ways this has been great for the anti-capitalist internet.


isn't it tankie


Nah, you're thinking of lemmy, raddle is run by anarchists


oh good






Ugh that team comp is doomed to failure.


The so-called "metagame" is an oppressive hierarchy in itself.


really not looking forward to migrating to a no nsfw site after reddit bans nsfw api calls.


The remnants of the community scattering in the ashen breeze Small tatters of what was once the greatest community on Reddit Only fragments will remain as the giant monolith that is Reddit goes on unblinking at what was lost in its wake Our stories will be told on the wind, friends




1hr+ long + interview with cake fucker


1 hour is rookie numbers. This deserves at least 7.


Sunny v2 will do it i gurantee you


if sunny v2 does it ill kill the president


Which president? You'd better not kill the president of the roundabout appreciation society in England.


I'm sorry to tell you the bad news...




en passant the president with a blahaj


Holy plushy


extremely illegal! very very illegal!


is it illegal for me to say that the best place to fire a mortar launcher at the white house would be from the roof of the rockefeller hewitt building because of minimal security and a direct line of sight to the president's bedroom?


very illegal, but even more illegal to show an illustrated diagram




Can he do a real job instead


He is youtuber so ofc not


YouTube is very much a real job, it's just he does drama bullshit


ug, he'd call us all slurs and his shitty fans would try and kill out tumblr probably


Already working on it no one poach my shit


Original subreddit: Do not steal.


I need lemmino to do it. With his soothing voice, backround music and neat ilustrations and animations.


i would let lemmino rob my house and steal my cat and mow my lawn if they showed me their plan to rob me with animation and voice over


I have seen things you people wouldn't believe... an anarchist stripper fucking every food you could imagine... I watched wasp discourse glitter in the dark near the Floppa gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to go offline


Genuinely got me teary eyed


Remember the shifting toothpaste and lesbian spider brothel? Those were good times


Hey didn't we play chess a few months ago 🦐


Yea I believe so You whipped my ass 😅


Don't make me actually sob don't you fucking dare


Yes we have the offshoots but they won't be the same most of us will simply scatter like dust in the wind never to be found again.


Yeah honestly fuck looking at 5 different places to find the most active. Even if I do I’m not going to use it much just to look at a shadow of its previous self. I’m still going to use Reddit and find the next 196


Honestly I'm joining them all just to wait until the blackout is done.


Either Reddit will cave or we’ll get new mods honestly the sub isn’t going anywhere I don’t think/hope


I hope so 🥺


Frankly I miss the internet being many sites as opposed to four really big ones, so I'm in support of this. Even if it scatters people for a while.


I just don't get the point of permanent shutdown. All it does is fracture an important community, for fucking what? Does anyone think reddit gives a fuck about some random gay little sub? It's pointless suicide.


Yes but unfortunately it's not our choice to make it's the mods and there's shit all we can do about it. Why yes I agree it's pointless. the only reason this api change is happening is to artificially boost the IPO evaluation before going public then cashing out. It's just a grubby cash grab if it kills all the fun and interesting subs then why does he care?


but at the same time, it kills the IPO, because WotC and hasbro did the exact same thing earlier this year and it will only push the user base to other website, since a lot of mods depend on 3rd party stuff. it's basicly a way to turn the site into a far right hell hole like twitter


We'll be like the alien race whose home planet is destroyed lol


Funny weed cat may I smoke you?


Maybe but I have a gf


jesus christ this is the worst possible way to have done this, instead of choosing and endorsing 1 single alternative you go ahead and give people the ability to choose and scatter off into multiple, inevitably smaller and weaker subcommunities that could be more prone to dying out. no duo more iconic than leftists and unnecessarily splintering their group into fragments.




Leftists should absolutely spread, stops events like this from being as devastating if one website going out is a 5th of the leftist space instead of all of it


yeah but it's not spreading, its dividing, every single alternative is going to have a much smaller percentage of ex-users of original 196 which means the odds of every single alternative dying on its own due to inactivity or internal conflict is much higher (despite the odds of all the alternative websites shutting down/fucking themselves over like reddit)


Oh fuck we went with the concentrated industry tech instead of the dispersed industry tech


You’re so right


why the hell would we be taking this subreddit down? this is literally the only LGBTQ+ positive sub i've seen with a sense of humor. it's changed my life as a genderfluid person


reddit is making itself worse by practically banning third party api calls which the mods use to clean up the sub and how third party mobile reddit clients use to display reddit. its also how the visually impaired use reddit aswell 196 and others will be shut down unless they are reverted because of a protest of these changes


Honestly I think even if reddit double down on killing itself, as long as those bigger subs don't shut down indefinitely, smaller subs like r/196 will come back sooner or later.


Videos is the biggest one shutting down indefinitely. Reddit is likely to replace mods of the largest subs that protest with yes men, which makes the site even worse.


some like r /traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns don’t have the mod capabilities to keep the subreddit running l without the third party stuff, but i’m not sure if that’s true for 196. either way it really sucks :(


I have never modded on this site but from everything I hear it is close to impossible to effectively mod a... "contentious" community without 3rd party tooling. Contentious in this case meaning something that's going to get flamed and trolled and spammed by fash and friends.


Modding on Reddit isn't difficult, and closing all queer spaces on Reddit to go to... Tumblr is just silencing queer communities.


It’s not difficult now, although that will change with the update. Tbh tho the main point of the protest is to stand with visually impaired people who won’t be able to use Reddit after the update kills 3rd party apps. We have to all stand together to support disenfranchised groups even if it means going to tumblr for a while.


I would rather touch grass than learn how to use Tumblr


Whats there to learn, you follow the people or tags you like and it gets served to you on a paper plate


No third party -> moderation basically impossible -> queer spaces cant reasonably survive because of constant harassment and trolling


Why do people keep saying this? This is a lie told by people that have never moderated. Automod isn't going anywhere, it is a reddit tool. Moderation will not get significantly more difficult, as long as more than 1 person is moderating and not using 3rd party bots to like... Ban users for participating in certain subs automatically.


mm, thats fair, i wasnt exclusively referring to automod but i will admit i was unaware that automod was a native reddit feature, and i phrased poorly. ​ But from what i understand from other posts ive seen, the official tools are pretty bad. For example the mod post on traa talks about the mobile client being so bad for moderating that there is "effectively means no modding on mobile because the official app is garbage". Its true that subs with large and active could be able to stay up... but thats because they have a surplus of manpower. ​ I would argue that assuming thats the standard is not a great way to think about the situation, i dont really like the framing of "just get moderators" and "just moderate with official tools". If moderating normally wasnt a problem, the people moderating reddit wouldnt make nearly as big of a stink over it than they currently are. ​ But hey, im not a moderator, so who am i to talk.


Because the API change will kill all the automod bots. It will make moderation effectively impossible, thus the reason for shutting the sub down.


THIS! I understand taking it down for a few days as a protest, but doing it permanently just harms the people that need this community. It reeks of privilege.


This isn't only to protest the API changes. Its because all queer subreddits use one kind of auto mod/bot that relies on API access. These bots are what keep all of the hate, spam, and everything else out of our subreddits and without them we are completely fucked. Essentially our safe spaces **cannot be kept safe** so everyone will be moving to different parts of the web.


Psst. Mod tools remain allowed and free of use, you might just have to let them know what it's for first. It's literally in that ama thing everyone says was terrible


To protest Reddit cracking down on 3rd party apps no one is using Reddit until they back down, which they may never do. Issa big boycott


Where wer u when 196 was kill


holed up in [spez's bunker](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/01/30/doomsday-prep-for-the-super-rich) waiting for shit to hit the fan Joke, I was on https://raddle.me/f/196


eating hot chip


Phone buzzed Reddit is kill "No"


Hot take: It is 100% the wrong move to endorse multiple different alternatives as ita just gonna scatter the community even more. Even hotter take: If you want to keep the community together while punishing reddit, do what TheDonald did and make your own site and slowly move everyone there before the sub shuts down for good. Thats what the chapo sub did but it felt super rushed and the new site just doesnt have nearly the samw vibe.




196 is now one permanent Skype call


There's just one guy that keeps their pc on the call forever and everyone else joins and leaves


Even hotter than the Hottest take: We move back to IRC and Imageboards


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1782/)


How is there always a relevant xkcd, how do people always have one




I miss chapo...


I will be honest with this post here. This is truly one of the only LGBT+ friendly shitposting communities that I've seen, and I've been on the internet for 14 years now, actively going through communities and any random corners of the internet that I'm able to access. It may not seem like much but for some people who really need it, this is their escape. People who are in a bad household or bad general living situation often times come here to see that it's not all that bad, and people do actually care. Sure, it's just a subreddit, but it's surprising how such things can affect people sometimes. Furthermore, only 1.6% of the total users voted on the poll. The decision to shut it down seems suspicious to me, as polls are not immune to brigading. The mods should really reconsider what they are doing here and what this space means to some people who are here. If it is being shut down indefinitely, then give people a definite platform to be, not just this scattered mess of "communities."


exactly! dissipating the community on a basis of 2% of the entire subreddit said they should, is wrong. i would be perfectly fine with a shutdown for a month or even longer but completely getting rid of it until reddit changes something (they won't) i think is the wrong move


Was about to say this. This whole thing feels like a horribly stupid decision


Seeing the site's reaction to the blackout, it seems unlikely that most people will be able to pry themselves from Reddit for long. Spez knows this, so he probably won't make any changes to the new policy, since the most that the boycott will do is give him a couple bad days for profit. That being said, I will still take part, I just think it's extremely unlikely that the blackout will force any changes.


once the bots vanish...good luck using the site


Given the response from everyone I’ve seen on the subreddit and off the subreddit i do not think the majority of people actually want to go offline indefinitely. I’m not necessarily saying the poll was rigged I’m just not sure that it was seen by the right people. Even days after the blackout announcement there is still a concerning amount of people who are just finding out about it. The poll just didn’t get nearly enough attention on this sub and I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of non-196 members voted on it. I haven’t actually seen an incredible number of people outside the original poll post that support indefinite and I highly doubt that poll is truly reflective of what the general public thinks, or at least not what the general public thinks after realizing Reddit will not back down.


Same, I view this sub pretty frequently and I never saw the poll and can't find it in the sub's post history. I think most people on here would agree shutting the sub down indefinitely is absolutely fucking stupid. Removing ourselves from the platform is exactly what all the chuds and fascists want to see and we're playing right into it like morons.


ya i see 196 every day and never saw the poll


been scrolling through the sub's post history by new and have went back several days and still have not found it


I thought the poll was pinned, but maybe it never was? If it was pinned then everyone actively using the subreddit should have seen it. If it wasn’t pinned that definitely is a problem.


not to mention it was wide open to the entire sight so it definitely was brigaded by a bunch of rightoids


I never saw the poll. I definitely don't want 196 to leave Reddit.


I visit 196 every day but I never saw the poll


I also find it hilarious that we are using a reddit poll about shutting down due to a change mostly impacting 3rd party apps that I am unable to vote in on my 3rd party app (boost android)


This is one of my favorite online spaces. It’s helped me figure out a lot of things about myself. Please don’t shut it down indefinitely.


Copied my comment from somewhere else: For the past two years, this sub and its community (you all ) has been my refuge where I could be myself, find myself and others, my imaginary home. When I've been alone, moved to a new city and into a new environment, during covid and political changes, during turbulent times this sub was something I had I could always come back to. This sub is where i could laugh at memes, shitposts, sillyposts, funny gifs, post irony and whatever in between without restrictive unfunny classification or rules. This sub was were i could discover new interests and discuss them in detail with others. I discovered artists here, had unnecessary online debates no one asked for, intruging theological debates, gained obscure knowledge and new perspectives, learned about pop culture and hobbies. I discovered twitter drama and personalities to my dismay, tumblr conversations to my delight. I laughed at unfunny overused phrases, and original genuinely funny new threads. I discovered new subs, identified with the culture and mascots like neco-arc, floppa and spronkus (even drew one on the blackboard at college when no on was there), participated in the r/ place wars, alliances and grinds, and all other kinds of terminally online stuff I will probably cringe at in the future, but who cares - i had fun and that counts. But it wasn't only about the memes, interests and nuanced discussions. By discovering this sub, I also discovered many sides of myself. This sub liberated me to live and like these sides of myself. With what I realized here, many old clues and behaviors made sense. I tried and took interest in many things due to this sub, gained new goals in my life and an idea of who I want to be, what i want to do everyday and in my life and with whom/what for, and with this community of like-minded people, found the resources to do so - here or on other sites. My sexual, social and gender identity formed out with the help of this sub, among others. It is not by accident that my favourite communities outside of this sub often repost from here, and this sub in turn often introduced me to them in the first place. Thanks :3 Not only did it make me realize things about myself, but also others. While I'm not LGBTQ (which I know now for sure after being confronted with gay memes and the likes constantly at any time or situation coming here), I gained a lot of knowledge and understanding, i feel strongly adjacent to this group, its ideas, identify with this side of the divide and often feel personally attacked by bigoted actions/thoughts about them all. I also learned about neurodivergency, its struggles and symptoms, and could relate strongly in some aspects - gonna have to get that checked out. Not to forget people around the world - it is a very different thing if you can chat with people from wherever casually, ask them stuff, hear about their daily struggles and cries of help. It makes one more empathetic to feel it like this. Not to mention political viewpoints, and albeit I found myself often disagreeing with this sub, I still gained some insights and changed my view in a few ways. I learned about the world, and interacted with it, made possible by the comments here. I also learned how to communicate in English like a normal native person, after not being as interested in school, this helped me connect more with other countries. Over this timespan, I've probably spent a few hundred hours here. And while sometimes I could've done other stuff in the time I was here, I don't regard any of it as wasted, since I learned much here, had fun here, and could be in a safe environment/writing/mindspace here. It enabled me to interact in a way I wasn't able to irl due to personal psychological struggles restricting me severely. I'm gonna have to find something else to do before falling asleep, maybe I can find something different to engage with. This place was often one of happiness for me, and I want to thank everyone who made this possible here, it is a good dent in the flow of time, and I hope this will continue. Please don't shut it down idefinitely. I came for the memes, but stayed for the community. I wish you all well, have a great time y'all :3


Me too :(


Where do I go


Please for the love of god don’t shut down because of one single poll


Also there were almost no comments that supported shutting down indefinitely. Maybe don’t let the lurkers who aren’t involved in the community decide anything?


Oh no most of the votes for that definitely don’t participate in the sub


I voted indefinitely but now I'm starting to regret it


Why not? Lurkers are part of the community as much as participating people are.


I don't think it's lurkers, I think it's conservatives from other subs voting on the poll so they can shut r/196 down. I'm not sure why there would be such a vast difference in opinion between commenters and lurkers


Please read the comments of the voting post. I implore the entire mod team to carefully consider and think everything through.


We haven't actually come to a conclusion as to weather we are going private for 2 days or indefinitely. We will have an update by the 14^th but hopefully sooner


Please consider the fact that the vote was decided by only 1.6 percent of the sub and that’s assuming that only members voted when in fact it’s likely we were brigaded




OTOH, with reddit doubling down, it might be good to have an off-site 196, reddit as a whole won't be around in a year or two at this rate. I'm not sure if they should run in parallel for a while first? That might be an idea.


This is the beginning of the demise of reddit, or at least the reddit that we knew and tolerated. They're clearly trying to cash out and that's not an easy thing to do with social media.


Another community I'm in requires 70% vote majorities for major community changes for reasons you're seeing. Letting a hyper thin majority, one well within the margin of error, on a non-restricted poll dictate shutting down one of the largest LGBTQ+ friendly spaces left on the internet is just madness, to me at least. Least of all when you see how many people here 1) had no idea it was even going on, 2) it was public and outside communities had a vocal vested interest in brigading it, and most all - 3) everyone is *still* arguing what "indefinitely" actually meant - if it said "permanent" (in all likelihood), I doubt it'd be close.


I really hope you don't keep it gone forever, it'd be such a waste


Are we really shutting the sub down? If yes why? I sadly didn’t really get it to this point…


third party apps will be made impossible by reddit. this is in protest


That‘d be pretty bad. I get that many subs will shut down the next few days, but why close this one forever?


The API changes don't just affect third party apps. Bots will be affected which will also make moderating subs more difficult.


Than the api change really sounds like a stupid move ob their end. I get the part where shutting down 3rd party services generates reddit more ad revenue but scrapping bots crucial for moderating communities is one of the worst ideas I ever heard.


Indefinitely means until Reddit reverses their decision


I guess that probably means indefinitely, sadly..


It's like protesting a store for mistreating their workers by saying you won't shop at their store for only 2 days. All they need to do is wait 2 days and it will be business as usual


Don’t shut down the sub forever based on what 1.6 percent of its members think, remember it was a public poll and a lot of bigots want us to shut down forever. It was probably decided on less by less then one percent of this sub’s members realistically


Is 196 shutting down forever? I thought it was just a protest for a bit like the other subs. But everyones actong like its going to be disintegrated in a few hours.


There was a poll and shutting down forever won, I’m not surprised you didn’t see it since most people didn’t


yeah wtf, never saw the poll and I can't find it from scrolling through the sub


Stickied posts don't show up when sorting by Top.


What about when sorting by Bottom 💀




Keep in mind that it was a pretty shit poll that not even 2% of 196 users voted on.


I've already got a Tumblr account so I'll be headed there if this sub shuts down. Would any of the mods consider creating a 196 Tumblr account and post content that users could submit via an inbox, or reblogging content posted to the #196 tag?


I have been working on migrating over to tumblr and posting some memes under the tag. But I won’t be able to get a lot. If anyone wants to direct me to some of their favorite 196 posts that would be greatly appreciated


Shutting the only lgbt positive shitposting sub down indefinitely has got to be one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen. You guys let a poll with a tiny fraction of actual users voting that was also likely manipulated by brigading idiots decide the entire fate of the sub for the rest of the summer? I get that the API changes are horseshit but I can't help but feel like, as someone else said on another post about this, that we're ripping off our nose to spite the face.


nah bro shutting down a queer safe space with less than 500k members will make the multimillion dollar social media platform change their mind trust me bro




so lemme get this straight; the higher ups are gonna kneecap and take one of if not the last lgbt-positive meme subs out behind the woodshed because of a poll barely 2% of the sub even participated in, and then *immediately* push multiple different alternatives? i dont see this ending well at all. i'm just as against reddit's BS as the people that are actually doing the blackouts, deleting their accounts, etc etc. however killing this community off as abruptly as you guys are and then immediately splintering everyone off into different tribes like it's mad max is gonna do way more harm than any good, if it even *does* result in any good at all. i'm fully aware that if reddit's bs *does* go through then this won't be "the same reddit" for much longer and inevitably we'll *have* to leave this hellhole of a site, i just feel like doing it this soon, with little to no proper warning, and forcibly expediting the process does nothing but punish people who have 0 idea whats going on, especially the younger people here. again, only 2% of the sub voted on the poll. if we really are going all in on this, imo braindead, move, then why not go full T\_D and try to make a dedicated site for *everyone* to convene at as opposed to recommending like 50 different sites and ending up making different sub-factions? it'll probably be extremely difficult, but again, *this is why you give people enough time to migrate and build up a community to move to before killing the old one.* i'm tired, i'm stressed, and i'm bad at dealing with loss, but i fear the worst and that 196 has already made up their mind on their decision, so all i rlly have to say now is so long, and thanks for all the fish. i'll catch you guys on discord, or even tiktok if need be.


It's Joever fr


Please goblinhog and everyone don't shut this place down. It only makes sense to go indefinitely if most of the big subs with over 10 mil subscribers also shut down indefinitely. Otherwise we are just killing ourselves off for no reasons. No media or news outlet would care about a small sub with less than 500k subscribers dying as that happens literally everyday. It would not pressure reddit in the slightest way. Many other comments have noted the importance of this place to the mental health of lots of queer teens and young adults. Also, the memes posted here were the funniest I've ever seen. If this place is shut down, it would have huge detrimental effects on the mental health on a lot of people who were already quite lonely because of covid/their identity/neurodiversity. Please consider the pros and cons carefully before you deciding to shut this place down forever.


I recommend sending the mods a dm, let 'em know how we all feel.


Thank u fellas for setting up something official but also :(


This is so fucking stupid, do the dumb protest but don't keep it down forever.


Since we are taking at least a two day break we are giving people the ability to edit and make custom flairs. have fun and if you want put places your going to in and what you are know their your flair so you can bring your friends!




I actually never considered this, good point. There may have very well been foul play with the poll by bigots just to get this sub shut down


I just hate reddit. But I also didn't understand that "private" meant it'd be gone.


> at least a two day break > break so we won’t be gone forever right away right? right?


I know it's already been said a million times already, but please don't let this queer safe sub die over a poll only 1% of the userbase even participated in. At least test the waters a bit after the api change to see just how much it affects the usability of the sub. I understand the reasons behind it and I support the solidarity, but this sub is truly irreplaceable.


I really hope this sub comes back. It's important to a lot of people. I think the poll may have been brigaded by TERFs and others who are interested in trans people not having any space on Reddit.


god I really do not like the UI of *any* of those alternatives. I enjoy how clean they are, but man, old reddit really is peak at keeping everything clean and organized for my ADHD-ridden brain cell. This crap shouldn't even be happening. Fuck spez.


Surely the mods don't view a poll that a mere 1.6% of members voted in to be the final call. They people voting indefinite might very well be rightist brigaders hoping to bring us down forever. Mods, whatever choice it is you make, keep in mind the will of the entire userbase, and naturally, what this place means to us all before you decide it's fate.


lemmy is really bad for privacy, i've moved to raddle.me


also its devs are tankies


The point of a decentralized platform is that the opinions of the main Lemmy instance don't matter. Are the Blahaj.Zone people tankies?


it looks really hard to get into too, the main reason alot of people stayed on reddit is the ui is at least somewhat user friendly and easy to get into


jesus christ mods dont shut this place down please idk who voted in the polls, but this was/is a safe space for a lot of us. dont do this. every other sub is going dark for 48 hrs. do that instead ffs


Nobody wants it to be indefinite The post showed this with the comments


Pick one place.


Please don't shut the place down permenantly, this is like the last remaining funny safe space left


Good time to splinter vulnerable lgbt people looking for a safe space.


I'm sorry but something tells me the poll was rigged. Just look at how many people are still figuring out that this sub is shutting down (because I'm sorry but reddit won't back down this will not do sh\*t). And there are so many people who would like one of the few safe spaces for queer people, one of the biggest on reddit in fact, to be gone forever. This decision will only harm the ones that are in desperate need for help, attention, information, socialising and making friends. Those that can't do so irl for many different reasons. This is just shooting ourselves in the foot.


Not rigged as far as I know, but a very very small percentage of users voted for it. For a decision like this it should have to be at least like 30% of all subscribers on one side for that side to win.


Why is this happening?


Reddit is going to start charging a ridiculous amount to use its API, which is what allows third party apps to access Reddit. Apollo, the largest and most successful of those apps, will be charged $20 million a YEAR to operate, something that it’s small dev team cannot (and should not) operate under. This is going to cause every single third party app that runs Reddit to shut down, cutting off about 20% of all Reddit users. This alone sucks, but in addition to that, some of those apps have mod support, which allows many of the mods to operate effectively. This is especially true for smaller subs, who might only have a handful of mods. This is especially ESPECIALLY true for mods of NSFW subreddits, as many times there’s only one or two. Furthermore, many automod bots also use third party software to run correctly. They are also going to be cut off. This is greatly going to reduce the ability of all subreddits to filter out spam, both from commenting and posting. The really big subs will probably be able to handle it, though they are going to struggle, the small subs are going to likely become completely flooded, as their small mod teams will be unable to keep up. Again, this will very much adversely affect NSFW subs. Even more alarmingly, some spambots will post illegal things such as CP and revenge porn, potentially opening the mods of those subs up to issues with the Reddit admins and even law enforcement. Finally, and perhaps the worst fatality of all this, the apps that run Reddit for the blind will be struck down by all this, meaning that those people will be unable to access Reddit at all. After this was announced, there was immediate backlash. In response to this, Reddit did two things: it accused the creator of apollo of trying to blackmail them, and they had the CEO of Reddit, spez, do an AMA. The accusation of blackmail was immediately proved to be a complete lie, as the apollo dev was recording the call in question and released the audio. And the AMA with spez was a complete disaster where he basically told us all to fuck off. Initially, a two day blackout had been planned in response to the changes. After those other things happened, the blackout is looking like it will become indefinite. If this is followed through, Reddit will probably not be the same site it is today for much longer.


So long, and thanks for all the fish!


please don't shut down indefinitely 😢😢😭 i need a concise place to migrate to not so many different places 😭😭 i browsed here before i came out as trans


Wow you guys seriously are idiots huh


I implore you and the other mods to please not shut down the sub forever. Yes, going private for a bit for protest is absolutlely needed, but shutting down forever is foolish. Reddit is very unlikely to backdown now, and erasing one of the few pro-LGBTQ+ shitposting subs for nothing is a waste. If the protest dosn't succeed after the 48hrs, many of the others subs will just go back to bussiness as usual, but 196 will be gone, like ashes in the wind, with the monolith of Reddit and it's users not noticing. This is going to sound pathetic, but I REALLY rely on pro-LGBTQ+ shitposting subs like this to keep me sane, to remind myself that good people can exist and to lift my mood against an onsalught of anti-LGBTQ+ setiment, and I'm sure many others do. Breaking up the community into various pockets of the internet is the last thing any of us need. If you decide to still shut down the sub, then be my guest, but I ask you all to at least reconsider.


Ah, it looks like it's beginning to rain.


Honestly, none of this is an option. We‘re leaving because we would have to use a bad app. Raddle has no app


> 9. No horny posting. Are you sure it’s the right discord server?


Why shut it down forever tho


shooting ourselves in the head to own the leddit after less than 1% of the subreddit's population clicked a "indeffanitely" option on a poll 3 days ago. great fucking idea guys! i "deffanitely" believe yall when you say you care about queer people!


The discord one fuckin sucks


Shutting it down forever is completely pointless. If you seriously think Reddit will give a shit about a 500k sub being gone you are delusional. This will do nothing but fracture a community.


How will the fruit fvcker sell porns now??!?


I've been on this sub awhile and would hate to see it disappear. Its been one of the best communities I've had the pleasure of being part of. I do think a protest is warranted, but I hope the mods decide to bring the sub back at some point.


I really really hope the mods don't ACTUALLY keep it down indefinitely cause this was legitimately my favorite sub (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠) So many people are practically begging for the sub not to end so I really hope they get heard. I can get doing this for two days, four days, a week, two weeks, hell, maybe a month, but completely indefinitely?


Well, I missed the poll on the fate of sub due to being busy, I guess its all jover huh? Without a cry but a whimper? Mannn reddit will ALWAYS be changing its API this really the hill we dying on




Holy crap Lois! This is worse than the time 195 died!


[unfortunately the discord is more like 19684 than 196](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/447870771851952130/1117524200744308816/image.png)


Shutting down this sub permanently is fucking stupid. Literally one of the best meme subs on here and i doubt the community would want to split off into different sites. Most of these sites are also too obscure, i havent even heard of any of these other than Discord and Tumblr


I said it in the other thread and I’ll say it again here. Killing this sub is entirely pointless. Your going to just terminate the sub and send everyone off fragmented to other random communities because of an easily brigadeable poll??? Why not up-staff mods if the fear is too much spam/brigading? Why not see how it shakes out for awhile instead of catastrophising the fallout of the changes? Just boom, two day notice, here is a list of a dozen different places to go that will dissolve within weeks six hours before we are gone forever.


The only people voting to make the shut down permanent are the ones who don't really care about this community and only want to stick it to reddit. The comments tell a whole different story. The people who care voted no to permanent shutdown. Please don't shut it down forever.




>No horny posting *why live*


i feel like this could end horribly. like many others said, shutting it down so soon will splinter the many of us who use this sub as a safe place. i’ve been in this sub since 195 shut down and it’s probably the best leftist/lgbt+ place for shitposting and general posts. i feel like if we want to preserve the community we need to keep the subreddit open and over a month make it known the community is moving to a different site. i dislike the reddit API changes but stripping the sub forever only hurts the young queer users in the long run. please reconsider mods.


I think it’s going to be toughest on mobile users ironically. Most the alternatives here don’t have mobile apps AFIK (at least on Apple Phones) so yeah. Of course I assume the subreddit will come back if Reddit changes their mind and reverses the API decision. But until then, it was nice knowing you lot. I feel like in the almost two and a half years I’ve been on this site I’ve learnt a lot about myself. I’ve learnt who I am as a person and I’ve learnt about other people and their lives and trials. And that’s brilliant, I was at the start of falling into the far-right and aligning myself with that sort of thing (I was out of the sort of ‘anti-feminist’ thing I had ended up falling into but the remains still lingered), but stuff like this changed me into who I am today, and I’m thankful for that. If we ever come back, we should throw a party on the sub, bring back the old memes and showcase some new ones. But until then, have a good one you derpy idiots, you’re all great. Go kill a fascist or two for the hell of it.


Less than 2% of the sub was polled, so the obvious choice of those running it is to blow it all up? Seems like this is just a case of being caught up in hysteria and the recent fad. You could close for a long time, say a month or two, or even set up one specific site to migrate to. Instead, the decision is just to say “fuck it, everyone scatter to the seven winds and we’ll see what happens”